public function actionRegister() { global $_G; if ($_G['uid']) { dheader('location: index.php?r=site/index'); } //极验验证码配置 define("GEETEST", "../extensions/gt-php-sdk-master/"); $modelName = Dii::useModel(); define('CURSCRIPT', $modelName); require __DIR__ . '/../models/' . $modelName . '.php'; $model = new $modelName(); $template = Dii::template(); $submit = Dii::submit(); if (submitcheck($submit, 1)) { $result = $model->register(); if ($result === true) { //注册成功 dheader('location: ' . dreferer()); return true; } } include Dii::view('common:header'); include Dii::view($template); include Dii::view('common:footer'); return true; }
function xweather_cp(){ parent::dxcore(); $this->dxanchor = in_array(($dxanchor = getgpc('dxanchor')), $this->anchors) ? $dxanchor : 'basic'; if(!submitcheck('dxsubmit')){ $this->showbody(); }else{ $this->save(); } $this->footer(); }
function common() { global $_G; if (submitcheck('hash', true) && $_G['uid']) { $r = updatecreditbyaction('mobilesign', $_G['uid']); if ($r['updatecredit']) { $_G['messageparam'][0] = 'mobilesign_success'; } else { $_G['messageparam'][0] = 'mobilesign_failed'; } } else { $_G['messageparam'][0] = 'mobilesign_formhash_failed'; } mobile_core::result(mobile_core::variable(array())); }
public function common() { global $_G; if (self::$securityStatus != TRUE) { return false; } if ($_G['uid']) { $lastCookieReportTime = $this->_decodeReportTime($_G['cookie']['security_cookiereport']); if ($lastCookieReportTime < strtotime('today')) { $this->_reportLoginUser(array('uid' => $_G['uid'])); } } if ($_G['adminid'] > 0) { self::$isAdminGroup = 1; } if ($_G['setting']['connect']['allow'] && $_G['setting']['security_qqlogin_alone']) { $_G['setting']['regstatus'] = 0; $_G['setting']['regconnect'] = 1; } if ($_G['setting']['connect']['allow'] && $_G['setting']['security_safelogin'] && (!$_G['uid'] && $_G['connectguest'] || $_G['uid'] && !$_G['member']['conisbind']) && CURMODULE == 'post') { $msg = '<p>' . lang('plugin/security', 'safelogintips') . '</p><p class="mtm"><a href="connect.php?mod=config" target="_blank"><img src="' . IMGDIR . '/qq_bind_small.gif" class="qq_bind" align="absmiddle" /></a></p>'; if ($_G['inajax']) { if (!$_GET['ajaxtarget']) { $_GET['handlekey'] = 'safelogin'; } if (!$_G['uid'] && $_G['connectguest']) { showmessage('qqconnect:connectguest_message_complete_or_bind'); } else { showmessage($msg, 'connect.php?mod=config', array(), array('alert' => 'info', 'showdialog' => true, 'striptags' => false, 'locationtime' => 0)); } } else { if (!$_G['uid'] && $_G['connectguest']) { dheader('location: ' . $_G['siteurl'] . 'member.php?mod=connect&ac=bind'); } else { showmessage($msg, '', array(), array('alert' => 'info', 'showdialog' => true, 'msgtype' => 2, 'striptags' => false)); } } } if ($_G['setting']['connect']['allow'] && $_G['setting']['security_qqlogin_alone'] && CURMODULE == 'logging' && $_GET['action'] == 'login' && submitcheck('loginsubmit', 1)) { showmessage('security:qqloginaloneopened'); } return true; }
function common() { global $_G, $seccodecheck, $secqaacheck, $connect_guest; if ($_G['uid'] && $_G['member']['conisbind']) { dheader('location: ' . $_G['siteurl'] . 'index.php'); } $connect_guest = array(); if ($_G['connectguest'] && (submitcheck('regsubmit', 0, $seccodecheck, $secqaacheck) || submitcheck('loginsubmit', 1, $seccodestatus))) { if (!$_GET['auth_hash']) { $_GET['auth_hash'] = $_G['cookie']['con_auth_hash']; } $conopenid = authcode($_GET['auth_hash']); $connect_guest = C::t('#qqconnect#common_connect_guest')->fetch($conopenid); if (!$connect_guest) { dsetcookie('con_auth_hash'); showmessage('qqconnect:connect_login_first'); } } }
function seo_set() { global $head_url; if (!submitcheck('submit')) { $info = pick_common_get(); $info['open_seo_mod'] = dunserialize($info['open_seo_mod']); $info['open_seo_mod_show'][0] = in_array(1, $info['open_seo_mod']) ? 1 : 0; //门户 $info['open_seo_mod_show'][1] = in_array(2, $info['open_seo_mod']) ? 1 : 0; //论坛 $info['open_seo_mod_show'][2] = in_array(3, $info['open_seo_mod']) ? 1 : 0; //博客 $info = dhtmlspecialchars($info); return $info; } else { $set = $_GET['set']; $set['open_seo_mod'] = serialize($set['open_seo_mod']); pick_common_set($set); cpmsg(milu_lang('op_success'), PICK_GO . "seo", 'succeed'); } }
