function arc_static($aid = 0, $addno = 0, $needwri = 1) { //可能需要多个页面同时进行 global $db, $tblprefix, $arc, $sid, $timestamp, $cms_abs, $enablestatic, $archivecircle, $templatedir, $G, $_no_dbhalt, $btags, $mconfigs, $_mp, $_actid, $_midarr, $_a_vars, $_a_var, $mpnav, $mptitle, $mpstart, $mpend, $mppre, $mpnext, $mppage, $mpcount, $mpacount; if ($aid) { $arc->arcid($aid); } if (empty($arc->aid) || $addno > $arc->channel['addnum']) { return false; } @extract($mconfigs, EXTR_SKIP); switch_cache($arc->archive['sid']); $sid = $arc->archive['sid']; @extract($btags); $tplname = arc_tplname($addno, $arc->archive['arctpls'], $arc->channel['arctpls']); $staticarr = empty($arc->channel['statics']) ? array() : explode(',', $arc->channel['statics']); $nenablestatic = empty($staticarr[$addno]) ? $enablestatic : ($staticarr[$addno] == 1 ? 0 : 1); if (!$nenablestatic || !arc_allowstatic($arc->archive) || !$tplname) { arc_un_static(0, $addno, $needwri, 1); return false; } $arc->detail_data(); $surlpre = $arc->urlpre($addno, 1); $filepre = $arc->filepre($addno); $_da =& $arc->archive; arc_parse($_da); $_o_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); $_no_dbhalt = true; $pcount = 1; for ($_pp = 1; $_pp <= $pcount; $_pp++) { $_mp = $G = array(); $_mp['surlpre'] = $surlpre; $_mp['static'] = 1; $_mp['nowpage'] = $_pp; _aenter($_da, 1); extract($_da, EXTR_OVERWRITE); tpl_refresh($tplname); @(include M_ROOT . "template/{$templatedir}/pcache/{$tplname}.php"); $_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); $_content .= "<script language=\"javascript\" src=\"" . $cms_abs . "tools/static.php?mode=arc&aid={$aid}" . ($addno ? "&addno={$addno}" : '') . ($sid ? "&sid={$sid}" : '') . "\"></script>"; $arcfile = m_parseurl($filepre, array('page' => $_pp)); str2file($_content, M_ROOT . $arcfile); unset($_content); $pcount = @$_mp['pcount']; } echo $_o_content; unset($_o_content); $_no_dbhalt = false; if ($needwri) { $arc->update_needstatic($addno, 1); } return true; }
<?php define('WAP_MODE', 1); include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/include/'; include ''; parse_str(un_virtual($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), $temparr); //处理子站id $nsid = empty($temparr['sid']) ? 0 : max(0, intval($temparr['sid'])); if ($nsid && empty($subsites[$nsid])) { $nsid = 0; } switch_cache($nsid); $sid = $nsid; if_siteclosed($sid); if (!$action) { wap_header(wap_lang('wap_login'), '', 0); $memberid && message('wap_login_re_ok', 'back'); echo wap_lang('wap_username') . '<br/><input name="username" size="15" emptyok="false"/><br/>' . wap_lang('wap_password') . '<br/><input name="password" size="15" emptyok="false"/><br/>' . '<br/><a href="?action=submit' . $wap_string . '&username=$(username)&password=$(password)&forward=' . M_REFERER . '">' . wap_lang('wap_justlogin') . '</a><br/>' . $link; wap_footer(); } elseif ($action == 'submit') { wap_header(wap_lang('wap_login'), '', 0); if (!$username || !$password) { message('wap_empty_input', 'back'); } include M_ROOT . 'include/'; strlen($username = trim($username)) < 3 && message('wap_member_name_fail', 'back'); if (!$password || $password != addslashes($password)) { message('wap_password_fail', 'back'); } $guestexp = '\\xA1\\xA1|^Guest|^\\xD3\\xCE\\xBF\\xCD|\\xB9\\x43\\xAB\\xC8'; preg_match("/^\\s*\$|^c:\\con\\con\$|[%,\\*\"\\s\t\\<\\>\\&]|{$guestexp}/is", $username) && message('wap_member_name_fail', 'back');
