Example #1
  * Fetches the JSON-LD data for this type of object
  * @param  int|WP_Post|null $post The post/organizer
  * @param  array  $args
  * @return array
 public function get_data($post = null, $args = array('context' => false))
     $data = parent::get_data($post, $args);
     // If we have an Empty data we just skip
     if (empty($data)) {
         return array();
     // Fetch first key
     $post_id = key($data);
     // Fetch first Value
     $data = reset($data);
     $data->telephone = tribe_get_organizer_phone($post_id);
     $data->email = tribe_get_organizer_email($post_id);
     $data->sameAs = tribe_get_organizer_website_url($post_id);
     return array($post_id => $data);
Example #2

 * Single Event Meta (Organizer) Template
 * Override this template in your own theme by creating a file at:
 * [your-theme]/tribe-events/modules/meta/details.php
 * @package TribeEventsCalendar
$organizer_ids = tribe_get_organizer_ids();
$multiple = count($organizer_ids) > 1;
$phone = tribe_get_organizer_phone();
$email = tribe_get_organizer_email();
$website = tribe_get_organizer_website_link();

<div class="tribe-events-meta-group tribe-events-meta-group-organizer">
	<!-- h3 class="tribe-events-single-section-title"><?php 
echo tribe_get_organizer_label(!$multiple);
</h3 -->
	<h3 class="tribe-events-single-section-title">Instructor</h3>
foreach ($organizer_ids as $organizer) {
    if (!$organizer) {
Example #3
  * Generates the iCal file
  * @static
  * @param int|null $post If you want the ical file for a single event
 public static function generate_ical_feed($post = null)
     $tec = Tribe__Events__Main::instance();
     $events = '';
     $blogHome = get_bloginfo('url');
     $blogName = get_bloginfo('name');
     if ($post) {
         $events_posts = is_array($post) ? $post : array($post);
     } else {
         if (tribe_is_month()) {
             $events_posts = self::get_month_view_events();
         } else {
             global $wp_query;
             $events_posts = $wp_query->posts;
     $event_ids = wp_list_pluck($events_posts, 'ID');
     foreach ($events_posts as $event_post) {
         // add fields to iCal output
         $item = array();
         $full_format = 'Ymd\\THis';
         $time = (object) array('start' => self::wp_strtotime($event_post->EventStartDate), 'end' => self::wp_strtotime($event_post->EventEndDate), 'modified' => self::wp_strtotime($event_post->post_modified), 'created' => self::wp_strtotime($event_post->post_date));
         if ('yes' == get_post_meta($event_post->ID, '_EventAllDay', true)) {
             $type = 'DATE';
             $format = 'Ymd';
         } else {
             $type = 'DATE-TIME';
             $format = $full_format;
         $tzoned = (object) array('start' => date($format, $time->start), 'end' => date($format, $time->end), 'modified' => date($format, $time->modified), 'created' => date($format, $time->created));
         if ('DATE' === $type) {
             $item[] = "DTSTART;VALUE={$type}:" . $tzoned->start;
             $item[] = "DTEND;VALUE={$type}:" . $tzoned->end;
         } else {
             $tz = get_option('timezone_string');
             $item[] = 'DTSTART;TZID="' . $tz . '":' . $tzoned->start;
             $item[] = 'DTEND;TZID="' . $tz . '":' . $tzoned->end;
         $item[] = 'DTSTAMP:' . date($full_format, time());
         $item[] = 'CREATED:' . $tzoned->created;
         $item[] = 'LAST-MODIFIED:' . $tzoned->modified;
         $item[] = 'UID:' . $event_post->ID . '-' . $time->start . '-' . $time->end . '@' . parse_url(home_url('/'), PHP_URL_HOST);
         $item[] = 'SUMMARY:' . str_replace(array(',', "\n", "\r", "\t"), array('\\,', '\\n', '', '\\t'), html_entity_decode(strip_tags($event_post->post_title), ENT_QUOTES));
         $item[] = 'DESCRIPTION:' . str_replace(array(',', "\n", "\r", "\t"), array('\\,', '\\n', '', '\\t'), html_entity_decode(strip_tags($event_post->post_content), ENT_QUOTES));
         $item[] = 'URL:' . get_permalink($event_post->ID);
         // add location if available
         $location = $tec->fullAddressString($event_post->ID);
         if (!empty($location)) {
             $str_location = str_replace(array(',', "\n"), array('\\,', '\\n'), html_entity_decode($location, ENT_QUOTES));
             $item[] = 'LOCATION:' . $str_location;
         // add geo coordinates if available
         if (class_exists('Tribe__Events__Pro__Geo_Loc')) {
             $long = Tribe__Events__Pro__Geo_Loc::instance()->get_lng_for_event($event_post->ID);
