if ($total_cnt > 0) {
    foreach ($revision as $k => $v) {
        echo $v->value;
        echo name($v->user_id, $v->name, $v->nickname);
        echo time2date($v->timestamp);
        echo $v->client_ip;

<div id = "pagination" align = "center"><?php 
Example #2
 : <?php 
    echo time2date($v->timestamp_insert);
    echo $v->client_ip_insert;
)<br />
    if ($v->timestamp_update) {
        echo lang('update_time');
 : <?php 
        echo time2date($v->timestamp_update);
        echo $v->client_ip_update;
)<br />
    echo lang('vote');
 : <input type = "text" class = "text" name = "vote_count" id = "vote_count" value = "<?php 
    echo $v->vote_count;
" />  (<?php 
Example #3
 public function get_message()
     $params = $this->input->post();
     $idx = $params['idx'];
     $search = $params['search'];
     $result = $this->users_message_model->view_message($search, $idx);
     $result->kind = $search;
     $result->print_name = name($result->user_id, $result->name, $result->nickname);
     $result->contents = nl2br($result->contents);
     $result->print_receive_date = $search === 'send' ? time2date($result->timestamp_receive) : '';
     //최소한만 호출
     if ($search == 'receive' && $result->is_read == 0 && $result->receiver_user_idx == USER_INFO_idx) {
         $result->timestamp_receive = time();
         //리턴값으로 처리까지는 없다.
     echo json_encode($result);
Example #4
  * 뷰
  * @author KangMin
 public function view()
     $req_idx = (int) $this->input->get_post('idx') > 0 ? (int) $this->input->get_post('idx') : NULL;
     $req_page = (int) $this->input->get('page') > 0 ? (int) $this->input->get('page') : 1;
     $check_idx = $this->bbs_article_model->check_idx($req_idx, ' AND bbs_idx = ' . $this->bbs_idx . ' AND is_deleted = 0 ');
     if ($check_idx !== TRUE) {
         $req_idx = NULL;
     $assign = array();
     $assign['bbs_id'] = $this->bbs_id;
     $assign['bbs_idx'] = $this->bbs_idx;
     $assign['idx'] = $req_idx;
     //게시물 유효성 검사 실패거나 권한이 없으면
     if ($this->allowed_list['view_article'] === FALSE or $req_idx == NULL) {
         if ($req_idx == NULL) {
             $assign['message'] = lang('none_article');
         } else {
             $assign['message'] = lang('deny_allow');
         $assign['redirect'] = '/bbs/lists/' . $this->bbs_id . '?page=' . $req_page;
     } else {
         $view_category = $this->get_view_category();
         $assign['view_category'] = $view_category['view_category'];
         $assign['lists_style'] = $this->input->get_post('lists_style');
         //article, contents, hit
         $assign['view'] = $this->bbs_article_model->view($req_idx, ' AND BBS_ARTICLE.is_deleted = 0 ');
         $block_secret = FALSE;
         //비밀글이면 본인과 관리자만
         if ($assign['view']->is_secret == 1 && USER_INFO_group_idx !== SETTING_admin_group_idx) {
             if (!defined('USER_INFO_idx') or USER_INFO_idx !== (int) $assign['view']->user_idx) {
                 $block_secret = TRUE;
         if ($block_secret == TRUE) {
             $assign['message'] = lang('is_secret');
             $assign['redirect'] = '/bbs/lists/' . $this->bbs_id . '?page=' . $req_page;
         } else {
             $block_string = array();
             if (BBS_SETTING_bbs_block_string_used == 1) {
                 $block_string = unserialize(BBS_SETTING_bbs_block_string);
             $assign['view']->print_name = name($assign['view']->user_id, $assign['view']->name, $assign['view']->nickname);
             if ($assign['view']->avatar_used == 1 and SETTING_avatar_used == 1 and file_exists("./avatars/{$assign['view']->user_id}.gif") === TRUE) {
                 $assign['view']->avatar_used = TRUE;
             } else {
                 $assign['view']->avatar_used = FALSE;
             //$assign['view']->contents = nl2br(auto_link(word_censor(html_purify($assign['view']->contents), $block_string), 'url', TRUE)); //  url, email, both 3가지가 있는데, jquerymbolie  출동나서..
