  * Get a very short desc. Used in the widget list.
  * @return string The block title, the first 60 characters of the block
  *                content or an empty string.
 function get_short_desc()
     if (empty($this->disp_params['title'])) {
         return strmaxlen($this->disp_params['content'], 60, NULL, 'formvalue');
     return format_to_output($this->disp_params['title']);
Example #2
  * Get "nice" title of the Item
  * @return string
 function get_title($params = array())
     global $ReqURL, $Blog, $MainList;
     // Set default post navigation
     $def_post_navigation = empty($Blog) ? 'same_blog' : $Blog->get_setting('post_navigation');
     // Make sure we are not missing any param:
     $params = array_merge(array('before' => '', 'after' => '', 'format' => 'htmlbody', 'link_type' => '#', 'link_class' => '#', 'max_length' => '', 'target_blog' => '', 'nav_target' => NULL, 'post_navigation' => $def_post_navigation, 'title_field' => 'title'), $params);
     // Set post navigation target
     $nav_target = $params['nav_target'] === NULL && isset($MainList) && !empty($MainList->nav_target) ? $MainList->nav_target : $params['nav_target'];
     $blogurl = '';
     if (!empty($Blog) && $this->check_cross_post_nav($params['target_blog'], $Blog->ID)) {
         $blogurl = $Blog->gen_blogurl();
     $title = format_to_output($this->{$params}['title_field'], $params['format']);
     if ($params['max_length'] != '') {
         // Crop long title
         $title = strmaxlen($title, intval($params['max_length']));
     if (empty($title)) {
     if ($params['link_type'] == '#') {
         // Use default link type from settings:
         if ($this->is_intro()) {
             // This is an intro, do not link title by default:
             $params['link_type'] = 'none';
         } elseif (is_same_url($this->get_permanent_url('', $blogurl, '&'), $ReqURL)) {
             // We are on the single url already:
             $params['link_type'] = 'none';
         } else {
             if ($this->ptyp_ID == 3000) {
                 // tblue> This is a sidebar link, link to its "link to" URL by default:
                 $params['link_type'] = 'linkto_url';
             } else {
                 // This is a normal post: use default link strategy from Blog settings:
                 $params['link_type'] = $this->Blog->get_setting('title_link_type');
     switch ($params['link_type']) {
         case 'auto':
             $url = empty($this->url) ? $this->get_permanent_url() : $this->url;
         case 'permalink':
             $url = $this->get_permanent_url('', $blogurl);
         case 'linkto_url':
             $url = $this->url;
         case 'admin_view':
             $url = '?ctrl=items&blog=' . $this->get_blog_ID() . '&p=' . $this->ID;
         case 'none':
     if (!empty($url)) {
         // url is set, also add navigation param if it is necessary
         $url = $this->add_navigation_param($url, $params['post_navigation'], $nav_target);
     $link_class = '';
     if ($params['link_class'] != '#') {
         $link_class = ' class="' . $params['link_class'] . '"';
     $r = $params['before'];
     if (!empty($url)) {
         $r .= '<a href="' . $url . '"' . $link_class . '>' . $title . '</a>';
     } else {
         $r .= $title;
     $r .= $params['after'];
     return $r;
Example #3
 * Generate the excerpt for post
 * @param string
 * @return string
function phpbb_generate_excerpt($content)
    $content = trim(strip_tags($content));
    return strmaxlen($content, 254, '&hellip;');
Example #4
 * Get a function trace from {@link debug_backtrace()} as html table.
 * Adopted from {@link http://us2.php.net/manual/de/function.debug-backtrace.php#47644}.
 * @todo dh> Add support for $is_cli = true (e.g. in case of MySQL error)
 * @param integer|NULL Get the last x entries from the stack (after $ignore_from is applied). Anything non-numeric means "all".
 * @param array After a key/value pair matches a stack entry, this and the rest is ignored.
 *              For example, array('class' => 'DB') would exclude everything after the stack
 *              "enters" class DB and everything that got called afterwards.
 *              You can also give an array of arrays which means that every condition in one of the given array must match.
 * @param integer Number of stack entries to include, after $ignore_from matches.
