function sendDetail()
     if (IS_GET) {
         $map['mobile'] = I('mobile');
         $user = D('Common/shop_address')->where($map)->find();
         $map['uid'] = $user['id'];
         $orderLists = D('Order')->where($map)->order('id desc')->select();
         foreach ($orderLists as $order) {
             $result['order_id'] = $order['id'];
             $result['order_number'] = $order['order_number'];
             $result['order_date'] = time_format($order['cTime']);
             // 如果尚未付款,显示付款状态;如果已经付款,显示订单跟踪状态
             if ($order['pay_status'] != 1) {
                 $result['order_status'] = getNamebyPayStatus($order['pay_status']);
             } else {
                 $result['order_status'] = getNamebyOrderStatus($order['status_code']);
             $result['status_code'] = $order['status_code'];
             $result['goods'] = json_decode($order['goods_datas'], true);
             $result['total_price'] = $order['total_price'];
             $address_info = D('Shop')->getInfo($order['address_id']);
             $result['fetch_address'] = $address_info['intro'];
             $result['fetch_contact'] = $address_info['mobile'];
             $result['id'] = $order['order_number'];
             $results[] = $result;
         $this->assign('userInfo', $user);
         $this->assign('lists', $results);
Example #2
 public function Index()
     // 获取数据
     $map['id'] = I('id');
     $info = M('Invites')->where($map)->order('id desc')->find();
     $info[startdate] = time_format($info[startdate]);
     $lnglat = explode(',', $info['lnglat']);
     $info[lng] = $lnglat[0];
     $info[lat] = $lnglat[1];
     switch ($info[type]) {
         case 0:
             $info[type] = '会议';
         case 1:
             $info[type] = '聚会';
             $info[type] = '活动';
     if ($info['class'] == '0') {
         $this->assign('info', $info);
     } else {
         $this->assign('info', $info);
Example #3
function date_time_format($str)
    global $k;
    list($datepart, $timepart) = explode(" ", $str);
    if ($datepart . " " . $timepart == $str) {
        $df = date_format($datepart);
        $tf = time_format($timepart);
        if ($GLOBALS["debug"]) {
            echo " _{$k}_ {$df} {$tf} _ ";
        if ($df and $tf) {
            return "{$df} {$tf}";
    } else {
        if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $str)) {
            switch (strlen($str)) {
                case 14:
                    return "YmdHis";
                case 12:
                    return "ymdHis";
    return false;
Example #4
  * 获取他人视频 ...
 public function getotherVideoList()
     if (!$this->input['user_id']) {
     $cond = " where 1 and state=1 and `user_id`=" . $this->input['user_id'];
     if (isset($this->input['cate_id'])) {
         $cond .= ' and cate_id=' . intval($this->input['cate_id']);
     $offset = $this->input['offset'] ? $this->input['offset'] : 0;
     $count = $this->input['count'] ? intval($this->input['count']) : 20;
     $data_limit = $cond . ' order by id desc LIMIT ' . $offset . ' , ' . $count;
     $datas = $this->obj->show($this->tbname, $data_limit, $fields = '*');
     $video_id = array();
     foreach ($datas as $k => $v) {
         $v['stateName'] = $this->settings['state'][$v['state']];
         $v['video_id'] && ($videoInfo = $this->get_video_moreinfo($v['video_id']));
         $v['m3u8'] = $videoInfo[0]['videoaddr']['default']['m3u8'];
         $v['format_duration'] = time_format($videoInfo[0]['duration']);
Example #5
 public function show()
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "fast_vcr_tmp WHERE user_id = '" . $this->user['user_id'] . "' AND main_id = '" . intval($this->input['video_id']) . "' ORDER BY order_id ASC ";
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
         $r['duration'] = time_format(intval($r['end_time']) - intval($r['start_time']));
         $r['start_imgdata'] = '';
         $r['end_imgdata'] = '';
         $imgdata_path = FAST_EDIT_IMGDATA_PATH . $r['hash_id'];
         if (file_exists($imgdata_path . '_start.img')) {
             $r['start_imgdata'] = file_get_contents($imgdata_path . '_start.img');
         if (file_exists($imgdata_path . '_end.img')) {
             $r['end_imgdata'] = file_get_contents($imgdata_path . '_end.img');
         $data['videos'][] = $r;
     if ($this->input['video_id'] && !isset($data['videos'])) {
         $this->curl->addRequestData('a', 'get_vod_info');
         $this->curl->addRequestData('id', $this->input['video_id']);
         $cur_video = $this->curl->request('vod.php');
         $data['videos'][] = $cur_video[0];