             $assign['view']->contents = auto_link(word_censor(htmlspecialchars_decode($assign['view']->contents), $block_string), 'url', TRUE);
             //  url, email, both 3가지가 있는데, jquerymbolie  출동나서..
             if ($assign['view']->agent_insert != 'P') {
                 $assign['view']->contents = nl2br($assign['view']->contents);
             $assign['view']->print_insert_date = time2date($assign['view']->timestamp_insert);
             $assign['view']->print_update_date = time2date($assign['view']->timestamp_update);
             $assign['print_tags'] = NULL;
             if (BBS_SETTING_bbs_tags_used == 1) {
                 $assign['tags'] = $this->bbs_tag_model->get_tags($req_idx);
                 $tags_temp = array();
                 foreach ($assign['tags'] as $k => &$v) {
                     $tags_temp[] = word_censor($v->tag, $block_string);
                 if (count($tags_temp) > 0) {
                     $assign['print_tags'] = join(',', $tags_temp);
             if (BBS_SETTING_bbs_urls_used == 1) {
                 $assign['urls'] = $this->bbs_url_model->get_urls($req_idx);
                 foreach ($assign['urls'] as $k => &$v) {
                     $v->print_url = anchor_popup($v->url, word_censor($v->url, $block_string));
             //다운로드 권한은 뷰에서 처리
             $assign['files'] = $this->bbs_file_model->get_files($req_idx);
             $assign['images'] = array();
             foreach ($assign['files'] as $k => &$v) {
                 if ($this->allowed_list['download'] === TRUE) {
                     //$v->print = anchor_popup(BASE_URL . $this->upload_path . $v->conversion_filename, word_censor($v->original_filename, $block_string) . ' (' . byte_format($v->capacity) . ')');
                     $v->print = anchor_popup(BASE_URL . 'bbs/download/' . $this->bbs_id . '?idx=' . $v->idx, word_censor($v->original_filename, $block_string) . ' (' . byte_format($v->capacity) . ')');
                 } else {
                     $v->print = word_censor($v->original_filename, $block_string) . ' (' . byte_format($v->capacity) . ') - ' . lang('deny_allow');
                 $v->is_image = in_array($v->mime, array('image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', 'image/x-png'));
                 if ($v->is_image) {
                     if (file_exists($this->upload_path . $v->conversion_filename)) {
                         $assign['images'][] = BASE_URL . $this->upload_path . $v->conversion_filename;
                         $thumb_filepath = explode('.', $v->conversion_filename);
                         $thumb_filepath = $thumb_filepath[0] . '_thumb.' . $thumb_filepath[1];
                         if (file_exists($this->upload_path . $thumb_filepath)) {
                             $assign['thumbs'][] = BASE_URL . $this->upload_path . $thumb_filepath;
                         } else {
                             $assign['thumbs'][] = BASE_URL . $this->upload_path . $v->conversion_filename;
             //hit update
             //글쓸때 넣어도 되겠지만, 한번도 읽히지 않을수도 있고 쓰자마자 지우면 delete는 안할거니 불필요 row가 생길수있어서 여기서...
             //코멘트 페이지 넘어갈때도 히트수가 올라가서 간단히 코멘트 페이지 링크에 hit=not 을 붙인다.
             //국내정서에는 세션으로 시각체크해서 hit를 올리고 하긴하는데.. 그냥 하자.. 큰 의미없다.. 올릴라면 올려라
             //hit=not을 붙인채로 즐겨찾기된 상태에서 들어온거면 똥이되지만.. hit는 그냥 대충...
             if ($this->input->get('hit') != 'not') {
                 if ($this->bbs_hit_model->check($this->bbs_idx, $req_idx) == TRUE) {
                     $this->bbs_hit_model->update($this->bbs_idx, $req_idx);
                 } else {
                     $this->bbs_hit_model->insert($this->bbs_idx, $req_idx);
             //추천/스크랩 중복여부 확인
             //버튼을 안보이게 하려다가 그냥 보이고 중복체크하는게 나을듯...
