function show_submit() { row1(tra("Submit profile")); $config = get_config(); $publickey = parse_config($config, "<recaptcha_public_key>"); if ($publickey) { table_row(recaptcha_get_html($publickey)); } table_row("<p><input class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . tra("Create/edit profile") . "\" name=\"submit\">"); }
function show_submit() { row1(tra("Submit profile")); echo "<script>var RecaptchaOptions = { theme : 'white' };</script>"; $config = get_config(); $publickey = parse_config($config, "<recaptcha_public_key>"); if ($publickey) { table_row(tra("Please enter the words shown in the image.") . "<br>\n" . recaptcha_get_html($publickey, null, is_https())); } table_row("<p><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . tra("Create/edit profile") . "\" name=\"submit\">"); }
function show_item($name, $c) { $s = $c[1]; $f = $c[3]; $n = $s + $f; if ($n == 0) { return; } $pct = number_format(100 * $s / $n, 0) . "%"; table_row($name, $s, $f, $pct); }
function show_submit() { row1(tra("Submit profile")); echo "<script>var RecaptchaOptions = { theme : 'white' };</script>"; $config = get_config(); $publickey = parse_config($config, "<recaptcha_public_key>"); if ($publickey) { table_row(tra("To protect the project's webpages from spam, we kindly ask you to type in the two words shown in the image:<br>\n") . recaptcha_get_html($publickey)); } table_row("<p><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . tra("Create/edit profile") . "\" name=\"submit\">"); }
function list_files($user, $err_msg) { $dir = sandbox_dir($user); $d = opendir($dir); if (!$d) { error_page("Can't open sandbox directory"); } page_head("file sandbox for {$user->name}"); echo "\n <form action=sandbox.php method=post ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\">\n <input type=hidden name=action value=upload_file>\n Upload a file to your sandbox:\n <p><input size=80 type=file name=new_file>\n <p> <input type=submit value=Upload>\n </form>\n <hr>\n "; if (strcmp($err_msg, "") != 0) { echo "<p>{$err_msg}<hr>"; } $files = array(); while (($f = readdir($d)) !== false) { if ($f == '.') { continue; } if ($f == '..') { continue; } $files[] = $f; } if (count($files) == 0) { echo "Your sandbox is currently empty."; } else { sort($files); start_table(); table_header("Name<br><span class=note>(click to view)</span>", "Modified", "Size (bytes)", "MD5", "Delete", "Download"); foreach ($files as $f) { $path = "{$dir}/{$f}"; list($error, $size, $md5) = sandbox_parse_link_file($path); if ($error) { table_row($f, "Can't parse link file", "", "<a href=sandbox.php?action=delete_files&name={$f}>delete</a>"); continue; } $p = sandbox_physical_path($user, $md5); if (!is_file($p)) { table_row($f, "Physical file not found", "", ""); continue; } $ct = time_str(filemtime($path)); table_row("<a href=sandbox.php?action=view_file&name={$f}>{$f}</a>", $ct, $size, $md5, button_text("sandbox.php?action=delete_file&name={$f}", "Delete"), button_text("sandbox.php?action=download_file&name={$f}", "Download")); } end_table(); } page_tail(); }
$error[] = $post['name']; } } if (!empty($error)) { $responce['send'] = false; $responce['text'] = '{%error_empty_data%}'; $responce['fields'] = $error; } else { $from = $config->get('sitename') . ' <noreply@' . $HTTP_HOST . '>'; $to = $config->get('mailfrom'); $subject = 'Сообщение с сайта ' . $config->get('sitename'); $message = '<table style="border-collapse: collapse;" border="1"><tbody>'; $message .= table_row('type', $posts['type']); $message .= table_row('date', date('d.m.Y H:i:s')); foreach ($posts as $post) { $message .= table_row($post['name'], $post['value']); } $message .= '</tbody></table>'; $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'From: ' . $from . "\r\n"; if (mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) { $responce['send'] = true; $responce['text'] = '{%success_send_data%}'; } } echo json_encode($responce); function table_row($label, $value) { $lang = array('type' => 'Тип сообщения', 'date' => 'Время отправки', 'name' => 'Имя отправителя', 'email' => 'email', 'phone' => 'Номер телефона', 'address' => 'Адрес', 'message' => 'Текст сообщения'); if (!isset($lang[$label])) {
