echo gettext("GID:SID");
			<th class="listhdrr" axis="string"><?php 
echo gettext("Description");
/* make sure alert file exists */
if (file_exists("/var/log/suricata/suricata_{$if_real}{$suricata_uuid}/alerts.log")) {
    exec("tail -{$anentries} -r /var/log/suricata/suricata_{$if_real}{$suricata_uuid}/alerts.log > /tmp/alerts_suricata{$suricata_uuid}");
    if (file_exists("/tmp/alerts_suricata{$suricata_uuid}")) {
        $tmpblocked = array_flip(suricata_get_blocked_ips());
        $counter = 0;
        /*************** FORMAT without CSV patch -- ALERT -- ***********************************************************************************/
        /* Line format: timestamp  action[**] [gid:sid:rev] msg [**] [Classification: class] [Priority: pri] {proto} src:srcport -> dst:dstport */
        /*             0          1           2   3   4    5                         6                 7     8      9   10         11  12       */
        /**************** FORMAT without CSV patch -- DECODER EVENT -- **************************************************************************/
        /* Line format: timestamp  action[**] [gid:sid:rev] msg [**] [Classification: class] [Priority: pri] [**] [Raw pkt: ...]                */
        /*              0          1           2   3   4    5                         6                 7                                       */
        /************** *************************************************************************************************************************/
        $fd = fopen("/tmp/alerts_suricata{$suricata_uuid}", "r");
        $buf = "";
        while (($buf = fgets($fd)) !== FALSE) {
            $fields = array();
            $tmp = array();
            $decoder_event = FALSE;
						<th class="listhdrr" axis="string"><?php 
echo gettext("Alert Description");
						<th class="listhdrr sorttable_nosort"><?php 
echo gettext("Remove");
/* set the arrays */
$blocked_ips_array = suricata_get_blocked_ips();
if (!empty($blocked_ips_array)) {
    foreach ($blocked_ips_array as &$ip) {
        $ip = inet_pton($ip);
    $tmpblocked = array_flip($blocked_ips_array);
    $src_ip_list = array();
    foreach (glob("{$suricatalogdir}*/block.log*") as $alertfile) {
        $fd = fopen($alertfile, "r");
        if ($fd) {
            /*	       0         1      2             3      4       5   6              7        8     9  10   */
            /* File format timestamp,action,sig_generator,sig_id,sig_rev,msg,classification,priority,proto,ip,port */
            while (($fields = fgetcsv($fd, 1000, ',', '"')) !== FALSE) {
                if (count($fields) != 11) {
                    log_error("[suricata] ERROR: block.log entry failed to parse correctly with too many or not enough CSV entities, skipping this entry...");
                    log_error("[suricata] Failed block.log entry fields are: " . print_r($fields, true));