             //뭐는 보이고 뭐는 안보이고 헤깔려할수도 있고
             //추천/스크랩을 많이 사용하지 않는다면 오히려 필요없는 select 가 될듯해서
             //추후 변경가능
             $assign['check_duplicate_vote'] = TRUE;
                 $assign['check_duplicate_vote'] = $this->bbs_vote_model->check_duplicate('article', $req_idx);
             $assign['check_duplicate_scrap'] = TRUE
                 $assign['check_duplicate_scrap'] = $this->users_url_model->check_duplicate_scrap($req_idx);
             //브라우저타이틀 = 제목
             if (SETTING_browser_title_type == 1) {
                 $browser_title = word_censor(strip_tags(htmlspecialchars_decode($assign['view']->title)), $block_string) . ' - ' . SETTING_browser_title_fix_value;
                 $this->assign['browser_title'] = str_replace("'", "\\'", $browser_title);
             //비밀글 스킵처리
             if (USER_INFO_group_idx !== SETTING_admin_group_idx) {
                 if (defined('USER_INFO_idx')) {
                     $add_where_pre_next = ' AND (is_secret = 0 OR (is_secret = 1 AND user_idx = ' . USER_INFO_idx . ')) ';
                 } else {
                     $add_where_pre_next = ' AND is_secret = 0 ';
             } else {
                 $add_where_pre_next = '';
             $assign['pre_next'] = $this->bbs_article_model->get_pre_next($this->bbs_idx, $req_idx, ' AND is_deleted = 0 ' . $add_where_pre_next . $view_category['query_where']);
             $assign['pre_next']->is_exists_pre = !empty($assign['pre_next']->idx_pre) ? TRUE : FALSE;
             $assign['pre_next']->is_exists_next = !empty($assign['pre_next']->idx_next) ? TRUE : FALSE;
             $assign['pre_next']->title_pre = word_censor($assign['pre_next']->title_pre, $block_string);
             $assign['pre_next']->title_next = word_censor($assign['pre_next']->title_next, $block_string);
             if ($this->allowed_list['view_comment'] === TRUE && BBS_SETTING_bbs_comment_used == 1) {
                 $assign['page_comment'] = (int) $this->input->get('page_comment') > 0 ? (int) $this->input->get('page_comment') : 1;
                 $assign['total_cnt_comment'] = $this->bbs_comment_model->lists_total_cnt($req_idx, ' AND BBS_COMMENT.is_deleted = 0 ');
                 $pagination_config = $this->config->item($this->viewport);
                 // http://codeigniter-kr.org/user_guide_2.1.0/libraries/pagination.html
                 $config['base_url'] = BASE_URL . 'bbs/view/' . $this->bbs_id . '?idx=' . $req_idx . '&amp;page=' . $req_page . '&amp;hit=not' . $view_category['param_add'] . '&amp;lists_style=' . $this->input->get_post('lists_style');
                 $config['enable_query_strings'] = TRUE;
                 // ?page=10 이런 일반 get 방식
                 $config['page_query_string'] = TRUE;
                 $config['use_page_numbers'] = TRUE;
                 $config['num_links'] = (int) BBS_SETTING_bbs_count_page_comment;
                 $config['query_string_segment'] = 'page_comment';
                 $config['total_rows'] = $assign['total_cnt_comment'];
                 $config['per_page'] = (int) BBS_SETTING_bbs_count_list_comment;
                 $config = array_merge($config, $pagination_config);
                 $assign['comment_pagination'] = $this->pagination->create_links();
                 $assign['lists_comment'] = $this->bbs_comment_model->lists($req_idx, ($assign['page_comment'] - 1) * $config['per_page'], $config['per_page'], BBS_SETTING_bbs_comment_sort, ' AND BBS_COMMENT.is_deleted = 0 ');
                 $cnt = 0;
                 foreach ($assign['lists_comment'] as $k => &$v) {
                     $v->even_class = $cnt % 2 == 0 ? 'comment_even_row' : '';
                     if ((int) $v->timestamp_insert >= time() - (int) BBS_SETTING_bbs_hour_new_icon_value_comment * 60 * 60) {
                         $v->new_comment_icon = BBS_SETTING_bbs_hour_new_icon_path_comment;
                     } else {
                         $v->new_comment_icon = '';
                     $v->print_name = name($v->user_id, $v->name, $v->nickname);
                     $v->print_insert_date = time2date($v->timestamp_insert);
                     $v->print_update_date = time2date($v->timestamp_update);
                     //$v->comment = nl2br(auto_link(word_censor(html_purify($v->comment), $block_string), 'url', TRUE)); //  url, email, both 3가지가 있는데, jquerymbolie  충돌나서..