function virtualdata_set() { global $head_url, $header_config; if (!submitcheck('submit')) { require_once libfile('function/forumlist'); $info = pick_common_get(); $info['vir_cache_time'] = $info['vir_cache_time'] ? $info['vir_cache_time'] : 10; $info['vir_data_forum'] = unserialize($info['vir_data_forum']); $info['vir_data_usergroup'] = unserialize($info['vir_data_usergroup']); $info['forumselect'] = '<select name="set[vir_data_forum][]" size="10" multiple="multiple"><option value="">' . cplang('plugins_empty') . '</option>' . forumselect(FALSE, 0, $info['vir_data_forum'], TRUE) . '</select>'; return $info; } else { $set = $_GET['set']; if (!$set['vir_data_forum'][0] && count($set['vir_data_forum']) == 1) { $set['vir_data_forum'] = ''; } pick_common_set($set); save_syscache('milu_pick_vir_postdata', ''); save_syscache('milu_pick_vir_data', ''); save_syscache('milu_pick_vir_online', ''); cpmsg(milu_lang('op_success'), PICK_GO . "virtual_data", 'succeed'); } }
function on_login() { global $_G; empty($mrefreshtime) && ($mrefreshtime = 2000); if ($_G['uid']) { $ucsynlogin = uc_user_synlogin($_G['uid']); $param = array('username' => $_G['member']['username'], 'ucsynlogin' => $ucsynlogin, 'uid' => $_G['member']['uid']); showmessage('login_succeed', dreferer(), $param, array('showdialog' => 1, 'locationtime' => 1)); } if (!($_G['member_loginperm'] = logincheck())) { showmessage('login_strike'); } if (!submitcheck('loginsubmit', 1)) { $_G['referer'] = dreferer(); $cookietimecheck = !empty($_G['cookie']['cookietime']) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $username = !empty($_G['cookie']['loginuser']) ? htmlspecialchars($_G['cookie']['loginuser']) : ''; include template('member/login'); } else { $_G['uid'] = $_G['member']['uid'] = 0; $_G['username'] = $_G['member']['username'] = $_G['member']['password'] = ''; $result = userlogin($_G['gp_username'], $_G['gp_password'], null, null, 'auto'); if ($result['status'] > 0) { setloginstatus($result['member'], $_G['gp_cookietime'] ? 2592000 : 0); $ucsynlogin = uc_user_synlogin($_G['uid']); $message = 1; $param = array('username' => $_G['member']['username'], 'ucsynlogin' => $ucsynlogin, 'uid' => $_G['uid']); showmessage('login_succeed', dreferer(), $param, array('showdialog' => 1, 'locationtime' => 1)); } else { $password = preg_replace("/^(.{" . round(strlen($_G['gp_password']) / 4) . "})(.+?)(.{" . round(strlen($_G['gp_password']) / 6) . "})\$/s", "\\1***\\3", $_G['gp_password']); $errorlog = dhtmlspecialchars(TIMESTAMP . "\t" . ($result['ucresult']['username'] ? $result['ucresult']['username'] : dstripslashes($_G['gp_username'])) . "\t" . $password . "\t" . "Ques #" . intval($_G['gp_questionid']) . "\t" . $_G['clientip']); writelog('illegallog', $errorlog); loginfailed($_G['member_loginperm']); $fmsg = $result['ucresult']['uid'] == '-3' ? empty($_G['gp_questionid']) || $answer == '' ? 'login_question_empty' : 'login_question_invalid' : 'login_invalid'; showmessage($fmsg, '', array('loginperm' => $_G['member_loginperm'])); } } }
function common() { global $_G; if (!$_G['uid'] || !in_array('wechat', $_G['setting']['plugins']['available'])) { mobile_core::result(mobile_core::variable(array())); } $_G['wechat']['setting'] = unserialize($_G['setting']['mobilewechat']); if (!$_G['wechat']['setting']['wsq_apicredit']) { mobile_core::result(mobile_core::variable(array())); } $extcredit = 'extcredits' . $_G['wechat']['setting']['wsq_apicredit']; $ac = $_GET['ac']; $return = array(); if (submitcheck('creditsubmit') && ($ac == 'inc' || $ac == 'dec') && $_GET['value'] > 0) { $v = $ac == 'inc' ? $_GET['value'] : -$_GET['value']; $log = lang('plugin/wechat', 'wsq_apicredit_log_' . $ac); updatemembercount(array($_G['uid']), array($extcredit => $v), true, '', 0, '', $log); $data = C::t('common_member_count')->fetch($_G['uid']); $return['extcredit'] = $data[$extcredit]; } elseif ($ac == 'get') { $return['extcredit'] = getuserprofile($extcredit); } mobile_core::result(mobile_core::variable($return)); }
$threadsdel = deletethread($moderation['delete']); $threadsundel = undeletethreads($moderation['undelete']); if ($threadsdel || $threadsundel) { $cpmsg = cplang('recyclebin_succeed', array('threadsdel' => $threadsdel, 'threadsundel' => $threadsundel)); } else { $cpmsg = cplang('recyclebin_nothread'); } ?> <script type="text/JavaScript">alert('<?php echo $cpmsg; ?> ');parent.$('rbsearchform');</script> <?php } } elseif ($operation == 'clean') { if (!submitcheck('rbsubmit', 1)) { shownav('topic', 'nav_recyclebin'); showsubmenu('nav_recyclebin', array(array('recyclebin_list', 'recyclebin', 0), array('search', 'recyclebin&operation=search', 0), array('clean', 'recyclebin&operation=clean', 1))); showformheader('recyclebin&operation=clean'); showtableheader('recyclebin_clean'); showsetting('recyclebin_clean_days', 'days', '30', 'text'); showsubmit('rbsubmit'); showtablefooter(); showformfooter(); } else { $deletetids = array(); $timestamp = TIMESTAMP; $pernum = 500; $threadsdel = intval($_GET['threadsdel']); $days = intval($_GET['days']); foreach (C::t('forum_threadmod')->fetch_all_recyclebin_by_dateline($timestamp - $days * 86400, 0, $pernum) as $thread) {