function handle_query_job($user) { $wuid = get_int('wuid'); $wu = BoincWorkunit::lookup_id($wuid); if (!$wu) { error_page("no such job"); } page_head("Job {$wuid}"); echo "\n <a href=workunit.php?wuid={$wuid}>Workunit details</a> ·\n <a href=submit.php?action=query_batch&batch_id={$wu->batch}>Batch {$wu->batch}</a>\n "; // show input files // echo "<h2>Input files</h2>\n"; $x = "<in>" . $wu->xml_doc . "</in>"; $x = simplexml_load_string($x); start_table(); table_header("Logical name<br><p class=\"text-muted\">(click to view)</p>", "Size (bytes)", "MD5"); foreach ($x->workunit->file_ref as $fr) { $pname = (string) $fr->file_name; $lname = (string) $fr->open_name; foreach ($x->file_info as $fi) { if ((string) $fi->name == $pname) { table_row("<a href={$fi->url}>{$lname}</a>", $fi->nbytes, $fi->md5_cksum); break; } } } end_table(); echo "<h2>Instances</h2>\n"; start_table(); table_header("Instance ID<br><p class=\"text-muted\">click for result page</p>", "State", "Output files<br><p class=\"text-muted\">click to view the file</p>"); $results = BoincResult::enum("workunitid={$wuid}"); $upload_dir = parse_config(get_config(), "<upload_dir>"); $fanout = parse_config(get_config(), "<uldl_dir_fanout>"); foreach ($results as $result) { echo "<tr>\n <td><a href=result.php?resultid={$result->id}>{$result->id} · {$result->name} </a></td>\n <td>" . state_string($result) . "</td>\n <td>\n"; $i = 0; if ($result->server_state == 5) { $names = get_outfile_names($result); $i = 0; foreach ($names as $name) { $url = boinc_get_output_file_url($user, $result, $i++); $path = dir_hier_path($name, $upload_dir, $fanout); $s = stat($path); $size = $s['size']; echo "<a href={$url}>{$name} </a> (" . number_format($size) . " bytes)<br/>"; } $i++; } echo "</td></tr>\n"; } end_table(); echo "<p><a href=submit.php>Return to job control page</a>\n"; page_tail(); }
function Verkff($functjs = '', $ClassObj = '') { $anpid = $ClassObj->anpid; //$this=$ClassObj->$this; //$anpid=$_SESSION['anp']['idanp']; $query = new Consulta($sql = $ClassObj->set_sql("m.id_mes, m.nombre_mes", "", "m.id_mes")); //echo $sql; ?> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .Estilo1 {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif} .Estilo3 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } body,td,th { color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } body { background-color: #00CCCC; } --> </style> <br> <table width="85%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#00CCCC"> <tr> <td colspan="4" align="center"><span class="Estilo1"><br /> <span class="Estilo3">Seleccione el Mes </span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="46" colspan="4" align="center"><p class="Estilo1"> <select name="idmes" > <option value="">Elija el Mes</option> <?php while ($row_ffs = $query->ConsultaVerRegistro()) { if ($_POST[idmes] == $row_ffs['id_mes']) { $select = "selected"; } else { $select = ""; } ?> <option value="<?php echo $row_ffs['id_mes']; ?> "><?php echo $row_ffs['nombre_mes']; ?> </option><?php } ?> </select> </p> </td> </tr> <?php /*$queryfte=new Consulta($row_ffs=$ClassObj->set_sql("ff.id_fuentefinanciamiento", " and m.id_mes='".$_POST[idmes]."'","ff.id_fuentefinanciamiento"));*/ $queryfte = new Consulta($row_ffs = $ClassObj->set_sql("ff.id_fuentefinanciamiento", " ", "ff.id_fuentefinanciamiento")); if ($queryfte->numregistros()) { while ($row = $queryfte->ConsultaVerRegistro()) { $row_ff = table_row($row['id_fuentefinanciamiento'], "fuentefinanciamiento"); ?> <tr> <td width="9%" align="right"> </td> <td colspan="3" align="left"> <em><strong><?php echo $row_ff[nombre_fuentefinanciamiento]; ?> </strong></em></td> </tr> <?php ////$querryject=new Consulta ($sqlejct= $ClassObj->set_sql("ff.id_ff,ff.nombre_ff"," AND ff.id_fuentefinanciamiento='".$row[id_fuentefinanciamiento]."' and m.id_mes='".$_POST[idmes]."'","ff.id_ff","ff.id_ff")); $querryject = new Consulta($sqlejct = $ClassObj->set_sql("ff.id_ff,ff.nombre_ff", " AND ff.id_fuentefinanciamiento='" . $row[id_fuentefinanciamiento] . "' ", "ff.id_ff", "ff.id_ff")); //echo $sqlejct; while ($rowej = $querryject->ConsultaVerRegistro()) { ?> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="right"> <!-- <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="checkbox" /> --> <input name="S2[]" type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $rowej[id_ff]; ?> " /></td> <td width="2%"> </td> <td width="76%"><?php echo $rowej[nombre_ff]; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } ?> <tr> <td colspan="2"> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=4 align=center> <p><br /><br /> <span class="Estilo5 Estilo1">Mostrar el Reporte </span></p> <p align="center"> <?php if (empty($anpid)) { $functjs = $functjs . "()"; } else { $functjs = $functjs . "('" . $anpid . "')"; } $_SESSION[idmes] = $_POST[idmes]; ?> <!-- <a href="../informacionanp/presupuestomensualporpartidas.php" onclick="'.$functjs.'"> --> <a href="#" onclick="'.$functjs.'"> <img src="../../imgs/b_select.png" width="16" height="16" border="0" align="middle"> </a> </p> </td> </tr> </table> <div align="center" class="Estilo3"> <?php } else { ?> <strong style="font:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#FF0000"> Seleccione el Mes o su Anp no tiene datos programados En este AÑO</strong> </div> <?php } }