     $data['main_id'] = intval($this->input['video_id']);
     $data['date_time'] = date('Y-m-d', TIMENOW);
 public function getList()
     if (!extension_loaded('curl')) {
     $lists = S('QiuBai_content');
     if (!$lists) {
         $config = \Common\Controller\Addon::getConfig('QiuBai');
         $content = \Org\Net\Http::fsockopenDownload('');
         if ($content) {
             $regex = "/<div class=\"content\".*?>.*?--(.*?)--.*?<\\/div>/ism";
             preg_match_all($regex, $content, $match);
             $lists = array_map(function ($a, $b) {
                 return array('time' => time_format($a), 'content' => $b);
             }, $match[1], $match[0]);
             S('QiuBai_content', $lists, $config['cache_time']);
     if ($lists) {
         $this->success('成功', '', array('data' => $lists));
     } else {
     $this->assign('qiubai_list', $lists);
 public function setrunsize()
     $data['size'] = get_dir_size(SITE_PATH . '/Data/cache/') / 1000 . 'k';
     $data['time'] = time();
     F('runtimecachesize', $data);
     die("{$data['size']}" . " Time:" . time_format($data['time']));
Example #8
 function ticketTime()
     if ($this->performance_id != 0) {
         return time_format($this->performance->time);
     } else {
         return time_format($this->season->start_time);
Example #9
 public function select_videos()
     $offset = intval($this->input['start']) ? intval($this->input['start']) : 0;
     $count = intval($this->input['num']) ? intval($this->input['num']) : 40;
     $limit = "  limit {$offset}, {$count}";
     $condition = $this->get_condition();
     $extend_cond = ' AND status = 2 ';
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo WHERE 1 " . $condition . $extend_cond . "  ORDER BY video_order_id  DESC  " . $limit;
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     $return = array();
     while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
         $r['duration_format'] = time_format($r['duration']);
         $r['totalsize'] = hg_fetch_number_format($r['totalsize'], true);
         $img_arr = $r['img_info'] = unserialize($r['img_info']);
         $r['img'] = $img_arr['host'] . $img_arr['dir'] . '80x60/' . $img_arr['filepath'] . $img_arr['filename'];
         $return['video_info'][] = $r;
     $current_page = intval($this->input['start']);
     $page_num = 40;
     $total_num = $this->count();
     $last_page = intval($total_num / $page_num) * $page_num;
     $return['first_page'] = 0;
     if ($current_page == $last_page || $current_page + $page_num == $total_num) {
         $return['next_page'] = $current_page;
     } else {
         $return['next_page'] = $current_page + $page_num;
     if ($current_page == 0) {
         $return['prev_page'] = 0;
     } else {
         $return['prev_page'] = $current_page - $page_num;
     if (intval($total_num % $page_num) == 0) {
         $return['last_page'] = $last_page - $page_num;
     } else {
         $return['last_page'] = $last_page;
     $return['current_page'] = intval($current_page / $page_num) + 1;
     if (intval($total_num % $page_num) == 0) {
         $return['total_page'] = intval($total_num / $page_num);
     } else {
         $return['total_page'] = intval($total_num / $page_num) + 1;
     $return['total_num'] = $total_num;
     $return['page_num'] = $page_num;
     $return['switch_mode'] = intval($this->input['g_switch_mode']);
  * 添加用户兑换名额记录
  * @param int $type_id
  * @param int $num
  * @return mixed
  * @author 郑钟良<*****@*****.**>
 public function buy($type_id = 0, $num = 0)
     $invite_type = D('Ucenter/InviteType')->where(array('id' => $type_id))->find();
     $user = query_user('nickname');
     $data['content'] = "{$user} 在 " . time_format(time()) . L('_TIME_TO_BUY_') . $num . ' 个 ' . $invite_type['title'] . L('_INVITATION_');
     $data['uid'] = is_login();
     $data['invite_type'] = $type_id;
     $data['num'] = $num;
     $data['create_time'] = time();
     $result = $this->add($data);
     return $result;
 function get_user_attend_count($gamesId, $uid = 0, $time = 0)
     $map['sports_id'] = $gamesId;
     $map['token'] = get_token();
     if ($uid != 0) {
         $map['follow_id'] = $uid;
     if ($time != 0) {
         $map['cTime'] = array('egt', strtotime(time_format($time, 'Y-m-d')));
     $data = $this->where($map)->field('sum(count) totals')->select();
     return intval($data[0]['totals']);
Example #12
 public function detail()
     if (!$this->input['row_id']) {
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vod_media_node WHERE fid = 0";
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     $top_sorts = array();
