function showRecord() { $db = new SQLite3(DB_FILENAME); $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM iventory"); print "<table class=\"bordered\" id=\"main_table\">\n<thead> <th>Number</th> <th>Team</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Place</th> <th>Place Detail</th> <th>Stored Date</th> <th>Checked Date</th> <th>Confirmor</th></thead>\n"; while ($record = $result->fetchArray()) { print "<tr>"; print "<td>" . textwrap($record['number']) . "</td>"; print "<td>" . textwrap($record['team']) . "</td>"; print "<td>" . textwrap($record['name']) . "</td>"; print "<td>" . textwrap($record['place']) . "</td>"; print "<td>" . textwrap($record['place_detail']) . "</td>"; print "<td>" . textwrap($record['stored_date']) . "</td>"; $class = $record['checked'] == 1 ? "checked" : "notchecked"; print "<td class=" . $class . ">" . textwrap($record['date']) . "</td>"; print "<td class=" . $class . ">" . textwrap($record['check_person']) . "</td>"; //print("<td class=".$class.">".textwrap($record['checked'])."</td>"); print "</tr>\n"; } print "</table>\n"; $db->close(); }
if ($reply['replyto']) { $message['destination'] = preg_replace('/^.* <(.+@.+)>/', '\\1', $reply['replyto']); } else { $message['destination'] = preg_replace('/^.* <(.+@.+)>/', '\\1', $reply['mailfrom']); } if (!$message['destination'] && !$reply['userid']) { $message['destination'] = $LMS->GetCustomerEmail($message['customerid']); if (!empty($message['destination'])) { $message['destination'] = implode(',', $message['destination']); } } $message['subject'] = 'Re: ' . $reply['subject']; $message['inreplyto'] = $reply['id']; $message['references'] = $reply['messageid']; if (ConfigHelper::checkConfig('phpui.helpdesk_reply_body')) { $body = explode("\n", textwrap(strip_tags($reply['body']), 74)); foreach ($body as $line) { $message['body'] .= '> ' . $line . "\n"; } } if (!preg_match('/\\[RT#[0-9]{6}\\]/i', $message['subject'])) { $message['subject'] .= sprintf(' [RT#%06d]', $message['ticketid']); } } } $layout['pagetitle'] = trans('New Message'); $SESSION->save('backto', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $SMARTY->assign('message', $message); $SMARTY->assign('error', $error); $SMARTY->assign('userlist', $LMS->GetUserNames()); $SMARTY->assign('queuelist', $LMS->GetQueueNames());
$subject = stripslashes($subject); } $body = stripslashes($body); } $quote_button = ""; if (initvar("read") != false) { $caption = $lReplyMessage; if (!eregi("^re:", $qsubject)) { $p_subject = "Re: " . $qsubject; } else { $p_subject = $qsubject; } $parent = $id; if (!${$phflat}) { $quote = "{$qauthor} {$lWrote}:\n"; $quote .= textwrap("\n{$qbody}", 63, "\n", "> ") . "\n"; $quote = htmlspecialchars($quote); $quote_button = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hide\" value=\"" . $quote . "\"><script language=\"JavaScript\"><!--\nthis.document.writeln('<input tabindex=\"100\" type=\"Button\" name=\"quote\" value=\"{$lQuote}\" onClick=\"this.form.body.value=this.form.body.value + this.form.hide.value; this.form.hide.value='+\"''\"+';\">');\n//--></script>"; } $p_body = ""; } else { $caption = $lStartTopic; $p_subject = initvar("subject"); $p_body = initvar("body"); } $p_author = $author; $p_email = $email; if (isset($IsError) && $action) { echo "<p><strong>{$IsError}</strong>"; } if ($AllowAttachments && $ForumAllowUploads == 'Y' && $ForumMaxUploads < 4) {
break; case 3: $error['file'] = trans('File upload has finished prematurely.'); break; case 4: $error['file'] = trans('Path to file was not specified.'); break; default: $error['file'] = trans('Problem during file upload.'); break; } } } if (!$error) { $layout['nomenu'] = TRUE; $mailing['body'] = textwrap($mailing['body']); $mailing['body'] = str_replace("\r", '', $mailing['body']); $SMARTY->assign('mailing', $mailing); $SMARTY->display($_LMSDIR . '/modules/core/templates/header.html'); $emails = GetEmails($mailing['group'], $mailing['network'], $mailing['customergroup']); $SMARTY->assign('recipcount', sizeof($emails)); $SMARTY->display($_LMSDIR . '/modules/mailing/templates/mailingsend.html'); if (sizeof($emails)) { $files = NULL; if (isset($file)) { $files[0]['content_type'] = $_FILES['file']['type']; $files[0]['filename'] = $filename; $files[0]['data'] = $file; } $debug_email = ConfigHelper::getConfig('mail.debug_email'); if (!empty($debug_email)) {