<?php (!defined('M_COM') || !defined('M_ADMIN')) && exit('No Permission'); if (!submitcheck('bmtagadd') && !submitcheck('bmtagsdetail') && !submitcheck('bmtagcode')) { templatebox(lang('tagtemplate'), 'mtagnew[template]', empty($mtag['template']) ? '' : $mtag['template'], 10, 110); trbasic(lang('arr_pre'), 'mtagnew[setting][val]', empty($mtag['setting']['val']) ? 'v' : $mtag['setting']['val'], 'text', lang('agarr_pre')); $nextarr = array('0' => lang('pre'), '1' => lang('next')); trbasic(lang('context_choose'), '', makeradio('mtagnew[setting][next]', $nextarr, isset($mtag['setting']['next']) ? $mtag['setting']['next'] : '0'), ''); trbasic(lang('limitin_current_channel'), 'mtagnew[setting][chid]', empty($mtag['setting']['chid']) ? '0' : $mtag['setting']['chid'], 'radio'); trbasic(lang('limitin_current_catalog'), 'mtagnew[setting][caid]', empty($mtag['setting']['caid']) ? '0' : $mtag['setting']['caid'], 'radio'); foreach ($cotypes as $k => $cotype) { if ($cotype['sortable']) { trbasic(lang('limitin_current_coclass') . " [{$cotype['cname']}]", 'mtagnew[setting][ccid' . $k . ']', empty($mtag['setting']['ccid' . $k]) ? '0' : $mtag['setting']['ccid' . $k], 'radio'); } } trbasic(lang('limitin_active_member'), 'mtagnew[setting][mid]', empty($mtag['setting']['mid']) ? '0' : $mtag['setting']['mid'], 'radio'); trbasic(lang('nocp'), 'mtagnew[setting][nocp]', empty($mtag['setting']['nocp']) ? 0 : $mtag['setting']['nocp'], 'radio', lang('agnocp')); trbasic(lang('tagjspick'), 'mtagnew[setting][js]', empty($mtag['setting']['js']) ? 0 : $mtag['setting']['js'], 'radio'); tabfooter(); } else { if (empty($mtagnew['template'])) { if (!submitcheck('bmtagcode')) { amessage('input_tag_tpl', M_REFERER); } else { $errormsg = lang('input_tag_tpl'); } //生成代码出错的提示信息 } }
} if (mysql_select_db($_POST['db']['dbname'])) { if (mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$_POST['db']['tablepre']}members")) { $havedata = true; } } else { if (!mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE `" . $_POST['db']['dbname'] . "`")) { show_msg('设定的SupeSite数据库无权限操作,请先手工操作后,再执行安装程序'); } } if ($havedata) { show_msg('危险!指定的SupeSite数据库已有数据,如果继续将会清空原有数据!', $step + 1); } else { show_msg('数据库配置成功,进入下一步操作', $step + 1, 1); } } elseif (submitcheck('opensubmit')) { //检查用户身份 $step = 5; include_once S_ROOT . './common.php'; //UC注册用户 if (!@(include_once S_ROOT . './uc_client/client.php')) { showmessage('system_error'); } $uid = uc_user_register($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], '*****@*****.**'); if ($uid == -3) { //已存在,登录 if (!($passport = getpassport($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']))) { show_msg('输入的用户名密码不正确,请确认'); } $setarr = array('uid' => $passport['uid'], 'username' => addslashes($passport['username'])); } elseif ($uid > 0) {
$return = uc_pm_send($_G['uid'], implode(',', $newusers), $subject, $message, 1, $pmid, 1); } if ($return > 0) { DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('common_member_status') . " SET lastpost='{$_G['timestamp']}' WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}'"); updatecreditbyaction('sendpm'); showmessage('do_success', "home.php?mod=space&do=pm&filter=privatepm", array(), array('msgtype' => $_G['gp_inajax'] ? 3 : 1, 'showmsg' => true)); } else { if (in_array($return, array(-1, -2, -3, -4))) { showmessage('message_can_not_send' . abs($return)); } else { showmessage('message_can_not_send'); } } } } elseif ($_GET['op'] == 'ignore') { if (submitcheck('ignoresubmit')) { $single = intval($_G['gp_single']); if ($single) { uc_pm_blackls_add($_G['uid'], $_POST['ignoreuser']); showmessage('do_success', dreferer(), array(), array('showdialog' => 1, 'showmsg' => true, 'closetime' => 1)); } else { uc_pm_blackls_set($_G['uid'], $_POST['ignorelist']); showmessage('do_success', 'home.php?mod=space&do=pm&view=ignore', array(), array('showdialog' => 1, 'showmsg' => true, 'closetime' => 1)); } } } else { cknewuser(); if (!checkperm('allowsendpm')) { showmessage('no_privilege'); } $friends = array();