$cpu_string[20] = "AMD Turion"; $cpu_string[21] = "Intel Core2"; $query = "SELECT COUNT( AS count FROM workunit LEFT JOIN result ON WHERE result.server_state=2 AND workunit.hr_class="; function get_mysql_count($hr_class) { $result = _mysql_query("select count(id) as count from workunit where hr_class=" . $hr_class); $count = _mysql_fetch_object($result); _mysql_free_result($result); return $count->count; } function make_reset_url($hr_class) { return "<a href=ops_reset_hrclass.php?hr_class=" . $hr_class . ">" . $hr_class . "</a>"; } db_init(); $timestr = time_str(time(0)); $title = "hr_class summary list at " . $timestr; admin_page_head($title); start_table(); table_header("hr_class", "System", "CPU", "# unsent results"); $unsentresults = get_mysql_count(0); table_row(make_reset_url(0), $system_string[128], $cpu_string[0], $unsentresults); for ($system = 2; $system < 6; ++$system) { for ($cpu = 1; $cpu < 22; ++$cpu) { $hr_class = 128 * $system + $cpu; $unsentresults = get_mysql_count($hr_class); table_row(make_reset_url($hr_class), $system_string[$system * 128], $cpu_string[$cpu], $unsentresults); } } end_table(); admin_page_tail();
if (!empty($roles)) { $roles .= ", "; } $roles .= $special_user_bitfield[$i]; } } } if (!empty($roles)) { $roles = "<small>[{$roles}]</small>"; } // Banished? if (!empty($user->banished_until)) { $dt = $user->banished_until - time(); if ($dt > 0) { $x = "<span style=\"color: #ff0000\">Currently banished</span>"; } else { $x = "<span style=\"color: #ff9900\">Previously banished</span>"; } $roles .= $x; } if ($email_validated) { $email = "<span style=\"color: #ffff00\">" . $email . "</span>\n"; } else { $email = "<span style=\"color: #ff0000\">" . $email . "</span>\n"; } table_row($id, "<a href=\"manage_user.php?userid=" . $id . "\">" . $name . "</a> " . $roles, $email, $team_name, $country, $joined); } end_table(); admin_page_tail(); $cvs_version_tracker[] = "\$Id\$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit
// as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. require_once "../inc/"; db_init(); admin_page_head("Failure summary by (app version, error)"); $query_appid = $_GET['appid']; $query_received_time = time() - $_GET['nsecs']; $q = new SqlQueryString(); $q->process_form_items(); $main_query = "\nSELECT\n app_version_id,\n app_version.plan_class,\n case\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Darwin') then 'Darwin'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Linux') then 'Linux'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Windows') then 'Windows'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'SunOS') then 'SunOS'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Solaris') then 'Solaris'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Mac') then 'Mac'\n else 'Unknown'\n end AS OS_Name,\n exit_status,\n COUNT(*) AS error_count\nFROM result\n left join host on result.hostid =\n left join app_version on result.app_version_id =\nWHERE\n result.appid = '{$query_appid}' and\n server_state = '5' and\n outcome = '3' and\n received_time > '{$query_received_time}'\nGROUP BY\n app_version_id,\n exit_status\norder by error_count desc\n"; $urlquery = $q->urlquery; $result = _mysql_query($main_query); start_table(); table_header("App version", "Exit Status", "Error Count"); while ($res = _mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $exit_status_condition = "exit_status={$res->exit_status}"; table_row(app_version_desc($res->app_version_id), link_results(exit_status_string($res->exit_status), $urlquery, "{$exit_status_condition}", ""), $res->error_count); } _mysql_free_result($result); end_table(); admin_page_tail(); $cvs_version_tracker[] = "\$Id\$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit
<img src="" alt=""> </div> <?php //echo "<pre>"; //var_dump($array[4][3]); function table_row($col = 10, $row = 10) { $array = array(); $html = ""; $html .= "<table border = '1'><thead><tbody>"; for ($i = 0; $i <= $col; $i++) { $html .= "<tr>"; for ($j = 0; $j <= 10; $j++) { if ($i == 2 && $j == 4) { $html .= "<td>"; $html .= "0"; $html .= "</td>"; } else { $html .= "<td>"; $html .= "1"; $html .= "</td>"; } } $html .= "</tr>"; } $html .= "</thead></tbody></table>"; return $html; } echo table_row();
function show_bossa_user() { $user_id = get_int('user_id'); $app_id = get_int('app_id'); $user = BoincUser::lookup_id("{$user_id}"); BossaUser::lookup($user); $app = BossaApp::lookup_id($app_id); include_app_file($app_id); admin_page_head("{$user->name} ({$app->name})"); $x = user_summary($user); if ($x) { echo "User info: {$x}<br>"; } $insts = BossaJobInst::enum("user_id={$user_id}"); start_table(); table_header("Job", "Calibration?", "Start", "Duration", "Response"); foreach ($insts as $inst) { $job = BossaJob::lookup_id($inst->job_id); table_row("{$inst->job_id} <a href=bossa_admin.php?action=job_show_insts&job_id={$inst->job_id}>(details)</a><br>" . job_summary($job), calibration_job_string($inst, $job), time_str($inst->create_time), job_duration($inst), instance_summary($inst->get_opaque_data())); } end_table(); admin_page_tail(); }
// BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. require_once "../inc/"; db_init(); admin_page_head("Failures grouped by app version and host"); $query_appid = $_GET['appid']; $query_received_time = time() - $_GET['nsecs']; $main_query = "\nSELECT\n app_version_id,\n app_version_num,\n hostid AS Host_ID,\n case\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Darwin') then 'Darwin'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Linux') then 'Linux'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Windows') then 'Windows'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'SunOS') then 'SunOS'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Solaris') then 'Solaris'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Mac') then 'Mac'\n else 'Unknown'\n end AS OS_Name,\n case\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Linux') then \n case\n when INSTR(LEFT(host.os_version, 6), '-') then LEFT(host.os_version, (INSTR(LEFT(host.os_version, 6), '-') - 1))\n else LEFT(host.os_version, 6)\n end\n else host.os_version\n end AS OS_Version,\n host.nresults_today AS Results_Today, \n COUNT(*) AS error_count\nFROM result\n left join host on result.hostid = \nWHERE\n appid = '{$query_appid}' and\n server_state = '5' and\n outcome = '3' and \n received_time > '{$query_received_time}'\nGROUP BY\n app_version_id,\n hostid\norder by error_count desc\n"; $result = mysql_query($main_query); start_table(); table_header("App version", "Host ID", "OS Version", "Results today", "Error count"); while ($res = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $av = BoincAppVersion::lookup_id($res->app_version_id); $p = BoincPlatform::lookup_id($av->platformid); table_row(sprintf("%.2f", $res->app_version_num / 100) . " {$p->name} [{$av->plan_class}]", $res->Host_ID, $res->OS_Version, $res->Results_Today, "<a href=db_action.php?table=result&detail=low&hostid={$res->Host_ID}&app_version_id={$res->app_version_id}&server_state=5&outcome=3>{$res->error_count}</a>"); } mysql_free_result($result); end_table(); admin_page_tail(); $cvs_version_tracker[] = "\$Id\$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit
$plain = get_int("plain", true); $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($teamid); if (!$team) { error_page(tra("no such team")); } require_founder_login($user, $team); if ($plain) { header("Content-type: text/plain"); } else { page_head(tra("%1 Email List", $team->name)); start_table(); table_header(array(tra("Member list of %1", $team->name), "colspan=\"6\"")); table_header(tra("Name"), tra("Email address"), tra("Total credit"), tra("Recent average credit"), tra("Country")); } $users = BoincUser::enum_fields("id, email_addr, send_email, name, total_credit, expavg_credit, has_profile, donated, country, cross_project_id, create_time, url", "teamid={$team->id}"); foreach ($users as $user) { if ($plain) { $e = $user->send_email ? "<{$user->email_addr}>" : ""; echo "{$user->name} {$e}\n"; } else { $e = $user->send_email ? "{$user->email_addr}" : ""; table_row(user_links($user), $e, format_credit($user->total_credit), format_credit($user->expavg_credit), $user->country); } } if (!$plain) { end_table(); echo "<p><a href=\"team_email_list.php?teamid=" . $teamid . "&plain=1\">" . tra("Show as plain text") . "</a></p>"; page_tail(); } $cvs_version_tracker[] = "\$Id\$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit
function mostrar_chk_ffs($id_fuente = '') { $anpid = $this->anpid; $query = new Consulta($sql = $this->set_sql("ff.id_fuentefinanciamiento", "", "ff.id_fuentefinanciamiento")); if ($query->numregistros() < 1) { echo '<center> <strong style="font:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#FF0000"> Anp no tiene datos programados En este AÑO</strong></center>'; exit; } ?> <br> <table width="85%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td width="24%" align="right"> </td> <td width="76%"><b><u>Fuentes Asociados</u></td> </tr> </table> <table width="85%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="right"> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <?php while ($rows = $query->ConsultaVerRegistro()) { $row_ff = table_row($rows['id_fuentefinanciamiento'], "fuentefinanciamiento"); ?> <tr> <td width="24%" align="right"> </td> <td colspan="4" align="left"> <em><strong><?php echo $row_ff[nombre_fuentefinanciamiento]; ?