             $lat = Tribe__Events__Pro__Geo_Loc::instance()->get_lat_for_event($event_post->ID);
             if (!empty($long) && !empty($lat)) {
                 $item[] = sprintf('GEO:%s;%s', $lat, $long);
                 $str_title = str_replace(array(',', "\n"), array('\\,', '\\n'), html_entity_decode(tribe_get_address($event_post->ID), ENT_QUOTES));
                 if (!empty($str_title) && !empty($str_location)) {
                     $item[] = 'X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=' . str_replace('\\,', '', trim($str_location)) . ';' . 'X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;' . 'X-TITLE=' . trim($str_title) . ':geo:' . $long . ',' . $lat;
         // add categories if available
         $event_cats = (array) wp_get_object_terms($event_post->ID, Tribe__Events__Main::TAXONOMY, array('fields' => 'names'));
         if (!empty($event_cats)) {
             $item[] = 'CATEGORIES:' . html_entity_decode(join(',', $event_cats), ENT_QUOTES);
         // add featured image if available
         if (has_post_thumbnail($event_post->ID)) {
             $thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($event_post->ID);
             $thumbnail_url = wp_get_attachment_url($thumbnail_id);
             $thumbnail_mime_type = get_post_mime_type($thumbnail_id);
             $item[] = apply_filters('tribe_ical_feed_item_thumbnail', sprintf('ATTACH;FMTTYPE=%s:%s', $thumbnail_mime_type, $thumbnail_url), $event_post->ID);
         // add organizer if available
         $organizer_email = tribe_get_organizer_email($event_post->ID);
         if ($organizer_email) {
             $organizer_id = tribe_get_organizer_id($event_post->ID);
             $organizer = get_post($organizer_id);
             if ($organizer_id) {
                 $item[] = sprintf('ORGANIZER;CN="%s":MAILTO:%s', rawurlencode($organizer->post_title), $organizer_email);
             } else {
                 $item[] = sprintf('ORGANIZER:MAILTO:%s', $organizer_email);
         $item = apply_filters('tribe_ical_feed_item', $item, $event_post);
         $events .= "BEGIN:VEVENT\r\n" . implode("\r\n", $item) . "\r\nEND:VEVENT\r\n";
     header('Content-type: text/calendar; charset=UTF-8');
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ical-event-' . implode($event_ids) . '.ics"');
     $content = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n";
     $content .= "VERSION:2.0\r\n";
     $content .= 'PRODID:-//' . $blogName . ' - ECPv' . Tribe__Events__Main::VERSION . "//NONSGML v1.0//EN\r\n";
     $content .= "CALSCALE:GREGORIAN\r\n";
     $content .= "METHOD:PUBLISH\r\n";
     $content .= 'X-WR-CALNAME:' . apply_filters('tribe_ical_feed_calname', $blogName) . "\r\n";
     $content .= 'X-ORIGINAL-URL:' . $blogHome . "\r\n";
     $content .= 'X-WR-CALDESC:Events for ' . $blogName . "\r\n";
     $content = apply_filters('tribe_ical_properties', $content);
     $content .= $events;
     $content .= 'END:VCALENDAR';
     echo $content;
Example #4
  * Get organizer email
  * @param int $meta_id
  * @return string
 public static function organizer_email($meta_id)
     global $_tribe_meta_factory;
     $email = tribe_get_organizer_email();
     $organizer_email = empty($email) ? '' : Tribe_Meta_Factory::template($_tribe_meta_factory->meta[$meta_id]['label'], '<a href="mailto:' . $email . '">' . $email . '</a>', $meta_id);
     return apply_filters('tribe_event_meta_organizer_email', $organizer_email);
Example #5
  * @deprecated
 function sp_get_organizer_email($postId = null)
     _deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '2.0', 'tribe_get_organizer_email()');
     return tribe_get_organizer_email($postId);
<div class="single-event-popup <?php echo tribe_events_event_classes( $event_id ); ?>">
    <div class="col-sm-4">
      <?php echo tribe_event_featured_image( $event_id, 'event-popup', false ); ?>
    <div class="col-sm-8">
      <h2 class="event-title"><?php echo $event->post_title; ?></h2>
      <?php echo apply_filters( 'the_content', $event->post_content ); ?>

      <ul class="meta-info">
        <li><label>What:</label> <?php echo $event->post_title; ?></li>
        <li><label>When:</label> <?php echo tribe_events_event_schedule_details( $event_id ); ?></li>

        <?php if ( tribe_address_exists( $event_id ) ) : ?>
          <li><label>Where:</label> <?php echo tribe_get_full_address( $event_id ); ?></li>
        <?php endif; ?>

