function smarty_function_mtcclicenserdf($args, &$ctx) { // status: complete // parameters: none $blog = $ctx->stash('blog'); $cc = $blog['blog_cc_license']; if (empty($cc)) { return ''; } require_once "cc_lib.php"; require_once "MTUtil.php"; $cc_url = cc_url($cc); $rdf = <<<RDF <!-- <rdf:RDF xmlns="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:rdf=""> RDF; ## SGML comments cannot contain double hyphens, so we convert ## any double hyphens to single hyphens. $entry = $ctx->stash('entry'); if ($entry) { $permalink = $ctx->tag('EntryPermalink'); $title = encode_xml(strip_hyphen($entry['entry_title'])); $desc = encode_xml(strip_hyphen($ctx->tag('EntryExcerpt'))); $creator = encode_xml(strip_hyphen($entry['entry_author_id'] ? $entry['author_nickname'] : '')); $date = $ctx->_hdlr_date(array('format' => "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), $ctx) . $ctx->tag('BlogTimezone'); $rdf .= <<<RDF <Work rdf:about="{$permalink}"> <dc:title>{$title}</dc:title> <dc:description>{$desc}</dc:description> <dc:creator>{$creator}</dc:creator> <dc:date>{$date}</dc:date> <license rdf:resource="{$cc_url}" /> </Work> RDF; } else { $site_url = $blog['blog_site_url']; if (!preg_match('!/$!', $site_url)) { $site_url .= '/'; } $title = encode_xml(strip_hyphen($blog['blog_name'])); $desc = encode_xml(strip_hyphen($blog['blog_description'])); $rdf .= <<<RDF <Work rdf:about="{$site_url}"> <dc:title>{$title}</dc:title> <dc:description>{$desc}</dc:description> <license rdf:resource="{$cc_url}" /> </Work> RDF; } $rdf .= cc_rdf($cc) . "</rdf:RDF>\n-->\n"; return $rdf; }
function smarty_function_mtentrytrackbackdata($args, &$ctx) { $e = $ctx->stash('entry'); $tb = $e->trackback(); if (empty($tb)) { return ''; } if ($tb->trackback_is_disabled) { return ''; } $blog = $ctx->stash('blog'); $entry = $ctx->stash('entry'); $blog_accepted = $blog->blog_allow_pings && $ctx->mt->config('AllowPings'); if ($entry) { $accepted = $blog_accepted && $entry->entry_allow_pings; } else { $accepted = $blog_accepted; } if (!$accepted) { return ''; } require_once "function.mtcgipath.php"; $path = smarty_function_mtcgipath($args, $ctx); $path .= $ctx->mt->config('TrackbackScript') . '/' . $tb->trackback_id; $at = $ctx->stash('current_archive_type'); if ($at) { $at = ArchiverFactory::get_archiver($at); } if ($at && !$at instanceof IndividualArchiver) { $url = $ctx->tag('ArchiveLink'); $url .= '#entry-' . sprintf("%06d", $e->entry_id); } else { $url = $ctx->tag($e->entry_class . 'Permalink', array('archive_type' => 'Individual')); } $rdf = ''; $comment_wrap = isset($args['comment_wrap']) ? $args['comment_wrap'] : 1; if ($comment_wrap) { $rdf .= "<!--\n"; } require_once "MTUtil.php"; ## SGML comments cannot contain double hyphens, so we convert ## any double hyphens to single hyphens. $title = encode_xml(strip_hyphen($e->entry_title), 1); $subject = encode_xml(strip_hyphen($ctx->tag('EntryCategory')), 1); $excerpt = encode_xml(strip_hyphen($ctx->tag('EntryExcerpt')), 1); $creator = encode_xml(strip_hyphen($ctx->tag('EntryAuthorDisplayName')), 1); $date = $ctx->_hdlr_date(array('format' => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), $ctx) . $ctx->tag('BlogTimezone'); $rdf .= <<<RDF <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:trackback="" xmlns:dc=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about="{$url}" trackback:ping="{$path}" dc:title="{$title}" dc:identifier="{$url}" dc:subject="{$subject}" dc:description="{$excerpt}" dc:creator="{$creator}" dc:date="{$date}" /> </rdf:RDF> RDF; if ($comment_wrap) { $rdf .= "-->\n"; } return $rdf; }