function follow_dynamic($aid = 0, $mode = 'down', $temparr = array()) { global $db, $tblprefix, $arc, $sptpls, $memberid, $sid, $timestamp, $cms_abs, $cache1circle, $currencys, $curuser, $templatedir, $btags, $mconfigs, $_mp, $_actid, $_midarr, $_a_vars, $_a_var, $mpnav, $mptitle; @extract($mconfigs, EXTR_SKIP); $arc->arcid($aid); if (empty($arc->aid)) { message(lang('confchoosarchi')); } !$arc->archive['checked'] && message(lang('poinarchnoch')); switch_cache($arc->archive['sid']); $sid = $arc->archive['sid']; if_siteclosed($sid); if (!arc_allow($arc->archive, 'down')) { message(lang('noarchivbrowpermis')); } if ($crids = $arc->arc_crids(1)) { //需要对当前用户扣值 $cridstr = ''; foreach ($crids['total'] as $k => $v) { $cridstr .= ($cridstr ? ',' : '') . abs($v) . $currencys[$k]['unit'] . $currencys[$k]['cname']; } $commu = read_cache('commu', 8); if (empty($commu['setting']['autoatm'])) { //不自动扣值的情况:提示出订阅链接,选择是否订阅 message(lang('subattachwanpaycur') . $cridstr . "<br><br><a href=\"{$cms_abs}tools/subscribe.php?aid={$aid}&isatm=1\">>>" . lang('subscribe') . "</a>"); } else { //自动扣值,当前会员扣值及向出售者支付积分 if (!$curuser->crids_enough($crids['total'])) { message(lang('subattachwanpaycur') . $cridstr . lang('younosuatwaencur')); } $curuser->updatecrids($crids['total'], 0, lang('subsattach')); $curuser->payrecord($arc->aid, 1, $cridstr, 1); if (!empty($crids['sale'])) { $actuser = new cls_userinfo(); $actuser->activeuser($arc->archive['mid']); foreach ($crids['sale'] as $k => $v) { $crids['sale'][$k] = -$v; } $actuser->updatecrids($crids['sale'], 1, lang('saleattach')); unset($actuser); } } } $arc->detail_data(); $_da =& $arc->archive; arc_parse($_da); if (empty($temparr['tmode'])) { if ($temp = @unserialize($_da[$temparr['tname']])) { $temp = @$temp[$temparr['fid']]; } } else { $temp = @explode('#', $arc->archive[$temparr['tname']]); } $_da['url'] = view_atmurl(@$temp['remote']); $_da['player'] = @$temp['player']; unset($temp); empty($_da['url']) && message(lang('noattach')); save_nums($aid, $mode); //统计下载或播放数 if (!($tplname = $sptpls[$mode])) { follow_notpl($mode, $_da['url'], $_da['player']); } if ($mode == 'down') { $auth = authcode($memberid . "\t" . $aid . "\t" . $temparr['tname'] . "\t" . $temparr['tmode'] . "\t" . $temparr['fid'], 'ENCODE'); $_da['trueurl'] = $cms_abs . "tools/down.php?auth={$auth}&aid=" . $arc->aid . "&tname={$temparr['tname']}&tmode={$temparr['tmode']}&fid={$temparr['fid']}"; //真实下载地址 } elseif ($cache1circle) { $auth = authcode($temparr['tname'] . "\t" . $temparr['tmode'] . "\t" . $temparr['fid'], 'ENCODE'); $cachefile = htmlcac_dir('fw', date('Ym', $arc->archive['createdate']), 1) . cac_namepre($arc->aid, $arc->archive['createdate']) . '_' . $auth . '.php'; if (is_file($cachefile) && filemtime($cachefile) > $timestamp - $cache1circle * 60) { mexit(read_htmlcac($cachefile)); } } _aenter($_da, 1, array('url', 'player')); @extract($btags); extract($_da, EXTR_OVERWRITE); tpl_refresh($tplname); @(include M_ROOT . "template/{$templatedir}/pcache/{$tplname}.php"); $_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); if ($cache1circle && $mode != 'down') { save_htmlcac($_content, $cachefile); } mexit($_content); }
$page = empty($page) ? 1 : max(1, intval($page)); empty($aid) && message('choosearchive'); $aid = max(0, intval($aid)); $arc = new cls_archive(); if (!$arc->arcid($aid)) { message('choosearchive'); } if (!$arc->archive['checked'] && !$curuser->isadmin()) { message('poinarcnoche'); } $addno = empty($addno) ? 0 : max(0, intval($addno)); if ($addno > $arc->channel['addnum']) { $addno = 0; } //分析所在子站 switch_cache($arc->archive['sid']); $sid = $arc->archive['sid']; if_siteclosed($sid); //分析权限与扣积分,文章出售 $ispre = 0; //是否启动前导页 $pretpl = $arc->channel['pretpl']; if (!arc_allow($arc->archive, 'aread')) { //分析权限,如果有备用页,则进入备用页。 if (!$pretpl) { message('noarchbrowspermis'); } $ispre = 1; } if ($crids = $arc->arc_crids()) { //需要对当前用户扣值
