public static function load() { if (tg('ajax') != "0") { // exit('ajax exist'); include_once AFFICH_REP . 'layout/ajax.php'; } else { include_once AFFICH_REP . 'layout/base.php'; } }
public function index() { global $db; if (!$db->Query("SELECT titr" . LANG . " as titre ,cont" . LANG . " as content, aut" . LANG . " as autor, id,img,img_d,app,slider,DATE_FORMAT(dat, '%d/%m/%Y ') as dat ,video from contenu where id=" . tg('id') . " and titr" . LANG . " IS NOT NULL and modul=9 order by id DESC limit 0,3")) { $db->Kill('Error5'); } if ($db->RowCount() > 0) { $result = $db->RowArray(); return $result; } }
public static function load() { $msg_ajax = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé(e) à accéder à cette application , redirection vers acceuil.... \\AJAX"; $msg_app = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé(e) à accéder à cette application , redirection vers acceuil.... \\APP"; $msg_file = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé(e) à accéder à cette application , redirection vers acceuil.... \\FILE"; $msg_perm = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé(e) à accéder à cette application , redirection vers acceuil.... \\PERMISSION_USER"; $msg_sess = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé(e) à accéder à cette application , redirection vers acceuil.... \\SESSION_USER"; //Check if is Ajax request if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && tg('_tsk') !== 'shopdf') { exit(msgbox($msg_ajax, 0, './', 5)); } global $db; Cookie::auto_lastexec('time'); Cookie::auto_logout('time', 600); //Cookie::session_autoclosed(); //Start check APP if (tg('_tsk') == '0') { exit("3#{$msg_app}"); } $app_id = tg('_tsk'); if (!$db->Query("SELECT * FROM task where app='" . $app_id . "' ")) { $db->Kill($db->Error()); } if ($db->RowCount() == 0) { exit("3#{$msg_app}"); } $array = $db->RowArray(); $appc_idc = $array['id']; $needsession = $array['session']; $app_rep = $array['rep']; $app_file = $array['file']; $array_godapp = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 21, 43, 49, 56, 57, 58, 59, 70, 130, 138, 157); if ($needsession == 1 && !isset($_SESSION['userid'])) { exit("3#{$msg_sess}"); } if (!in_array($appc_idc, $array_godapp)) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM permission_users where perm=1 and appid=" . $appc_idc . " and userid=" . $_SESSION['userid']; if (!$db->Query($sql)) { $db->Kill($db->Error()); } if ($db->RowCount() <= 0) { exit("3#{$msg_perm}"); } } if (!file_exists(CONTROLLER_REP . $app_rep . SLASH . $app_file . '_c.php')) { exit("3#{$msg_file}"); } define('ACTIV_APP', $array['dscrip']); define('MODUL_APP', $array['modul']); define('APP_ID', $array['id']); require_once CONTROLLER_REP . SLASH . $app_rep . SLASH . $app_file . '_c.php'; }
public static function load($view_rep, $view_file) { if (tg('_tsk') == 'news') { $instance = new news(); $array = $instance->index(); } if (isset($array)) { $titre = lg('TITR') . ' | ' . $array['titre']; $content = htmlentities($array['titre']); $image = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}" . criimg_link('upload/news/' . $array['img'], 200, 200, 'PNG'); $actual_link = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}"; } else { $titre = lg('TITR'); $content = 'Site Internet Officiel de la présidence de la République du Tchad.'; $image = './img/header.jpg'; $actual_link = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}"; } include_once AFFICH_REP . 'layout/header.php'; include_once AFFICH_REP . 'layout/limen.php'; include_once AFFICH_REP . $view_rep . SLASH . $view_file . '_v.php'; }
public static function load() { if (isset($_SESSION['userid'])) { if (tg('ajax') == 1) { $template = (include_once AFFICH_REP . 'layout/ajax.php'); } else { //Il faut voir si le service est outside of ONAPE utiliser mainoutside.php if (isset($_SESSION['service']) && cryptage(session::get('service'), 0) == 19) { $template = (include_once AFFICH_REP . 'layout/main_outside.php'); } else { $template = (include_once AFFICH_REP . 'layout/main.php'); } } // $this->template = include_once(AFFICH_REP.'layout/main.php'); } else { if (tg('ajax') == 1) { $template = (include_once AFFICH_REP . 'layout/ajax.php'); } else { $template = (include_once AFFICH_REP . 'layout/mainns.php'); } } //end else }