> </strong></em></td> </tr> <?php /*$Select=" sa.id_subactividad, sa.nombre_subactividad,sa.codigo_subactividad, sa.codigo_completo_subactividad, fas.id_presupuesto_anp, pf.id_axo_poa, asb.id_anp_subactividad, fas.id_ff_anp_subactividad, pa.id_anp,ff.id_ff, ff.siglas_ff, ff.nombre_ff";*/ $Select = "\r\n\t\t\t\t\tt.id_tarea, t.nombre_tarea, \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconcat(codigo_objetivo_estrategico,'.',codigo_objetivo_especifico,'.',nro_asignacion) as codigo,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t \tafao.id_presupuesto_anp, pf.id_axo_poa,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\taao.id_asignacion_anp_objetivos, afao.id_asignacion_ff_anp_objetivos, pa.id_anp,ff.id_ff,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tff.siglas_ff, ff.nombre_ff"; $querryject = new Consulta($sqlejct = $this->set_sql($Select, " AND ff.id_fuentefinanciamiento='" . $rows[id_fuentefinanciamiento] . "'", "ff.id_ff", "ff.id_ff")); $e = 0; while ($row = $querryject->ConsultaVerRegistro()) { $Activochk = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($id_fuente); $i++) { if ($id_fuente[$i] == $row['id_ff']) { $Activochk = 'checked="checked"'; echo $Activochk; echo $id_fuente[$i]; } } ?> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="right"> <input type="checkbox" name="S2[]" value="<?php echo $row['id_ff']; ?> " onclick="CargarSubActvXFf()" <?php echo $Activochk; ?> /> </td> <td width="2%"> </td> <td width="68%"><?php echo $row['nombre_ff']; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } ?> <tr> <td colspan="4" align="center"><br /> Seleccione una Tarea </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" colspan="4"> <?php $gsql = ""; if (is_array($id_fuente)) { $gsql = GeneraSqlArray($id_fuente, "ff.id_ff", " OR "); $gsql = " AND (" . $gsql . ")"; } $sqlffs = $this->set_sql($Select, " " . $gsql, "ff.id_ff", "ff.siglas_ff"); //echo ($sqlffs); $Qffs = new Consulta($sqlffs); ?> <select name="id_var" > <option value="0">Seleccionar Todas</option> <?php while ($row_ffs = $Qffs->ConsultaVerRegistro()) { ?> <optgroup label="<?php echo $row_ffs[siglas_ff]; ?> "> <?php $sqlsa = $this->set_sql($Select, " AND ff.id_ff='" . $row_ffs['id_ff'] . "'", "t.id_tarea,id_asignacion_ff_anp_objetivos", "codigo ASC"); //die ($sqlsa); $QSubactividad = new Consulta($sqlsa); while ($row1 = $QSubactividad->ConsultaVerRegistro()) { $Aid_ff_anp[] = $row1['id_asignacion_ff_anp_objetivos']; echo '<option value="' . $row1['id_asignacion_ff_anp_objetivos'] . '">' . "\n"; $numletras = 40; $nombre = $row1['nombre_tarea']; if (strlen($nombre) > $numletras) { $nombre = substr($nombre, 0, $numletras) . "..."; } echo $row1['codigo']; echo " - "; echo $nombre; echo '</option>' . "\n"; } $_SESSION['id_ff_anp'] = ""; $_SESSION['id_ff_anp'] = $Aid_ff_anp; ?> </optgroup> <?php } ?> </select> <?php //echo "-->"; print_r($Aid_ff_anp); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=4 align=center> <br /><br /> Mostrar el Reporte <a href="#" onclick="LlamarReporteFichaSB('<?php echo $anpid; ?> ')"> <img src="../../imgs/b_select.png" border="0"> </a> </td> </tr> </table> <?php }
// // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. require_once "../inc/"; db_init(); admin_page_head("Failure summary by (app version, error)"); $query_appid = $_GET['appid']; $query_received_time = time() - $_GET['nsecs']; $q = new SqlQueryString(); $q->process_form_items(); $main_query = "\nSELECT\n app_version_id,\n app_version.plan_class,\n case\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Darwin') then 'Darwin'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Linux') then 'Linux'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Windows') then 'Windows'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'SunOS') then 'SunOS'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Solaris') then 'Solaris'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Mac') then 'Mac'\n else 'Unknown'\n end AS OS_Name,\n exit_status,\n COUNT(*) AS error_count\nFROM result\n left join host on result.hostid =\n left join app_version on result.app_version_id =\nWHERE\n result.appid = '{$query_appid}' and\n server_state = '5' and\n outcome = '3' and\n received_time > '{$query_received_time}'\nGROUP BY\n app_version_id,\n exit_status\norder by error_count desc\n"; $urlquery = $q->urlquery; $result = mysql_query($main_query); start_table(); table_header("App version", "Exit Status", "Error Count"); while ($res = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $exit_status_condition = "exit_status={$res->exit_status}"; $av = BoincAppVersion::lookup_id($res->app_version_id); $p = BoincPlatform::lookup_id($av->platformid); table_row(sprintf("%.2f", $av->version_num / 100) . " {$p->name} [{$av->plan_class}]", link_results(exit_status_string($res), $urlquery, "{$exit_status_condition}", ""), $res->error_count); } mysql_free_result($result); end_table(); admin_page_tail(); $cvs_version_tracker[] = "\$Id\$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit
function ListarAnps() { $sqlfft = $this->SqlFtt($this->ftefto); $sql = $this->set_sql("aao.id_anp", $sqlfft, "aao.id_anp", "aao.id_anp"); $query = new Consulta($sql); while ($row_anpid = $query->ConsultaVerRegistro()) { $row = table_row($row_anpid['id_anp'], "anp"); $Anp[] = array('id_anp' => $row['id_anp'], 'nombre_an' => $row['nombre_anp'], 'siglas_anp' => $row['siglas_anp']); } $this->Anps = $Anp; return $Anp; }