        <li><label>Cost:</label> <?php echo get_post_meta( $event_id, '_ecp_custom_2', true ); ?></li>
        <?php if ( tribe_has_organizer( $event_id ) ): ?>
          <li><label>Info:</label> <a href="mailto:<?php echo tribe_get_organizer_email( $event_id ); ?>"><?php echo tribe_get_organizer_email( $event_id ); ?></a></li>
        <?php endif; ?>
        <li><label>Register:</label> <?php echo get_post_meta( $event_id, '_ecp_custom_5', true ); ?></li>

      <?php echo bones_get_edit_link( $event_id ); ?>

Example #7

if (tribe_get_organizer_email()) {
			<dt class="event-label event-label-email"><?php 
    _e('Email:', 'tribe-events-calendar');
			<dd itemprop="email" class="event-meta event-meta-email"><a href="mailto:<?php 
    echo tribe_get_organizer_email();
    echo tribe_get_organizer_email();

		<dt class="event-label event-label-updated"><?php 
_e('Updated:', 'tribe-events-calendar');
		<dd class="event-meta event-meta-updated"><span class="date updated"><?php 
  * Returns a summary of key information for the specified organizer.
  * Typically this is a pipe separated format containing the organizer's telephone
  * number, email address and website where available.
  * @param int $post_id
  * @return string
 function tribe_get_organizer_details($post_id = null)
     $post_id = Tribe__Events__Main::postIdHelper($post_id);
     $organizer_id = (int) tribe_get_organizer_id($post_id);
     $details = array();
     if ($organizer_id && ($tel = tribe_get_organizer_phone())) {
         $details[] = '<span class="tel">' . $tel . '</span>';
     if ($organizer_id && ($email = tribe_get_organizer_email())) {
         $details[] = '<span class="email"> <a href="mailto:' . esc_attr($email) . '">' . $email . '</a> </span>';
     if ($organizer_id && ($link = tribe_get_organizer_website_link())) {
         $details[] = '<span class="link"> <a href="' . esc_attr($link) . '">' . $link . '</a> </span>';
     $html = join('<span class="tribe-events-divider">|</span>', $details);
     if (!empty($html)) {
         $html = '<address class="organizer-address">' . $html . '</address>';
      * Provides an opportunity to modify the organizer details HTML.
      * @param string $html
      * @param int    $post_id
      * @param int    $organizer_id
     return apply_filters('tribe_get_organizer_details', $html, $post_id, $organizer_id);
  * Generates the iCal file
  * @static
  * @param int|null $post If you want the ical file for a single event
 public static function generate_ical_feed($post = null)
     $tec = TribeEvents::instance();
     $wp_timezone = get_option('timezone_string');
     $events = '';
     $blogHome = get_bloginfo('url');
     $blogName = get_bloginfo('name');
     if ($post) {
         $events_posts = array();
         $events_posts[] = $post;
     } else {
         if (tribe_is_month()) {
             $events_posts = self::get_month_view_events();
         } else {
             global $wp_query;
             $events_posts = $wp_query->posts;
     foreach ($events_posts as $event_post) {
         $startDate = $event_post->EventStartDate;
         $endDate = $event_post->EventEndDate;
         // convert 2010-04-08 00:00:00 to 20100408T000000 or YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS
         $startDate = str_replace(array('-', ' ', ':'), array('', 'T', ''), $startDate);
         $endDate = str_replace(array('-', ' ', ':'), array('', 'T', ''), $endDate);
         if (get_post_meta($event_post->ID, '_EventAllDay', true) == 'yes') {
             $startDate = substr($startDate, 0, 8);
             $endDate = substr($endDate, 0, 8);
             // endDate bumped ahead one day to counter iCal's off-by-one error
             $endDateStamp = strtotime($endDate);
             $endDate = date('Ymd', $endDateStamp + 86400);
             $type = 'DATE';
         } else {
             $type = 'DATE-TIME';
         $description = preg_replace("/[\n\t\r]/", ' ', strip_tags($event_post->post_content));
         // add fields to iCal output
         $item = array();
         $item[] = "DTSTART;VALUE={$type}:" . $startDate;
         $item[] = "DTEND;VALUE={$type}:" . $endDate;
         $item[] = 'DTSTAMP:' . date('Ymd\\THis', time());
         $item[] = 'CREATED:' . str_replace(array('-', ' ', ':'), array('', 'T', ''), $event_post->post_date);
         $item[] = 'LAST-MODIFIED:' . str_replace(array('-', ' ', ':'), array('', 'T', ''), $event_post->post_modified);
         $item[] = 'UID:' . $event_post->ID . '-' . strtotime($startDate) . '-' . strtotime($endDate) . '@' . $blogHome;