<?php /** * [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc. * This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * * $Id: modcp_report.php 14289 2010-10-21 11:32:50Z liulanbo $ */ if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ') || !defined('IN_MODCP')) { exit('Access Denied'); } if (!empty($_G['fid'])) { $curcredits = $_G['setting']['creditstransextra'][8] ? $_G['setting']['creditstransextra'][8] : $_G['setting']['creditstrans']; if (submitcheck('reportsubmit')) { if ($_G['gp_reportids']) { foreach ($_G['gp_reportids'] as $reportid) { if (DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('common_report') . " WHERE id='{$reportid}' AND opuid='0'")) { $creditchange = ''; $uid = $_G['gp_reportuids'][$reportid]; if ($uid != $_G['uid']) { $msg = !empty($_G['gp_msg'][$reportid]) ? '<br />' . htmlspecialchars($_G['gp_msg'][$reportid]) : ''; if (!empty($_G['gp_creditsvalue'][$reportid])) { $credittag = $_G['gp_creditsvalue'][$reportid] > 0 ? '+' : ''; $creditchange = '<br />' . lang('forum/misc', 'report_msg_your') . $_G['setting']['extcredits'][$curcredits]['title'] . ' ' . $credittag . $_G['gp_creditsvalue'][$reportid]; updatemembercount($uid, array($curcredits => intval($_G['gp_creditsvalue'][$reportid])), true, 'RPC', $reportid); } if ($creditchange || $msg) { notification_add($uid, 'report', 'report_change_credits', array('creditchange' => $creditchange, 'msg' => $msg), 1); } } $opresult = !empty($_G['gp_creditsvalue'][$reportid]) ? $curcredits . "\t" . intval($_G['gp_creditsvalue'][$reportid]) : 'ignore';
<?php /** * [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc. * This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * * $Id: member_lostpasswd.php 31164 2012-07-20 07:50:57Z chenmengshu $ */ if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } define('NOROBOT', TRUE); $discuz_action = 141; if (submitcheck('lostpwsubmit')) { loaducenter(); $_GET['email'] = strtolower(trim($_GET['email'])); if ($_GET['username']) { list($tmp['uid'], , $tmp['email']) = uc_get_user(addslashes($_GET['username'])); $tmp['email'] = strtolower(trim($tmp['email'])); if ($_GET['email'] != $tmp['email']) { showmessage('getpasswd_account_notmatch'); } $member = getuserbyuid($tmp['uid'], 1); } else { $emailcount = C::t('common_member')->count_by_email($_GET['email'], 1); if (!$emailcount) { showmessage('lostpasswd_email_not_exist'); } if ($emailcount > 1) { showmessage('lostpasswd_many_users_use_email'); }
showformfooter(); showtagfooter('div'); } else { $sids = authcode($sids, 'DECODE'); $sidsadd = $sids ? explode(',', $sids) : $_G['gp_delete']; include_once libfile('function/delete'); $deletecount = count(deleteshares($sidsadd)); $cpmsg = cplang('share_succeed', array('deletecount' => $deletecount)); ?> <script type="text/JavaScript">alert('<?php echo $cpmsg; ?> ');parent.$('shareforum');</script> <?php } if (submitcheck('searchsubmit', 1) || $newlist) { $sids = $sharecount = '0'; $sql = $error = ''; $users = trim($users); if ($users != '') { $uids = '-1'; $query = DB::query("SELECT uid FROM " . DB::table('home_share') . " WHERE username IN ('" . str_replace(',', '\',\'', str_replace(' ', '', $users)) . "')"); while ($arr = DB::fetch($query)) { $uids .= ",{$arr['uid']}"; } $sql .= " AND s.uid IN ({$uids})"; } if ($type != '') { $query = DB::query("SELECT type FROM " . DB::table('home_share') . " WHERE type ='{$type}'"); $arr = DB::fetch($query); $type = $arr['type'];
showtagheader('div', 'postlist', $searchsubmit); showformheader('recyclebinpost&operation=search&frame=no', 'target="rbframe"', 'rbform'); showtableheader(cplang('recyclebinpost_result') . ' ' . $postlistcount . ' <a href="#" onclick="$(\'postlist\').style.display=\'none\';$(\'postsearch\').style.display=\'\';" class="act lightlink normal">' . cplang('research') . '</a>', 'fixpadding'); if ($postlistcount && recyclebinpostshowpostlist($inforum, $authors, $pstarttime, $pendtime, $keywords, $start_limit, $lpp)) { $multi = multi($postlistcount, $lpp, $page, ADMINSCRIPT . "?action=recyclebinpost"); $multi = preg_replace("/href=\"" . ADMINSCRIPT . "\\?action=recyclebinpost&page=(\\d+)\"/", "href=\"javascript:page(\\1)\"", $multi); $multi = str_replace("window.location='" . ADMINSCRIPT . "?action=recyclebinpost&page='+this.value", "page(this.value)", $multi); } showsubmit('rbsubmit', 'submit', '', '<a href="#rb" onclick="checkAll(\'option\', $(\'rbform\'), \'delete\')">' . cplang('recyclebin_all_delete') . '</a> <a href="#rb" onclick="checkAll(\'option\', $(\'rbform\'), \'undelete\')">' . cplang('recyclebin_all_undelete') . '</a> <a href="#rb" onclick="checkAll(\'option\', $(\'rbform\'), \'ignore\')">' . cplang('recyclebin_all_ignore') . '</a> ', $multi); showtablefooter(); showformfooter(); echo '<iframe name="rbframe" style="display:none"></iframe>'; showtagfooter('div'); } } elseif ($operation == 'clean') { if (!submitcheck('cleanrbsubmit', 1)) { shownav('topic', 'nav_recyclebinpost'); showsubmenu('nav_recyclebinpost', array(array('recyclebinpost_list', 'recyclebinpost', 0), array('search', 'recyclebinpost&operation=search', 0), array('clean', 'recyclebinpost&operation=clean', 1))); showformheader('recyclebinpost&operation=clean'); showtableheader('recyclebinpost_clean'); showsetting('recyclebinpost_clean_days', 'days', '30', 'text'); showsubmit('cleanrbsubmit'); showtablefooter(); showformfooter(); } else { $deletetids = array(); $pernum = 200; $postsdel = intval($_GET['postsdel']); $days = intval($_GET['days']); $timestamp = TIMESTAMP - max(0, $days * 86400); $postlist = array();