function handle_main() { global $project, $auth; $req = new StdClass(); $req->project = $project; $req->authenticator = $auth; list($batches, $errmsg) = boinc_query_batches($req); if ($errmsg) { error_page(htmlentities($errmsg)); } page_head("Job submission and control"); echo "\n This is an example of a web interface\n for remote submission of BOINC jobs.\n It lets you\n <ul>\n <li> Upload files\n <li> submit batches of jobs,\n <li> see the status of in-progress and completed batches.\n </ul>\n <p>\n To use this, you must be logged in as a user\n with permission to submit jobs.\n <p>\n "; show_button("submit_example.php?action=create_form", "Create new batch"); $first = true; foreach ($batches as $batch) { if ($batch->state != BATCH_STATE_IN_PROGRESS) { continue; } if ($first) { $first = false; echo "<h2>Batches in progress</h2>\n"; start_table(); table_header("name", "ID", "app", "# jobs", "progress", "submitted"); } $pct_done = (int) ($batch->fraction_done * 100); table_row("<a href=submit_example.php?action=query_batch&batch_id={$batch->id}>{$batch->name}</a>", "<a href=submit_example.php?action=query_batch&batch_id={$batch->id}>{$batch->id}</a>", $batch->app_name, $batch->njobs, "{$pct_done}%", local_time_str($batch->create_time)); } if ($first) { echo "<p>You have no in-progress batches.\n"; } else { end_table(); } $first = true; foreach ($batches as $batch) { if ($batch->state != BATCH_STATE_COMPLETE) { continue; } if ($first) { $first = false; echo "<h2>Completed batches</h2>\n"; start_table(); table_header("name", "ID", "# jobs", "submitted"); } table_row("<a href=submit_example.php?action=query_batch&batch_id={$batch->id}>{$batch->name}</a>", "<a href=submit_example.php?action=query_batch&batch_id={$batch->id}>{$batch->id}</a>", $batch->njobs, local_time_str($batch->create_time)); } if ($first) { echo "<p>You have no completed batches.\n"; } else { end_table(); } $first = true; foreach ($batches as $batch) { if ($batch->state != BATCH_STATE_ABORTED) { continue; } if ($first) { $first = false; echo "<h2>Aborted batches</h2>\n"; start_table(); table_header("name", "ID", "# jobs", "submitted"); } table_row("<a href=submit_example.php?action=query_batch&batch_id={$batch->id}>{$batch->name}</a>", "<a href=submit_example.php?action=query_batch&batch_id={$batch->id}>{$batch->id}</a>", $batch->njobs, local_time_str($batch->create_time)); } if (!$first) { end_table(); } echo "<p><a href=submit_example.php>Return to job control page</a>\n"; page_tail(); }
function ListarFts() { $sqlfft = $this->SqlFtt($this->ftefto); $sql = $this->set_sql("pf.id_ff", $sqlfft, "pf.id_ff", "pf.id_ff"); $query = new Consulta($sql); while ($row_Fts = $query->ConsultaVerRegistro()) { $row = table_row($row_Fts['id_ff'], "fuente_financiamiento", "id_ff"); $Fts[] = array('id_ff' => $row['id_ff'], 'nombre_ff' => $row['nombre_ff'], 'siglas_ff' => $row['siglas_ff']); } return $Fts; }
function show_tasks() { page_head("File transfers"); table_start(); table_header(array("ID", "Created", "File", "Local", "Remote", "Status", "Last error")); $tasks = task_enum(); foreach ($tasks as $task) { $store = store_lookup_id($task->local_store_id); table_row(array($task->id, time_str($task->create_time), $task->file_name, $store->name, $task->remote_site . ': ' . $task->remote_store, task_status($task), $task->last_error . ' (' . time_str($task->last_error_time) . ')')); } table_end(); if (count($tasks) == 0) { echo "No tasks"; } page_tail(); }
$cell[1] = form_input('groom_father_birthplace'); $cell[2] = null; $cell[3] = form_input('bride_father_birthplace'); $cell[4] = null; table_row($cell); $cell[0] = 'Mother'; $cell[1] = form_input('groom_mother'); $cell[2] = $pgv_groom->mother_link; $cell[3] = form_input('bride_mother'); $cell[4] = $pgv_bride->mother_link; table_row($cell); $cell[0] = "Mother's Birthplace"; $cell[1] = form_input('groom_mother_birthplace'); $cell[2] = null; $cell[3] = form_input('bride_mother_birthplace'); $cell[4] = null; table_row($cell); table_end(); echo <<<EOT <label for="notes">Notes</label> <input type="text" name="notes" id="notes" value="{$notes}" > <br><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" > <input type="hidden" name="MarriageID" value="{$MarriageID}" > <input type="hidden" name="new_record" value="{$new_record}"> </form> </body></html> EOT; ?>