     while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
         $top_sorts[$r['id']] = $r;
     $sql = "SELECT f.*, AS sort_name,s.color FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo as f  left join " . DB_PREFIX . "vod_media_node as s on f.vod_sort_id =  WHERE = '" . intval($this->input["row_id"]) . "'";
     $arr = $this->db->query_first($sql);
     $return['subtitle'] = $arr['subtitle'];
     $return['comment'] = $arr['comment'];
     $return['keywords'] = $arr['keywords'];
     if ($arr['sort_name']) {
         $return['vod_sort_id'] = $arr['sort_name'];
         $return['vod_sort_color'] = $arr['color'];
     } else {
         $return['vod_sort_id'] = $top_sorts[$return['vod_leixing']]['name'];
         $return['vod_sort_color'] = $top_sorts[$return['vod_leixing']]['color'];
     if ($return['starttime']) {
         $return['starttime'] = '(' . date('Y-m-d', $return['starttime']) . ')';
     } else {
         $return['starttime'] = '';
     $return["title"] = $arr['title'];
     $return['status'] = $this->settings['video_upload_status'][0];
     $return["create_time"] = date("Y-m-d H:i", TIMENOW);
     $return["row_id"] = intval($this->input["row_id"]);
     $return['addperson'] = $arr['addperson'];
     $return['bitrate'] = $arr['bitrate'];
     $return['duration'] = time_format($arr['duration']);
     $return['bitrate_color'] = $arr['bitrate_color'];
     $img_arr = $return['img_info'] = unserialize($arr['img_info']);
     $return['img'] = $img_arr['host'] . $img_arr['dir'] . '80x60/' . $img_arr['filepath'] . $img_arr['filename'];
     $rgb = $r['bitrate'] / 100;
     if ($rgb < 10) {
         $return['bitrate_color'] = $this->settings['bitrate_color'][$rgb];
     } else {
         $return['bitrate_color'] = $this->settings['bitrate_color'][9];
     if ($this->input['pubinfo']) {
         $return['pubinfo'] = intval($this->input['pubinfo']);
function format_post_info($post_info)
    $formatted_post_info = array();
    $formatted_post_info["guid"] = $post_info->guid;
    $formatted_post_info["post_title"] = $post_info->post_title;
    $formatted_post_info["post_author"] = get_userdata($post_info->post_author)->display_name;
    $formatted_post_info["mantime"] = time_format($post_info->mantime);
    $formatted_post_info["visits"] = number_format($post_info->visits);
    $formatted_post_info["pageviews"] = number_format($post_info->pageviews);
    $formatted_post_info["avg_time_on_page"] = time_format($post_info->avg_time_on_page);
    $formatted_post_info["entrance_rate"] = round($post_info->entrance_rate * 100, 2) . "%";
    $formatted_post_info["exit_rate"] = round($post_info->exit_rate * 100, 2) . "%";
    return $formatted_post_info;
Example #14
 public function look_video()
     if (!$this->input['collect_id']) {
     $sql = "SELECT vc.*, AS sort_name, as channel_name FROM  " . DB_PREFIX . "vod_collect as vc LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "vod_media_node as vs ON vc.vod_sort_id =  LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "channel as ch ON = vc.source   WHERE = '" . intval($this->input['collect_id']) . "'";
     $return['collect'] = $this->db->query_first($sql);
     $return['collect']['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d', $return['collect']['create_time']);
     $return['collect']['update_time'] = date('Y-m-d', $return['collect']['update_time']);
     $offset = $this->input['offset'] ? intval(urldecode($this->input['offset'])) : 0;
     $count = $this->input['count'] ? intval(urldecode($this->input['count'])) : 10;
     $limit = " limit {$offset}, {$count}";
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vod_media_node WHERE fid = 0";
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     $top_sorts = array();
     while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
         $top_sorts[$r['id']] = $r;
     $sql = "SELECT as cid,cv.order_id,vf.*, AS sort_name,vs.color AS vod_sort_color FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vod_collect_video as cv  LEFT JOIN  " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo as  vf \r\n\t\t        ON cv.video_id =  LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "vod_media_node as vs ON vf.vod_sort_id =  WHERE cv.collect_id = '" . urldecode($this->input['collect_id']) . "' ORDER BY cv.order_id DESC " . $limit;
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
         if ($r['sort_name']) {
             $r['vod_sort_id'] = $r['sort_name'];
         } else {
             $r['vod_sort_id'] = $top_sorts[$r['vod_leixing']]['name'];