DB::update('common_block', array('notinherited' => $notinherited), array('bid' => $bid)); } cpmsg('block_perm_update_succeed', "action=block&operation=perm&bid={$bid}", 'succeed'); } } else { if (submitcheck('deletesubmit')) { if ($_POST['ids']) { $_POST['ids'] = daddslashes($_POST['ids']); DB::query('DELETE FROM ' . DB::table('common_block_item') . " WHERE bid IN (" . dimplode($_POST['ids']) . ")"); DB::query('DELETE FROM ' . DB::table('common_block') . " WHERE bid IN (" . dimplode($_POST['ids']) . ")"); DB::delete('common_block_permission', 'bid IN (' . dimplode($_POST['ids']) . ')'); cpmsg('block_delete_succeed', 'action=block&operation=jscall', 'succeed'); } else { cpmsg('block_choose_at_least_one_block', 'action=block&operation=jscall', 'error'); } } elseif (submitcheck('clearsubmit')) { include_once libfile('function/block'); block_clear(); cpmsg('block_clear_unused_succeed', 'action=block', 'succeed'); } else { loadcache(array('diytemplatename')); $searchctrl = '<span style="float: right; padding-right: 40px;">' . '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="$(\'tb_search\').style.display=\'\';$(\'a_search_show\').style.display=\'none\';$(\'a_search_hide\').style.display=\'\';" id="a_search_show" style="display:none">' . cplang('show_search') . '</a>' . '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="$(\'tb_search\').style.display=\'none\';$(\'a_search_show\').style.display=\'\';$(\'a_search_hide\').style.display=\'none\';" id="a_search_hide">' . cplang('hide_search') . '</a>' . '</span>'; showsubmenu('block', array(array('block_list', 'block', $operation == 'list'), array('block_jscall', 'block&operation=jscall', $operation == 'jscall')), $searchctrl); $mpurl = ADMINSCRIPT . '?action=block&operation=' . $operation; $intkeys = array('bid'); $strkeys = array('blockclass'); $strkeys[] = 'targettplname'; $randkeys = array(); $likekeys = array('name'); $results = getwheres($intkeys, $strkeys, $randkeys, $likekeys); foreach ($likekeys as $k) {
<?php /* [Discuz!] (C)2001-2009 Comsenz Inc. This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms $Id: 16688 2008-11-14 06:41:07Z cnteacher $ */ if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } if (submitcheck('usesubmit')) { if (empty($tid) && empty($moveto)) { showmessage('magics_info_nonexistence'); } $thread = getpostinfo($tid, 'tid', array('fid', 'tid', 'authorid', 'special')); checkmagicperm($magicperm['forum'], $thread['fid']); if ($thread['authorid'] != $discuz_uid) { showmessage('magics_operation_nopermission'); } if ($thread['special']) { $query = $db->query("SELECT allowpostspecial FROM {$tablepre}forums WHERE fid='{$moveto}'"); if (!substr(sprintf('%04b', $forum['allowpostspecial']), -$thread['special'], 1)) { showmessage('admin_move_nopermission'); } } $query = $db->query("SELECT postperm FROM {$tablepre}forumfields WHERE fid='{$moveto}'"); if ($forum = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if (!$forum['postperm'] && !$allowpost) { showmessage('group_nopermission'); } elseif ($forum['postperm'] && !forumperm($forum['postperm'])) {
} if ($_G['adminid'] != 1 && !($_G['group']['allowsearch'] & 1)) { showmessage('group_nopermission', NULL, array('grouptitle' => $_G['group']['grouptitle']), array('login' => 1)); } $_G['setting']['search']['portal']['searchctrl'] = intval($_G['setting']['search']['portal']['searchctrl']); $srchmod = 1; $cachelife_time = 300; // Life span for cache of searching in specified range of time $cachelife_text = 3600; // Life span for cache of text searching $srchtype = empty($_G['gp_srchtype']) ? '' : trim($_G['gp_srchtype']); $checkarray = array('posts' => '', 'trade' => '', 'threadsort' => ''); $searchid = isset($_G['gp_searchid']) ? intval($_G['gp_searchid']) : 0; $srchtxt = $_G['gp_srchtxt']; $keyword = isset($srchtxt) ? htmlspecialchars(trim($srchtxt)) : ''; if (!submitcheck('searchsubmit', 1)) { include template('search/portal'); } else { $orderby = in_array($_G['gp_orderby'], array('aid')) ? $_G['gp_orderby'] : 'aid'; $ascdesc = isset($_G['gp_ascdesc']) && $_G['gp_ascdesc'] == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; if (!empty($searchid)) { $page = max(1, intval($_G['gp_page'])); $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $_G['tpp']; $index = DB::fetch_first("SELECT searchstring, keywords, num, ids FROM " . DB::table('common_searchindex') . " WHERE searchid='{$searchid}' AND srchmod='{$srchmod}'"); if (!$index) { showmessage('search_id_invalid'); } $keyword = htmlspecialchars($index['keywords']); $keyword = $keyword != '' ? str_replace('+', ' ', $keyword) : ''; $index['keywords'] = rawurlencode($index['keywords']); $articlelist = array();