$plain = get_int("plain", true); $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($teamid); if (!$team) { error_page(tra("no such team")); } require_founder_login($user, $team); if ($plain) { header("Content-type: text/plain"); } else { page_head(tra("%1 Email List", $team->name)); start_table(); table_header(array(tra("Member list of %1", $team->name), "colspan=\"6\"")); table_header(tra("Name"), tra("Email address"), tra("Total credit"), tra("Recent average credit"), tra("Country")); } $users = BoincUser::enum_fields("id, email_addr, send_email, name, total_credit, expavg_credit, has_profile, donated, country, cross_project_id, create_time, url", "teamid={$team->id}"); foreach ($users as $user) { if ($plain) { $e = $user->send_email ? "<{$user->email_addr}>" : ""; echo "{$user->name} {$e}\n"; } else { $e = $user->send_email ? "{$user->email_addr}" : ""; table_row(user_links($user, BADGE_HEIGHT_MEDIUM), $e, format_credit($user->total_credit), format_credit($user->expavg_credit), $user->country); } } if (!$plain) { end_table(); echo "<p><a href=\"team_email_list.php?teamid=" . $teamid . "&plain=1\">" . tra("Show as plain text") . "</a></p>"; page_tail(); } $cvs_version_tracker[] = "\$Id\$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit
function show_submission_details($id) { global $uid, $m, $langSubmittedAndGraded, $tool_content, $course_code, $langAutoJudgeEnable, $langAutoJudgeShowWorkResultRpt; $sub = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT * FROM assignment_submit WHERE id = ?d", $id); if (!$sub) { die("Error: submission {$id} doesn't exist."); } if (!empty($sub->grade) or !empty($sub->grade_comment)) { $graded = TRUE; $notice = $langSubmittedAndGraded; } else { $graded = FALSE; $notice = $GLOBALS['langSubmitted']; } if ($sub->uid != $uid) { $notice .= "<br>{$m['submitted_by_other_member']} " . "<a href='../group/group_space.php?course={$course_code}&group_id={$sub->group_id}'>" . "{$m['your_group']} " . gid_to_name($sub->group_id) . "</a> (" . display_user($sub->uid) . ")"; } elseif ($sub->group_id) { $notice .= "<br>{$m['groupsubmit']} " . "<a href='../group/group_space.php?course={$course_code}&group_id={$sub->group_id}'>" . "{$m['ofgroup']} " . gid_to_name($sub->group_id) . "</a>"; } $reportlink = "work_result_rpt.php?course={$course_code}&assignment={$sub->assignment_id}&submission={$sub->id}"; $tool_content .= "\n <fieldset>\n <legend>{$m['SubmissionWorkInfo']}</legend>\n <table class='tbl'>\n\t<tr>\n\t <th width='150'>{$m['SubmissionStatusWorkInfo']}:</th>\n\t <td valign='top'>{$notice}</td>\n\t</tr>\n <tr>\n <th>" . $m['grade'] . ":</th>\n <td>" . $sub->grade . "</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th valign='top'>" . $m['gradecomments'] . ":</th>\n <td>" . $sub->grade_comments . "</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>" . $m['sub_date'] . ":</th>\n <td>" . $sub->submission_date . "</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>" . $m['filename'] . ":</th>\n <td><a href='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&get={$sub->id}'>" . q($sub->file_name) . "</a></td>\n </tr>\n <th> {$langAutoJudgeEnable}:</th>\n <td><a href='{$reportlink}'> {$langAutoJudgeShowWorkResultRpt}</a></td>\n </tr>"; table_row($m['comments'], $sub->comments, true); $tool_content .= "\n </table>\n </fieldset>"; }
function mostarSiglaFtt($idff) { $row = table_row($idff, "fuente_financiamiento", "id_ff"); return $row[siglas_ff]; }
function VerChkff($functjs = '', $ClassObj = '') { $anpid = $ClassObj->anpid; $query = new Consulta($sql = $ClassObj->set_sql("ff.id_fuentefinanciamiento", " ", "ff.id_fuentefinanciamiento")); //echo $sql; if ($query->numregistros()) { echo '<br> <table width="85%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td width="9%" align="right"> </td> <td width="91%"><u><strong>Fuentes y Ejecutores Asociados </strong></u></td> </tr> </table> <table width="85%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td colspan="3" align="right"> </td> <td> </td> </tr>'; while ($row = $query->ConsultaVerRegistro()) { $row_ff = table_row($row['id_fuentefinanciamiento'], "fuentefinanciamiento"); echo '<tr> <td width="9%" align="right"> </td> <td colspan="3" align="left"> <em><strong>' . $row_ff[nombre_fuentefinanciamiento] . '</strong></em></td> </tr>'; $querryject = new Consulta($sqlejct = $ClassObj->set_sql("ff.id_ff,ff.nombre_ff", " AND ff.id_fuentefinanciamiento='" . $row[id_fuentefinanciamiento] . "'", "ff.id_ff", "ff.id_ff")); //echo $sqlejct; while ($rowej = $querryject->ConsultaVerRegistro()) { echo ' <tr> <td colspan="2" align="right"> <!-- <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="checkbox" /> --> <input type="checkbox" name="S2[]" value="' . $rowej['id_ff'] . '" /> </td> <td width="2%"> </td> <td width="76%">' . $rowej[nombre_ff] . '</td> </tr>'; } } echo '<tr> <td colspan="2"> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=4 align=center> <br /><br /> Mostrar el Reporte '; if (empty($anpid)) { $functjs = $functjs . "()"; } else { $functjs = $functjs . "('" . $anpid . "')"; } ///echo "'.$functjs.'"; echo '<a href="#" onclick="' . $functjs . '"> <img src="../../imgs/b_select.png" border="0"> </a> </td> </tr> </table>'; } else { echo '<center> <strong style="font:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#FF0000"> Anp no tiene datos programados En este AÑO</strong></center>'; } }
