/** * This function returns the user ID of the logged in user on your site. Technical support will not * help you with this for stand-alone installations. You must purchase the professional installation * if you are having trouble. * * Suggestion: Check out the other integration files in the functions/integrations directory for * many examples of how this can be done. The easiest way is to get the user ID through a cookie. * * @return the user ID of the logged in user or NULL if not logged in */ function get_user_id() { global $db; $userid = NULL; $result = $db->execute("\n\t\t\tSELECT option_value \n\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "options \n\t\t\tWHERE option_name = 'siteurl'\n\t\t"); if ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $site_url = $row['option_value']; } $cookiehash = md5($site_url); if (!empty($_COOKIE['wordpress_logged_in_' . $cookiehash])) { $username = strstrb($_COOKIE['wordpress_logged_in_' . $cookiehash], '|'); $result = $db->execute("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT " . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " \n\t\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . " \n\t\t\t\tWHERE user_login = '******'\n\t\t\t"); if ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $userid = $row[DB_USERTABLE_USERID]; } } return $userid; }
function checkAccess($login, $password) { // Fichier des login et mots de passe $accountFile = "usersList/users.acl"; if (basename($_SESSION['parentURL']) == 'admin.php') { $accountFile = "usersList/admin.acl"; } // Renvoie toutes les erreurs sauf les warning error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING); $fp = fopen($accountFile, "r"); // to emulate the before_needle php V5.3 function strstrb($h, $n) { return array_shift(explode($n, $h, 2)); } if ($fp) { $passwordArray = array(); while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp); // Only after php V5.3 //$loginFind = strstr($line, '::', true); // Before php V5.3 $loginFind = strstrb($line, '::'); $pwdFind = substr(strstr($line, '::'), 2); if ($loginFind == $login) { $passwordArray[] = trim($pwdFind); } } if (count($passwordArray) > 0) { if (in_array($password, $passwordArray)) { return true; } else { return false; } } } else { echo "Pas de liste d'utilisateurs!"; } fclose($fp); return false; }
|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # || || # Copyright �2010-2012 ArrowSuites LLC. All Rights Reserved. # || || # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # || || # ---------------- ARROWCHAT IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # || || # http://www.arrowchat.com | http://www.arrowchat.com/license/ # || || #################################################################### || */ // ########################## INCLUDE BACK-END ########################### require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "bootstrap.php"; // ########################## START MAIN SCRIPT ########################### $get_file = get_var('file'); $dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AC_FOLDER_UPLOADS; $dh = opendir($dir); // Get each filename in the upload directory to see if it exists while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $test = strstrb($file, "."); if (strcasecmp($test, $get_file) == 0) { $tmp = explode('.', $file); $extension = strtolower(end($tmp)); $contentType = "application/zip"; if ($extension == "jpg" || $extension == "jpeg" || $extension == "gif" || $extension == "png") { $content = getimagesize($file); $contentType = $content['mime']; } header("Cache-Control: public"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$file}"); header("Content-Type: {$contentType}"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); readfile($dir . "/" . $file); }