tpl_refresh($tplname); @(include M_ROOT . "template/{$templatedir}/pcache/{$tplname}.php"); $_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); mexit($_content); } } else { $inajax ? aheader() : _header(); if (!regcode_pass('archive', empty($regcode) ? '' : trim($regcode))) { mcmessage('safecodeerr', axaction(2, M_REFERER)); } if (empty($archiveadd['caid']) || !($catalog = @$acatalogs[$archiveadd['caid']])) { mcmessage('choosecatalog', axaction(2, M_REFERER)); } if ($sid != $catalog['sid']) { switch_cache($catalog['sid']); $sid = $catalog['sid']; } $sqlmain = "sid='{$sid}',\n\t\tcaid='{$archiveadd['caid']}',\n\t\tchid='{$chid}',\n\t\tmid='{$memberid}',\n\t\tmname='" . $curuser->info['mname'] . "',\n\t\tcreatedate='{$timestamp}',\n\t\trefreshdate='{$timestamp}'"; $pre_cns = array(); $pre_cns['caid'] = $archiveadd['caid']; //分析分类的定义及权限 foreach ($cotypes as $k => $v) { if (!$v['self_reg'] && !in_array($k, $ccoids) && !in_array("ccid{$k}", $additems)) { $archiveadd["ccid{$k}"] = empty($archiveadd["ccid{$k}"]) ? '' : $archiveadd["ccid{$k}"]; if ($v['notblank'] && !$archiveadd["ccid{$k}"]) { mcmessage('setcoclass', axaction(2, M_REFERER), $v['cname']); } //必选类系 $sqlmain .= ",ccid{$k} = '" . $archiveadd["ccid{$k}"] . "'"; if ($archiveadd["ccid{$k}"]) {
_aenter($_da, 1); tpl_refresh($tplname); @(include M_ROOT . "template/{$templatedir}/pcache/{$tplname}.php"); $_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); $cache1circle && save_htmlcac($_content, $cachefile); mexit($_content); } elseif ($fid) { //独立页的页面 $addid = empty($addid) ? '' : trim($addid); //附加参数,用于独立页面 if (empty($freeinfos[$fid])) { message('definerelaisopage'); } //分析所属子站 switch_cache($freeinfos[$fid]['sid']); $sid = $freeinfos[$fid]['sid']; if_siteclosed($sid); if (!$addid && $cache1circle && (!$listcachenum || $page <= $listcachenum)) { //带附加参数则不缓存 $cachefile = htmlcac_dir('farc', '', 1) . cac_namepre($fid) . '_' . $page . '.php'; if (is_file($cachefile) && filemtime($cachefile) > $timestamp - $cache1circle * 60) { mexit(read_htmlcac($cachefile)); } } if (!($tplname = $freeinfos[$fid]['tplname'])) { message('definereltem'); } $_da = array('fid' => $fid, 'sid' => $sid, 'addid' => $addid); $_mp = array(); $_mp['durlpre'] = view_url(en_virtual('info.php?fid=' . $fid . ($addid ? "&addid={$addid}" : '') . '&page={$page}', 1));
} $allsite = empty($allsite) ? 0 : 1; //用于区别主站与整站的搜索 //搜索资料初始化 $wherestr = "WHERE a.checked=1"; $filterstr = ''; //分页链接的附加参数字串 $fromstr = "FROM {$tblprefix}archives AS a"; //只有区分模型才可以查找模型字段 $_da = array('sid' => $sid, 'allsite' => $allsite); //处理子站及整站 $wherestr .= $allsite ? '' : " AND a.sid={$sid}"; if ($allsite) { $filterstr .= ($filterstr ? '&' : '') . "allsite={$allsite}"; } elseif ($sid) { switch_cache($sid); $filterstr .= ($filterstr ? '&' : '') . "sid={$sid}"; } //栏目因素 $caid = empty($caid) ? 0 : max(0, intval($caid)); $_da['caid'] = $caid; $_da['catalog'] = ''; if ($caid) { $_da['catalog'] = $catalogs[$caid]['title']; if ($cnsql = cnsql(0, cnsonids($caid, $catalogs), 'a.')) { $wherestr .= " AND {$cnsql}"; } $filterstr .= ($filterstr ? '&' : '') . "caid={$caid}"; } //分类因素 foreach ($cotypes as $k => $v) {
${'u_' . $var} = explode(',', $u_url['setting'][$var]); } } } if (empty($u_tplname) || !empty($u_onlyview)) { include_once M_ROOT . "./include/fields.cls.php"; include_once M_ROOT . "./include/upload.cls.php"; include_once M_ROOT . "./include/arcedit.cls.php"; include_once M_ROOT . "./include/"; $aedit = new cls_arcedit(); $aedit->set_aid($aid); $aedit->detail_data(); !$aedit->aid && mcmessage('choosearchive'); $aedit->archive['mid'] != $memberid && mcmessage('chooseyourarchive'); if ($sid != $aedit->archive['sid']) { switch_cache($aedit->archive['sid']); $sid = $aedit->archive['sid']; } //模型与合辑信息是不会变化的 $chid = $aedit->archive['chid']; $forward = empty($forward) ? M_REFERER : $forward; $forwardstr = '&forward=' . urlencode($forward); $freeupdate = $curuser->check_allow('freeupdatecheck') || !$aedit->archive['checked']; $channel =& $aedit->channel; $fields = read_cache('fields', $chid); foreach (array('ccoids', 'citems', 'coidscp', 'cpkeeps', 'useredits') as $var) { ${$var} = $channel[$var] ? explode(',', $channel[$var]) : array(); } if (!submitcheck('barchivedetail')) { if (empty($u_tplname)) { //显示端不限控制权限,添加时,或审后是否允许修改,都显示出来。