function task_select(&$state, &$HTML, $rec = -1) { if ($rec < 0) { //checking returned if (!isset($_GET["row"])) { return; } $rec = $_GET["row"]; //get row number } task_list($state); //restore the record list if (!array_key_exists($rec, $state->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid task id " . $rec, true); } $record = $state->records[$rec]; if ($record[1] != "") { $inactive = new DateTime($record[1]); $diff = date_diff($state->from_date, $inactive)->days; if ($diff < $state->columns[COL_INACTIVE]) { $state->columns[COL_INACTIVE] = $diff; $state->columns[COL_AGENT] = "task"; } $record[0] .= "<br>(inactive as of " . $record[1] . ")"; } $state->task_id = $rec; $state->msgStatus = ""; $HTML .= "cell = document.getElementById('TK_" . $state->row . "');\n"; $HTML .= "cell.innerHTML = '" . $record[0] . "';\n"; }
function popup() { $users = new usersMenus(); if (!$users->winexe_installed) { $warn = Paragraphe("64-infos.png", "{APP_WINEXE_NOT_INSTALLED}", "{APP_WINEXE_NOT_INSTALLED_TEXT}", "javascript:Loadjs('setup.index.progress.php?product=APP_WINEXE&start-install=yes');") . "<br>"; } $DEF_ICO_REMOTE_STORAGE = Buildicon64("DEF_ICO_REMOTE_STORAGE"); $add = Paragraphe("software-task-64.png", "{ADD_NEW_DEPLOY_TASK}", "{ADD_NEW_DEPLOY_TASK_TEXT}", "javascript:AddRemoteTask()"); $refresh = Paragraphe("64-refresh.png", "{refresh}", "{resfresh_tasks_list}", "javascript:RefreshTaskList()"); $list = task_list($_GET["uid"]); $html = "<H1>{remote_install}::{$_GET["uid"]}</H1>\n\t<table style='width:100%'>\n\t<tr>\n\t<td valign='top' width=1%>{$warn}{$refresh}<br>{$add}<br>{$DEF_ICO_REMOTE_STORAGE}</td>\n\t<td valign='top'>\n\t\t<p class=caption>{remote_install_text}</p>\n\t\t" . RoundedLightWhite("<div id='tk_list' style='width:100%;height:250px;overflow:auto'>{$list}</div>") . "\n\t</td>\n\t</tr>\n\t</table>"; $tpl = new templates(); echo $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body($html, ''); }
function task_select($ID = -1) { global $_STATE; if ($ID < 0) { //not yet selected task_list(); //restore the record list if (!array_key_exists(strval($_POST["selTask"]), $_STATE->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid task id " . $_POST["selTask"]); //we're being spoofed } $ID = intval($_POST["selTask"]); } $_STATE->task_id = $ID; }
if($usersmenus->AsArticaAdministrator==true){}else{header('location:users.index.php');exit;} if(isset($_GET["PID"])){PIDInfos();exit;} if(isset($_GET["reload"])){echo page_proc();exit;} if(isset($_GET["KillProcessByPid"])){KillProcessByPid();exit;} if(isset($_GET["popup"])){popup();exit;} if(isset($_GET["getmem"])){getmem();exit;} if(isset($_GET["getcpu"])){getCpu();exit;} if(isset($_GET["taskslist"])){processes();exit;} if(isset($_GET["home"])){home();exit;} if(isset($_GET["home-b"])){home_b();exit;} if(isset($_GET["home-c"])){home_c();exit;} if(isset($_GET["task-m"])){tasks_start();exit;} if(isset($_GET["clean-mem-js"])){clean_mem_js();exit;} if(isset($_POST["clean-mem-perform"])){clean_mem_perform();exit;} if(isset($_GET["tasks-list"])){task_list();exit;} if(isset($_POST["kill9"])){kill9();exit;} js(); function js(){ $page=CurrentPageName(); $prefix=str_replace(".","_",$page); $tpl=new templates(); $title=$tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body('{task_manager}'); $html="RTMMail(1000,'$page?popup=yes','$title');"; echo $html; } function clean_mem_js(){ $page=CurrentPageName();
$result = json_decode($result, true); } return $result ? $result : array(); } function task_list($admin_id) { $url = $prefix . '/admin/' . $admin_id . '/list'; $result = request($url); if (!empty($result)) { } } $redis = new RedisExt(); $admin_id = $redis->get('admin_id'); if (!$admin_id) { echo '没有找到admin_id,是不是sqlmapapi.py程序没有启动?'; exit; } $task_list = task_list($admin_id); echo <<<EOF <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>sqlmap注入管理系统</title> </head> <body> </body> </html> EOF ;
function task_select(&$state, &$HTML, $rec = -1) { if ($rec < 0) { //checking returned if (!isset($_GET["row"])) { return; } $rec = strval($_GET["row"]); } task_list($state); //restore the record list if (!array_key_exists($rec, $state->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid task id " . $rec, true); } $record = $state->records[$rec]; if ($record[1] != "") { $inactive = new DateTime($record[1]); if ($inactive < $state->inactive_date) { $state->inactive_date = $inactive; $state->max_column = date_diff($state->from_date, $inactive)->days - 1; //0 rel } $record[0] .= "<br>(inactive as of " . $record[1] . ")"; } $state->task_id = $rec; $state->msgStatus = ""; $HTML .= "cell = document.getElementById('TK_0');\n"; $HTML .= "cell.innerHTML = '" . $record[0] . "';\n"; }
include_once 'ressources/'; include_once 'ressources/'; include_once 'ressources/'; $users = new usersMenus(); if (!$users->AsPostfixAdministrator) { $tpl = new templates(); $error = $tpl->javascript_parse_text("{ERROR_NO_PRIVS}"); echo "alert('{$error}')"; die; } if (isset($_GET["popup"])) { popup(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["tasks-list"])) { task_list(); exit; } if (isset($_POST["KillTHREAD"])) { task_kill(); exit; } js(); function js() { header("content-type: application/x-javascript"); $page = CurrentPageName(); $tpl = new templates(); $title = $tpl->javascript_parse_text("{processes_list}"); $html = "YahooWin3('997.6','{$page}?popup=yes','{$title}')"; echo $html;
<?php require_once 'config/tank_config.php'; $getjson = file_get_contents('php://input'); $dataarr = json_decode($getjson, true); $token = $dataarr['token']; $tab = $dataarr['tab']; $uid = check_token($token); if ($uid != 3) { $to = 0; if ($tab == "mtask") { $to = $uid; } $from = 0; if ($tab == "ftask" || $tab == "etask") { $from = $uid; } $creat = 0; if ($tab == "ctask") { $creat = $uid; } $task_list = task_list($to, $from, $creat, "", "", "", "+", "", "", "", "", "", $multilingual_dd_status_exam, "--", "--", "csa_last_update", "DESC", "0", $tab); $exam = sum_exam($uid); $rearr = array('exam' => $exam, 'list' => $task_list); $redata = json_encode($rearr); echo $redata; } else { echo 3; }