function createStationDataHTMLRows(StationJob $station, Expo $expo, $formName, $isDisabledFlag = TRUE) { if (is_null($station) || is_null($expo)) { return; } if (!is_null($station->startTime)) { $_POST[PARAM_DATE] = htmlspecialchars(swwat_format_isodate($station->startTime)); $_POST[PARAM_STARTHOUR] = htmlspecialchars(swwat_format_isotime($station->startTime)); $_POST[PARAM_STARTTIME] = htmlspecialchars(swwat_format_isodatetime($station->startTime)); } else { $_POST[PARAM_DATE] = htmlspecialchars($station->startTime); $_POST[PARAM_STARTHOUR] = htmlspecialchars($station->startTime); $_POST[PARAM_STARTTIME] = htmlspecialchars($station->startTime); } if (!is_null($station->stopTime)) { $_POST[PARAM_STOPHOUR] = htmlspecialchars(swwat_format_isotime($station->stopTime)); $_POST[PARAM_STOPTIME] = htmlspecialchars(swwat_format_isodatetime($station->stopTime)); } else { $_POST[PARAM_STOPHOUR] = htmlspecialchars($station->stopTime); $_POST[PARAM_STOPTIME] = htmlspecialchars($station->stopTime); } $_POST[PARAM_LOCATION] = htmlspecialchars($station->location); $_POST[PARAM_INSTRUCTION] = htmlspecialchars($station->instruction); $_POST[PARAM_DESCRIPTION] = htmlspecialchars($station->description); $_POST[PARAM_TITLE] = htmlspecialchars($station->title); $_POST[PARAM_EXPOSTART] = htmlspecialchars(date_format($expo->startTime, 'l j, F Y')); $_POST[PARAM_EXPOSTOP] = htmlspecialchars(date_format($expo->stopTime, 'l j, F Y')); echo '<tr style="display:none"><td><input type="hidden" id="' . PARAM_EXPOSTART . '" name="' . PARAM_EXPOSTART . '" value="', $_POST[PARAM_EXPOSTART], '"/></td></tr>' . "\n"; echo '<tr style="display:none"><td><input type="hidden" id="' . PARAM_EXPOSTOP . '" name="' . PARAM_EXPOSTOP . '" value="', $_POST[PARAM_EXPOSTOP], '"/></td></tr>' . "\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Title:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_TITLE, $formName, 'titleCheck', 255, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Description:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_DESCRIPTION, $formName, 'descriptionCheck', 2048, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Location:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_LOCATION, $formName, 'locationCheck', 255, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Instruction:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_INSTRUCTION, $formName, 'instructionCheck', 255, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Date:</td>\n<td>"; echo ' <input type="text" id="', PARAM_DATE, '" name="', PARAM_DATE, '" value="', $_POST[PARAM_DATE], '" size="25" '; if ($isDisabledFlag) { echo ' disabled="disabled" '; } echo "/></td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Start Time:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_STARTHOUR, $formName, 'starthourCheck', 11, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Stop Time:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_STOPHOUR, $formName, 'stophourCheck', 11, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; }
function makeShiftStatusDataHTMLRows($sm, $k, $l, $formName, $isDisabledFlag) { if (!is_null($sm)) { $_POST[PARAM_STATUSID] = htmlspecialchars($sm->shiftstatusid); $_POST[PARAM_STATUSDATE] = htmlspecialchars(swwat_format_isodate($sm->statusTime)); $_POST[PARAM_STATUSHOUR] = htmlspecialchars(swwat_format_isotime($sm->statusTime)); $_POST[PARAM_STATUSTYPE] = htmlspecialchars($sm->statusType); } else { $_POST[PARAM_STATUSID] = NULL; $_POST[PARAM_STATUSDATE] = NULL; $_POST[PARAM_STATUSHOUR] = NULL; if ($l == 0) { $_POST[PARAM_STATUSTYPE] = "CHECK_IN"; } else { if ($l == 1) { $_POST[PARAM_STATUSTYPE] = "CHECK_OUT"; } } } if ($l == 0) { echo "<tr>\n"; } echo "<td>\n"; if ($isDisabledFlag) { $disabled = "disabled=\"disabled\" "; } else { $disabled = ""; } echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . PARAM_STATUSID . "[]\" value=\"" . $_POST[PARAM_STATUSID] . "\" " . $disabled . "/>\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . PARAM_STATUSDATE . "[]\" value=\"" . $_POST[PARAM_STATUSDATE] . "\" " . $disabled . "/>\n"; echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"" . PARAM_STATUSHOUR . "[]\" value=\"" . $_POST[PARAM_STATUSHOUR] . "\" " . $disabled . "/>\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . PARAM_STATUSTYPE . "[]\" value=\"" . $_POST[PARAM_STATUSTYPE] . "\" " . $disabled . "/>\n"; echo "</td>\n"; if ($l == 1) { echo "</tr>\n"; } }