                     //$v->comment = nl2br(auto_link(word_censor($v->comment, $block_string), 'url', TRUE)); //  url, email, both 3가지가 있는데, jquerymbolie  충돌나서..
                     $v->comment = auto_link(word_censor(htmlspecialchars_decode($v->comment), $block_string), 'url', TRUE);
                     //  url, email, both 3가지가 있는데, jquerymbolie  충돌나서..
                     if ($v->agent_insert !== 'P') {
                         $v->comment = nl2br($v->comment);
             //이동할 페이지를 재계산해서 보내기
             $article_total_cnt = $this->bbs_article_model->lists_total_cnt($this->bbs_idx, ' AND BBS_ARTICLE.idx > ' . $req_idx . ' AND BBS_ARTICLE.is_deleted = 0 ' . $view_category['query_where_as']);
             $assign['page'] = floor($article_total_cnt / BBS_SETTING_bbs_count_list_article) + 1;
             $assign['view'] = $this->word_censor(array('title', 'contents'), $assign['view'], $block_string);
             //$this->layout->view('bbs/view_view', $data);
             $this->scope('contents', 'contents/bbs/view', $assign);
Example #5
  * 검색결과
  * @desc 게시판 리스트와 동일 (팝업)
  * @author KangMin
  * @since 2012.02.25
 public function index()
     $assign = NULL;
     $assign['search_word'] = xss_clean(str_replace(array('"', "'", '?'), '', trim($this->input->get('search_word'))));
     //따옴표 검색은 필요없겄지..
     //접속자가 검색할 수 있는 조건
     //어차피 검색결과가 리스트니까 리스트권한만
     $allow_bbs_list = array();
     //네이밍이 좀 이상한데 이게 article 테이블용
     if (!defined('USER_INFO_group_idx')) {
         define('USER_INFO_group_idx', 0);
     $bbs_allow_group_view_list = $this->bbs_setting_model->get_bbs_setting_section(array('bbs_allow_group_view_list'));
     foreach ($bbs_allow_group_view_list as $k => $v) {
         $value = unserialize($v->value);
         if (in_array(USER_INFO_group_idx, $value) == TRUE) {
             $allow_bbs_list[] = $v->bbs_idx;
     $allow_bbs_list = array_unique($allow_bbs_list);
     //권한있는 테이블이 없으면
     if (count($allow_bbs_list) < 1) {
         $assign['message'] = lang('deny_allow');
         $assign['redirect'] = '/';
     } else {
         if (strlen($assign['search_word']) < 1) {
             $assign['message'] = lang('need_search_word');
             $assign['redirect'] = '/';
         } else {
             //게시판별 모든 욕필터링을 가져와서
             $assign['block_string'] = array();
             $block_string = $this->bbs_setting_model->get_bbs_block_string();
             foreach ($block_string as $k => $v) {
                 $assign['block_string'][$v->bbs_idx] = unserialize($v->value);
             $assign['page'] = (int) $this->input->get('page') > 0 ? (int) $this->input->get('page') : 1;
             $assign['total_cnt'] = $this->bbs_article_model->lists_search_total_cnt($assign['search_word'], $allow_bbs_list, ' AND BBS_ARTICLE.is_deleted = 0 ');
             $pagination_config = $this->config->item($this->viewport);
             // http://codeigniter-kr.org/user_guide_2.1.0/libraries/pagination.html
             $config['base_url'] = BASE_URL . 'search?search_word=' . $assign['search_word'];
             $config['enable_query_strings'] = TRUE;
             // ?page=10 이런 일반 get 방식
             $config['page_query_string'] = TRUE;
             $config['use_page_numbers'] = TRUE;
             $config['num_links'] = (int) SETTING_count_page_search;
             $config['query_string_segment'] = 'page';
             $config['total_rows'] = $assign['total_cnt'];
             $config['per_page'] = (int) SETTING_count_list_search;
             $config = array_merge($config, $pagination_config);
