public static function notify($order_id)
     global $sunshine;
     $data = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($order_id, '_sunshine_order_data', true));
     $order_items = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($order_id, '_sunshine_order_items', true));
     $discount_items = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($order_id, '_sunshine_order_discounts', true));
     // Send confirmation email
     $th_style = 'padding: 0 20px 5px 0; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC; text-align: left; font-size: 10px; color: #999; text-decoration: none;';
     $td_style = 'padding: 5px 20px 5px 0; text-align: left; font-size: 12px;';
     $items_html = '';
     $items_html = apply_filters('sunshine_before_order_receipt_items', $items_html, $order_id, $order_items);
     $items_html .= '<div class="order-items"><h3 style="font-size: 14px;">' . __('Cart Items', 'sunshine') . '</h3>';
     $items_html .= ' <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">';
     $items_html .= ' <tr><th style="' . $th_style . '">' . __('Image', 'sunshine') . '</th><th style="' . $th_style . '">' . __('Name', 'sunshine') . '</th><th style="' . $th_style . '">' . __('Quantity', 'sunshine') . '</th><th style="' . $th_style . '">' . __('Cost', 'sunshine') . '</th></tr>';
     foreach ($order_items as $key => $order_item) {
         $items_html .= ' <tr>';
         $thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src($order_item['image_id'], 'sunshine-thumbnail');
         $image_html = '<img src="' . $thumb[0] . '" alt="" width="75" />';
         $items_html .= ' <td style="' . $td_style . '">' . apply_filters('sunshine_order_image_html', $image_html, $order_item, $thumb) . '</td>';
         $items_html .= ' <td style="' . $td_style . '">' . $order_item['product_name'] . '<br />' . apply_filters('sunshine_order_line_item_comments', $order_item['comments'], $order_id, $order_item) . '</td>';
         $items_html .= ' <td style="' . $td_style . '">' . $order_item['qty'] . '</td>';
         $items_html .= ' <td style="' . $td_style . '">' . sunshine_money_format($order_item['total'], false) . '</td>';
         $items_html .= ' </tr>';
     $td_style .= ' font-weight: bold;';
     $th_style = 'padding: 0 20px 5px 0; text-align: left; font-size: 12px;';
     $items_html .= ' <tr><td colspan="3" style="' . $td_style . ' text-align: right; border-top: 2px solid #CCC;">' . __('Subtotal', 'sunshine') . '</td><td style="' . $td_style . ' border-top: 2px solid #CCC;">' . sunshine_money_format($data['subtotal'], false) . '</td></tr>';
     $items_html .= ' <tr><td colspan="3" style="' . $td_style . ' text-align: right;">' . __('Shipping', 'sunshine') . ' (' . sunshine_get_shipping_method_name($data['shipping_method']) . ')</td><td style="' . $td_style . '">' . sunshine_money_format($data['shipping_cost'], false) . '</td></tr>';
     if ($sunshine->options['tax_location'] && $sunshine->options['tax_rate']) {
         $items_html .= ' <tr><td colspan="3" style="' . $td_style . ' text-align: right;">' . __('Tax', 'sunshine') . '</td><td style="' . $td_style . '">' . sunshine_money_format($data['tax'], false) . '</td></tr>';
     if ($data['discount_total'] > 0) {
         $items_html .= ' <tr><td colspan="3" style="' . $td_style . ' text-align: right;">' . __('Discounts', 'sunshine') . '</td><td style="' . $td_style . '">' . sunshine_money_format($data['discount_total'], false) . '</td></tr>';
     if ($data['credits']) {
         $items_html .= ' <tr><td colspan="3" style="' . $td_style . ' text-align: right;">' . __('Credits', 'sunshine') . '</td><td style="' . $td_style . '">-' . sunshine_money_format($data['credits'], false) . '</td></tr>';
     $items_html .= ' <tr><td colspan="3" style="' . $td_style . ' text-align: right; font-size: 16px;">' . __('Total', 'sunshine') . '</td><td style="' . $td_style . ' font-size: 16px;">' . sunshine_money_format($data['total'], false) . '</td></tr>';
     $items_html .= ' </table></div>';
     $customer_info = '<br /><br /><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>';
     if ($data['country']) {
         $customer_info .= '<td class="billing-address" valign="top"><h3 style="font-size: 14px;">' . __('Billing Info', 'sunshine') . '</h3><p>';
