function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args); $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? __('Twitter', 'tfuse') : $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base); $username = apply_filters('widget_items', $instance['username'], $instance, $this->id_base); $items = apply_filters('widget_items', $instance['items'], $instance, $this->id_base); $return_html = ''; if (!empty($username)) { $tweets = tfuse_get_tweets($username, $items); $before_widget = '<div class="widget widget_twitter">'; $after_widget = '</div>'; $return_html .= $before_widget; if (!empty($title)) { $return_html .= '<h3 class="widget-title">' . tfuse_qtranslate($title) . '</h3>'; } $return_html .= '<div class="tweet_list">'; foreach ($tweets as $tweet) { $return_html .= '<div class="tweet_item clearfix">'; $return_html .= '<div class="tweet_image"><img src="' . $tweet->user->profile_image_url . '" width="58" height="58" alt="" /></div>'; if (isset($tweet->text)) { $return_html .= '<div class="tweet_text">' . $tweet->text; } if (!empty($tweet->created_at)) { $return_html .= '<br><span class="tweet_time">' . ucfirst($tweet->created_at) . '</span>'; } if (isset($tweet->text)) { $return_html .= '</div>'; } $return_html .= '</div>'; } $return_html .= '</div>' . $after_widget; } echo $return_html; }
function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args); $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? __('', 'tfuse') : $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base); $username = apply_filters('widget_items', $instance['username'], $instance, $this->id_base); $items = apply_filters('widget_items', $instance['items'], $instance, $this->id_base); $instance['position'] = empty($instance['position']) ? '' : $instance['position']; $b = $instance['b'] = empty($instance['b']) ? '' : $instance['b']; $class = $b ? 'widget-boxed' : ''; $return_html = ''; if (!empty($username)) { $tweets = tfuse_get_tweets($username, $items); $return_html .= '<div class="widget widget_twitter ' . $class . '">'; $return_html .= '<h3 class="widget-title">' . $title . '</h3> <div class="tweet_list">'; foreach ($tweets as $tweet) { $return_html .= '<div class="tweet_item clearfix">'; $return_html . '<div class="tweet_image"> <img src="' . $tweet->user->profile_image_url . '" width="30" height="30" alt="" /> </div>'; if (isset($tweet->text)) { $return_html .= '<div class="tweet_image"><img src="' . get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/twitter_avatar.png" width="30" height="30" alt="" /></div> <div class="tweet_text"> <div class="inner"> ' . $tweet->text . ' </div></div>'; } $return_html .= '</div>'; } $return_html .= '</div></div>'; } echo $return_html; }
/** * MG_Twitter * * To override this shortcode in a child theme, copy this file to your child theme's * theme_config/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes/ folder. * * Optional arguments: * items: 5 * username: * title: * post_date: */ function tfuse_mgtwitter($atts, $content = null) { extract(shortcode_atts(array('items' => 5, 'username' => '', 'title' => '', 'post_date' => '', 'follow' => ''), $atts)); $return_html = ''; if (!empty($username)) { $tweets = tfuse_get_tweets($username, $items); $return_html .= '<div class="widget-container widget_twitter">'; if (!empty($title)) { $return_html .= '<h3 class="widget-title">' . tfuse_qtranslate($title) . '</h3>'; } $return_html .= '<div class="tweet_list">'; foreach ($tweets as $tweet) { if (isset($tweet->text)) { $return_html .= '<div class="tweet_item clearfix even"> <div class="tweet_image"><img src="' . $tweet->user->profile_image_url . '" width="36" height="38" alt=""></div> <div class="tweet_text"><div class="inner">' . $tweet->text . '</div></div> </div>'; } } if (!empty($follow)) { $return_html .= '<p><a href="' . $username . '" class="link-more">' . $follow . '</a></p>'; } $return_html .= '</div>'; $return_html .= '</div>'; } return $return_html; }