$setting['button'][$k]['sub_button'][] = $sub_button; } } if (count($setting['button'][$k]['sub_button']) > 7) { cpmsg(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wsq_menu_sub_button_max'), '', 'error'); } usort($setting['button'][$k]['sub_button'], 'buttoncmp'); } if (count($setting['button']) > 3) { cpmsg(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wsq_menu_button_max'), '', 'error'); } usort($setting['button'], 'buttoncmp'); $settings = array('wechatmenu' => serialize($setting)); C::t('common_setting')->update_batch($settings); updatecache('setting'); if (submitcheck('pubsubmit')) { if (!$setting['button']) { cpmsg(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wsq_menu_button_pub_error'), '', 'error'); } $pubmenu = array('button' => array()); foreach ($setting['button'] as $button) { if (!$button['sub_button']) { if (!$button['name']) { cpmsg(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wsq_menu_name_empty'), '', 'error'); } if (!$button['keyurl']) { cpmsg(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wsq_menu_keyurl_empty'), '', 'error'); } $parse = parse_url($button['keyurl']); $item = array('type' => $parse['host'] ? 'view' : 'click', 'name' => convertname($button['name']), $parse['host'] ? 'url' : 'key' => $button['keyurl']); $pubmenu['button'][] = $item;
<?php /** * [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc. * This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * * $Id: spacecp_avatar.php 18515 2010-11-25 07:35:31Z zhengqingpeng $ */ if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } if (submitcheck('avatarsubmit')) { showmessage('do_success', 'cp.php?ac=avatar&quickforward=1'); } loaducenter(); $uc_avatarflash = uc_avatar($_G['uid'], 'virtual', 0); if (empty($space['avatarstatus']) && uc_check_avatar($_G['uid'], 'middle')) { DB::update('common_member', array('avatarstatus' => '1'), array('uid' => $_G['uid'])); updatecreditbyaction('setavatar'); manyoulog('user', $_G['uid'], 'update'); } $actives = array('avatar' => ' class="a"'); include template("home/spacecp_avatar");
amessage('enameillegal', '?entry=alangs&action=alangsedit'); } $alangnew['ename'] = strtolower(trim(strip_tags($alangnew['ename']))); if (in_array($alangnew['ename'], array_keys($alangs))) { amessage('enamerepeat', '?entry=alangs&action=alangsedit'); } $alangnew['content'] = trim($alangnew['content']); $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tblprefix}alangs SET \n\t\t\t\t\tename='{$alangnew['ename']}', \n\t\t\t\t\tcontent='{$alangnew['content']}',\n\t\t\t\t\tcreatedate='{$timestamp}'\n\t\t\t\t\t"); adminlog(lang('add_alang')); updatecache('alangs'); amessage('alangaddfin', "?entry=alangs&action=alangsedit"); } } elseif ($action == 'alangdetail' && $ename) { if (!($alang = $db->fetch_one("SELECT * FROM {$tblprefix}alangs WHERE ename='{$ename}'"))) { amessage('chooseclang'); } if (!submitcheck('balangdetail')) { tabheader(lang('edit_alang'), 'alangdetail', "?entry=alangs&action=alangdetail&ename={$ename}"); trbasic(lang('alang_ename'), '', $alang['ename'], ''); trbasic(lang('alang_content'), 'alangnew[content]', $alang['content'], 'textarea'); tabfooter('balangdetail'); a_guide('alangdetail'); } else { $alangnew['content'] = trim($alangnew['content']); $sql = $alangnew['content'] != $alang['content'] ? ",createdate='{$timestamp}'" : ''; $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}alangs SET \n\t\t\t\t\tcontent='{$alangnew['content']}'\n\t\t\t\t\t{$sql}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ename='{$ename}'"); adminlog(lang('edit_alang_detail')); updatecache('alangs'); amessage('alangmodfin', "?entry=alangs&action=alangsedit"); } }
if (protectguard($protect)) { if (empty($option['permprompt'])) { echo lang('forum/misc', 'view_noperm'); } else { echo $option['permprompt']; } } else { echo nl2br($typeoptionvarvalue[0]['value']); } } else { echo lang('forum/misc', 'has_expired'); } include template('common/footer_ajax'); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'usertag') { if ($_G['tid']) { if (!submitcheck('addusertag')) { $recent_use_tag = $lastlog = $polloptions = array(); $i = 0; $query = C::t('common_tagitem')->select(0, 0, 'uid', 'tagid', 'DESC', 200); foreach ($query as $result) { if ($i > 4) { break; } if ($recent_use_tag[$result['tagid']] == '') { $i++; } $recent_use_tag[$result['tagid']] = 1; } if ($recent_use_tag) { $query = C::t('common_tag')->fetch_all(array_keys($recent_use_tag)); foreach ($query as $result) {
