Example #1
function getcomments($type, $typeid)
    global $DB;
    global $rDB;
    $rows = $DB->select('
		SELECT id, userid, post_date, commentbody, replyto
		FROM ?_comments
		WHERE type=? AND typeid=?
		ORDER BY replyto, post_date
		', $type, $typeid);
    $comments = array();
    foreach ($rows as $i => $row) {
        $comments[$i] = array();
        $comments[$i] = $rDB->selectRow('SELECT username as user, gmlevel as roles FROM account WHERE id=? LIMIT 1', $row['userid']);
        if (!isset($comments[$i]['user'])) {
            $comments[$i]['user'] = "******";
        $comments[$i]['number'] = $i;
        $comments[$i]['id'] = $row['id'];
        $comments[$i]['body'] = $row['commentbody'];
        $comments[$i]['date'] = $row['post_date'];
        $comments[$i]['replyto'] = $row['replyto'];
        if ($comments[$i]['replyto'] != $comments[$i]['id']) {
            $comments[$i]['indent'] = 1;
        $comments[$i]['raters'] = array();
        $comments[$i]['raters'] = $DB->select('SELECT userid, rate FROM ?_comments_rates WHERE commentid=?d', $comments[$i]['id']);
        $comments[$i]['rating'] = sum_subarrays_by_key($comments[$i]['raters'], 'rate');
        $comments[$i]['purged'] = $comments[$i]['rating'] <= -50 ? 1 : 0;
        $comments[$i]['deleted'] = 0;
    return $comments;
Example #2
function workArray($arr)
    $arry = $arr;
    $arr = $arr[0];
    global $dataId;
    $HOTELID = $arr['HOTELID'];
    $cityid = $arr['cityid'];
    $CITYNAME = $arr['CITYNAME'];
    $Nights = $arr['Nights'];
    $ROOMNAME = $arr['ROOMNAME'];
    $SCHEMEID = $arr['SCHEMEID'];
    $ROOMCODE = $arr['ROOMCODE'];
    $PAXCODE = $arr['PAXCODE'];
    $PAXID = $arr['PAXID'];
    $COSTTYPE = $arr['COSTTYPE'];
    $CURRENCY = $arr['CURRENCY'];
    $AMOUNT = $arr['AMOUNT'];
    $surchg = $arr['surchg'];
    $IsHotelDefault = $arr['IsHotelDefault'];
    $IsRoomDefault = $arr['IsRoomDefault'];
    $id = $arr['id'];
    $opt = <<<OPT
<div id="ws_26">
<!-- Packadges Details Starts -->
 <div class="clearboth" id="hotelCityNameBlock_26" style="visibility: visible;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>
<div class="clearboth padt4 text14bold colordarkblue2 ucase">{$CITYNAME}</div>

<div class="clearboth padt6 greyborderbottomdotted" id="tableRoomToggle_1_26">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
  <td valign="top" width="18%">
    <div class="floatl padr8 greyborderrightdotted"><img src="hotel/hotel/hotel_files/036542_hb_a_003.jpg" alt="{$FLEXIHOTELNAME}" border="0" height="99" width="125">
  <td valign="top" width="48%">
    <div class="padl8">
      <div class="floatl text12bold ucase">{$FLEXIHOTELNAME}</div>
      <div class="floatr padt2" align="center"><img src="hotel/hotel_files/4star.gif" border="0" height="9" width="56"></div>
      <div class="clearl padt2 h60 text11 justify">The
modern hotel comprises 6 floors with a total of 45 double rooms and 24
single rooms. Amongst the facilities count a foyer with a 24-hour
reception desk, lifts, a currency exchange facility, a safe, a
cloakroom and a café. There is also a bar, a restaurant, a public
Internet terminal (for an additional fee) and a conference room
available for use. Laundry and room services round off the
offerings.&nbsp;<a href="#" class="linkbluetext">more</a></div>
      <div class="clearboth h25">
        <div class="floatl"><img src="hotel/hotel_files/incl_icon_1.gif" border="0" height="22" width="22"></div>
        <div class="floatl padl3"><img src="hotel/hotel_files/incl_icon_2.gif" border="0" height="22" width="21"></div>
        <div class="floatl padl3"><img src="hotel/hotel_files/incl_icon_3.gif" border="0" height="22" width="22"></div>
        <div class="floatl padl3"><img src="hotel/hotel_files/incl_icon_4.gif" border="0" height="22" width="22"></div>
        <div class="floatl padl3"><img src="hotel/hotel_files/incl_icon_5.gif" border="0" height="22" width="22"></div>
        <div class="floatl padl3"><img src="hotel/hotel_files/incl_icon_6.gif" border="0" height="22" width="21"></div>
        <div class="floatl padl3"><img src="hotel/hotel_files/incl_icon_7.gif" border="0" height="22" width="22"></div>
        <div class="floatl padl3"><img src="hotel/hotel_files/incl_icon_8.gif" border="0" height="22" width="22"></div>
      <div class="clearboth"><img src="hotel/hotel_files/spacer.gif" border="0" height="8" width="1"></div>
  <td valign="top" width="1%"><img src="hotel/hotel_files/spacer.gif" border="0" height="1" width="1"></td>
  <td class="greyborderleftdotted" align="right" valign="top" width="32%">
    <div class="padl8 padr8" align="center">
\t    <div class="clearboth padt6 text11"><strong>Total</strong> (1 room, 3  nights)</div>