function verschicken($subject, $from, $newsgroups, $ref, $body) { global $server, $port, $send_poster_host, $organization, $text_error; global $file_footer; flush(); $ns = OpenNNTPconnection($server, $port); if ($ns != false) { fputs($ns, "post\r\n"); $weg = lieszeile($ns); fputs($ns, 'Subject: ' . quoted_printable_encode($subject) . "\r\n"); fputs($ns, 'From: ' . $from . "\r\n"); fputs($ns, 'Newsgroups: ' . $newsgroups . "\r\n"); fputs($ns, "Mime-Version: 1.0\r\n"); fputs($ns, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\r\n"); fputs($ns, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n"); fputs($ns, "User-Agent: NewsPortal 0.24pre6,\r\n"); if ($send_poster_host) { fputs($ns, 'X-HTTP-Posting-Host: ' . gethostbyaddr(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")) . "\r\n"); } if ($ref != false) { fputs($ns, 'References: ' . $ref . "\r\n"); } if (isset($organization)) { fputs($ns, 'Organization: ' . quoted_printable_encode($organization) . "\r\n"); } if (isset($file_footer) && $file_footer != "") { $footerfile = fopen($file_footer, "r"); $body .= "\n" . fread($footerfile, filesize($file_footer)); fclose($footerfile); } $body = str_replace("\n.\r", "\n..\r", $body); $body = str_replace("\r", '', $body); $b = split("\n", $body); $body = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($b); $i++) { if (strpos(substr($b[$i], 0, strpos($b[$i], " ")), ">") != false | strcmp(substr($b[$i], 0, 1), ">") == 0) { $body .= textwrap(stripSlashes($b[$i]), 78, "\r\n") . "\r\n"; } else { $body .= textwrap(stripSlashes($b[$i]), 74, "\r\n") . "\r\n"; } } fputs($ns, "\r\n" . $body . "\r\n.\r\n"); $message = lieszeile($ns); closeNNTPconnection($ns); } else { $message = $text_error["post_failed"]; } return $message; }
} ini_set("include_path", $include_path); include_once "{$config}.inc"; require_once ""; require_once ""; require_once ""; require_once ""; require_once ""; $tpl = new Template($template_dir, "comment"); $tpl->set_file("mail", "mail/offtopic.tpl"); db_connect(); if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) { set_time_limit(0); } $sth = db_query("select * from f_forums"); while ($f = $sth->fetch()) { $forums[$f['fid']] = $f; } $sth->closeCursor(); $sth = db_query("select * from f_offtopic where UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(tstamp) > 10 * 60"); while ($msg = $sth->fetch()) { $nuser = new User(); $nuser->find_by_aid((int) $msg['aid']); $tpl->set_var(array("EMAIL" => $nuser->email, "FORUM_SHORTNAME" => $forums[$msg['fid']]['shortname'], "MSG_MID" => $msg['mid'], "PHPVERSION" => phpversion())); $e_message = $tpl->parse("MAIL", "mail"); $e_message = textwrap($e_message, 78, "\n"); mailfrom("followup-" . $nuser->aid . "@" . $bounce_host, $nuser->email, $e_message); unset($nuser); db_exec("delete from f_offtopic where fid = ? and mid = ?", array($msg['fid'], $msg['mid'])); } $sth->closeCursor();
function post_to_email() { global $q, $DB, $ForumModeration, $ForumModEmail, $ForumEmailReturnList; global $ForumEmailList, $ForumTableName, $ForumName, $PhorumMailCode, $PhorumMail; global $email, $thread, $parent, $plain_subject, $plain_body, $plain_author; global $forum_url, $read_page, $ext, $num, $id, $phorumver, $msgid; //FIXME: Since there is currently no mechanism for holding a post for later // emailing to a list, we must disable this check for active moderation. // But active moderation is of dubious value in a mailing list // environment, because a post via email will go out to all the other // subscribers before getting to Phorum anyway. // if($ForumModeration!="a"){ if (is_email($email)) { $from_email = $email; } else { $from_email = $ForumModEmail; } if (is_email($ForumEmailReturnList)) { $return = $ForumEmailReturnList; } else { $return = $from_email; } $replies = ""; if ($thread != 0) { $sSQL = "Select distinct email from {$ForumTableName} where thread={$thread} and email_reply='Y' and email<>'{$email}'"; $q->query($DB, $sSQL); if ($q->numrows() > 0) { while ($row = $q->getrow()) { $replies .= trim($row["email"]) . ","; } $replies = substr($replies, 0, strlen($replies) - 1); } } // If the message is going to a mailing list, it hasn't gone into the // database yet, so there is no point in trying to build a link to it. // On the other hand, if it is coming from PhorumMail, then PhorumMail // has already put it in the database. // We can check whether it is in the database by $id. $ebody = ''; if ($id) { $ebody .= "This message was sent from: {$ForumName}.\n"; $ebody .= "<{$forum_url}/{$read_page}.{$ext}?f={$num}&i={$id}&t={$thread}> \n"; $ebody .= "----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; } $ebody .= textwrap($plain_body) . "\n\n"; $ebody .= "----------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $ebody .= "Sent using Phorum software version {$phorumver} <> "; $headers = "Message-ID: {$msgid}" . "\nFrom: {$plain_author} <{$from_email}>" . "\nReturn-Path: <{$return}>" . "\nReply-To: {$return}" . "\nX-Phorum-{$PhorumMailCode}-Version: Phorum {$phorumver}" . "\nX-Phorum-{$PhorumMailCode}-Forum: {$ForumName}" . "\nX-Phorum-{$PhorumMailCode}-Thread: {$thread}" . "\nX-Phorum-{$PhorumMailCode}-Parent: {$parent}"; if (!empty($parent)) { $sSQL = "Select msgid from {$ForumTableName} where id='{$parent}'"; $q->query($DB, $sSQL); if ($q->numrows() > 0) { $row = $q->getrow(); if (!empty($row['msgid'])) { $headers .= "\nIn-reply-to: " . $row['msgid']; } } } // Only send to mailing list if NOT coming from PhorumMail! if (!$PhorumMail && is_email($ForumEmailList) && is_email($return)) { // mail("$ForumName <$ForumEmailList>", "$plain_subject [$num:$thread:$id]", $ebody, $headers); mail("{$ForumName} <{$ForumEmailList}>", $plain_subject, $ebody, $headers); } if ($replies) { $headers .= "\nBCC: {$replies}"; mail("", "{$plain_subject} [{$num}:{$thread}:{$id}]", $ebody, $headers); } // } }