/** * hasilnya berupa detik * detik 1 */ function time_diff($timea, $timeb) { $detik1 = time_convert($timea); $detik2 = time_convert($timeb); $hasil = $detik2 - $detik1; return $hasil; }
function renderInterfacesStats($object_id) { global $nextorder; global $port_use_age; addCSS("/* Live Interfaces */\n\t\t.text_green { color: #00cc00; }\n\t\t.text_yellow { color: #ff9900; }\n\t\t.text_red { color: #ff0000; }", TRUE); startPortlet('Interfaces statistics'); //get data: show version try { $uptime = queryDevice($object_id, 'getuptime'); } catch (RackTablesError $e) { } echo "<table width='100%'><tr>"; if (permitted(NULL, NULL, 'get_link_status')) { //get data: show interfaces try { $interfaces = queryDevice($object_id, 'getinterfaces'); } catch (RackTablesError $e) { } if (!empty($interfaces)) { $last_reboot = time_convert($uptime); echo "<td"; echo $last_reboot < $port_use_age ? " class='text_red'>" : $last_reboot > 262080 ? " class='text_green'>" : ">"; echo $uptime . "</tr>"; echo "<table width='80%' class='widetable' cellspacing=0 cellpadding='5px' align='center'><tr><th>Port<th>Link status<th>Last input<th>Last clear<th>Input packets<th>Output packets<th>Description</tr>"; $order = 'even'; foreach ($interfaces as $pn => $int) { echo "<tr class='row_{$order}'>"; $order = $nextorder[$order]; echo '<td>' . $pn . '<td'; echo $int['status'] == "connected" ? " class='text_green'>" : ">"; echo $int['status'] . '<td'; echo time_convert($int['last']) > $port_use_age ? " class='text_yellow'>" : ">"; echo $int['last'] . '<td'; echo time_convert($int['clear']) > 0 ? time_convert($int['clear']) < $port_use_age ? " class='text_red'>" : ">" : ">"; echo $int['clear']; echo '<td>' . $int['in_pkts']; echo '<td>' . $int['out_pkts']; echo '<td>' . $int['desc']; echo '</tr>'; } echo "</table></td>"; } } echo "</td></tr></table>"; finishPortlet(); }
public function userstats() { $udata = $this->_userDatas; usort($udata, array($this, "sortUsers")); for ($i = 0; $i <= count($udata) - 1; $i++) { $class = $color % 2 ? "bg2" : "bg1"; $color++; $cdata = $this->_channelDatas; $cid = $udata[$i]['cid']; foreach ($cdata as $channel) { if ($channel["cid"] == $cid) { $searchpatterns = array("#\\[spacer.]#siU", "#\\[spacer]#siU", "#\\[Spacer.]#siU", "#\\[Spacer]#siU", "#\\[.spacer.]#siU", "#\\[.spacer]#siU", "#\\[.Spacer.]#siU", "#\\[.Spacer]#siU"); $channeld = preg_replace($searchpatterns, null, $channel['channel_name']); } } $icon = "16x16_player_off.png"; if ($udata[$i]["client_away"] == 1) { $icon = "16x16_away.png"; } else { if ($udata[$i]["client_flag_talking"] == 1) { $icon = "16x16_player_on.png"; } else { if ($udata[$i]["client_output_hardware"] == 0) { $icon = "16x16_hardware_output_muted.png"; } else { if ($udata[$i]["client_output_muted"] == 1) { $icon = "16x16_output_muted.png"; } else { if ($udata[$i]["client_input_hardware"] == 0) { $icon = "16x16_hardware_input_muted.png"; } else { if ($udata[$i]["client_input_muted"] == 1) { $icon = "16x16_input_muted.png"; } } } } } } $player = '<img src="' . $this->imagePath . $icon . '" /> ' . $udata[$i]['client_nickname']; if ($udata[$i]['client_nickname'] != 'HLSTATSX:CE-TS3-Viewer') { $userstats .= show("/userstats3", array("player" => $player, "channel" => $channeld, "misc1" => $udata[$i]['cid'], "class" => $class, "misc2" => '', "misc3" => time_convert(), "misc4" => time_convert())); } } //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($udata); //echo "</pre>"; return $userstats; }
} if (isset($_GET['cID'])) { $cID = $_GET['cID']; $type = $_GET['type']; } else { $cID = 0; $type = 0; } if ($s['serverType'] == "0") { $outp_str = show("teamspeak", array("name" => $name, "os" => $os, "uptime" => time_convert($uptime), "user" => $user, "t_name" => "Server name", "t_os" => "Operating system", "uchannels" => $chan, "info" => $info, "t_uptime" => "Uptime", "t_channels" => "Channels", "t_user" => "Users", "head" => "Teamspeak Overview", "users_head" => "User Information", "player" => "User", "channel" => "Channel", "channel_head" => "Channel Information", "max" => $max, "channels" => $cAmount, "logintime" => "Login time", "idletime" => "Idle time", "channelstats" => $channelstats, "userstats" => $userstats)); } elseif ($s['serverType'] == "2") { $tsstatus = new TSStatus($uip, $tPort, $port); $tsstatus->imagePath = IMAGE_PATH . "/teamspeak3/"; $tsstatus->showNicknameBox = false; $tsstatus->decodeUTF8 = false; $tsstatus->timeout = 2; function ts3_get_data($was, $data) { global $tsstatus; $data = $tsstatus->serverdata(); return $data[$was]; } $channels = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . IMAGE_PATH . '/teamspeak3/ts3.css" />' . $tsstatus->render(); $outp_str = show("teamspeak3", array("name" => ts3_get_data('virtualserver_name'), "os" => ts3_get_data('virtualserver_platform'), "uptime" => time_convert(ts3_get_data('virtualserver_uptime')), "user" => ts3_get_data('virtualserver_clientsonline'), "t_name" => "Server name", "t_os" => "Operating system", "uchannels" => $channels, "info" => $tsstatus->info($uip), "t_uptime" => "Uptime", "t_channels" => "Channels", "t_user" => "Users", "head" => "Teamspeak Overview", "users_head" => "User Information", "player" => "User", "channel" => "Channel", "channel_head" => "Channel Information", "max" => $max, "channels" => ts3_get_data('virtualserver_channelsonline'), "logintime" => "Login time", "idletime" => "Idle time", "channelstats" => $channelstats, "userstats" => $tsstatus->userstats())); $tsstatus->disconn(); } echo $outp_str; } } else { echo "Error, function fopen not found"; }
if (isset($tsstatus->_channelGroupFlags[$user['client_channel_group_id']])) { $flags[] = $tsstatus->_channelGroupFlags[$user['client_channel_group_id']]; } $serverGroups = explode(",", $user['client_servergroups']); foreach ($serverGroups as $serverGroup) { if (isset($tsstatus->_serverGroupFlags[$serverGroup])) { $flags[] = $tsstatus->_serverGroupFlags[$serverGroup]; } } $p = '<img src="../inc/images/tsicons/' . $icon . '" alt="" class="tsicon" />' . rep2($user['client_nickname']) . ' ' . $tsstatus->renderFlags($flags); $class = $color % 2 ? "contentMainSecond" : "contentMainFirst"; $color++; $userstats .= show($dir . "/userstats", array("player" => $p, "channel" => $tsstatus->getChannelInfos($user['cid']), "misc1" => '', "class" => $class, "misc2" => '', "misc3" => '-', "misc4" => '-')); } } $index = show($dir . "/teamspeak", array("name" => $tsstatus->_serverDatas['virtualserver_name'], "os" => $tsstatus->_serverDatas['virtualserver_platform'], "uptime" => time_convert($tsstatus->_serverDatas['virtualserver_uptime'], true), "user" => $users, "t_name" => _ts_name, "t_os" => _ts_os, "uchannels" => $tstree, "info" => $tsstatus->welcome($settings, intval($_GET['cID'])), "t_uptime" => _ts_uptime, "t_channels" => _ts_channels, "t_user" => _ts_user, "head" => _ts_head, "users_head" => _ts_users_head, "player" => _ts_player, "channel" => _ts_channel, "channel_head" => _ts_channel_head, "max" => $max, "channels" => $tsstatus->_serverDatas['virtualserver_channelsonline'], "logintime" => _ts_logintime, "idletime" => _ts_idletime, "channelstats" => $channelstats, "userstats" => $userstats)); break; } $fp = @fopen(basePath . '/__cache/teamspeak_' . $language . '.html', 'w'); @fwrite($fp, $index); @fclose($fp); } else { $index = @file_get_contents(basePath . '/__cache/teamspeak_' . $language . '.html'); } } else { $index = error(_fopen, 1); } ## SETTINGS ## $time_end = generatetime(); $time = round($time_end - $time_start, 4); page($index, $title, $where, $time);
$uip = $s['addr']; $port = $s['queryPort']; $password = $s['password']; if (strlen($password < 1)) { $password = ''; } $stat = new CVentriloStatus(); $stat->m_cmdcode = 2; // Detail mode. $stat->m_cmdhost = $uip; // Assume ventrilo server on same machine. $stat->m_cmdport = $port; // Port to be statused. $stat->m_cmdpass = $password; // Status password if necessary. $rc = $stat->Request(); if ($rc) { error("No Ventrilo", 1); echo "CVentriloStatus->Request() failed. <strong>{$stat->m_error}</strong><br><br>\n"; } else { $name = $stat->m_name; $os = $stat->m_platform; $uptime = $stat->m_uptime; $cAmount = $stat->m_channelcount; $user = $stat->m_clientcount; $max = $stat->m_maxclients; $channels = VentriloDisplayEX1($stat, 'nil232143241432432131', 0, 0); $chan .= show("channel", array("channel" => $channels, "subchannels" => $subchan)); } $outp_str = show("ventrilo", array("name" => $name, "os" => $os, "uptime" => time_convert($uptime), "user" => $user, "t_name" => "Server name", "t_os" => "Operating system", "uchannels" => $chan, "info" => $info, "t_uptime" => "Uptime", "t_channels" => "Channels", "t_user" => "Users", "head" => "Ventrilo Overview", "users_head" => "User Information", "player" => "User", "channel" => "Channel", "channel_head" => "Channel Information", "max" => $max, "channels" => $cAmount, "logintime" => "Login time", "idletime" => "Idle time", "channelstats" => $channelstats, "userstats" => $userstats)); echo $outp_str;