             $assign['pagination'] = $this->pagination->create_links();
             $assign['lists'] = $this->bbs_article_model->lists_search($assign['search_word'], ($assign['page'] - 1) * $config['per_page'], $config['per_page'], $allow_bbs_list, ' AND BBS_ARTICLE.is_deleted = 0 ');
             foreach ($assign['lists'] as $k => &$v) {
                 $v->print_title = cut_string(word_censor($v->title, $assign['block_string'][$v->bbs_idx]), SETTING_cut_length_title_search);
                 $v->print_name = name($v->user_id, $v->name, $v->nickname);
                 $v->print_insert_date = time2date($v->timestamp_insert);
             $this->scope('contents', 'contents/bbs/search', $assign);
Example #6
" />
        echo $v->idx;
        echo $v->point;
        echo $alliance;
        echo time2date($v->exec_timestamp);
        echo name($v->exec_user_id, $v->exec_name, $v->exec_nickname);
<br />
        echo $v->exec_client_ip;
			<td style = "<?php 
        if ($v->is_deleted == 1) {
            echo 'background-color:#ffc1c1';
Example #7
  * 게시판 최근 게시물 호출
  * @desc 원래 /application/controllers/bbs.php > recently 를 curl을 이용해서 호출했는데, 웹소켓이 동시에 여러개 열리게됨에 따라 변경
  * @author KangMin
  * @since 2012.05.02
  * @param array
  * @return array
 public function recently($req_bbs_ids)
     //배열 아니거나 빈 배열이면 리턴
     if (!is_array($req_bbs_ids) or count($req_bbs_ids) < 1) {
         return FALSE;
     $CI =& get_instance();
     $bbs_idxs = array();
     $bbs_ids = array();
     //사용중이면서 존재하는지
     $check_bbs_ids = $CI->bbs_model->check_bbs_ids($req_bbs_ids);
     foreach ($check_bbs_ids as $k => $v) {
         $bbs_ids[] = $v->bbs_id;
         $bbs_idxs[] = $v->idx;
     //검증후에 다시 체크
     if (count($bbs_idxs) < 1) {
         return FALSE;
     //해당게시판들의 필요한 설정값 일괄 호출
     $viewport_field = IS_MOBILE ? '' : '_pc';
     $viewport = IS_MOBILE ? 'mobile' : 'pc';
     $bbs_setting = $CI->bbs_setting_model->get_bbs_setting_section(array('bbs_recently_count' . $viewport_field, 'bbs_block_string_used', 'bbs_block_string', 'bbs_hour_new_icon_used_article', 'bbs_hour_new_icon_path_article', 'bbs_hour_new_icon_value_article', 'bbs_cut_length_recently' . $viewport_field, 'bbs_lists_style' . $viewport_field));
     //설정값 배열 정리
     $bbs_setting_temp = array();
     foreach ($bbs_setting as $k => $v) {
         $bbs_setting_temp[$v->bbs_idx][$v->parameter] = $v->value;
     $bbs_setting = $bbs_setting_temp;
     $lastest_update_time = $CI->bbs_article_model->lastest_update_time();
     foreach ($bbs_idxs as $k => $v) {
         $use_cache = FALSE;
         //캐쉬를 이용여부
         //캐쉬 있으면
         if ($CI->cache->file->get('recently_' . $v . '_' . $viewport)) {
             //캐쉬 생성시각
             $cache_info = $CI->cache->file->get_metadata('recently_' . $v . '_' . $viewport);
             $cache_mtime = $cache_info['mtime'];
             //캐쉬타임이 DB 마지막 업데이트타임보다 작으면 쿼리실행, 아니면 캐쉬이용
             if ($cache_mtime < $lastest_update_time) {
                 $use_cache = FALSE;
             } else {
                 $use_cache = TRUE;
         $use_cache = false;
         if ($use_cache == TRUE) {
             $result[$bbs_ids[$k]] = $CI->cache->file->get('recently_' . $v . '_' . $viewport);
         } else {
             $req_limit = (int) $bbs_setting[$v]['bbs_recently_count' . $viewport_field];
             $block_string = array();
             if ($bbs_setting[$v]['bbs_block_string_used'] == 1) {
                 $block_string = unserialize($bbs_setting[$v]['bbs_block_string']);
             //글이 하나도 없으면 제목도 없어서 표출할 수 없다.