<?php if (tp('q') != '' && tg('s') == 0) { define('POST', tp('q')); header('location:././?_tsk=recherche&m=2&s=' . POST); } else { if (tg('s') !== 0) { define('POST', tg('s')); } else { exit(header('location:./')); } } if (strlen(POST) < 3) { msgbox(lg('RECHERR'), 0, './', 4); } else { view::load('page', 'recherche'); }
<div class="one_half" id="contact1"> <?php global $db; if (tg('id') != 0) { if (!$db->Query("SELECT id , titr" . LANG . " as titre ,cont" . LANG . " as content, id,img,app,video,document from contenu where id = " . tg('id') . " and titrfr IS NOT NULL and modul=2 order by id DESC ")) { $db->Kill('Error5'); } } else { if (!$db->Query("SELECT id , titr" . LANG . " as titre ,cont" . LANG . " as content, id,img,app,video,document from contenu where titrfr IS NOT NULL and modul=2 order by id DESC limit 0,1")) { $db->Kill('Error5'); } } if ($db->RowCount() > 0) { $array = $db->RowArray(); $id = $array['id']; chang_title($array['titre']); ?> <!-- ################################################################################################ --> <h1 class="heading"> <?php echo lg('COMPRES'); ?> </h1> <article> <p style="color:#55ABDA;font-size: 25px;text-align: center;line-height: 45px;"><?php echo $array['titre']; ?> </p>
} }); }); </script> <div class="login-container"> <div class="well-login"> <form novalidate="novalidate" method="post" id="signupform" action="./?_tsk=recovery&ajax=1&tb=1"> <fieldset> <input name="verif" type="hidden" value="1" /> <input name="token" type="hidden" value="<?php echo tg('token'); ?> " /> <div class="alert alert-info"> <strong> réinitialisation !</strong> veuillez insérer et confirmer votre nouveau mot de passe. </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <div> <input id="psw1" name="psw1" type="password" placeholder="Mot de passe" class="input-xlarge login-input user-pass" value=""> </div> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <div>
<?php global $db; $sql = "SELECT * FROM mail where id= " . tg('usrid'); if (!$db->Query($sql)) { $db->Kill($sql); } if ($db->RowCount() > 0) { $array = $db->RowArray(); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function ajax_loadmessage($msg,$time,$c) { jQuery("#message") .show(500) // You can change .show to .fadeIn or some other animation .css("margin", "0 1px 20px 0") .html($msg) .delay($time) .attr("class",$c) .fadeOut($time); jQuery("#horizontalLine") .css("margin", "-7px 0 50px 0"); } $(function () { // validate signup form on keyup and submit var validator1 = $("#signupform").validate({ rules: { nom: "required",
} }); }); </script> <?php //Contenu de la page global $db; if (!$db->Query("SELECT * FROM lienu where id=" . tg('id'))) { $db->Kill('Error1'); } $array = $db->RowArray(); ?> <div class="breadcrumbs" id="breadcrumbs"> <ul class="breadcrumb"> <li> <i class="icon-home home-icon"></i> <a href="./">Tableau de bord</a> <span class="divider"> <i class="icon-angle-right arrow-icon"></i> </span> </li>
$sql = "select DISTINCT(ets_diplom.ets)as lenom from ets_diplom where ets LIKE {$q}"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (tg('t') == "f") { $sql = "select DISTINCT(diplome)as lenom from diplomes where diplome LIKE {$q}"; } if (!$db->Query($sql)) { $db->Kill(''); } while (!$db->EndOfSeek()) { $row = $db->Row(); $cname = $row->lenom; //$leid = $row->id; echo "{$cname}\n"; } ?>
<?php //Suppression ligne if (tg('del') != 0) { $sqladdby = "Select addby from noteservice where" . tg('del'); $userss = $_SESSION['userid']; $useradd = $db->QuerySingleValue0($sqladdby); if ($userss != $useradd) { // Autorisation test exit("2"); } model::load('note', 'note'); if (!delet(tg('del'))) { //Function error exit("1"); } // Succes function exit("0"); } if (tg('srch') == 0) { view::load('note', 'note'); } else { view::load('note', 'notesrch'); }
