/** * Extract EXIF Data from image * * @warning image file must be saved first */ public function extractExifData() { elgg_load_library('tidypics:exif'); td_get_exif($this); }
/** * Extract EXIF Data from image * * @warning image file must be saved first */ public function extractExifData() { include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/lib/exif.php"; td_get_exif($this); }
$file->write(); $file->write(get_uploaded_file($key)); $file->close(); */ $result = $file->save(); if (!$result) { array_push($not_uploaded, $sent_file['name']); array_push($error_msgs, elgg_echo('tidypics:save_error')); continue; } //add tags create_metadata($file->guid, "tags", $photo["tags"], "text", $user->guid, ACCESS_PUBLIC); //add title and description create_object_entity($file->guid, $photo["title"], $photo["description"]); //get and store the exif data td_get_exif($file); // resize photos to create thumbnails if ($image_lib == 'ImageMagick') { // ImageMagick command line if (tp_create_im_cmdline_thumbnails($file, $prefix, $filestorename) != true) { trigger_error('Tidypics warning: failed to create thumbnails - ImageMagick command line', E_USER_WARNING); } } else { if ($image_lib == 'ImageMagickPHP') { // imagick php extension if (tp_create_imagick_thumbnails($file, $prefix, $filestorename) != true) { trigger_error('Tidypics warning: failed to create thumbnails - ImageMagick PHP', E_USER_WARNING); } } else { if (tp_create_gd_thumbnails($file, $prefix, $filestorename) != true) { trigger_error('Tidypics warning: failed to create thumbnails - GD', E_USER_WARNING);
/** * Grab array of EXIF data for display * * @param int $file_guid GUID of TidypicsImage * @return array|false */ function tp_exif_formatted($file_guid) { $metadata_exif = get_metadata_byname($file_guid, "tp_exif"); if (!$metadata_exif) { // //try to load it from the file if its not in the database $file = new ElggFile($file_guid); td_get_exif($file); unset($file); $metadata_exif = get_metadata_byname($file_guid, "tp_exif"); } if (!$metadata_exif) { return false; } $exif = unserialize($metadata_exif["value"]); $model = $exif['Model']; if (!$model) { $model = "N/A"; } $exif_data['Model'] = $model; $exposure = $exif['ExposureTime']; if (!$exposure) { $exposure = "N/A"; } $exif_data['Shutter'] = $exposure; //got the code snippet below from http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=17 //convert the raw values to understandible values $Fnumber = explode("/", $exif['FNumber']); if ($Fnumber[1] != 0) { $Fnumber = $Fnumber[0] / $Fnumber[1]; } else { $Fnumber = 0; } if (!$Fnumber) { $Fnumber = "N/A"; } else { $Fnumber = "f/{$Fnumber}"; } $exif_data['Aperture'] = $Fnumber; $iso = $exif['ISOSpeedRatings']; if (!$iso) { $iso = "N/A"; } $exif_data['ISO Speed'] = $iso; $Focal = explode("/", $exif['FocalLength']); if ($Focal[1] != 0) { $Focal = $Focal[0] / $Focal[1]; } else { $Focal = 0; } if (!$Focal || round($Focal) == "0") { $Focal = 0; } if (round($Focal) == 0) { $Focal = "N/A"; } else { $Focal = round($Focal) . "mm"; } $exif_data['Focal Length'] = $Focal; $captured = $exif['DateTime']; if (!$captured) { $captured = "N/A"; } $exif_data['Captured'] = $captured; return $exif_data; }