public function insert($welcomeForm = NULL, $params = NULL) { $sqlParams = array(); $sqlParams[] = $this->expoid; $sqlParams[] = swwat_format_isodate($this->expirationDate); $sqlParams[] = hashField($this->code); $sqlParams[] = $this->workerid; // null or not, is good if (is_null($this->workerid)) { $sqlParams[] = $this->email; $sqlParams[] = $this->phone; $sqlParams[] = $this->firstName; $sqlParams[] = $this->middleName; $sqlParams[] = $this->lastName; } else { $sqlParams[] = NULL; // email $sqlParams[] = NULL; // phone $sqlParams[] = NULL; // firstName $sqlParams[] = NULL; // middleName $sqlParams[] = NULL; // lastName } try { $dbh = getPDOConnection(); $dbh->beginTransaction(); $stmt = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO invitation (expoid, expirationDate, code, workerid, " . " email, phone, firstName, middleName, lastName) VALUES " . " (?, ?, ?, ?, lower(?), ?, ?, ?, ?)"); $stmt->execute($sqlParams); $dbh->commit(); if (!is_null($welcomeForm)) { $welcomeForm->sendForm($this->email, $params); } return $this; } catch (PDOException $pe) { logMessage('Invitation::insert()', $pe->getMessage()); } }
// loop over array of emails foreach ($email_array as $email) { $messages = $messagedata[$email]; $subject = $messages[0]->expo . " Reminder"; $message = "Dear " . $messages[0]->workerName . ",\n\n"; if (PARAM_ANTEREMINDER_TIME == 1) { $message .= "This message is to remind you that your upcoming shift assignment for " . PARAM_ANTEREMINDER_TIME . " day from now is:\n\n"; } else { $message .= "This message is to remind you that your upcoming shift assignment for " . PARAM_ANTEREMINDER_TIME . " days from now is:\n\n"; } $message .= "Expo: " . $messages[0]->expo . "\n\n"; $body = $message; foreach ($messages as $message) { $body .= "Station: " . $message->station . "\n"; $shift = explode(';', swwat_format_shift($message->startTime, $message->stopTime)); $body .= "Time: " . $shift[0] . " (" . $shift[1] . ")\n"; } // $message //START SIGNATURE BLOCK $message .= "\n\n Your participation in the conference is appreciated."; // $message .= "\n\n Please notify us at zzz-xxx-yyyy if unable to make your shift."; $message .= "\n\n Thank you,"; $message .= "\n\n Your " . SITE_NAME . " Team"; // ENDIT SIGNATURE BLOCK FormMail::send($email, $subject, $body); logMessage("SendMessagesCron", "email sent to " . $email); } // $email ReminderSent::insert(swwat_format_isodate($targtag)); logMessage("SendMessagesCron", "Date: " . swwat_format_isodate($targtag) . " written to database.");
public static function selectDate($expoId, $date) { return self::select(SHIFTASSIGNMENTVIEW_SELECT_DATE, array($expoId, swwat_format_isodate($date))); }
function stationStopHourMax($stations, $day) { $daystring = swwat_format_isodate($day); $stopHourMax = 0; foreach ($stations as $station) { $stopTime = swwat_format_isodate($station->stopTime); if ($stopTime == $daystring) { $stopHour = date_format($station->stopTime, 'H'); if ($stopHour > $stopHourMax) { $stopHourMax = $stopHour; } } } return (int) $stopHourMax; }
<div id="main"> <?php if (!is_null($expo->expoid)) { include 'section/LinkExpo.php'; } ?> <div id="invitation_fileupload"> <!-- form method="POST" id="invitationpage_invite" --> <table> <tr><td class="fieldTitle">Date Invitation Expires:</td> <td><input readonly="readonly" type="text" name="<?php echo PARAM_STOPTIME; ?> " value="<?php echo swwat_format_isodate($expDate); ?> " size="25"/></td> </tr> <tr><td class="fieldTitle">Require generic code:</td> <td><?php swwat_createRadioOption(PARAM_WITHCODE, array(PARAM_WITHCODE, ""), SWWAT_CHECKBOX, $withCode, TRUE); ?> </td> </tr> <tr><td class="fieldTitle">Make code unique:</td> <td><?php swwat_createRadioOption(PARAM_UNIQUE, array(PARAM_UNIQUE, ""), SWWAT_CHECKBOX, $uniqueCode, TRUE); ?> </td> </tr>
