Example #1
 function thematic_validate_opt($input)
     $output = thematic_get_wp_opt('thematic_theme_opt', thematic_default_opt());
     // Index Insert position must be a non-negative number
     if (!is_numeric($input['index_insert']) || $input['index_insert'] < 0) {
         add_settings_error('thematic_theme_opt', 'thematic_insert_opt', __('The index insert position value must be a number equal to or greater than zero. This setting has been reverted to the previous value.', 'thematic'), 'error');
     } else {
         // A sanitize numeric value to ensure a whole number
         $output['index_insert'] = intval($input['index_insert']);
     // Author Info CheckBox value either 1(yes) or 0(no)
     $output['author_info'] = isset($input['author_info']) && 1 == $input['author_info'] ? 1 : 0;
     // Footer Text sanitized allowing HTML and WP shortcodes
     if (isset($input['footer_txt'])) {
         $output['footer_txt'] = wp_kses_post($input['footer_txt']);
     // Remove Legacy XHTML CheckBox value either 1(yes) or 0(no)
     $output['legacy_xhtml'] = isset($input['legacy_xhtml']) && 1 == $input['legacy_xhtml'] ? 1 : 0;
     // Check and set layout
     if (isset($input['layout'])) {
         $available_layouts = thematic_available_layout_slugs();
         if (in_array($input['layout'], $available_layouts)) {
             $output['layout'] = $input['layout'];
         } else {
             $output['layout'] = thematic_default_theme_layout();
     // Remove Legacy Options CheckBox value either 1(yes) or 0(no)
     $output['del_legacy_opt'] = isset($input['del_legacy_opt']) && 1 == $input['del_legacy_opt'] ? 1 : 0;
     if (1 == $output['del_legacy_opt']) {
         // Remove options if the choice is yes
         // Reset checkbox value to unchecked in case a legacy set of options is ever saved to database again
         $output['del_legacy_opt'] = 0;
     return apply_filters('thematic_theme_opt_validation', $output, $input);
Example #2
	        <textarea rows="5" style="width:100%;" <?php 
            echo esc_textarea($this->value());
    // Add postMessage support for site title and description.
    $wp_customize->get_setting('blogname')->transport = 'postMessage';
    $wp_customize->get_setting('blogdescription')->transport = 'postMessage';
    // Get the default thematic footer text
    $thematic_defaults = thematic_default_opt();
    $thematic_default_footertext = $thematic_defaults['footer_txt'];
    $thematic_default_layout = $thematic_defaults['layout'];
    // Only show the layout section if the theme supports it
    if (current_theme_supports('thematic_customizer_layout')) {
        $wp_customize->add_section('thematic_layout', array('title' => __('Layout', 'thematic'), 'description' => __('Choose the main layout of your theme', 'thematic'), 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'priority' => '90'));
        $wp_customize->add_setting('thematic_theme_opt[layout]', array('default' => $thematic_default_layout, 'type' => 'option'));
        $possible_layouts = thematic_available_theme_layouts();
        $available_layouts = array();
        foreach ($possible_layouts as $layout) {
            $available_layouts[$layout['slug']] = $layout['title'];
        $wp_customize->add_control('thematic_layout_control', array('type' => 'radio', 'label' => __('Theme layout', 'thematic'), 'section' => 'thematic_layout', 'choices' => $available_layouts, 'settings' => 'thematic_theme_opt[layout]'));
    // Add section for thematic footer options
    $wp_customize->add_section('thematic_footer_text', array('title' => __('Footer', 'thematic'), 'description' => sprintf(_x('You can use HTML and shortcodes in your footer text. Shortcode examples: %s', '%s are shortcode tags', 'thematic'), '[wp-link] [theme-link] [loginout-link] [blog-title] [blog-link] [the-year]'), 'priority' => 135));
Example #3
 function test_thematic_default_opt()
     $expected_ops = array('index_insert' => 2, 'author_info' => 0, 'footer_txt' => 'Powered by [wp-link]. Built on the [theme-link].', 'del_legacy_opt' => 0, 'legacy_xhtml' => 0, 'layout' => thematic_default_theme_layout());
     $this->assertEquals($expected_ops, thematic_default_opt());
Example #4
 function set_xhtml_theme_option()
     $options = thematic_default_opt();
     $options['legacy_xhtml'] = 1;