function isUser($user, $password, $db_connection) { /* CHECK WHAT KIND OF USER IS TRYING TO LOG IN * Asumes $user and $password are arranged * Returns the userdata array or false */ // Do we have real data here? if ($user == '' || $password == '') { return false; } // Check for that user on the db $query = "SELECT idUser, username, pass, type, idEditor, DATE_FORMAT (date_created, '%b %y') AS date_created, country, email, limbo, limbo_reason FROM users LEFT JOIN editors ON users.idUser = editors.idEditor WHERE username='******'"; $result = mysql_query($query, $db_connection); if (!empty($result)) { $user_row = mysql_fetch_array($result); unset($query, $result); // Are we talking about the same password? if ($user_row['pass'] == $password) { if ($user_row['limbo'] == 'in') { global $error; $reason = $user_row['limbo_reason']; $error['limbo'] = 'Your account has been temporarily disabled. Reason: ' . $reason; } // update date_modified to have last date logs $id = $user_row['idUser']; $d = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $query = "UPDATE users SET date_modified = '{$d}' WHERE idUser = '******'"; $result = mysql_query($query, $db_connection); //Check if login IP is the same as current user IP. $IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (isset($_SESSION['NC_IP'])) { if ($_SESSION['NC_IP'] != $IP) { $error['IP'] = 'Your IP appears to have changed. Please login again.'; session_destroy(); return false; } } else { $_SESSION['NC_IP'] = $IP; } // <-- this only happens once, at login. if (empty($error)) { // & return the userArray without slashes $user_row = strip_slashes_arr($user_row); return $user_row; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
// Is user connected? Get the userArray (updates the login date at DB too). if (!empty($_SESSION['NC_user']) && !empty($_SESSION['NC_password'])) { $arrUser = isUser($_SESSION['NC_user'], $_SESSION['NC_password'], $dbConn); } // Get the selected user data if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']); $query = "SELECT idUser, username, type, first_name, last_name, country, DATE_FORMAT (date_created, '%b %D, %Y') AS date_created, date_modified, homepage, about, location FROM users WHERE idUser='******'"; $result = mysql_query($query, $dbConn); if (empty($result)) { $error['noUser'] = "******"; } else { $user = mysql_fetch_array($result); unset($query, $result); // array $user to single vars $user = strip_slashes_arr($user); extract($user); unset($user, $arr, $u); // and userpic $userpic = get_user_pic($idUser, 128); } } else { $error['noUser'] = "******"; } // page info $page_title = "NoClan: Home"; // used at 'includes/' ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
{ $now = time(); $when = strtotime($timestamp); if ($now - $when < $seconds) { return true; } else { return false; } } // BRING BACK THE COMMENTS OF THE POST $query = "SELECT idComment, userId, username, content, date FROM comments INNER JOIN users ON userId = idUser WHERE postId = '{$idPost}' ORDER BY ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query, $dbConn); //...and arrage it in $arrComments $arrComments = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($arrComments, strip_slashes_arr($row)); } unset($query, $result, $row); $c = count($arrComments); // number of comments. Used on the page. // SET THE USER OPTIONABLE COMMENTS: Get the last comment user sent to put the edit/delete buttons in. $optionable_comments = array(); // idUser => idComent // Foreach user that has comments here, get the last comment if (!empty($arrComments)) { foreach ($arrComments as $candidate) { if (is_recent($candidate['date'], 360)) { $optionable_comments[$candidate['userId']] = $candidate['idComment']; } } }