             $r['vod_sort_color'] = $top_sorts[$r['vod_leixing']]['color'];
         $r['vod_leixing'] = $top_sorts[$r['vod_leixing']]['name'];
         $collects = unserialize($r['collects']);
         if ($collects) {
             $r['collects'] = $collects;
         } else {
             $r['collects'] = '';
         $r['img_info'] = unserialize($r['img_info']);
         $r['img'] = $r['img_info']['host'] . $r['img_info']['dir'] . '80x60/' . $r['img_info']['filepath'] . $r['img_info']['filename'];
         $r['duration'] = time_format($r['duration']);
         $r['status'] = $this->settings['video_upload_status'][$r['status']];
         $r['source'] = $this->settings['video_channel'][$r['source']];
         $r['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d h:i', $r['create_time']);
         $r['update_time'] = date('Y-m-d h:i', $r['update_time']);
         $return['collect_video'][] = $r;
Example #15
 public function add_to_collect()
     if (!$this->input['id']) {
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo  WHERE id in (" . urldecode($this->input['id']) . ")";
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
         $img_arr = unserialize($r['img_info']);
         $r['img'] = $img_arr['host'] . $img_arr['dir'] . '80x60/' . $img_arr['filepath'] . $img_arr['filename'];
         $r['duration'] = time_format($r['duration']);
         $return[] = $r;
Example #16
  * @param 创建订单
  * @return 加密后的站内订单编号
  * @author lussen <*****@*****.**>
 public function creatPay()
     $site_order = time_format(time(), 'YmdHis') . rand(100, 999);
     $data['uid'] = is_login();
     $data['pay_money'] = I('');
     $data['pay_item'] = I('post.pay_item');
     $data['site_order'] = $site_order;
     $data['isdone'] = 0;
     $data['create_time'] = time();
     $result = $this->data($data)->add();
     if ($result !== false) {
         return think_encrypt($site_order);
     } else {
         return false;
 public function replyGiftNotice($uid, $name, $first = '', $orderId = '', $remark = '', $url = '', $templateId = '')
     $first == '' && ($first = '您推荐的爱心分享已被领取');
     $orderId == '' && ($orderId = time_format(time(), 'YmdHis'));
     $remark == '' && ($remark = '您的好友领取了您推荐的爱心分享,您的人气指数直接爆表!');
     $param['data']['first']['value'] = $first;
     $param['data']['first']['color'] = "#E60B43";
     $param['data']['keyword1']['value'] = $orderId;
     $param['data']['keyword1']['color'] = "#173177";
     $param['data']['keyword2']['value'] = $name;
     $param['data']['keyword2']['color'] = "#E60B43";
     $param['data']['remark']['value'] = $remark;
     $param['data']['remark']['color'] = "#173177";
     $templateId == '' && ($templateId = 'VD0sCtsox8YHjFh12XzXRrS-k6-5GN3KMN8McPw0IiY');
     return $this->_replyData($uid, $param, $templateId, $url);
 public function addComment()
     if (!$this->isPost()) {
     $body = $this->_post('body');
     $post_id = $this->_post('post_id');
     $comment = array('post_id' => $post_id, 'body' => $body, 'time' => time(), 'user_id' => session('user_id'));
     if (M('comment')->add($comment)) {
         $user_id = M('post')->where(array('post_id' => $post_id))->getField('user_id');
         if (isset($_POST['get_message_user_id']) && $_POST['get_message_user_id'] != $user_id && $_POST['get_message_user_id'] && $_POST['get_message_user_id'] != session('user_id')) {
             if ($user_id != $_SESSION['user_id'] && $_POST['get_message_user_id'] != session('user_id')) {
                 send_message($user_id, $post_id, $body);
             send_message($_POST['get_message_user_id'], $post_id, $body);
         } else {
             if ($user_id != $_SESSION['user_id'] && $_POST['get_message_user_id'] != session('user_id')) {
                 send_message($user_id, $post_id, $body);
         $post = M('post')->where(array('post_id' => $post_id))->find();
         $parent_post_id = M('post')->where(array('post_id' => $post['parent_id']))->getField('post_id');
         $update_time = array('post_id' => $parent_post_id, 'update_time' => time());
         $user = M('user')->where(array('user_id' => session('user_id')))->find();
         $html = '';
         $html .= "<div class='row'>\n                            <br><div class='col-xs-1'></div>\n                            <div class='col-xs-1 qianhui'>";
         if ($user['face']) {
             $html .= "<a target='_blank' href='" . U('User/index', array('user_id' => $user['user_id'])) . "'>\n                                        <img src='" . __ROOT__ . "/Uploads/face/" . $user['face'] . "' width='50px' height='50px' alt=''></a>";