 * @return string HTML table
function debug_get_backtrace($limit_to_last = NULL, $ignore_from = array('function' => 'debug_get_backtrace'), $offset_ignore_from = 0)
    if (!function_exists('debug_backtrace')) {
        return 'Function debug_backtrace() is not available!';
    $r = '';
    $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
    $count_ignored = 0;
    // remember how many have been ignored
    $limited = false;
    // remember if we have limited to $limit_to_last
    if ($ignore_from) {
        // we want to ignore from a certain point
        $trace_length = 0;
        $break_because_of_offset = false;
        for ($i = count($backtrace); $i > 0; $i--) {
            // Search the backtrace from behind (first call).
            $l_stack =& $backtrace[$i - 1];
            if ($break_because_of_offset && $offset_ignore_from < 1) {
                // we've respected the offset, but need to break now
                // ignore from here
            foreach ($ignore_from as $l_ignore_key => $l_ignore_value) {
                // Check if we want to ignore from here
                if (is_array($l_ignore_value)) {
                    // It's an array - all must match
                    foreach ($l_ignore_value as $l_ignore_mult_key => $l_ignore_mult_val) {
                        if (!isset($l_stack[$l_ignore_mult_key]) || strcasecmp($l_stack[$l_ignore_mult_key], $l_ignore_mult_val)) {
                            continue 2;
                            // next ignore setting, because not all match.
                    if ($offset_ignore_from-- > 0) {
                        $break_because_of_offset = true;
                    break 2;
                    // ignore from here
                } elseif (isset($l_stack[$l_ignore_key]) && !strcasecmp($l_stack[$l_ignore_key], $l_ignore_value)) {
                    if ($offset_ignore_from-- > 0) {
                        $break_because_of_offset = true;
                    break 2;
                    // ignore from here
        $count_ignored = count($backtrace) - $trace_length;
        $backtrace = array_slice($backtrace, 0 - $trace_length);
        // cut off ignored ones
    $count_backtrace = count($backtrace);
    if (is_numeric($limit_to_last) && $limit_to_last < $count_backtrace) {
        // we want to limit to a maximum number
        $limited = true;
        $backtrace = array_slice($backtrace, 0, $limit_to_last);
        $count_backtrace = $limit_to_last;
    $r .= '<div style="padding:1ex; margin-bottom:1ex; text-align:left; color:#000; background-color:#ddf;">
					<h3>Backtrace:</h3>' . "\n";
    if ($count_backtrace) {
        $r .= '<ol style="font-family:monospace;">';
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($backtrace as $l_trace) {
            if (++$i == $count_backtrace) {
                $r .= '<li style="padding:0.5ex 0;">';
            } else {
                $r .= '<li style="padding:0.5ex 0; border-bottom:1px solid #77d;">';
            $args = array();
            if (isset($l_trace['args']) && is_array($l_trace['args'])) {
                // Prepare args:
                foreach ($l_trace['args'] as $l_arg) {
                    $l_arg_type = gettype($l_arg);
                    switch ($l_arg_type) {
                        case 'integer':
                        case 'double':
                            $args[] = $l_arg;
                        case 'string':
                            $args[] = '"' . strmaxlen(str_replace("\n", '\\n', $l_arg), 255, NULL, 'htmlspecialchars') . '"';
                        case 'array':
                            $args[] = 'Array(' . count($l_arg) . ')';
                        case 'object':
                            $args[] = 'Object(' . get_class($l_arg) . ')';
                        case 'resource':
                            $args[] = htmlspecialchars((string) $l_arg);
                        case 'boolean':
                            $args[] = $l_arg ? 'true' : 'false';
                            $args[] = $l_arg_type;
            $call = "<strong>\n";
            if (isset($l_trace['class'])) {
                $call .= htmlspecialchars($l_trace['class']);
            if (isset($l_trace['type'])) {
                $call .= htmlspecialchars($l_trace['type']);
            $call .= htmlspecialchars($l_trace['function']) . "( </strong>\n";
            if ($args) {
                $call .= ' ' . implode(', ', $args) . ' ';
            $call .= '<strong>)</strong>';
            $r .= $call . "<br />\n";
            $r .= '<strong>';
            if (isset($l_trace['file'])) {
                $r .= "File: </strong> " . $l_trace['file'];
            } else {
                $r .= '[runtime created function]</strong>';
            if (isset($l_trace['line'])) {
                $r .= ' on line ' . $l_trace['line'];
            $r .= "</li>\n";
        $r .= '</ol>';
    } else {
        $r .= '<p>No backtrace available.</p>';
    // Extra notes, might be to much, but explains why we stopped at some point. Feel free to comment it out or remove it.