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
    <td height="25" width="18%"><img src="hotel/hotel_files/spacer.gif" border="0" height="3" width="1"></td>
    <td valign="top" width="1%"><img src="hotel/hotel_files/spacer.gif" border="0" height="1" width="1"></td>
    <td width="48%">
\t    <div class="padl8">
  \t\t  <div class="clearboth text11bold">
\t\t      <div class="floatl w35per">Room Type</div>
\t\t      <div class="floatl">Price Difference per room per night</div>
\t\t    </div>
\t    </div>    
    <td class="greyborderleftdotted" align="right" width="32%">
      <div id="totalPriceToggle_1_26" align="center">
        <div class="clearboth text11bold padb2">Total Price Difference per room per night</div>
    $q = getUniques('COMBINATIONID', $arry);
    //$w =  ftch($q,$arry);
    foreach ($q as $nu) {
        //$dataId = "asdasd";
        $r = returnFiltered("COMBINATIONID", $nu, $arry);
        $w = ftch($r, $arry);
        	echo "<pre>";
        	echo "<hr>";
        $x = $w[0];
        //$a = returnFiltered('CITYNAME',$city,$Arr);
        //$b =  ftch($a,$Arr);
        //sum_subarrays_by_key( $tab, $key )
        $ROOMCODE = $x['ROOMCODE'];
        $AMOUNT = sum_subarrays_by_key($w, 'AMOUNT');
        $Nights = $x['Nights'];
        $surchg = $x['surchg'];
        $ROOMNAME = $x['ROOMNAME'];
        $CURRENCY = $x['CURRENCY'];
        $ttl = $AMOUNT * $Nights;
        $hotelPrice = "";
        $hotelPrice = <<<HPRC
 <tr id="roomTypeToggle_1_26_1">
    <td height="25" width="18%">
    <img src="hotel/hotel_files/spacer.gif" border="0" height="8" width="1"></td>
        <td valign="top" width="1%"><img src="hotel/hotel_files/spacer.gif" border="0" height="1" width="1"></td>
    <td width="48%">
\t<div class="padl8">
  \t\t<div class="clearboth h5 text11bold">
\t\t<div class="floatl w35per"><img src="hotel/hotel_files/spacer.gif" border="0" height="1" width="1"></div>
\t\t<div class="clearboth h20 text11 padt4">
\t\t  <div class="floatl w35per">{$ROOMNAME}</div>
\t\t<div class="floatl">{$CURRENCY}\t\t{$AMOUNT} 
\t\t<span class="colorgreylight"></span></div>
    <td class="greyborderleftdotted" id="td2TotalPriceToggle_1_26" align="right" width="32%">
<div align="center">
  <div class="clearboth padt4 text11">
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="70%">
        <td align="right" width="50%">{$CURRENCY}\t{$ttl} &nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
        <td align="left"><div class="clearboth colorred b">
          <input name="gds" onclick="selectedHotel('{$COMBINATIONID}','{$HOTELID}')" value="Standard" type="radio">


        $dataId = $dataId + 1;
        $opt = $opt . $hotelPrice;
    $opt = $opt . <<<OPT
  <tr id="greyBorderBottomToggle_1_26_1"><td colspan="4"><div class="greyborderbottomdotted"></div></td></tr>
    echo $opt;