         } else {
             $html .= "<a target='_blank' href='" . U('User/index', array('user_id' => $user['user_id'])) . "'>\n                \t<img src='" . __ROOT__ . "/Public/Index/images/no_face.jpg' width='50px' height='50px' alt=''>\n                \t</a>";
         $time = time_format(time());
         $html .= " </div>\n                            <div class='col-xs-10 qianhui'>\n                                <p>\n                                <a target='_blank' href='" . U('User/index', array('user_id' => $user['user_id'])) . "'>" . $user['username'] . "</a>:" . $body . "</p>\n                                <p class='text-muted text-right'>\n                                    " . $time . " \n                                    <span class='glyphicon glyphicon glyphicon-comment'></span>\n                                </p>\n                            </div>\n                            <hr>\n                        </div>";
         echo $html;
     } else {
         echo 0;
 function lists()
     $isAjax = I('isAjax');
     $isRadio = I('isRadio');
     $model = $this->getModel('reserve');
     $page = I('p', 1, 'intval');
     // 默认显示第一页数据
     // 解析列表规则
     $list_data = $this->_list_grid($model);
     // 搜索条件
     $map = $this->_search_map($model, $fields);
     $row = empty($model['list_row']) ? 20 : $model['list_row'];
     $order = 'id desc';
     // 读取模型数据列表
     $name = parse_name(get_table_name($model['id']), true);
     $data = M($name)->field(true)->where($map)->order($order)->page($page, $row)->select();
     foreach ($data as &$vo) {
         if (!empty($vo['start_time']) && !empty($vo['end_time'])) {
             $vo['start_time'] = time_format($vo['start_time']) . ' 至  ' . time_format($vo['end_time']);
         } elseif (!empty($vo['start_time'])) {
             $vo['start_time'] = time_format($vo['start_time']) . ' 开始';
         } elseif (!empty($vo['end_time'])) {
             $vo['start_time'] = '到 ' . time_format($vo['start_time']) . ' 结束';
         $vo['status_title'] = $vo['status'] == 0 ? '已禁用' : '已启用';
     /* 查询记录总数 */
     $count = M($name)->where($map)->count();
     $list_data['list_data'] = $data;
     // 分页
     if ($count > $row) {
         $page = new \Think\Page($count, $row);
         $page->setConfig('theme', '%FIRST% %UP_PAGE% %LINK_PAGE% %DOWN_PAGE% %END% %HEADER%');
         $list_data['_page'] = $page->show();
     if ($isAjax) {
         $this->assign('isRadio', $isRadio);
     } else {
         // dump($list_data);
 function lzwg_activities_lists()
     $this->assign('search_button', false);
     $this->assign('del_button', false);
     $this->assign('check_all', false);
     $model = $this->getModel('lzwg_activities');
     $map['uid'] = $this->mid;
     session('common_condition', $map);
     $list_data = $this->_get_model_list($model, 0, 'id desc', true);
     // 判断该活动是否已经设置投票调查
     $lzwgVote = M('lzwg_activities_vote')->field('id,lzwg_id')->select();
     foreach ($lzwgVote as $v) {
         $lzwgVoteArr[$v['lzwg_id']] = $v['id'];
     $dao = D('Draw');
     foreach ($list_data['list_data'] as &$vo) {
         $vo = $dao->getInfo($vo['id']);
         $param['lzwg_id'] = $vo['id'];
         if ($lzwgVoteArr[$vo['id']]) {
             $param1['id'] = $lzwgVoteArr[$vo['id']];
             $vote_url = addons_url('LzwgVote://LzwgActivitiesVote/edit', $param1);
         } else {
             $vote_url = addons_url('LzwgVote://LzwgActivitiesVote/add', $param);
         $comment_url = addons_url('Comment://Comment/lists', $param);
         $award_url = addons_url('Draw://LotteryPrizeList/add', $param);
         $lucky_follow_url = addons_url('Draw://LuckyFollow/lzwg_lists', $param);
         $vo['activitie_time'] = time_format($vo['start_time'], 'Y/m/d') . '至' . time_format($vo['end_time'], 'Y/m/d');
         $vo['comment_list'] = '<a href="' . $comment_url . '">评论列表</a>';
         $vo['set_vote'] = '<a href="' . $vote_url . '">设置投票</a>';
         $vo['set_award'] = '<a href="' . $award_url . '">奖品设置</a>';
         $vo['get_prize_list'] = '<a href="' . $lucky_follow_url . '">中奖列表</a>';
     foreach ($list_data['list_grids'] as &$vo) {
         if ($vo['field'][0] == 'id') {
             $previewUrl = 'package?id=[id]&_controller=Sucai&_addons=Sucai&source=Lzwg&is_preview=1&target=_blank|预览';
             $downloadUrl = 'package?id=[id]&_controller=Sucai&_addons=Sucai&source=Lzwg&is_download=1|素材下载';
             $vo['href'] = $previewUrl . "," . $downloadUrl . ",lzwg_edit?id=[id]&model=" . $model['id'] . "|编辑,[DELETE]|删除";
     // dump($list_data);
Example #21
 public function show()