// Good Bye User Session include './includes/logout.php'; } // Is user connected? if (!empty($_SESSION['NC_user']) && !empty($_SESSION['NC_password'])) { $arrUser = isUser($_SESSION['NC_user'], $_SESSION['NC_password'], $dbConn); } // page info $page_title = "NoClan: Members"; // used at 'includes/' // GET THE MEMBERS DATA $query = "SELECT idUser, username, type, country, first_name, last_name, date_created, homepage, picasaUser, about FROM users WHERE users.type = 'member' OR users.type = 'admin' ORDER by date_created"; $result = mysql_query($query, $dbConn); $arrMembers = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($arrMembers, strip_slashes_arr($row)); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/'; ?> </head> <!-- Load javascript timers to update page --> <body onload='StartUp(<?php if (!empty($arrUser) && $arrUser['type'] != 'user') { echo '1';
function strip_slashes_arr($arr) { /* Recursie function that strip slashes * on values of an array. */ if (is_array($arr)) { foreach ($arr as $i => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { strip_slashes_arr($v); } else { $arr[$i] = stripslashes($v); } } return $arr; } else { return false; } }
echo '<img src="' . $u_pic . '" alt="' . $u_username . '" title="' . $u_username . '"/>'; echo '</a>'; echo '<h3 style="padding: 0; margin: 0;">'; echo '<a class="fancy" href="' . rurl() . '/user/show_userinfo.php?id=' . $u_idUser . '">' . $u_username . '</a>'; echo '</h3>'; echo '<span class="location">' . $u_location . ' (' . $u_country . ')</span><br />'; echo '<span class="label">' . $u_type . ' since ' . $u_date_created . '</span>'; echo '<br /><span><a class="more" href="' . rurl() . '/user/' . $u_username . '/" title="Visit ' . friendly_str($u_username) . '\'s profile">-more info-</a></span>'; echo '</div>'; } } if (!empty($arr_search_comments)) { echo '<h2 style="clear: both;">Comments</h2>'; } foreach ($arr_search_comments as $c) { extract(strip_slashes_arr($c), EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'c'); $c_pic = get_user_pic($c_userId, 32); $c_title = '<a href="' . rurl() . '/post/' . $c_postId . '/' . friendly_str($c_title) . '">' . $c_title . '</a>'; $c_content = cut_string($c_content, 60); $c_content = '<a class="acomm" href="' . rurl() . '/post/' . $c_postId . '/' . friendly_str($c_title) . '#comm_' . $c_idComment . '">' . $c_content . '</a>'; $c_date = date("M j/Y", strtotime($c_date)); echo '<div class="comment_found">'; echo '<p><img src="' . $c_pic . '" alt="' . $c_username . '" title="' . $c_username . '"/>'; echo '<a class="fancy" href="' . rurl() . '/user/show_userinfo.php?id=' . $c_userId . '">' . $c_username . '</a>, on ' . $c_title . ': '; echo '<em>' . $c_content . '</em>'; echo '<span style="color: #505050; font-size: 0.8em;"> (' . $c_date . ')</span>'; echo '</p></div>'; } } // end USERS and COMMENTS FOUND! ?>
require_once '../admin/functions.php'; require_once rdir() . '/admin/connect.php'; require_once rdir() . '/admin/isUser.php'; // db connection $dbConn = connect_db(); if (!empty($_SESSION['NC_user']) && !empty($_SESSION['NC_password'])) { $arrUser = isUser($_SESSION['NC_user'], $_SESSION['NC_password'], $dbConn); } // Number of comments to show $n = 10; if (empty($arrUser) || !empty($arrUser) && $arrUser['type'] == 'user') { // Get the Last Comments of public posts posts. $q = "SELECT idComment, comments.userId, postId, content,, username, title FROM comments INNER JOIN posts ON postId = idPost INNER JOIN users ON comments.userId = users.idUser WHERE posts.postFor = 'all' ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 0,{$n}"; } else { // Members, friends and admins can see all... $q = "SELECT idComment, comments.userId, postId, content,, username, title FROM comments INNER JOIN posts ON postId = idPost INNER JOIN users ON comments.userId = users.idUser ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 0,{$n}"; } if ($r = mysql_query($q, $dbConn)) { while ($commentrow = mysql_fetch_array($r)) { extract(strip_slashes_arr($commentrow), EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "lastc"); $lastc_pic = get_user_pic($lastc_userId, 24); $lastc_title = '<a href="' . rurl() . '/post/' . $lastc_postId . '/' . friendly_str($lastc_title) . '">' . $lastc_title . '</a>'; $lastc_content = cut_string($lastc_content, 60); $lastc_content = '<a class="acomm" href="' . rurl() . '/post/' . $lastc_postId . '/' . friendly_str($lastc_title) . '#comm_' . $lastc_idComment . '">' . $lastc_content . '</a>'; echo '<div class="comment">'; echo '<p><img class="userpic" src="' . $lastc_pic . '" alt="' . $lastc_username . '" title="' . $lastc_username . '"/>'; echo '<strong>' . ' ' . $lastc_username . '</strong>, on ' . $lastc_title . ' says: '; echo '<em>' . $lastc_content . '</em></p>'; echo '</div>'; } }
<language>en</language> <pubDate>' . $rss_date . '</pubDate> <image> <url>' . $rss_image_url . '</url> <title>' . $rss_title . '</title> <link>' . rurl() . '</link> </image> '; // NEWS $dbConn = connect_db(); $query = "SELECT idPost, postFor, title, summary, summary_img, date_pub, COUNT(idComment) AS numc, username FROM posts INNER JOIN users ON posts.userId = users.idUser LEFT JOIN comments ON comments.postId = posts.idPost GROUP BY idPost HAVING posts.postFor = 'all' AND date_pub <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ORDER BY date_pub DESC LIMIT 0,20"; $result = mysql_query($query, $dbConn); //...and arrage it in $arrPosts $arrNews = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($arrNews, strip_slashes_arr($row)); } unset($query, $result, $row); foreach ($arrNews as $new) { // vars $title = clear($new['title']); $link = rurl() . '/post/' . $new['idPost'] . '/' . friendly_str($new['title']); $pubDate = date("r", strtotime($new['date_pub'])); $author = $new['username']; // comments if (empty($new['numc'])) { $comms = 'no comments yet'; } else { $comms = $new['numc'] . ' comments'; } // image
session_start(); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/admin/config.php'; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/admin/functions.php'; require_once rdir() . '/admin/connect.php'; require_once rdir() . '/admin/isUser.php'; // db connection $dbConn = connect_db(); // This page needs idPost if (empty($_GET['idPost'])) { } else { // GET THE POST $idPost = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['idPost']); $query = "SELECT idPost, summary, summary_img, postFor, title, date_pub, userId, body, tags, username FROM prePosts INNER JOIN users ON userId = idUser WHERE idPost = '{$idPost}'"; $result = mysql_query($query, $dbConn); if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { extract(strip_slashes_arr($row), EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'p'); unset($query, $result, $row, $arrPost); } else { go_home(); } // page info $page_title = $p_title; // used at 'includes/' } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en" itemscope itemtype=""> <head> <?php include rdir() . '/includes/';
?> }); } }); }); </script> <style type='text/css'>.pwi_pager{display: ;}</style> <?php } else { // FOR INDEX $picasaUsers = array(); $query = "SELECT idUser, username, picasaUser FROM users WHERE (users.type = 'member' OR users.type = 'admin') AND users.picasaUser != ''"; $result = mysql_query($query, $dbConn); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($picasaUsers, strip_slashes_arr($row)); } echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; echo '$(document).ready(function() {'; foreach ($picasaUsers as $pu) { echo '$("#' . $pu['username'] . '_container").pwi({'; echo 'username: \'' . $pu['picasaUser'] . '\','; echo 'mode: \'album\','; echo 'album: \'NC\','; echo 'maxResults: 4,'; echo 'thumbCrop: 1,'; echo 'popupExt: function(photos){'; echo 'photos.fancybox({'; echo $fancy_conf; echo '});'; echo '}';