    $notes = array();
    if ($count_ignored) {
        $notes[] = 'Ignored last: ' . $count_ignored;
    if ($limited) {
        $notes[] = 'Limited to' . ($count_ignored ? ' remaining' : '') . ': ' . $limit_to_last;
    if ($notes) {
        $r .= '<p class="small">' . implode(' - ', $notes) . '</p>';
    $r .= "</div>\n";
    return $r;
Example #5
 * Get current Comment for an XML-RPC request.
 * @param xmlrpcmsg XML-RPC Message
 * @param integer idx of comment ID param
 * @return Comment or NULL
function &xmlrpcs_get_Comment($m, $id_param)
    global $xmlrpcs_errcode, $xmlrpcs_errmsg, $xmlrpcerruser;
    $id = $m->getParam($id_param);
    $id = $id->scalarval();
     * @var CommentCache
    $CommentCache =& get_CommentCache();
     * @var Comment
    $edited_Comment =& $CommentCache->get_by_ID($id, false, false);
    if (empty($edited_Comment)) {
        // Comment not found
        $xmlrpcs_errcode = $xmlrpcerruser + 9;
        $xmlrpcs_errmsg = 'Requested comment (' . $id . ') does not exist.';
        $r = NULL;
        return $r;
    logIO('Requested Comment: ' . $edited_Comment->ID . ' - ' . strmaxlen($edited_Comment->content, 30));
    return $edited_Comment;
Example #6
if ($commented_Item->comment_status != 'open') {
    trackback_response(1, 'Sorry, this item does not accept trackbacks.');
    // exits
// CHECK content
if ($error = validate_url($url, 'commenting')) {
    $Messages->add(T_('Supplied URL is invalid: ') . $error, 'error');
if ($Messages->has_errors()) {
    trackback_response(1, $Messages->get_string('', '', "\n"));
    // exits
// TODO: dh> title and excerpt should be htmlbody, too, no?
$title = strmaxlen(strip_tags($title), 255, '...', 'raw');
$excerpt = strmaxlen(strip_tags($excerpt), 255, '...', 'raw');
$blog_name = strmaxlen($blog_name, 255, '...', 'htmlbody');
$comment = '';
if (!empty($title)) {
    $comment .= '<strong>' . $title . '</strong>';
    if (!empty($excerpt)) {
        $comment .= '<br />';
$comment .= $excerpt;
$comment = format_to_post($comment, 1);
// includes antispam
if (empty($comment)) {
    // comment should not be empty!
    $Messages->add(T_('Please do not send empty comment'), 'error');
Example #7
 function get_maxlen_name($maxlen = 50)
     return strmaxlen($this->get_name(), $maxlen, NULL, 'raw');
 function display_list_comments($limit = 6)
     global $Blog, $app_version;
     if (version_compare($app_version, '4.0') < 0) {
         $CommentList = new CommentList($Blog, "'comment'", array('published'), '', '', 'DESC', '', $limit);
     } else {
         $CommentList = new CommentList2($Blog, $limit);
         // Filter list:
         $CommentList->set_filters(array('types' => array('comment'), 'statuses' => array('published'), 'post_ID' => NULL, 'order' => 'DESC'));
         // Get ready for display (runs the query):
     if ($CommentList->result_num_rows > 0) {
         while ($Comment =& $CommentList->get_next()) {
             echo '<li class="clearfix"><a class="fadeThis" href="' . $Comment->get_permanent_url() . '"><span class="avatar post-thumb">' . $this->get_avatar($Comment, 'crop-48x48', 48) . '</span><span class="clearfix entry">' . $Comment->get_author_name() . ': <span class="details">' . strmaxlen($Comment->get_content('text'), 60) . '</span></span></a></li>';
     return false;
Example #9
 function send_a_tweet($content, &$Item, &$xmlrpcresp)
     // Uses either plugin CollSettings or UserSettings