     $return = array();
     $offset = $this->_offset ? $this->_offset : 0;
     $count = $this->_count ? $this->_count : 15;
     $limit = " limit {$offset}, {$count}";
     $sql = "SELECT v.*, vs.sort_name FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo v LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "vod_sort vs ON v.vod_sort_id = WHERE 1 " . $this->_getCondition($condition) . "  ORDER BY v.video_order_id DESC, DESC " . $limit;
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     $this->setXmlNode('vod', 'item');
     while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
         $r['vod_sort_color'] = $this->settings['video_upload_type_attr'][intval($r['vod_leixing'])]['color'];
         $r['vod_leixing'] = $this->settings['video_upload_type'][$r['vod_leixing']];
         if ($r['sort_name']) {
             $r['vod_sort_id'] = $r['sort_name'];
         } else {
             $r['vod_sort_id'] = $r['vod_leixing'];
         $collects = unserialize($r['collects']);
         if (!$collects) {
             $r['collects'] = "";
         $r['img'] = SOURCE_THUMB_PATH . $r['img'] . "?" . TIMENOW;
         $rgb = $r['bitrate'] / 100;
         if ($rgb < 10) {
             $r['bitrate_color'] = $this->settings['bitrate_color'][$rgb];
         } else {
             $r['bitrate_color'] = $this->settings['bitrate_color'][9];
         if ($r['starttime']) {
             $r['starttime'] = '(' . date('Y-m-d', $r['starttime']) . ')';
         } else {
             $r['starttime'] = '';
         $r['start'] = $r['start'] + 1;
         $r['etime'] = intval($r['duration']) + intval($r['start']);
         $r['duration'] = time_format($r['duration']);
         $r['status'] = $this->settings['video_upload_status'][$r['status']];
         $r['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d h:i', $r['create_time']);
         $r['update_time'] = date('Y-m-d h:i', $r['update_time']);
         $return[] = $r;
     return $return;
Example #22
 public function recharge($data)
     $tran_stream = "CZ" . time_format(time(), 'YmdHis') . rand(1000, 9999);
     $data['tran_stream'] = $tran_stream;
     $data['type'] = 0;
     $data['do_tag'] = 8;
     // 线下充值
     $data['state'] = 1;
     $data['create_time'] = time();
     $data['update_time'] = time();
     $account = M('AccountUser')->where(array('uid' => $data['uid']))->find();
     if (!$account) {
     $use_able = $account['use_able'] + $data['amount'];
     M('AccountUser')->save(array('id' => $account['id'], 'balance' => $account['balance'] + $data['amount'], 'use_able' => $use_able, 'update_time' => time()));
     return $use_able;
Example #23
function pc_load_comments($link, $pc, $pur = 0)
    $query = "SELECT cid , comments.subject , comments.created , comments.username , comments.nid FROM comments, nodes WHERE comments.nid = nodes.nid ";
    if ($pur == 0) {
        $query .= " AND access = 0 ";
    } elseif ($pur == 1) {
        $query .= " AND ( access = 0 OR access = 1 ) ";
    } elseif ($pur == 3) {
        $query .= " AND ( `access` = 0 OR `access` = 1 OR `access` = 2 OR `access` = 3 ) ";
    $query .= " AND comments.uid = " . $pc["UID"] . " AND comment = 1 ORDER BY cid DESC LIMIT 0 , 10 ;";
    $result = mysql_query($query, $link);
    $comments = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($result); $i++) {
        $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $comments[] = array("USER" => $rows[username], "CID" => $rows[cid], "NID" => $rows[nid], "SUBJECT" => htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($rows[subject])), "TIME" => time_format($rows[created]));
    return $comments;
Example #24
 public function get_unselect_videos()
     if (!$this->input['id']) {
     $start = explode(',', urldecode($this->input['start']));
     $duration = explode(',', urldecode($this->input['duration']));
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo WHERE id = '" . intval($this->input['id']) . "'";
     $arr = $this->db->query_first($sql);
     $img_arr = unserialize($arr['img_info']);
     $img_src = $img_arr['host'] . $img_arr['dir'] . '80x60/' . $img_arr['filepath'] . $img_arr['filename'];
     $ret = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($start); $i++) {
         $is_current = $i == count($start) - 1 ? 0 : 1;
         $row = array('id' => $arr['id'], 'start' => $start[$i], 'duration' => $duration[$i] - 40, 'title' => $arr['title'], 'max_duration' => $arr['duration'], 'img_src' => $img_src, 'vcr_num' => $i + 1, 'format_duration' => time_format($duration[$i]), 'is_current' => $is_current);
         $ret[] = $row;
