function thread_check_flood($gid, $fid, $subject) { global $sid, $uid, $conf; if (!$conf['check_flood_on']) { return FALSE; } if ($gid > 0 and $gid < 5) { return FALSE; } $threads = 0; $threadlist = thread_find_by_fid($fid, 1, 10, 'tid'); if (empty($threadlist)) { return FALSE; } foreach ($threadlist as $thread) { if ($thread['uid'] == $uid || $uid == 0 && $thread['sid'] == $sid) { $threads++; if ($thread['subject'] == $subject) { return TRUE; } } } if ($threads > $conf['check_flood']['threads']) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
<?php !defined('DEBUG') and exit('Access Denied.'); // 模板初始化依赖 $fid = param(1, 0); $page = param(2, 1); $order = param(3); !in_array($order, array('tid', 'lastpid', 'agrees')) and $order = $conf['order_default']; // 默认按照顶贴时间排序 $forum = forum_read($fid); empty($forum) and message(3, '板块不存在' . $fid); forum_access_user($fid, $gid, 'allowread') or message(-1, '您所在的用户组无权访问该板块。'); $pagesize = $conf['pagesize']; $pages = pages("forum-{$fid}-{page}-{$order}.htm", $forum['threads'], $page, $pagesize); $threadlist = thread_find_by_fid($fid, $page, $pagesize, $order); $onlinelist = online_find_cache($fid); $header['title'] = $forum['seo_title'] ? $forum['seo_title'] : $forum['name'] . '-' . $conf['sitename']; // 网站标题 $header['keywords'] = $forum['seo_keywords']; // 关键词 $header['navs'][] = "<a href=\"forum-{$fid}.htm\">{$forum['name']}</a>"; include './pc/view/forum.htm';