         $customer_info .= $data['first_name'] . ' ' . $data['last_name'] . '<br>';
         $customer_info .= $data['address'];
         if ($data['address2']) {
             $customer_info .= '<br>' . $data['address2'];
         $customer_info .= '<br>' . $data['city'] . ', ' . $data['state'] . ' ' . $data['zip'];
         if ($data['country']) {
             $customer_info .= '<br>' . $data['country'];
         if ($data['email']) {
             $customer_info .= '<br>' . $data['email'];
         if ($data['phone']) {
             $customer_info .= '<br>' . $data['phone'];
         $customer_info .= '</p></td>';
     if ($data['shipping_country']) {
         $customer_info .= '<td class="shipping-address" valign="top"><h3 style="font-size: 14px;">' . __('Shipping Info', 'sunshine') . '</h3><p>';
         $customer_info .= $data['shipping_first_name'] . ' ' . $data['shipping_last_name'] . '<br>';
         $customer_info .= $data['shipping_address'];
         if ($data['shipping_address2']) {
             $customer_info .= '<br>' . $data['shipping_address2'];
         $customer_info .= '<br>' . $data['shipping_city'] . ', ' . $data['shipping_state'] . ' ' . $data['shipping_zip'];
         if ($data['shipping_country']) {
             $customer_info .= '<br>' . $data['shipping_country'];
         $customer_info .= '</p></td>';
     $customer_info .= '</tr></table>';
     $search = array('[message]', '[items]', '[customer_info]', '[order_id]', '[order_url]', '[first_name]', '[last_name]');
     $replace = array(nl2br($sunshine->options['email_receipt']), $items_html, $customer_info, $order_id, get_permalink($order_id), $data['first_name'], $data['last_name']);
     $mail_result = SunshineEmail::send_email('receipt', $data['email'], $sunshine->options['email_subject_order_receipt'], $sunshine->options['email_subject_order_receipt'], $search, $replace, $data);
     if ($sunshine->options['order_notifications']) {
         $admin_emails = explode(',', $sunshine->options['order_notifications']);
     } else {
         $admin_emails = array(get_bloginfo('admin_email'));
     foreach ($admin_emails as $admin_email) {
         $mail_result = SunshineEmail::send_email('receipt_admin', trim($admin_email), sprintf(__('Order #%s placed on %s'), $order_id, get_option('blogname')), sprintf(__('<a href="%s">Order #%s</a> placed on %s'), admin_url('/post.php?post=' . $order_id . '&action=edit'), $order_id, get_option('blogname')), $search, $replace, $data);
if ($order_data['shipping_method']) {
		<tr class="sunshine-shipping">
    _e('Shipping', 'sunshine');
    echo sunshine_get_shipping_method_name($order_data['shipping_method']);
if ($order_data['discount_total'] > 0) {
		<tr class="sunshine-discounts">
function sunshine_order_data_inner($post)
    // Use nonce for verification
    wp_nonce_field(plugin_basename(__FILE__), 'sunshine_noncename');
    // The actual fields for data entry
    $order_data = unserialize(get_post_meta($post->ID, '_sunshine_order_data', true));
    $items = unserialize(get_post_meta($post->ID, '_sunshine_order_items', true));
    sunshine_array_sort_by_column($items, 'type');
	<p><strong><a href="<?php 
    echo admin_url('admin.php?page=sunshine_invoice_display&order=' . $post->ID . '&nonce=' . wp_create_nonce('sunshine_invoice'));
    _e('Invoice', 'sunshine');
</a> | <a href="#sunshine-lightroom-file-list" id="sunshine-file-list-link"><?php 
    _e('Image File List', 'sunshine');
	<div id="sunshine-file-list" style="display: none;">
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        if ($item['type'] == 'image') {
            $image_file_list[$item['image_id']] = get_post_meta($item['image_id'], 'sunshine_file_name', true);
        } elseif ($item['type'] == 'package') {
            foreach ($item['package_products'] as $package_product) {
                $image_file_list[$package_product['image_id']] = get_post_meta($package_product['image_id'], 'sunshine_file_name', true);
    foreach ($image_file_list as &$file) {
        $file = str_replace(array('.jpg', '.JPG'), '', $file);
		<textarea rows="4" cols="50" onclick="this.focus();" readonly="readonly"><?php 
    echo join(', ', $image_file_list);
