Example #1
 public static function sortBy(&$items, $key, $descending = false)
     if (is_array($items)) {
         return usort($items, function ($a, $b) use($key, $descending) {
             $cmp = strCmp($a[$key], $b[$key]);
             return $descending ? -$cmp : $cmp;
     return false;
function alimir_bootModal_ajax_lostPassword()
    check_ajax_referer('ajax-form-nonce', 'security3');
    $lost_pass = $_POST['lost_pass'];
    $lostpass_captcha = '';
    if (isset($_POST['lostpass_captcha'])) {
        $lostpass_captcha = $_POST['lostpass_captcha'];
    if ($lost_pass == null || (get_option('enable_lostpass_captcha') == 1 and $lostpass_captcha == null)) {
        echo json_encode(array('reset' => false, 'message' => __('<p class="alert alert-info" data-alert="alert">Please fill all the fields.</p>', 'alimir')));
    } else {
        if (get_option('enable_lostpass_captcha') == 1 and !strCmp(strToUpper($_SESSION['lostpass_captcha']), strToUpper($lostpass_captcha)) == 0) {
            echo json_encode(array('reset' => false, 'message' => __('<p class="alert alert-error" data-alert="alert">captcha invalid.</p>', 'alimir')));
        } else {
            if (is_email($lost_pass)) {
                $username = sanitize_email($lost_pass);
            } else {
                $username = sanitize_user($lost_pass);
            $user_forgotten = alimir_bootModal_ajax_lostPassword_retrieve($username);
            if (is_wp_error($user_forgotten)) {
                $lostpass_error_messages = $user_forgotten->errors;
                $display_errors = '<div class="alert alert-error" data-alert="alert">';
                foreach ($lostpass_error_messages as $error) {
                    $display_errors .= '<div>' . $error[0] . '</div>';
                $display_errors .= '</div>';
                echo json_encode(array('reset' => false, 'message' => $display_errors));
            } else {
                echo json_encode(array('reset' => true, 'message' => __('<p class="alert alert-success" data-alert="alert">Password Reset. Please check your email.</p>', 'alimir')));
Example #3
function _snomAppCmp($appv1, $appv2)
    //$appv1 = _snom_normalize_version( $appv1 );  # we trust it has been normalized!
    $appv2 = _snom_normalize_version($appv2);
    return strCmp($appv1, $appv2);
Example #4
function _tiptel_fwcmp($fwvers1, $fwvers2)
    //$fwvers1 = _tiptel_normalize_version( $fwvers1 );  # we trust it has been normalized!
    $fwvers2 = _tiptel_normalize_version($fwvers2);
    return strCmp($fwvers1, $fwvers2);
Example #5
 function searchresult()
     $CI =& get_instance();
     $useragent = $CI->input->user_agent();
     $is_shiftjis = $this->is_shiftjis($useragent);
     if ($is_shiftjis) {
         $input = $this->convertShiftjisToUtf($CI->input->post('searchtext', TRUE));
     } else {
         $input = $CI->input->post('searchtext', TRUE);
     $category = (int) $CI->input->post('category', TRUE);
     // searchtype
     $searchtype = $CI->input->post('searchtype', TRUE);
     $isOrSearch = false;
     if ($searchtype !== null && $searchtype != '' && strCmp(strtolower($searchtype), 'or') == 0) {
         $isOrSearch = true;
     if ($input != '' || $category != '') {
         if ($input) {
             $insert = array('searchlog_term' => $input);
             $CI->db->insert('searchlog', $insert);
         $CI->db->join('article2cat', 'articles.article_id = article2cat.article_id', 'left');
         $CI->db->join('articles2site', 'articles.article_id = articles2site.article_id', 'left');
         if ($this->is_mobile($useragent) == false) {
             $where = "(site_id in (0,1))";
         } else {
             $where = "(site_id in (0,2))";
         if ($category) {
             $CI->db->where('category_id', $category);
         $CI->db->where('article_display', 'Y');
         // This is a hack found here:
         // http://codeigniter.com/forums/viewthread/122223/
         // And here:
         // http://68kb.com/support/topic/better-keyword-handling-in-search-a-solution
         if ($input) {
             $keywords = array();
             $keywords = explode(" ", $input);
             $numkeywords = count($keywords);
             $wherestring = "";
             for ($i = 0; $i < $numkeywords; $i++) {
                 if ($i > 0) {
                     if ($isOrSearch == true) {
                         $wherestring .= " OR ";
                     } else {
                         $wherestring .= " AND ";
                 $wherestring = $wherestring . " (article_title LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($keywords[$i]) . "%' OR article_short_desc LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($keywords[$i]) . "%' OR article_description LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($keywords[$i]) . "%') ";
             $CI->db->where('(' . $wherestring . ')', NULL, FALSE);
         $CI->db->orderby('article_order', 'DESC');
         $CI->db->orderby('article_hits', 'DESC');
         $data['articles'] = $CI->db->get();
         $data['searchtext'] = $input;
         $data['category'] = $category;
         $data['searchtype'] = $searchtype;
     } else {
         $data = array();
     //For topSearch
     //$data['cat_tree'] = $this->get_cats_for_select_with_site_id();
     $data = $this->set_category_tree_info($data);
     $data = $this->set_siteinfo($useragent, $data);
     $template = 'search';
     // are we caching?
     if ($CI->init_model->get_setting('cache_time') > 0) {
     // set body info
     $data = $this->set_body_info($template, $data, $useragent, $is_shiftjis);
     $this->display_composed_page($data, $useragent, $is_shiftjis);
     // finally show the last hook
     return "done";
Example #6

define("IMPASS_CHECK", true);
include "jcr_connect.php";
include "jcr_settings.php";
$action = $_GET['action'];
$get_admin_login = sql_param($_POST['admin_login']);
$get_admin_pass = sql_param($_POST['admin_pass']);
$loc_login = sql_param($_POST['loc_login']);
$unloc_login = sql_param($_POST['unloc_login']);
$up_status_login = $db->real_escape_string($_POST['up_status_login']);
$down_status_login = $db->real_escape_string($_POST['down_status_login']);
if ($action != null && strCmp($admin_login, $get_admin_login) != 0 && strCmp($admin_pass, $get_admin_pass) != 0) {
    die("Неверный логин или пароль администратора");
if ($action == "block_HWID") {
    if ($loc_login == null && $unloc_login == null) {
        die("Поля 'Логин для блокировки' и 'Логин для разблокировки' не могут быть пустыми одновременно");
    if ($loc_login != null) {
        $query = $db->query("SELECT {$db_colHWID} FROM {$db_table} WHERE {$db_colUser}='{$loc_login}'") or die($db->error);
        if ($query->num_rows == 1) {
            $row = $query->fetch_assoc();
            $bdHWID = $row[$db_colHWID];
            if ($bdHWID != null) {
                $db->query("UPDATE {$db_table} SET {$db_colBlHWIDs}='{$bdHWID}' WHERE {$db_colUser}='{$loc_login}'") or die($db->error);
                echo "HWID игрока '{$loc_login}' заблокирован<br />";
            } else {
Example #7
function _grandstream_fwcmp($fwvers1, $fwvers2)
    //$fwvers1 = _grandstream_normalize_version( $fwvers1 );  # we trust it has been normalized!
    $fwvers2 = _grandstream_normalize_version($fwvers2);
    return strCmp($fwvers1, $fwvers2);