 public function agreement($pid, $uid)
     $project = D('ProjectFundView')->where(array('' => $id, 'p.status' => 9))->find();
     $leader = M('ProjectLeader')->where(array('project_id' => $pid, 'lead_type' => 9))->find();
     if ($leader) {
         $leader_name = M('UsersDetail')->where(array('id' => $leader['leader_id']))->find();
         if (strstr($leader_name['name'], '公司') || strstr($leader_name['name'], '企业')) {
             $leaderinfo = $leader_name['name'];
         } else {
             $leaderinfo = $leader_name['name'] . '(' . $leader_name['card_id'] . ')';
     if ($project['id'] == 151) {
         $rate = floor($invest['fund'] / 5000) * 0.05;
     } else {
         $rate = round($invest['fund'] / $project['final_valuation'] * 100, 4);
     $data = array('姓名' => $user['name'], '身份证号' => $user['card_id'], '领投人' => $leaderinfo, '投资金额' => number_format($invest['fund'], 2), '投资占比' => $rate, '公司名称' => $project['company_name'], '大写金额' => cny($invest['fund']), '联系电话' => $user['phone'], '签约日期' => time_format(NOW_TIME, 'Y年m月d日'));
     if (!empty($project['agreement'])) {
         $detail = M('Agreement')->where(array('key' => $project['agreement']))->find();
     } else {
         if ($project['id'] == 33 || $project['id'] == 48) {
             $detail = M('Agreement')->where(array('key' => 'weituochiguo'))->find();
         } else {
             $detail = M('Agreement')->where(array('key' => 'judaodaichi'))->find();
     $agreement = $detail['content'];
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $detail['content'] = str_replace("[{$key}]", $value, $detail['content']);
     $agreementInvest = M('AgreementInvest')->where(array('pid' => $pid, 'uid' => $uid))->find();
     if (!$agreementInvest) {
         $agreementInvest = array('content' => $detail['content'], 'agreement_id' => $detail['id'], 'pid' => $pid, 'uid' => $uid, 'create_time' => NOW_TIME, 'create_id' => $uid, 'update_time' => NOW_TIME, 'update_id' => $uid, 'status' => 1, 'client_ip' => get_client_ip(0));
     } else {
         if ($agreementInvest['status'] == 0) {
             M('AgreementInvest')->save(array('id' => $agreementInvest['id'], 'content' => $detail['content'], 'update_time' => NOW_TIME, 'update_id' => $uid, 'status' => 1, 'client_ip' => get_client_ip(0)));
Example #26
 public function getComment()
     if (!IS_AJAX) {
     $page = I('page', 1, 'intval');
     $count = M('Message')->count();
     $limit = 5;
     $total = ceil($count / $limit);
     $offset = $limit * ($page - 1) . ',' . $limit;
     $prev = $page - 1 > 0 ? $page - 1 : 1;
     $next = $page + 1 > $total ? $total : $page + 1;
     $comment = M('comment')->limit($offset)->order('addtime DESC')->select();
     if ($comment) {
         $str = '';
         foreach ($comment as $v) {
             $str .= '<dl class="comment_content">';
             $str .= '<dt><a href="' . U('/' . $v['uid']) . '">';
             $str .= '<img src="';
             $str .= __ROOT__;
             if ($user['face']) {
                 $str .= '/Uploads/Face/' . $user['face'];
             } else {
                 $str .= '/Public/Images/phiz/aini.gif';
             $str .= '" alt="' . $user['username'] . '" width="30" height="30"/>';
             $str .= '</a></dt><dd>';
             $str .= '<a href="' . U('/' . $v['uid']) . '" class="comment_name">';
             $str .= "hhahahh" . '</a> : ' . replace_content($v['content']);
             $str .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;( ' . time_format($v['addtime']) . ' )';
             $str .= '</dd></dl>';
         $str .= "<div id='page'><a href='javascript:;' page='1' >首页</a>|<a href='javascript:;' page='{$prev}'>上一页</a>|<a  href='javascript:;' page='{$next}'>下一页</a>|<a href='javascript:;' page='{$total}' >末页</a></div>";
         echo $str;
     } else {
         echo 'false';
  * 创建表单
  * @return boolean
 public function createExcharge()
     $data = $this->create();
     if ($data['way'] == 1) {
         //判断提现方式    1为银行卡提现
         $data['account'] = I('post.account2');
     } else {
         $data['account'] = I('post.account');
     $site_order = time_format(time(), 'YmdHis') . rand(100, 999);
     $data['uid'] = is_login();
     $data['create_time'] = time();
     $data['status'] = 0;
     $data['site_order'] = $site_order;
     $result = $this->data($data)->add();
     if ($reuslt !== false) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Example #28
function getRecommendBlogs($link, $pno = 1, $etemnum = 0)
    global $pcconfig;
    if ($pno < 1) {
        $pno = 1;
    $etemnum = intval($etemnum);
    if ($etemnum <= 0) {