    _e('Copy and paste the file names above into Lightroom\'s search feature (Library filter) to quickly find and create a new collection to make processing this order easier. Make sure you are using the "Contains" (and not "Contains All") search parameter.', 'sunshine');
			return false;
    _e('Order Date', 'sunshine');
:</strong> <?php 
    echo date(get_option('date_format'), strtotime($post->post_date));
    if ($ip = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ip', true)) {
		<p><strong>IP Address:</strong> <?php 
        echo $ip;
	<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="sunshine-order-data">
    _e('Billing Info', 'sunshine');
    if (isset($order_data['shipping_first_name'])) {
        _e('Shipping Info', 'sunshine');
    echo $order_data['first_name'] . ' ' . $order_data['last_name'] . '<br />' . $order_data['address'];
    if ($order_data['address2']) {
        echo '<br />' . $order_data['address2'];
    echo '<br />' . $order_data['city'] . ', ' . $order_data['state'] . ' ' . $order_data['zip'] . '<br />' . $order_data['country'] . '<br />' . $order_data['email'] . '<br />' . $order_data['phone'];
    if (isset($order_data['shipping_first_name'])) {
        echo $order_data['shipping_first_name'] . ' ' . $order_data['shipping_last_name'] . '<br />' . $order_data['shipping_address'];
        if ($order_data['shipping_address2']) {
            echo '<br />' . $order_data['shipping_address2'];
        echo '<br />' . $order_data['shipping_city'] . ', ' . $order_data['shipping_state'] . ' ' . $order_data['shipping_zip'] . '<br />' . $order_data['shipping_country'];
	<br /><br /><table id="sunshine-cart-items" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
		<th class="image"><?php 
    _e('Type', 'sunshine');
		<th class="image"><?php 
    _e('Image', 'sunshine');
		<th class="name"><?php 
    _e('Product', 'sunshine');
		<th class="qty"><?php 
    _e('Qty', 'sunshine');
		<th class="price"><?php 
    _e('Item Price', 'sunshine');
		<th class="total"><?php 
    _e('Item Total', 'sunshine');
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($items as $item) {
		<tr class="item">
			<td class="type">
        echo ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $item['type']));
			<td class="image">
        if ($item['image_id'] > 0) {
            $image = get_post($item['image_id']);
            $gallery = get_post($image->post_parent);
            if ($thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src($item['image_id'], array(50, 50))) {
                $image_html = '<img src="' . $thumb[0] . '" alt="' . $item['image_name'] . '" />';
            } else {
                $image_html = '<img src="" alt="Image has been deleted" />';
        echo apply_filters('sunshine_cart_image_html', $image_html, $item, $thumb);
			<td class="name">
        echo $item['product_name'];
</strong><br />
				<div class="comments"><?php 
        echo apply_filters('sunshine_cart_item_comments', $item['comments'], $item);
			<td class="qty">
        echo $item['qty'];
			<td class="price">
			<td class="total">

		<tr class="subtotal totals">
			<th colspan="5" align="right"><?php 
    _e('Subtotal', 'sunshine');
		<tr class="tax totals">
			<th colspan="5" align="right"><?php 
    _e('Tax', 'sunshine');
		<tr class="shipping totals">
			<th colspan="5" align="right"><?php 
    _e('Shipping', 'sunshine');
    echo sunshine_get_shipping_method_name($order_data['shipping_method']);
		<tr class="discounts totals">
			<th colspan="5" align="right">
    _e('Discounts', 'sunshine');
    if (!empty($order_data['discount_items'])) {
        $discount_names = array();
        foreach ($order_data['discount_items'] as $discount_item) {
            $discount_names[] = $discount_item->name;
        echo '<br />(' . join(', ', $discount_names) . ')';
    if ($order_data['credits'] > 0) {
		<tr class="credits totals">
			<th colspan="5" align="right"><?php 
        _e('Credits', 'sunshine');

		<tr class="total totals">
			<th colspan="5" align="right"><?php 
    _e('Total', 'sunshine');
		<tr class="payment-method totals">
			<th colspan="5" align="right"><?php 
    _e('Payment Method', 'sunshine');
    echo $order_data['payment_method'];