             $data['bbs_name'] = $CI->bbs_model->get_bbs_name($bbs_ids[$k]);
             $data['bbs_lists_style'] = $bbs_setting[$v]['bbs_lists_style' . $viewport_field];
             $data['lists'] = $CI->bbs_article_model->lists($v, 0, $req_limit, ' AND BBS_ARTICLE.is_deleted = 0 AND BBS_ARTICLE.is_secret = 0 ', FALSE, TRUE);
             //욕필터링과 다시 정리
             $lists = array();
             $cnt = 0;
             foreach ($data['lists'] as $k2 => $v2) {
                 //새글 아이콘
                 $new_article_icon = '';
                 if ($bbs_setting[$v]['bbs_hour_new_icon_used_article'] == 1) {
                     //파일 존재
                     if ((int) $v2->timestamp_insert >= time() - (int) $bbs_setting[$v]['bbs_hour_new_icon_value_article'] * 60 * 60) {
                         $new_article_icon = $bbs_setting[$v]['bbs_hour_new_icon_path_article'];
                 $lists[$cnt]['idx'] = $v2->idx;
                 $lists[$cnt]['bbs_id'] = $bbs_ids[$k];
                 $lists[$cnt]['bbs_name'] = $v2->bbs_name;
                 $lists[$cnt]['category_name'] = $v2->category_name;
                 $lists[$cnt]['name'] = name($v2->user_id, $v2->name, $v2->nickname);
                 $lists[$cnt]['title'] = cut_string(word_censor($v2->title, $block_string), $bbs_setting[$v]['bbs_cut_length_recently' . $viewport_field]);
                 $lists[$cnt]['comment_count'] = $v2->comment_count;
                 $lists[$cnt]['vote_count'] = $v2->vote_count;
                 $lists[$cnt]['scrap_count'] = $v2->scrap_count;
                 $lists[$cnt]['timestamp'] = time2date($v2->timestamp_insert);
                 $lists[$cnt]['is_notice'] = $v2->is_notice;
                 $lists[$cnt]['hit'] = $v2->hit;
                 $lists[$cnt]['new_article_icon'] = $new_article_icon;
                 $image = $CI->bbs_file_model->get_image($v2->idx);
                 if ($image) {
                     $thumb_filepath = explode('.', $image[0]->conversion_filename);
                     $thumb_filepath = $thumb_filepath[0] . '_thumb.' . $thumb_filepath[1];
                     if (file_exists($this->upload_path . $thumb_filepath)) {
                         $v2->image = BASE_URL . $this->upload_path . $thumb_filepath;
                     } else {
                         if (file_exists($this->upload_path . $image[0]->conversion_filename)) {
                             $v2->image = BASE_URL . $this->upload_path . $image[0]->conversion_filename;
                         } else {
                             $v2->image = FRONTEND . 'img/noimage.gif';
                 } else {
                     $v2->image = FRONTEND . 'img/noimage.gif';
                 $lists[$cnt]['image'] = $v2->image;
             $data['lists'] = $lists;
             $result[$bbs_ids[$k]] = json_encode($data);
             $CI->cache->file->save('recently_' . $v . '_' . $viewport, $result[$bbs_ids[$k]], 60 * 60 * 2);
             //2시간, 설정으로 뺄것까진 없을듯..
     return $result;
  * 인덱스용 최근 하루한마디
  * @author KangMin
  * @since 2012.02.25
 public function recently()
     $data = NULL;
     $json = NULL;
     //원격호출 차단
     //환경에 따라 문제가 될 수 있어서 뺌. 2012.05.02, KangMin
     //if($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] !== $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) return FALSE;
     //픽스, 악용하여 DB를 죽일수도 있어서...