        $etemnum = $pcconfig["NEWS"];
    $start = ($pno - 1) * $etemnum;
    $query = "SELECT recommend.uid  , subject , body , htmltag , emote , hostname , created , recuser , nid , username , corpusname , description  " . "FROM recommend , users " . "WHERE recommend.uid = users.uid " . "ORDER BY state DESC , rid DESC " . "LIMIT " . $start . " , " . $etemnum . " ;";
    $result = mysql_query($query, $link);
    $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
    $recommendBlogs = array();
    $recommendBlogs["channel"] = array("siteaddr" => "http://" . $pcconfig["SITE"], "title" => $pcconfig["BBSNAME"] . "推荐Blog日志", "pcaddr" => "http://" . $pcconfig["SITE"], "desc" => $pcconfig["BBSNAME"] . "最新" . $etemnum . "个推荐日志", "email" => $pcconfig["BBSNAME"], "publisher" => $pcconfig["BBSNAME"], "creator" => $pcconfig["BBSNAME"], "rights" => $pcconfig["BBSNAME"], "date" => date("Y-m-d"), "updatePeriod" => "10分钟更新一次", "updateFrequency" => "最新的" . $etemnum . "个推荐日志", "updateBase" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) {
        $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $body = "<br>\n" . "来自: " . $rows["corpusname"] . "<br>\n" . "作者: " . $rows["username"] . "<br>\n" . "发信站: " . $pcconfig["BBSNAME"] . "<br>\n" . "时间: " . time_format($rows["created"]) . "<br>\n" . "<hr size=1>\n" . html_format($rows["body"], TRUE, $rows["htmltag"]) . "<hr size=1>\n" . "(<a href=\"http://" . $pcconfig["SITE"] . "/pc/pccon.php?id=" . $rows[0] . "&nid=" . $rows["nid"] . "&s=all\">浏览全文</a>\n" . "<a href=\"http://" . $pcconfig["SITE"] . "/pc/pccom.php?act=pst&nid=" . $rows["nid"] . "\">发表评论</a>)<br>\n" . "<a href=\"http://" . $pcconfig["SITE"] . "/pc/rss.php?userid=" . $rows["username"] . "\"><img src=\"http://" . $pcconfig["SITE"] . "/pc/images/xml.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" alt=\"XML\">Blog地址:http://" . $pcconfig["SITE"] . "/pc/rss.php?userid=" . $rows["user"] . "</a>";
        $recommendBlogs["useretems"][$i] = array("addr" => "http://" . $pcconfig["SITE"] . "/pc/pccon.php?id=" . $rows[0] . "&amp;nid=" . $rows[nid], "subject" => htmlspecialchars($rows["subject"]), "desc" => $body, "tid" => 0, "nid" => $rows["nid"], "publisher" => $pcconfig["BBSNAME"], "creator" => $rows["username"], "pc" => $rows[0], "created" => time_format($rows["created"]), "rights" => $rows["username"] . ".bbs@" . $pcconfig["SITE"]);
    return $recommendBlogs;
Example #29
 public function get_vcr_data()
     if (!$this->input['vcr_id']) {
     $sql = "SELECT mv.*,vf.vod_leixing,vf.original_id as oid,vf.duration as max_duration,vf.totalsize,vf.img_info FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vod_mark_video as mv LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo as vf ON = mv.original_id  WHERE mv.vodinfo_id = '" . intval($this->input['vcr_id']) . "'  ORDER BY order_id ASC ";
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     $return = array();
     while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
         if (intval($r['vod_leixing']) == 4 && $r['oid']) {
             $sql = "SELECT duration FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo WHERE id = '" . $r['oid'] . "'";
             $arr = $this->db->query_first($sql);
             $r['max_duration'] = $arr['duration'];
         $img_arr = unserialize($r['img_info']);
         $r['img_src'] = $img_arr['host'] . $img_arr['dir'] . '80x60/' . $img_arr['filepath'] . $img_arr['filename'];
         $r['format_start_time'] = time_format($r['start_time']);
         $r['format_duration'] = time_format($r['duration']);
         $r['totalsize'] = hg_fetch_number_format($r['totalsize'], true);
         $return[] = $r;
Example #30
 public function cash($data)
     $account = M('AccountUser')->where(array('uid' => $data['uid']))->find();
     $use_able = $account['use_able'] - $data['amount'];
     $count = $this->where(array('uid' => $data['uid'], 'operation_day' => time_format(NOW_TIME, 'Ymd')))->count();
     if ($count) {
         $this->error = '您今天已经有一次提现记录了,一天只能申请一次提现。';
         return false;
     if ($use_able < 0) {
         $this->error = '您账号的可用余额小于提现金额。';
         return false;
     M('AccountUser')->save(array('id' => $account['id'], 'use_able' => $account['use_able'] - $data['amount'], 'update_time' => time()));
     $tran_stream = "TX" . time_format(time(), 'YmdHis') . rand(1000, 9999);
     $data['tran_stream'] = $tran_stream;
     $data['type'] = 3;
     $data['state'] = 0;
     $data['create_time'] = time();
     $data['update_time'] = time();
     $data['operation_day'] = time_format(NOW_TIME, 'Ymd');
     return true;