     $oauth = $this->get_oauth_info(array('user_ID' => $Item->get_creator_User()->ID, 'blog_ID' => $Item->get_Blog()->ID));
     if (empty($oauth['msg_format']) || empty($oauth['token']) || empty($oauth['token_secret'])) {
         // Not found, fallback to Trying to get twitter account for User:
         $xmlrpcresp = T_('You must configure a twitter username/password before you can post to twitter.');
         return false;
     $content = array_merge(array('title' => '', 'excerpt' => '', 'url' => ''), $content);
     $msg = str_replace(array('$title$', '$excerpt$'), array($content['title'], $content['excerpt']), $oauth['msg_format']);
     $msg_len = evo_strlen($msg);
     $full_url_len = evo_strlen($content['url']);
     $base_url_len = evo_strlen($Item->get_Blog()->get_baseurl_root());
     if (evo_strpos($msg, '$url$') === 0 && $base_url_len + $msg_len - 5 > $this->message_length_limit) {
         // The message is too long and is starting with $url$
         $max_len = $this->message_length_limit + $full_url_len - $base_url_len;
         $msg = strmaxlen(str_replace('$url$', $content['url'], $msg), $max_len, '...');
     } elseif (evo_strpos(strrev($msg), 'p2b# $lru$') === 0 && $base_url_len + $msg_len - 10 > $this->message_length_limit) {
         // The message is too long and is ending on '$url$ #b2p'
         // Strip $url$, crop the message, and add URL to the end
         $max_len = $this->message_length_limit - $base_url_len - 1;
         // save room for space character
         $msg = strmaxlen(str_replace('$url$ #b2p', '', $msg), $max_len, '...');
         $msg .= ' ' . $content['url'] . ' #b2p';
     } elseif (evo_strpos(strrev($msg), '$lru$') === 0 && $base_url_len + $msg_len - 5 > $this->message_length_limit) {
         // Same as above, but without '#b2p' suffix
         $max_len = $this->message_length_limit - $base_url_len - 1;
         // save room for space character
         $msg = strmaxlen(str_replace('$url$', '', $msg), $max_len, '...');
         $msg .= ' ' . $content['url'];
     } elseif (evo_strpos($msg, '$url$') !== false && $base_url_len + $msg_len - 5 > $this->message_length_limit) {
         // Message is too long and $url$ is somewhere in the middle
         // We can't do much, it will be rejected by Twitter
         // TODO: find a way to trim X chars before the URL and Y chars after
         $msg = str_replace('$url$', $content['url'], $msg);
     } else {
         // We don't want to add URL. Crop the message if needed
         $msg = strmaxlen(str_replace('$url$', $content['url'], $msg), $this->message_length_limit, '...');
     require_once 'twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php';
     $connection = new TwitterOAuth(TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET, $oauth['token'], $oauth['token_secret']);
     $result = $connection->post('statuses/update', array('status' => $msg));
     if (empty($result)) {
         $xmlrpcresp = 'Unknown error while posting "' . $msg . '" to account @' . $oauth['contact'];
         return false;
     } elseif (!empty($result->error)) {
         $xmlrpcresp = $result->error;
         return false;
     if (empty($oauth['contact'])) {
         $oauth['contact'] = $this->get_twitter_contact($oauth['token'], $oauth['token_secret']);
     $xmlrpcresp = T_('Posted to account @') . $oauth['contact'];
     return true;
Example #10
  * Format a SQL query
  * @static
  * @param string SQL
  * @param boolean Format with/for HTML?
