
use_helper('Form', 'MyForm', 'Ajax', 'Link', 'JavascriptQueue', 'MyMinify');

<div id="fake_div">

// handle non ajax error form
echo global_form_errors_tag();
//echo form_tag('@user_edit');
echo c2c_form_remote_tag('@signUp');
echo tips_tag('After subscription you will receive an email with a generated password, to confirm, login within %1% days', array('%1%' => sfConfig::get('app_pending_users_lifetime')));
echo group_tag('Username:'******'login_name', 'input_tag', $sf_params->get('login_name'), array('autofocus' => 'autofocus', 'class' => 'long_input'));
echo group_tag('Email:', 'email', 'input_tag', $sf_params->get('email'), array('class' => 'long_input', 'type' => 'email'));
echo content_tag('div', __('Did you mean %1%?', array('%1%' => '<a class="suggested-email"></a>')), array('class' => 'email-suggestion', 'style' => 'display:none'));
echo group_tag('Copy following string:', 'captcha', 'input_tag', null, array('class' => 'long_input'));
    <img src="<?php 
echo url_for('@sf_captcha');
" alt="captcha" title="<?php 
echo __('Copy following string:');
" />
    <p class="tips"><?php 
echo __('captcha test is case-insensitive');
  <p style="margin-top:20px"><?php 
echo c2c_submit_tag(__('Signup'));

use_helper('Ajax', 'Form', 'Javascript', 'MyForm', 'MyImage');
echo tips_tag('insert image tag help');
if (count($associated_images) == 0) {
    echo __('No available image for insertion');
} else {
<form action="#">
<div id="insertimagetag_list">
    foreach ($associated_images as $image) {
        $caption = $image['name'];
        $image_tag = image_tag(image_url($image['filename'], 'small'), array('alt' => $caption, 'title' => $caption, 'class' => 'insertimagetag', 'onclick' => 'C2C.updateSelectedImage(this)'));
    <div class="image<?php 
        if ($image == $associated_images[0]) {
            echo ' selected_image';
" id="insertimagetag_id<?php 
        echo $image['id'];
        <div class="image_actions">

use_helper('MyForm', 'Language', 'Javascript', 'Ajax', 'Link');
echo customization_nav('customize');

<div id="fake_div">

<div id="customize">
echo c2c_form_remote_tag('users/savefilters');
$perso = c2cPersonalization::getInstance();
<div id="home_left_content">
echo tips_tag('if you select nothing / deselect all, no filter is applied');
echo __('languages_to_display');
echo checkbox_nokey_list('language_filter', $sf_user->getCulturesForDocuments(), $perso->getLanguagesFilter(), false, false);

echo __('activities_to_display');
<div id="fake_div">
use_helper('Form', 'Validation', 'Ajax', 'Link', 'MyForm');
// handle non ajax error form
echo global_form_errors_tag();
// script => true ... ?
echo c2c_form_remote_tag('users/lostPassword');
<div id="reset_password">

echo tips_tag('To receive a new password, enter your username or your email');
echo group_tag('Username or Email', 'loginNameOrEmail', 'input_tag', $sf_params->get('loginNameOrEmail'), array('class' => 'long_input'));
echo c2c_submit_tag(__('retrieve'));
echo login_link_to();


use_helper('Form', 'MyForm', 'Javascript');
$response = sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse()->addMeta('robots', 'noindex, nofollow');
echo tips_tag('widget generator help');
$parameters = $sf_request->getParameterHolder()->getAll();
$paramstring = '';
foreach ($parameters as $param => $value) {
    if ($param != 'mod' && $param != 'module' && $param != 'action') {
        $paramstring .= '/' . $param . '/' . $value;
<form action="#">
echo __('Widget title') . ' ' . input_tag('wgt_title', 'camptocamp.org');
echo __('Widget code') . '<br />' . textarea_tag('wgt_code', '', array('rows' => 12, 'cols' => 80, 'onfocus' => 'select();'));
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
  function updateWidgetCode() {
    var code = "&lt;div id=\"c2cwidget\" /&gt;\n";
    code += "&lt;script type=\"text/javascript\"&gt;\n";
Example #6

use_helper('Form', 'MyForm', 'Javascript', 'Ajax', 'Viewer');
$module = $sf_context->getModuleName();
echo display_title(__('Merge'));
<div id="merge_wizard">
echo form_tag("{$module}/merge");
echo tips_tag('Which document would you like to redirect the current one to?');
echo input_hidden_tag('from_id', $sf_params->get('from_id'));

<div id="ac_form" style="float: left; margin-left: 10px; height: 250px; width: 300px;"> <?php 
//FIXME find a way to avoid ugly blank
// this div will be updated after page loading, via ajax.

<script type="text/javascript">
echo url_for("/{$module}/getautocomplete?module_name={$module}&button=0");
  .always(function() { $('#indicator').hide(); })
  .done(function(data) { $('#ac_form').html(data); });
echo c2c_submit_tag(__('Merge'));