function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args); $title = !empty($instance['title']) ? $instance['title'] : ''; $limit = !empty($instance['limit']) ? $instance['limit'] : 5; $username = !empty($instance['username']) ? $instance['username'] : '******'; $unique_id = $args['widget_id'] . rand(0, 100); $before_widget = '<div class="clear"></div><div class="clear"></div><div class="widget-container widget_twitter">'; $after_widget = '</div>'; $before_title = '<h3>'; $after_title = '</h3>'; ?> <?php echo $before_widget; ?> <?php if ($title) { echo $before_title . $title . $after_title; } ?> <div class="back" id="twitter_update_list_<?php echo $unique_id; ?> "></div> <?php if (!empty($username)) { $return_html = ''; $tweets = tfuse_get_tweets($username, $limit); if (!sizeof($tweets)) { return; } foreach ($tweets as $tweet) { $return_html .= '<div class="tweet_item">'; $return_html .= '<div class="tweet_image"><img src="' . $tweet->user->profile_image_url . '" width="58" height="58" alt="" /></div>'; if (isset($tweet->text)) { $return_html .= '<div class="tweet_text"><div class="inner">' . $tweet->text . '</div></div>'; } $return_html .= '<div class="clear"></div></div>'; } echo $return_html; } ?> <?php echo $after_widget; ?> <?php }
/** * Twitter * * To override this shortcode in a child theme, copy this file to your child theme's * theme_config/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes/ folder. * * Optional arguments: * items: 5 * username: * title: * post_date: */ function tfuse_twitter($atts, $content = null) { extract(shortcode_atts(array('items' => 5, 'username' => '', 'title' => '', 'position' => '', 'post_date' => '', 'style' => ''), $atts)); $return_html = ''; if (!empty($username)) { $tweets = tfuse_get_tweets($username, $items); if (!sizeof($tweets)) { return; } if ($style == 'style1') { $return_html .= '<div class="widget twitter">'; if (!empty($title)) { $return_html . '<h2>' . $title . '</h2> '; } $return_html .= '<ul>'; foreach ($tweets as $tweet) { if (isset($tweet->text)) { $return_html .= '<li>' . $tweet->text . '</li>'; } } $return_html .= '</ul></div>'; } else { $return_html .= '<div class="widget widget_twitter"> <h3 class="widget-title">' . $title . '</h3> <div class="tweet_list">'; foreach ($tweets as $tweet) { $return_html .= '<div class="tweet_item">'; $return_html .= '<div class="tweet_image"><img src="' . $tweet->user->profile_image_url . '" width="30" height="30" alt="" /></div>'; if (isset($tweet->text)) { $return_html .= '<div class="tweet_text"> <div class="inner"> ' . $tweet->text . ' </div> </div>'; } $return_html .= '</div>'; } $return_html .= '</div> </div>'; } } return $return_html; }
/** * Twitter * * To override this shortcode in a child theme, copy this file to your child theme's * theme_config/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes/ folder. * * Optional arguments: * items: 5 * username: * title: * post_date: */ function tfuse_twitter($atts, $content = null) { extract(shortcode_atts(array('items' => 5, 'username' => '', 'title' => '', 'post_date' => ''), $atts)); $return_html = ''; if (!empty($username)) { $tweets = tfuse_get_tweets($username, $items); $return_html .= '<div class="twitter">'; if (!empty($title)) { $return_html .= '<h2>' . tfuse_qtranslate($title) . '</h2><ul>'; } foreach ($tweets as $tweet) { if (isset($tweet->text)) { $return_html .= '<li>' . $tweet->text . '</li>'; } } $return_html .= '</ul></div>'; } return $return_html; }
/** * Twitter * * To override this shortcode in a child theme, copy this file to your child theme's * theme_config/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes/ folder. * * Optional arguments: * items: 5 * username: * title: * post_date: */ function tfuse_footer_tweet($atts, $content = null) { extract(shortcode_atts(array('username' => '', 'title' => '', 'post_date' => ''), $atts)); $return_html = ''; if (!empty($username)) { $tweets = tfuse_get_tweets($username, 1); if (!sizeof($tweets)) { return; } $return_html .= '<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">' . '<div class="widget widget_twitter">'; if (!empty($title)) { $return_html .= '<h3 class="widget-title">' . $title . '</h3> '; } $return_html .= '<div class="tweet_list">'; foreach ($tweets as $tweet) { if (isset($tweet->text)) { $return_html .= '<div class="tweet_item"> <div class="tweet_image"> </div> <div class="tweet_text"> <div class="inner"> ' . $tweet->text . ' <div class="meta-tweet"> <i class="icon-twitter-sign"></i> <span class="tweet-time">' . $tweet->created_at . '</span> <span class="tweet-author">' . __('By', 'tfuse') . ': <a href="' . $tweet->user->url . '">@' . $tweet->user->name . '</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div>'; } } $return_html .= '</div></div></div>'; } return $return_html; }