 function format_query($sql, $html = true, $maxlen = NULL)
     $sql = trim(str_replace("\t", '  ', $sql));
     if ($maxlen) {
         $sql = strmaxlen($sql, $maxlen, '...');
     $new = '';
     $word = '';
     $in_comment = false;
     $in_literal = false;
     for ($i = 0, $n = strlen($sql); $i < $n; $i++) {
         $c = $sql[$i];
         if ($in_comment) {
             if ($in_comment === '/*' && substr($sql, $i, 2) == '*/') {
                 $in_comment = false;
             } elseif ($c == "\n") {
                 $in_comment = false;
         } elseif ($in_literal) {
             if ($c == $in_literal) {
                 $in_literal = false;
         } elseif ($c == '#' || $c == '-' && substr($sql, $i, 3) == '-- ') {
             $in_comment = true;
         } elseif (ctype_space($c)) {
             $uword = strtoupper($word);
             if (in_array($uword, array('SELECT', 'FROM', 'WHERE', 'GROUP', 'ORDER', 'LIMIT', 'VALUES', 'AND', 'OR', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'INNER'))) {
                 $new = rtrim($new) . "\n" . str_pad($word, 6, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' ';
                 # Remove any trailing whitespace after keywords
                 while (ctype_space($sql[$i + 1])) {
             } else {
                 $new .= $word . $c;
             $word = '';
         $word .= $c;
     $sql = trim($new . $word);
     if ($html) {
         // poor man's indent
         $sql = preg_replace_callback("~^(\\s+)~m", create_function('$m', 'return str_replace(" ", "&nbsp;", $m[1]);'), $sql);
         $sql = nl2br($sql);
     return $sql;
  * Test {@link strmaxlen()}
 function test_strmaxlen()
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foo', 3), 'foo');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foo', 2), 'f&hellip;');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foo', 2, '.'), 'f.');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foobar', 6, '...'), 'foobar');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foobar', 5, '...'), 'fo...');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foobar', 5, '&amp;&hellip;'), 'foo&amp;&hellip;');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('M?', 2), 'M?', 'Do not cut utf8 char in the middle');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('1', 1, '&hellip;'), '1');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('1', 1, '...'), '1');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('123', 1, '...'), '...');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('12345', 1, '...'), '...');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('1&2', 3, NULL, 'htmlbody'), '1&amp;2');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('1&2', 3, NULL, 'raw'), '1&2');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('1&2', 3), '1&2');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('1&amp;2', 10, NULL, 'htmlbody'), '1&amp;2');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('1&amp;2', 10, NULL, 'formvalue'), '1&amp;amp;2');
     # special cases, where entities must not get cut in the middle
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('1&amp;2', 5, NULL, 'htmlbody'), '1&hellip;');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('1&amp;22', 7, NULL, 'htmlbody'), '1&amp;&hellip;');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('1&amp;2', 3, NULL, 'formvalue'), '1&hellip;');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('1&    2', 3, NULL, 'formvalue'), '1&amp;&hellip;');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('1&2', 3, NULL, 'formvalue'), '1&amp;2');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('12345678901234567890&amp;', 21, NULL, 'formvalue'), '12345678901234567890&hellip;');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('123456789012345&amp;', 21, NULL, 'formvalue'), '123456789012345&amp;amp;');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foo ', 3), 'foo');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foo ', 4), 'foo');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foo bar', 3), 'fo&hellip;');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foo bar', 4), 'foo&hellip;');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foo bar', 5), 'foo&hellip;');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foo bar', 6), 'foo b&hellip;');
     // test cut_at_whitespace:
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foo bar', 5, ''), 'foo b');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foo bar', 5, '', 'raw', true), 'foo');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foo bar', 5, '.', 'raw', true), 'foo.');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foo bar', 4, '.', 'raw', true), 'foo.');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foo bar', 2, '', 'raw', true), 'fo');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen('foo bar', 2, '..', 'raw', true), '..');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen("foo\nbar", 2, '', 'raw', true), 'fo');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen("foo\nbar", 3, '', 'raw', true), 'foo');
     $this->assertEqual(strmaxlen("foo\nbar", 4, '', 'raw', true), 'foo');
Example #12
 * Get a blog full name with link to edit
 * @param string Blog full name