if (!defined('IN_ADMINCP')) { exit('Access Denied'); } include_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/dsu_updater/core.func.php'; showtableheader($du_lang['installed_plugin']); showsubtitle(array($du_lang['plugin_name'], $du_lang['ver_installed'], $du_lang['ver_new'], $du_lang['action'])); $query = DB::query('SELECT name,identifier,version FROM ' . DB::table('common_plugin') . " WHERE identifier LIKE 'dsu_%'"); while ($result = DB::fetch($query)) { $output = array(); $output[] = $result['name']; $output[] = $result['version']; $plugin[$result['identifier']] = $result['name']; $output[] = $_G['dsu_updater']['plugin'][$result['identifier']]; if ($result['version'] == $_G['dsu_updater']['plugin'][$result['identifier']] || $_G['dsu_updater']['plugin'][$result['identifier']] == '') { $output[] = ''; } else { $output[] = '<a href="admin.php?action=plugins&operation=config&identifier=dsu_updater&pmod=main&plugin=' . $result['identifier'] . '&formhash=' . FORMHASH . "\">{$du_lang[update_do]}</a>"; } showtablerow('', '', $output); } showtablefooter(); if (submitcheck('plugin', 1)) { showtableheader($du_lang['update_status'] . $plugin[$_G['gp_plugin']]); echo '<tr><td class="tipsblock"><ul id="update_status"><li>正在请求 Callback 系统, 请稍候...</li></ul></td></tr>'; showtablefooter(); @(include_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/discuz_version.php'); echo '<script onerror="document.getElementById(\'update_status\').innerHTML+=\'<li><font color=red>发送 CallBack 数据失败.</font></li>\'" src="' . $_G['gp_plugin'] . '&site_id=' . $_G['dsu_updater']['site_id'] . '&keyhash=' . md5($_G['dsu_updater']['key']) . '&dv=' . DISCUZ_VERSION . '"></script>'; } @(include_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/discuz_version.php'); callback('plugin', 0, '&dv=' . DISCUZ_VERSION);
$filterstr = ''; foreach (array('nmuid', 'caid', 'keyword') as $k) { ${$k} && ($filterstr .= "&{$k}=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes(${$k}))); } foreach (array('checked', 'valid') as $k) { ${$k} != -1 && ($filterstr .= "&{$k}=" . ${$k}); } //处理ucotype的筛选 foreach ($ucotypes as $k => $v) { if (!empty(${'uccid' . $k}) && $v['cclass'] == 'offer') { $filterstr .= "&uccid{$k}=" . ${'uccid' . $k}; $wheresql .= " AND cu.uccid{$k}='" . ${'uccid' . $k} . "'"; } } $wheresql = "WHERE " . (empty($no_list) ? $wheresql : '1=0'); if (!submitcheck('barcsedit')) { if (empty($u_tplname)) { echo form_str($action . 'archivesedit', "?action=offers&nmuid={$nmuid}&page={$page}"); tabheader_e(); echo "<tr><td class=\"item2\">"; echo lang('keyword') . " <input class=\"text\" name=\"keyword\" type=\"text\" value=\"{$keyword}\" size=\"8\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\"> "; //审核状态 if (in_array('check', $u_filters)) { $checkedarr = array('-1' => lang('nolimit') . lang('check'), '0' => lang('nocheck'), '1' => lang('checked')); echo "<select style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" name=\"checked\">" . makeoption($checkedarr, $checked) . "</select> "; } //有效状态 if (in_array('valid', $u_filters)) { $validarr = array('-1' => lang('nolimit') . lang('available'), '0' => lang('invalid'), '1' => lang('available')); echo "<select style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" name=\"valid\">" . makeoption($validarr, $valid) . "</select> "; }
} if (isset($_POST['privacy'])) { foreach ($_POST['privacy'] as $key => $value) { if (isset($_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$key])) { $space['privacy']['profile'][$key] = intval($value); } } DB::update('common_member_field_home', array('privacy' => addslashes(serialize($space['privacy']))), array('uid' => $space['uid'])); } manyoulog('user', $_G['uid'], 'update'); include_once libfile('function/feed'); feed_add('profile', 'feed_profile_update_' . $operation, array('hash_data' => 'profile')); countprofileprogress(); $message = $vid ? lang('spacecp', 'profile_verify_verifying', array('verify' => $verifyconfig['title'])) : ''; profile_showsuccess($message); } elseif (submitcheck('passwordsubmit', 0, $seccodecheck, $secqaacheck)) { $membersql = $memberfieldsql = $authstradd1 = $authstradd2 = $newpasswdadd = ''; $setarr = array(); $emailnew = dhtmlspecialchars($_G['gp_emailnew']); $ignorepassword = 0; if ($_G['setting']['connect']['allow'] && DB::result_first("SELECT conisregister FROM " . DB::table('common_member_connect') . " WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}'")) { $_G['gp_oldpassword'] = ''; $ignorepassword = 1; if (empty($_G['gp_newpassword'])) { showmessage('profile_passwd_empty'); } } if ($_G['gp_questionidnew'] === '') { $_G['gp_questionidnew'] = $_G['gp_answernew'] = ''; } else { $secquesnew = $_G['gp_questionidnew'] > 0 ? random(8) : '';