?> résultats</p> </div> <?php if ($db->RowCount() > 0) { $totalrow = $db->RowCount(); // nombre d'enregistrement dans une table retourner par mysql_num_rows() par exemple ou autre , if (!$db->Query("SELECT titr" . LANG . " as titre ,id,app,cont" . LANG . " as content from " . $mode . " where titr" . LANG . " like '%" . $post . "%' or cont" . LANG . " like '%" . $post . "%' limit " . ($pagination->get_page() - 1) * $records_per_page . ', ' . $records_per_page)) { $db->Kill('Error1s'); } $pagination->records($totalrow); $pagination->records_per_page($records_per_page); while (!$db->EndOfSeek()) { $row = $db->Row(); $applic = $row->app; if (tg('m') == 4) { $mode = 'com'; } ?> <div id="act" style="height:auto; max-height:93; min-height:35;"> <a class="titactp" href="./<?php echo $mode . '-' . $row->id . '-' . fl($row->titre) . '.html'; ?> "> <div class="attribute-title"> <p><?php echo limitmot($row->titre, 10); ?> ...</p> </div> <div class="attribute-short">
} if (tp('jour') != 0) { $wher .= " and DAY(dat) = " . tp('jour'); } if (tp('motcle') != '') { $wher .= " and titr" . LANG . " LIKE '%" . tp('motcle') . "%'"; } if (tp('mois') != 0) { $wher .= " and MONTH(dat) = " . tp('mois'); } if (!$db->Query("SELECT id , titr" . LANG . " as titre ,document ,dat from contenu where titr" . LANG . " IS NOT NULL and modul=" . tg('id') . " {$wher} order by id DESC ")) { $db->Kill('Error1s'); } if ($db->RowCount() > 0) { $totalrow = $db->RowCount(); if (!$db->Query("SELECT id , titr" . LANG . " as titre ,document , dat from contenu where titr" . LANG . " IS NOT NULL and modul=" . tg('id') . " {$wher} order by id DESC limit " . ($pagination->get_page() - 1) * $records_per_page . ', ' . $records_per_page)) { $db->Kill('Error1s'); } $pagination->records($totalrow); $pagination->records_per_page($records_per_page); ?> <div class="sidebar"> <!-- ################################################################################################ --> <article> <nav class="sdb_holder"> <ul> <?php while (!$db->EndOfSeek()) { $row = $db->Row();
$montant = $cycle_v * $array['montant']; if ($datetime3 > $datetime4 or $datetime3 == $datetime4) { addcollecte($id_contrat, date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_start)), date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_end)), $montant, "Payé", date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_start))); } else { addcollecte($id_contrat, date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_start)), date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_end)), $montant, "Non Payé", ''); } } // $reponse = 'ok'; exit("1#Opération réussie"); //Success Opération } } if (tp('del') == 1) { global $db; $id_contrat = tp('lin'); $idvil = tg('id'); $nbr_collecte = $db->QuerySingleValue0("select count(id) from collecte where id_location={$id_contrat}"); model::load('gestionvilla', 'contralocatvila'); if ($nbr_collecte > 0) { if (!deletcollecte($id_contrat)) { exit("2#Erreur Système COL"); } if (!deletcontrat($id_contrat)) { exit("2#Erreur Système CON"); } if (!$db->Query("update villa set contrat=0,statut=0 where id=" . $idvil)) { exit("2#Erreur Système VIL"); } exit("1#Opération réussie"); } else { if (!deletcontrat($id_contrat)) {
Formulaire: "<?php echo ACTIV_APP; ?> " </div> <div class="widget-content"> <div class="widget-box"> <form novalidate="novalidate" method="post" class="form-horizontal well" id="edit_compteuser" action="#"> <input name="verif" type="hidden" value="1" /> <input name="id" type="hidden" value="<?php echo tg('id'); ?> " /> <input name="iduser" type="hidden" value="<?php echo tg('iduser'); ?> " /> <fieldset> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label">Nom:</label> <div class="controls"> <input id="firstname" name="firstname" class="span4" type="text" value="<?php echo $array['fnom']; ?> ">
public static function auto_lastexec($field) { if (!isset($_SESSION[$field]) or tg('tik') == 0) { $_SESSION[$field] = time(); } }
<?php if (tg('id') != 0) { view::load('contenu', 'autcom'); } else { view::load('contenu', 'autcom'); }