         $item[] = 'SUMMARY:' . $event_post->post_title;
         $item[] = 'DESCRIPTION:' . str_replace(',', '\\,', $description);
         $item[] = 'URL:' . get_permalink($event_post->ID);
         // add location if available
         $location = $tec->fullAddressString($event_post->ID);
         if (!empty($location)) {
             $item[] = 'LOCATION:' . html_entity_decode($location, ENT_QUOTES);
         // add geo coordinates if available
         if (class_exists('TribeEventsGeoLoc')) {
             $long = TribeEventsGeoLoc::instance()->get_lng_for_event($event_post->ID);
             $lat = TribeEventsGeoLoc::instance()->get_lat_for_event($event_post->ID);
             if (!empty($long) && !empty($lat)) {
                 $item[] = sprintf('GEO:%s;%s', $long, $lat);
         // add categories if available
         $event_cats = (array) wp_get_object_terms($event_post->ID, TribeEvents::TAXONOMY, array('fields' => 'names'));
         if (!empty($event_cats)) {
             $item[] = 'CATEGORIES:' . html_entity_decode(join(',', $event_cats), ENT_QUOTES);
         // add featured image if available
         if (has_post_thumbnail($event_post->ID)) {
             $thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($event_post->ID);
             $thumbnail_url = wp_get_attachment_url($thumbnail_id);
             $thumbnail_mime_type = get_post_mime_type($thumbnail_id);
             $item[] = apply_filters('tribe_ical_feed_item_thumbnail', sprintf('ATTACH;FMTTYPE=%s:%s', $thumbnail_mime_type, $thumbnail_url), $event_post->ID);
         // add organizer if available
         $organizer_email = tribe_get_organizer_email($event_post->ID);
         if ($organizer_email) {
             $organizer_name = tribe_get_organizer($event_post->ID);
             if ($organizer_name) {
                 $item[] = sprintf('ORGANIZER;CN=%s:MAILTO:%s', $organizer_name, $organizer_email);
             } else {
                 $item[] = sprintf('ORGANIZER:MAILTO:%s', $organizer_email);
         $item = apply_filters('tribe_ical_feed_item', $item, $event_post);
         $events .= "BEGIN:VEVENT\r\n" . implode("\r\n", $item) . "\r\nEND:VEVENT\r\n";
     header('Content-type: text/calendar; charset=UTF-8');
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="iCal-TribeEvents.ics"');
     $content = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n";
     $content .= "VERSION:2.0\r\n";
     $content .= 'PRODID:-//' . $blogName . ' - ECPv' . TribeEvents::VERSION . "//NONSGML v1.0//EN\r\n";
     $content .= "CALSCALE:GREGORIAN\r\n";
     $content .= "METHOD:PUBLISH\r\n";
     $content .= 'X-WR-CALNAME:' . apply_filters('tribe_ical_feed_calname', $blogName) . "\r\n";
     $content .= 'X-ORIGINAL-URL:' . $blogHome . "\r\n";
     $content .= 'X-WR-CALDESC:Events for ' . $blogName . "\r\n";
     if ($wp_timezone) {
         $content .= 'X-WR-TIMEZONE:' . $wp_timezone . "\r\n";
     $content = apply_filters('tribe_ical_properties', $content);
     $content .= $events;
     $content .= 'END:VCALENDAR';
     echo $content;
Example #10
 * Override this template in your own theme by creating a file at
 * [your-theme]/tribe-events/community/modules/organizer.php
 * @package TribeCommunityEvents
 * @since  2.1
 * @author Modern Tribe Inc.
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
$organizer_name = esc_attr(tribe_get_organizer());
$organizer_phone = esc_attr(tribe_get_organizer_phone());
$organizer_website = esc_url(tribe_get_organizer_website_url());
$organizer_email = esc_attr(tribe_get_organizer_email());
if (!isset($event)) {
    $event = null;

<!-- Organizer -->
<div class="tribe-events-community-details eventForm bubble" id="event_organizer">

	<table class="tribe-community-event-info" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

			<td colspan="2" class="tribe_sectionheader">
_e('Event Organizer Details', 'tribe-events-community');
 * Prints title organizer meta
function grve_event_organizer_title_meta()
    $phone = tribe_get_organizer_phone();
    $email = tribe_get_organizer_email();
    $website = tribe_get_organizer_website_link();
    if (!empty($phone) || !empty($email) || !empty($website)) {
	<div class="grve-event-organizer-title-meta">
        if (!empty($phone)) {
			<span class="tel"> <?php 
            echo $phone;

        if (!empty($email)) {
			<span class="email"> <?php 
            echo $email;

        if (!empty($website)) {
			<span class="url"> <?php 
            echo $website;
    return ob_get_clean();