/** * This method updates a calculated desire; * use updateRaw for raw desires. * * @param $dbh is the PDOConnection this transaction is a part of * @throws PDOException */ public static function updateCalculated(PDO $dbh, $desirePercent, $expoId, $workerId, $location, DateTime $stationDate, DateTime $startTime, DateTime $stopTime) { // validation check if (!is_null($desirePercent)) { if ($desirePercent > 100.0) { $desirePercent = 100.0; } if ($desirePercent < 0.0) { $desirePercent = 0.0; } $desirePercent = round($desirePercent); } $sql = GROSSPREF_UPDATE_STATION; $params = array($desirePercent, $expoId, $workerId, $location, swwat_format_isodate($stationDate), swwat_format_isotime($startTime), swwat_format_isotime($stopTime)); // now onto the update $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql); return $stmt->execute($params); }
function createExpoDataHTMLRows(Expo $expo, $formName, $isDisabledFlag = TRUE) { if (!is_null($expo)) { if (!is_null($expo->startTime)) { $_POST[PARAM_STARTTIME] = htmlspecialchars(swwat_format_isodate($expo->startTime)); } else { $_POST[PARAM_STARTTIME] = htmlspecialchars($expo->startTime); } if (!is_null($expo->stopTime)) { $_POST[PARAM_STOPTIME] = htmlspecialchars(swwat_format_isodate($expo->stopTime)); } else { $_POST[PARAM_STOPTIME] = htmlspecialchars($expo->stopTime); } $_POST[PARAM_MAXHOURS] = htmlspecialchars($expo->expoHourCeiling); $_POST[PARAM_TITLE] = htmlspecialchars($expo->title); $_POST[PARAM_DESCRIPTION] = htmlspecialchars($expo->description); $_POST[PARAM_SCHEDULE_ALGO] = $expo->scheduleAssignAsYouGo; $_POST[PARAM_SCHEDULE_PUBLISH] = $expo->scheduleVisible; $_POST[PARAM_SCHEDULE_TIME_CONFLICT] = $expo->allowScheduleTimeConflict; $_POST[PARAM_NEWUSER_ADDED_ON_REGISTRATION] = $expo->newUserAddedOnRegistration; } echo "<table>\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td>\n"; echo " <table>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Title:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_TITLE, $formName, 'titleCheck', 255, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Description:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_DESCRIPTION, $formName, 'descriptionCheck', 255, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Max Hours:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_MAXHOURS, $formName, 'maxhoursCheck', 255, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Start:</td>\n<td>"; echo '<input type="text" id="', PARAM_STARTTIME, '" name="', PARAM_STARTTIME, '" value="', $_POST[PARAM_STARTTIME], '" readonly="readonly" size="25" '; if ($isDisabledFlag) { echo ' disabled="disabled" '; } echo "/></td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Stop:</td>\n<td>"; echo '<input type="text" id="', PARAM_STOPTIME, '" name="', PARAM_STOPTIME, '" value="', $_POST[PARAM_STOPTIME], '" readonly="readonly" size="25" '; if ($isDisabledFlag) { echo ' disabled="disabled" '; } echo "/></td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Assign As You Go:</td>\n<td>\n"; swwat_createRadioOption(PARAM_SCHEDULE_ALGO, array(PARAM_SCHEDULE_ALGO, ""), SWWAT_CHECKBOX, $_POST[PARAM_SCHEDULE_ALGO], $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Publish Schedule:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createRadioOption(PARAM_SCHEDULE_PUBLISH, array(PARAM_SCHEDULE_PUBLISH, ""), SWWAT_CHECKBOX, $_POST[PARAM_SCHEDULE_PUBLISH], $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Allow Time Conflicts:</td>\n<td>\n"; swwat_createRadioOption(PARAM_SCHEDULE_TIME_CONFLICT, array(PARAM_SCHEDULE_TIME_CONFLICT, ""), SWWAT_CHECKBOX, $_POST[PARAM_SCHEDULE_TIME_CONFLICT], $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>New User Added on Registration:</td>\n<td>\n"; swwat_createRadioOption(PARAM_NEWUSER_ADDED_ON_REGISTRATION, array(PARAM_NEWUSER_ADDED_ON_REGISTRATION, ""), SWWAT_CHECKBOX, $_POST[PARAM_NEWUSER_ADDED_ON_REGISTRATION], $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " </table>\n"; echo " </td>\n"; echo " <td valign=\"top\" style=\"padding-left: 150px;\">\n"; echo " <table>\n"; $jobTitle = JobTitle::selectExpo($expo->expoid); for ($j = 0; $j < count($jobTitle); $j++) { if ($j == 0) { echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Job Titles:</td><td style=\"font-size: 10pt;\">" . $jobTitle[$j]->jobTitle . "</td></tr>\n"; } else { echo " <tr><td></td><td style=\"font-size: 10pt;\">" . $jobTitle[$j]->jobTitle . "</td></tr>\n"; } } echo " </table>\n"; echo " </td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n"; }