function handle_query_job($user) { $wuid = get_int('wuid'); page_head("Job {$wuid}"); echo "<a href=workunit.php?wuid={$wuid}>View workunit page</a>\n"; // show input files // echo "<h2>Input files</h2>\n"; $wu = BoincWorkunit::lookup_id($wuid); $x = "<in>" . $wu->xml_doc . "</in>"; $x = simplexml_load_string($x); start_table(); table_header("Logical name<br><span class=note>(click to view)</span>", "Size (bytes)", "MD5"); $fanout = parse_config(get_config(), "<uldl_dir_fanout>"); foreach ($x->workunit->file_ref as $fr) { $pname = (string) $fr->file_name; $lname = (string) $fr->open_name; $dir = filename_hash($pname, $fanout); $path = "../../download/{$dir}/{$pname}"; $md5 = md5_file($path); $s = stat($path); $size = $s['size']; table_row("<a href=/download/{$dir}/{$pname}>{$lname}</a>", $size, $md5); } end_table(); echo "<h2>Instances</h2>\n"; start_table(); table_header("Instance ID<br><span class=note>click for result page</span>", "State", "Output files<br><span class=note>click to view the file</span>"); $results = BoincResult::enum("workunitid={$wuid}"); foreach ($results as $result) { echo "<tr>\n <td><a href=result.php?resultid={$result->id}>{$result->id} | {$result->name} </a></td>\n <td>" . state_string($result) . "</td>\n <td>\n"; $i = 0; if ($result->server_state == 5) { $names = get_outfile_names($result); $fanout = parse_config(get_config(), "<uldl_dir_fanout>"); $i = 0; foreach ($names as $name) { $url = boinc_get_output_file_url($user, $result, $i++); $path = dir_hier_path($name, "../../upload", $fanout); $s = stat($path); $size = $s['size']; echo "<a href={$url}>{$name} </a> (" . number_format($size) . " bytes)<br/>"; } $i++; } echo "</td></tr>\n"; } end_table(); echo "<p><a href=submit.php>Return to job control page</a>\n"; page_tail(); }
function show_appl($app_id) { $app = BoincApp::lookup_id($app_id); page_head("App {$app->user_friendly_name} credit"); $avs = BoincAppVersion::enum("appid={$app_id} and deprecated=0"); start_table(); table_header("platform/class/version", "PFC nsamples", "PFC avg", "PFC scale"); $avs = current_versions($avs); foreach ($avs as $av) { $plat = BoincPlatform::lookup_id($av->platformid); table_row("<a href=credit.php?av_id={$av->id}>{$plat->user_friendly_name} {$av->plan_class} {$av->version_num}</a>", $av->pfc_n, $av->pfc_avg, $av->pfc_scale); } end_table(); page_tail(); }
// Copyright (C) 2008 University of California // // BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. require_once "../inc/"; db_init(); admin_page_head("Failures grouped by app version and host"); $query_appid = $_GET['appid']; $query_received_time = time() - $_GET['nsecs']; $main_query = "\nSELECT\n app_version_id,\n app_version_num,\n hostid AS Host_ID,\n case\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Darwin') then 'Darwin'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Linux') then 'Linux'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Windows') then 'Windows'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'SunOS') then 'SunOS'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Solaris') then 'Solaris'\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Mac') then 'Mac'\n else 'Unknown'\n end AS OS_Name,\n case\n when INSTR(host.os_name, 'Linux') then \n case\n when INSTR(LEFT(host.os_version, 6), '-') then LEFT(host.os_version, (INSTR(LEFT(host.os_version, 6), '-') - 1))\n else LEFT(host.os_version, 6)\n end\n else host.os_version\n end AS OS_Version,\n host.nresults_today AS Results_Today, \n COUNT(*) AS error_count\nFROM result\n left join host on result.hostid = \nWHERE\n appid = '{$query_appid}' and\n server_state = '5' and\n outcome = '3' and \n received_time > '{$query_received_time}'\nGROUP BY\n app_version_id,\n hostid\norder by error_count desc\n"; $result = _mysql_query($main_query); start_table(); table_header("App version", "Host ID", "OS Version", "Results today", "Error count"); while ($res = _mysql_fetch_object($result)) { table_row(app_version_desc($res->app_version_id), "<a href=" . URL_BASE . "show_host_detail.php?hostid={$res->Host_ID}>{$res->Host_ID}</a>", $res->OS_Version, $res->Results_Today, "<a href=db_action.php?table=result&detail=low&hostid={$res->Host_ID}&app_version_id={$res->app_version_id}&server_state=5&outcome=3>{$res->error_count}</a>"); } _mysql_free_result($result); end_table(); admin_page_tail(); $cvs_version_tracker[] = "\$Id\$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit
<!-- NOW SHOULD BE VALIDATION ERRORS, BECAUSE FORMS CANNOT WRAP THE WHOLE TABLE ROW, but who cares? --> <tbody> <?php foreach ($ROLES as $role) { echo table_row($role); } ?> </tbody> <tbody> <tr><td colspan="<?php echo count($MODULES) + 2; ?> ">...</td></tr> <?php // add one row more for creating a new role echo table_row(0, true); ?> </tbody> </table> <h1 id="describe" class="mt">Describe Roles</h1> <?php check_notified_request("describe"); ?> <p> Here you can set or change each role's properties. Registered users will see their role description when accessing their user area.