Example #1
  * Join all parameters into a URL path. This means all slashes are
  * normalized, removing all double slashes. If the first paramater has
  * a leading slash, the resulting string will also have a leading slash. If
  * it doesn't, the resulting string won't have one either.
  * \param $parts
  *   Any number of string parameters (or an array)
  * \return
  *   The resulting URL path
  * \see URL::join_ext
 static function join($parts = null)
     $args = func_get_args();
     $num_args = func_num_args();
     /* Accept one single array argument too */
     if ($num_args == 1 && is_numeric_array($args[0])) {
         $args = $args[0];
     $use_leading_slash = $args && is_string($args[0]) && str_has_prefix($args[0], '/');
     $use_trailing_slash = false;
     // decide later
     $list = array();
     while ($args) {
         $arg = array_shift($args);
         if (is_int($arg)) {
             $arg = (string) $arg;
         /* Check the last item for a trailing slash */
         if (!$args) {
             /* This is the last item */
             $use_trailing_slash = str_has_suffix($arg, '/');
         /* Strip leading slashes */
         if (str_has_prefix($arg, '/')) {
             $arg = preg_replace('#^/*(.*)$#', '\\1', $arg);
         /* Strip trailing slashes */
         if (str_has_suffix($arg, '/')) {
             $arg = preg_replace('#^(.*?)/+$#', '\\1', $arg);
         /* Add to the list */
         $list[] = $arg;
     /* Only non-whitespace strings are taken into account */
     $list = str_all_non_white($list);
     $joined = join('/', $list);
     /* Special case for empty results */
     if (strlen($joined) == '') {
         return $use_leading_slash || $use_trailing_slash ? '/' : '';
     /* Leading slash */
     if ($use_leading_slash) {
         $joined = '/' . $joined;
     /* Trailing slash */
     if ($use_trailing_slash) {
         $joined = $joined . '/';
     return $joined;
Example #2
foreach ($testcases as $testcase) {
    list($input, $length, $trail, $words, $expected) = $testcase;
    $output = str_truncate($input, $length, $trail, $words);
    assert('$output === $expected');
    assert('strlen($output) <= strlen($input)');
/* Test str_first_non_white */
assert('str_first_non_white() === ""');
assert('str_first_non_white("foo", "bar") === "foo"');
assert('str_first_non_white("", "  ", "	", "foo", "   ") === "foo"');
assert('str_first_non_white(array("", " ", "foo", "")) === "foo"');
assert('str_first_non_white("", null, "   ") === ""');
assert('str_first_non_white(array(null, null, "foo", "")) === "foo"');
/* Test str_all_non_white */
$input = array(' ', 'foo', "\n", 'bar');
$output = str_all_non_white($input);
assert('count($output) == 2');
assert('$output[0] == "foo"');
assert('$output[1] == "bar"');
/* Test implode_newlines */
assert('implode_newlines(array("a", "b")) === "a\\nb"');
/* Test implode_spaces */
assert('implode_spaces(array("a", "b", "foo")) === "a b foo"');
/* Test str_amputate */
$data = array('nothing' => 'nothing', '&' => '&amp;', 'a & b &c' => 'a &amp; b &amp;c', 'H&eacute;' => 'H&eacute;', 'H&eacute;&' => 'H&eacute;&amp;', 'stresstest&amp;&eacute;&&&amp;' => 'stresstest&amp;&eacute;&amp;&amp;&amp;', "multiline\n&&eacute; &\nmulti&line" => "multiline\n&amp;&eacute; &amp;\nmulti&amp;line", '&&#x2606;&a' => '&amp;&#x2606;&amp;a', '&&#x260A;&a' => '&amp;&#x260A;&amp;a', '&&#123;&a' => '&amp;&#123;&amp;a');
foreach ($data as $input => $expected_output) {
    $real_output = str_amputate($input);
    if ($real_output !== $expected_output) {
        printf("'%s' gives '%s' while '%s' was expected\n", $input, $real_output, $expected_output);
    assert('$real_output === $expected_output');
Example #3
  * Build a URL from the passed parameters.
  * You can provide a single path string, or an array of strings, in which
  * case each of the items in \c $path is a path component. The path
  * components will be concatenated, separated by slashes.
  * All slashes are normalized. If the first path component has a leading
  * slash, the resulting string will also have a leading slash and if it
  * doesn't, the resulting string won't have one either. The same goes for
  * the trailing slash: if the last path component ends with a slash, the
  * resulting string will have one as well.
  * If \c $parameters is passed, a HTTP query string will be appended to the
  * url using the this associatve array.
  * Example:
  * <code>$url = AnewtURL::join(array('/path/to', $file), array('foo' => 'bar'));</code>
  * \param $path
  *   Single string or array of strings (each item is a path component of the url)
  * \param $parameters
  *   Associative array used to build a query string (optional)
  * \return
  *   The resulting URL path
  * \see
  *   AnewtURL::parse
 static function build($path, $parameters = null)
     /* Input sanitizing */
     if (is_string($path)) {
         $path_components = array($path);
     } else {
         $path_components = $path;
     if (is_null($parameters)) {
         $parameters = array();
     /* Remove empty path components */
     $path_components = str_all_non_white($path_components);
     /* Leading and trailing slashes */
     if ($path_components) {
         /* Path is not empty */
         $use_leading_slash = str_has_prefix($path_components[0], '/');
         $use_trailing_slash = str_has_suffix($path_components[count($path_components) - 1], '/');
     } else {
         /* Path is empty */
         $use_leading_slash = false;
         $use_trailing_slash = false;
     /* Loop over url parts and clean up */
     $first_part_seen = false;
     $path_components_clean = array();
     while ($path_components) {
         $part = array_shift($path_components);
         $part = str_strip_prefix($part, '/');
         $part = str_strip_suffix($part, '/');
         if (!strlen($part)) {
         /* Use url encoding, but the first path component may be something
          * like "http://...", which should not be url encoded. */
         if (!$first_part_seen && str_contains($part, '://')) {
             $first_part_seen = true;
             $part_encoded = $part;
         } else {
             $part_encoded = urlencode($part);
             /* Url decoding also escapes slashes and some other characters
              * we want to keep, since escaping those would disallow passing
              * path components like "/path/to/file". A slash cannot be used
              * in a filename anyway, so we special-case some characters. */
             $part_encoded = str_replace(array('%2F', '%7E'), array('/', '~'), $part_encoded);
         $path_components_clean[] = $part_encoded;
     /* Build url by joining all cleaned parts, and adding a leading and
      * trailing slash, if appropriate. */
     $url = join('/', $path_components_clean);
     if (strlen($url)) {
         /* Path is not empty */
         if ($use_leading_slash) {
             $url = sprintf('/%s', $url);
         if ($use_trailing_slash) {
             $url = sprintf('%s/', $url);
     } elseif ($use_leading_slash || $use_trailing_slash) {
         /* Path is empty, a slash is required */
         $url = '/';
     /* Query parameters */
     $parameters_escaped = array();
     foreach ($parameters as $name => $value) {
         if (is_null($value)) {
             $parameters_escaped[] = urlencode($name);
         } else {
             $parameters_escaped[] = sprintf('%s=%s', urlencode($name), urlencode($value));
     if ($parameters_escaped) {
         $url = sprintf('%s?%s', $url, implode('&', $parameters_escaped));
     return $url;