     //관리자모드는 제공하지 않는 플러그인형태이므로 수작업..
     $req_limit = $this->recently_limit;
     // ((int)$this->input->get_post('limit') > 0) ? (int)$this->input->get_post('limit') : 3;
     $data['block_string'] = $this->block_string;
     $data['lists'] = $this->onedayonememo_model->lists(0, $req_limit, ' AND is_deleted = 0 ');
     //욕필터링과 다시 정리
     $lists = array();
     $cnt = 0;
     foreach ($data['lists'] as $k => $v) {
         //새글 아이콘
         $new_article_icon = '';
         //파일 존재
         //if( (int)$v->timestamp >= time() - (24*60*60) ) //24시간
         if (date('Ymd', strtotime(time2date($v->timestamp))) == date('Ymd', strtotime(time2date(time())))) {
             $new_article_icon = FRONTEND_COMMON . '/img/icon/new_article.gif';
         $lists[$cnt]['idx'] = $v->idx;
         $lists[$cnt]['name'] = name($v->user_id, $v->name, $v->nickname);
         $lists[$cnt]['contents'] = cut_string(word_censor($v->contents, $data['block_string']), $this->cut_length_recently);
         $lists[$cnt]['timestamp'] = time2date($v->timestamp);
         $lists[$cnt]['new_article_icon'] = $new_article_icon;
     $json['lists'] = $lists;
     echo json_encode($json);
Example #9
 public function index()
     $use_cache = FALSE;
     //캐쉬를 이용여부
     //캐쉬 있으면
     if ($this->cache->file->get('recently_comment_' . $this->viewport)) {
         //캐쉬 생성시각
         $cache_info = $this->cache->file->get_metadata('recently_comment_' . $this->viewport);
         $cache_mtime = $cache_info['mtime'];
         //article, contents 중 큰 마지막 업데이트타임
         //테이블 단위로 information_schema의 update_time 를 이용하므로 어느 한개던 실행되면 모두 적용되지만 뭐...
         $lastest_update_time = $this->bbs_article_model->lastest_update_time();
         //원본글 삭제로 인한 시간도 잡아야하므로...
         //캐쉬타임이 DB 마지막 업데이트타임보다 작으면 쿼리실행, 아니면 캐쉬이용
         if ($cache_mtime < $lastest_update_time) {
             $use_cache = FALSE;
         } else {
             $use_cache = TRUE;
     if ($use_cache == TRUE) {
         $result = json_decode($this->cache->file->get('recently_comment_' . $this->viewport), TRUE);
         $recently_comment = $result['recently_comment'];
         $recently_comment_page = $result['recently_comment_page'];
     } else {
         $recently_comment = $this->bbs_comment_model->recently_comment((int) SETTING_recently_comment_count, ' AND BBS_COMMENT.is_deleted = 0 ');
         //댓글 페이지 계산
         $recently_comment_page = array();
         foreach ($recently_comment as $k => &$comment) {
             $new_comment_icon = '';
             //파일 존재
             if (file_exists('./' . SETTING_bbs_hour_new_icon_path_article)) {
                 if ((int) $comment['timestamp_insert'] >= time() - (int) SETTING_bbs_hour_new_icon_value_comment * 60 * 60) {
                     $new_comment_icon = SETTING_bbs_hour_new_icon_path_article;
             $comment['comment'] = cut_string(trim(strip_tags(htmlspecialchars_decode($comment['comment']))), SETTING_cut_length_recently_comment);
             $comment['new_comment_icon'] = $new_comment_icon;
             $comment['print_name'] = name($comment['user_id'], $comment['name'], $comment['nickname']);
             $comment['print_date'] = time2date($comment['timestamp_insert']);
             //댓글 작성후 오른차순/내림차순 정렬에 따른 페이지로 보내기
             if ($comment['bbs_comment_sort'] == 'ASC') {
                 $comment_total_cnt = $this->bbs_comment_model->lists_total_cnt($comment['article_idx'], ' AND BBS_COMMENT.idx < ' . $comment['idx'] . ' AND BBS_COMMENT.is_deleted = 0 ');
             } else {
                 $comment_total_cnt = $this->bbs_comment_model->lists_total_cnt($comment['article_idx'], ' AND BBS_COMMENT.idx > ' . $comment['idx'] . ' AND BBS_COMMENT.is_deleted = 0 ');
             $recently_comment_page[$k] = floor($comment_total_cnt / $comment['bbs_count_list_comment']) + 1;
         $result = json_encode(array('recently_comment' => $recently_comment, 'recently_comment_page' => $recently_comment_page));
         $this->cache->file->save('recently_comment_' . $this->viewport, $result, 60 * 60 * 2);
         //2시간, 설정으로 뺄것까진 없을듯..