function spacecp_profile_bottom() { global $_G; if (submitcheck('profilesubmit')) { $_G['group']['maxsigsize'] = $_G['group']['maxsigsize'] < 200 ? 200 : $_G['group']['maxsigsize']; return; } if ($_G['uid'] && $_G['setting']['connect']['allow']) { require_once libfile('function/connect'); connect_merge_member(); if ($_G['member']['conuin'] && $_G['member']['conuinsecret']) { $arr = array(); $arr['oauth_consumer_key'] = $_G['setting']['connectappid']; $arr['oauth_nonce'] = mt_rand(); $arr['oauth_timestamp'] = TIMESTAMP; $arr['oauth_signature_method'] = 'HMAC_SHA1'; $arr['oauth_token'] = $_G['member']['conuin']; ksort($arr); $arr['oauth_signature'] = connect_get_oauth_signature('', $arr, 'GET', $_G['member']['conuinsecret']); $result = connect_output_php('' . http_build_query($arr, '', '&')); if ($result['status'] == 0) { $js = 'a.onclick = function () { seditor_insertunit(\'sightml\', \'[wb=' . $result['result']['username'] . ']' . $result['result']['signature_url'] . '[/wb]\'); };'; } else { $js = 'a.onclick = function () { showDialog(\'' . lang('plugin/qqconnect', 'connect_wbsign_no_account') . '\'); };'; } } else { $js = 'a.onclick = function () { showDialog(\'' . lang('plugin/qqconnect', 'connect_wbsign_no_bind') . '\'); };'; } return '<script type="text/javascript">if($(\'sightmlsml\')) {' . 'var a = document.createElement(\'a\');a.href = \'javascript:;\'; = \'url(\' + STATICURL + \'image/common/weibo.png) no-repeat 0 2px\';' . 'a.onmouseover = function () { showTip(this); };a.setAttribute(\'tip\', \'' . lang('plugin/qqconnect', 'connect_wbsign_tip') . '\');' . $js . '$(\'sightmlsml\').parentNode.appendChild(a);' . '}</script>'; } }
if ($member['email'] != $tmp['email']) { $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}members SET email='" . addslashes($tmp['email']) . "' WHERE uid='" . addslashes($tmp['uid']) . "'"); } $idstring = random(6); $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}memberfields SET authstr='{$timestamp}\t1\t{$idstring}' WHERE uid='{$member['uid']}'"); sendmail("{$username} <{$tmp['email']}>", 'get_passwd_subject', 'get_passwd_message'); showmessage('getpasswd_send_succeed', '', 141); } } elseif ($action == 'getpasswd' && $uid && $id) { $discuz_action = 141; $member = $db->fetch_first("SELECT m.username,, mf.authstr FROM {$tablepre}members m, {$tablepre}memberfields mf\r\n\t\tWHERE m.uid='{$uid}' AND mf.uid=m.uid"); list($dateline, $operation, $idstring) = explode("\t", $member['authstr']); if ($dateline < $timestamp - 86400 * 3 || $operation != 1 || $idstring != $id) { showmessage('getpasswd_illegal', NULL, 'HALTED'); } if (!submitcheck('getpwsubmit') || $newpasswd1 != $newpasswd2) { $hashid = $id; include template('getpasswd'); } else { if ($newpasswd1 != addslashes($newpasswd1)) { showmessage('profile_passwd_illegal'); } require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './uc_client/client.php'; uc_user_edit($member['username'], $newpasswd1, $newpasswd1, $member['email'], 1); $password = md5(random(10)); $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}members SET password='******' WHERE uid='{$uid}'"); $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}memberfields SET authstr='' WHERE uid='{$uid}'"); showmessage('getpasswd_succeed'); } } elseif ($action == 'groupexpiry' && $discuz_uid) { if (!$groupexpiry) {
$cssfile = DISCUZ_ROOT . './static/space/' . $style . '/style.css'; if (!file_exists($cssfile)) { showmessage('theme_does_not_exist'); } } space_merge($space, 'field_home'); $blockdata = unserialize($space['blockposition']); $blockdata['block'] = $layoutdata; $blockdata['currentlayout'] = $currentlayout; $setarr['spacecss'] = daddslashes($spacecss); $setarr['blockposition'] = daddslashes(serialize($blockdata)); $setarr['theme'] = $style; DB::update('common_member_field_home', $setarr, "uid = {$_G['uid']}"); showmessage('do_success', 'home.php?mod=space' . ($_G['adminid'] == 1 && $_G['setting']['allowquickviewprofile'] ? '&view=admin' : '')); } if (submitcheck('uploadsubmit')) { $albumid = $picid = 0; if (!checkperm('allowupload')) { echo "<script>"; echo "alert(\"" . lang('spacecp', 'not_allow_upload') . "\")"; echo "</script>"; exit; } $uploadfiles = pic_save($_FILES['attach'], $_POST['albumid'], $_POST['pic_title'], false); if ($uploadfiles && is_array($uploadfiles)) { $albumid = $uploadfiles['albumid']; $picid = $uploadfiles['picid']; $uploadStat = 1; require_once libfile('function/spacecp'); album_update_pic($albumid); } else {