  * Returns each result article's content
 public static function content(FTL_Binding $tag)
     // paragraph limit ?
     $paragraph = isset($tag->attr['paragraph']) ? (int) self::get_attribute($tag, 'paragraph') : FALSE;
     $content = $tag->locals->result['content'];
     // Limit to x paragraph if the attribute is set
     if ($paragraph !== FALSE) {
         $content = tag_limiter($content, 'p', $paragraph);
     return self::wrap($tag, $content);
Example #2
  * Prepare the articles array
  * @param FTL_Binding	$tag
  * @param Array 		$articles
  * @return	Array		Articles
 private static function prepare_articles(FTL_Binding $tag, $articles)
     // Articles index starts at 1.
     $index = 1;
     // view
     $view = $tag->getAttribute('view');
     // paragraph limit ?
     $paragraph = $tag->getAttribute('paragraph');
     // auto_link
     // Removed because of double execution
     // (also done by the Tagmanager)
     // $auto_link = $tag->getAttribute('auto_link', TRUE);
     // Last part of the URI
     $uri_last_part = array_pop(explode('/', uri_string()));
     $count = count($articles);
     foreach ($articles as $key => $article) {
         // Force the view if the "view" attribute is defined
         if (!is_null($view)) {
             $articles[$key]['view'] = $view;
         $articles[$key]['active_class'] = '';
         $article_url = array_pop(explode('/', $article['url']));
         $articles[$key]['is_active'] = $uri_last_part == $article_url;
         if (!is_null($tag->getAttribute('active_class'))) {
             if ($uri_last_part == $article_url) {
                 $articles[$key]['active_class'] = $tag->attr['active_class'];
         // Limit to x paragraph if the attribute is set
         if (!is_null($paragraph)) {
             $articles[$key]['content'] = tag_limiter($article['content'], 'p', intval($paragraph));
         // Autolink the content
         //			if ($auto_link)
         //				$articles[$key]['content'] = auto_link($articles[$key]['content'], 'both', TRUE);
         // Article's index
         $articles[$key]['index'] = $index++;
         // Article's count
         $articles[$key]['count'] = $count;
         // Article's ID
         $articles[$key]['id'] = $articles[$key]['id_article'];
     return $articles;
Example #3
  * Processes one string by adding text helper attributes
  * @param	FTL_Binding 	$tag
  * @param	String			$value
  * @usage	<ion:content />
 public function process_string(FTL_Binding $tag, $value)
     // paragraph & words limit ?
     $paragraph = $tag->getAttribute('paragraph');
     $words = $tag->getAttribute('words');
     $chars = $tag->getAttribute('characters');
     $ellipsize = $tag->getAttribute('ellipsize');
     // Limit to x paragraph if the attribute is set
     if (!is_null($paragraph)) {
         $value = tag_limiter($value, 'p', intval($paragraph));
     // Limit to x words
     if (!is_null($words)) {
         $value = word_limiter($value, $words);
     // Limit to x characters
     if (!is_null($chars)) {
         $value = character_limiter($value, $chars);
     // Ellipsize the text
     // See : http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/helpers/text_helper.html
     if (!is_null($ellipsize)) {
         $ellipsize = explode(',', $ellipsize);
         if (!isset($ellipsize[0])) {
             $ellipsize[0] = 32;
         if (!isset($ellipsize[1])) {
             $ellipsize[1] = 0.5;
         if (floatval($ellipsize[1]) > 0.99) {
             $ellipsize[1] = 0.99;
         $value = ellipsize($value, intval($ellipsize[0]), floatval($ellipsize[1]));
     return $value;
    echo xml_convert($article['title']);
    echo $article['url'];
    echo $article['url'];
    echo strip_tags(tag_limiter($article['content'], 'p', 1));
    $unix_date = strtotime($article['date'] . " GMT");
    echo date('r', $unix_date);