     $recently_used = array();
     $assign = array();
     if (trim(SETTING_bbs_recently_used) !== '') {
         $recently_used = unserialize(SETTING_bbs_recently_used);
     $recently = $this->bbs_common->recently($recently_used);
     foreach ($recently_used as $k => $v) {
         ${$v} = json_decode($recently[$v]);
         $assign[$v] = ${$v}->lists;
         $assign[$v . '_bbs_name'] = ${$v}->bbs_name;
         $assign[$v . '_bbs_lists_style'] = ${$v}->bbs_lists_style;
     //$onedayonememo = json_decode($this->curl->simple_get('/plugin/onedayonememo/recently'), TRUE); //이건 플러그인 형태라서 그냥 curl로 간다.
     $onedayonememo = array('lists' => array());
     $assign = array_merge($assign, array('onedayonememo' => $onedayonememo['lists'], 'recently_comment' => $recently_comment, 'recently_comment_page' => $recently_comment_page));
     $this->scope('contents', 'contents/index', $assign);
Example #10
)<br />
echo lang('timestamp_post');
 : <?php 
echo $user_info->timestamp_post ? time2date($user_info->timestamp_post) : '-';
echo $user_info->client_ip_post ? $user_info->client_ip_post : '-';
)<br />
echo lang('timestamp_update_password');
 : <?php 
echo $user_info->timestamp_update_password ? time2date($user_info->timestamp_update_password) : '-';
echo $user_info->client_ip_update_password ? $user_info->client_ip_update_password : '******';
			<th colspan = "2"><div align = "center"><input type = "submit" class = "button" value = "<?php 
echo lang('update');
" /></div></th>
Example #11
			<td onclick = "bbs_modify(<?php 
        echo $v->idx;
        echo $v->comment_count;
			<td onclick = "bbs_modify(<?php 
        echo $v->idx;
        echo name($v->user_id, $v->name, $v->nickname);
<br />
        echo time2date($v->timestamp_insert);
<br />
        echo $v->client_ip_insert;
			<td onclick = "bbs_modify(<?php 
        echo $v->idx;
        echo $v->vote_count;
			<td onclick = "bbs_modify(<?php 
        echo $v->idx;
Example #12
$ip2db = custom_filter_input($_GET["ip2db"], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP);
$orig_ip2db = $ip2db;
$db2ip = custom_filter_input($_GET["db2ip"], FILTER_VALIDATE_STRING);
$orig_db2ip = $db2ip;
$time2date = custom_filter_input($_GET["time2date"], FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT);
$orig_time2date = $time2date;
$date2time = custom_filter_input($_GET["date2time"], FILTER_VALIDATE_STRING);
$orig_date2time = $date2time;
if (isset($ip2db)) {
    $ip2db = ip2db($ip2db);
if (isset($db2ip)) {
    $db2ip = db2ip($db2ip);
if (isset($time2date)) {
    $time2date = time2date($time2date);
if (isset($date2time)) {
    $date2time = date2time($date2time);

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-lg-12">

<form action="tools.php" role="form" id="dashboard-generate" method="get" class="form-inline">

<div class="row">