 * @param integer Blog ID
 * @return string Link
function blog_row_fullname($coll_fullname, $coll_ID)
    global $current_User, $admin_url;
    $coll_fullname = strmaxlen($coll_fullname, 40, NULL, 'raw');
    if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_properties', 'edit', false, $coll_ID)) {
        // Blog setting & can edit
        $edit_url = $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=general&amp;blog=' . $coll_ID;
        $r = '<a href="' . $edit_url . '" title="' . T_('Edit properties...') . '">';
        $r .= $coll_fullname;
        $r .= '</a>';
    } else {
        $r = $coll_fullname;
    return $r;
Example #13
 * Show affected comments
 * @param array affected Comment list, all comments in this list must have the same status
 * @param string Comment visibility status in this list
 * @param string ban keyword
 * @param integer The number of corresponding comments on which current user has no permission
function echo_affected_comments($affected_comments, $status, $keyword, $noperms_count)
    global $current_User;
    $num_comments = count($affected_comments);
    if ($num_comments == 0) {
        if ($noperms_count == 0) {
            // There isn't any affected comment witch corresponding status
            printf('<p>' . T_('No %s comments match the keyword [%s].') . '</p>', '<strong>' . $status . '</strong>', htmlspecialchars($keyword));
        } else {
            // There are affected comment witch corresponding status, but current user has no permission
            printf('<p>' . T_('There are %d matching %s comments, but you have no permission to edit them.') . '</p>', $noperms_count, '<strong>' . $status . '</strong>');
    echo '<p>';
    if ($current_User->check_perm('blogs', 'editall', false)) {
        // current User has rights to permanently delete comments
        $checkbox_status = 'checked="checked"';
    } else {
        // current User doesn't have rights to permanently delete comments, so disable delete checkbox
        $checkbox_status = 'disabled="disabled"';
    echo '<input type="checkbox" name="del' . $status . '" id="del' . $status . '_cb" value="1" ' . $checkbox_status . '/>';
    echo '<label for="del' . $status . '_cb"> ';
    echo sprintf(T_('Delete the following %s %s comments:'), $num_comments == 500 ? '500+' : $num_comments, '<strong>' . $status . '</strong>');
    echo '</label>';
    echo '</p>';
    echo '<table class="grouped" cellspacing="0">';
    echo '<thead><tr>';
    echo '<th class="firstcol">' . T_('Date') . '</th>';
    echo '<th class="center">' . T_('Auth. IP') . '</th>';
    echo '<th>' . T_('Author') . '</th>';
    echo '<th>' . T_('Auth. URL') . '</th>';
    echo '<th>' . T_('Content starts with...') . '</th>';
    echo '<th class="shrinkwrap">' . T_('Action') . '</th>';
    echo '</tr></thead>';
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($affected_comments as $Comment) {
        echo '<tr class="' . ($count % 2 == 1 ? 'odd' : 'even') . '">';
        echo '<td class="firstcol timestamp">' . mysql2localedatetime_spans($Comment->get('date')) . '</td>';
        echo '<td class="center">' . $Comment->get('author_IP') . '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . $Comment->get_author_name() . '</td>';
        echo '<td>';
        disp_url($Comment->get_author_url(), 50);
        echo '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . strmaxlen(strip_tags($Comment->get_content('raw_text')), 71) . '</td>';
        // no permission check, because affected_comments contains current user editable comments
        echo '<td class="shrinkwrap">' . action_icon(T_('Edit...'), 'edit', '?ctrl=comments&amp;action=edit&amp;comment_ID=' . $Comment->ID) . '</td>';
        echo '</tr>';
    echo "</tbody></table>";
Example #14
 * Displays keywords used for search leading to this page
function stats_search_keywords($keyphrase, $length = 45)
    global $evo_charset;
    if (empty($keyphrase)) {
        return '<span class="note">[' . T_('n.a.') . ']</span>';
    // Save original string
    $keyphrase_orig = $keyphrase;
    $keyphrase = strmaxlen($keyphrase, $length, '...', 'raw');
    // Convert keyword encoding, some charsets are supported only in PHP 4.3.2 and later.
    // This fixes encoding problem for Cyrillic keywords
    // See http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=17431
    $keyphrase = htmlentities($keyphrase, ENT_COMPAT, $evo_charset);
    return '<span title="' . format_to_output($keyphrase_orig, 'htmlattr') . '">' . $keyphrase . '</span>';
Example #15
  * Get autogenerated excerpt, derived from {@link Item::$content}.
  * @param integer Crop length
  * @param string Suffix, if cropped
  * @return string
 function get_autogenerated_excerpt($crop_length = 254, $suffix = '&hellip;')
     // autogenerated excerpt should NEVER show anything after <!-- more --> or after <!-- page -->
     $content_parts = $this->get_content_parts(array('disppage' => 1));
     $excerpt_content = array_shift($content_parts);
     $r = str_replace('<p>', ' <p>', $excerpt_content);
     $r = str_replace('<br', ' <br', $excerpt_content);
     $r = trim(strip_tags($r));
     // fp> this is borked: $r = preg_replace('~(\r?\n)+~', '\n', $r);
     $r = trim($r);
     $r = strmaxlen($r, $crop_length, $suffix);
     return $r;