<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.0 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(); standardheader('Comments'); if (!user::$current || user::$current["uid"] == 1) { err_msg(ERROR, ONLY_REG_COMMENT); stdfoot(); exit; } $comment = $db->real_escape_string($_POST["comment"]); $id = $db->real_escape_string($_GET["id"]); if (isset($_GET["cid"])) { $cid = intval($_GET["cid"]); } else { $cid = 0; } function comment_form() { global $comment, $id, $cid; block_begin(NEW_COMMENT); $comment = str_replace('\\r\\n', "\n", $comment); ?> <center> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' name='comment' method='post'>
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.0 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(); standardheader('Torrent Details'); if (!user::$current || user::$current["view_torrents"] != "yes") { err_msg(ERROR . NOT_AUTHORIZED . " " . MNU_TORRENT . "!", SORRY . "..."); stdfoot(); exit; } block_begin(TORRENT_DETAIL); $id = AddSlashes(isset($_GET["id"]) ? $_GET["id"] : false); if (!isset($id) || !$id) { die(ERROR_ID . ": " . $id); } if (isset($_GET["act"])) { print "<center>" . TORRENT_UPDATE . "</center>"; require_once INCL_PATH . 'getscrape.php'; scrape(urldecode($_GET["surl"]), $id); redirect("details.php?id=" . $id); exit; } if (isset($_GET["vote"]) && $_GET["vote"] == VOTE) { if (isset($_GET["rating"]) && $_GET["rating"] == 0) { err_msg(ERROR, ERR_NO_VOTE);
standardheader("Login"); print "<br /><br /><div align='center'><font size='2' color='#FF0000'>" . ERR_USERNAME_INCORRECT . "</font></div>"; login(); } elseif (md5($row["random"] . $row["password"] . $row["random"]) != md5($row["random"] . md5($pwd) . $row["random"])) { standardheader("Login"); print "<br /><br /><div align='center'><font size='2' color='#FF0000'>" . ERR_PASSWORD_INCORRECT . "</font></div>"; login(); } else { $db->query("UPDATE users SET loginhash = '" . md5(vars::$ip . $row['password']) . "' WHERE id = " . (int) $row['id']); $salted = md5($GLOBALS["salting"] . $row["random"] . $row["password"] . $row["random"]); logincookie((int) $row["id"], $salted); if (isset($_GET["returnto"])) { $url = security::html_safe(urldecode($_GET["returnto"])); } else { $url = "index.php"; } redirect($url); } } else { standardheader("Login"); login(); exit; } } else { if (isset($_GET["returnto"])) { $url = security::html_safe(urldecode($_GET["returnto"])); } else { $url = "index.php"; } redirect($url); }
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.1 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(); standardheader('Password Recovery', true); if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $email = trim(htmlentities(urldecode($_POST["email"]))); if (!$email) { stderr(ERROR, ERR_NO_EMAIL); } $res = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = " . sqlesc($email) . " LIMIT 1"); $arr = $res->fetch_assoc() or stderr(ERROR, ERR_EMAIL_NOT_FOUND_1 . " <b>" . $email . "</b> " . ERR_EMAIL_NOT_FOUND_2); if ($USE_IMAGECODE) { if (extension_loaded('gd')) { $arrgd = gd_info(); if ($arrgd['FreeType Support'] == 1) { $public = $_POST['public_key']; $private = $_POST['private_key']; $p = new ocr_captcha(); if ($p->check_captcha($public, $private) != true) { stderr(ERROR, ERR_IMAGE_CODE); } } } }
echo "</tr>"; $menu = 1; } print "<tr><td class='lista' align='center'>" . $num . "</td><td class='lista' align='left'>"; print "<a href='" . "details.php?id=" . $a['hash'] . "'>" . "<b>"; print security::html_safe($a["name"]) . "</b></a></td>"; if ($speed != "true") { print "<td class='lista' align='center' width='10%' ><a href='torrent_history.php?id=" . $a["hash"] . "'>" . number_format((int) $a["finished"]) . "</a></td><td class='lista' align='center' width='10%' ><a href='peers.php?id=" . $a["hash"] . "'>" . number_format((int) $a["seeds"]) . "</a></td><td class='lista' align='center' width='10%' > <a href='peers.php?id=" . $a["hash"] . "'>" . number_format((int) $a["leechers"]) . "</a></td><td class='lista' align='center' width='10%' > <a href='peers.php?id=" . $a["hash"] . "'>" . number_format((int) $a["leechers"] + (int) $a["seeds"]) . "</a></td><td class='lista' align='center' width='10%'>" . $ratio . "</td>\n"; } else { print "<td class='lista' align='center'>" . misc::makesize((int) $a["speed"]) . "/s" . "\n"; } } end_table(); block_end(); } standardheader('Tracker Statistics'); // the display the box only if number of rows is > 0 if (user::$current["view_users"] == "yes") { $r = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE uploaded > 0 ORDER BY uploaded DESC LIMIT 10") or die; if ($r->num_rows > 0) { usertable($r, TOP_10_UPLOAD); echo "<br /><br />"; } $r = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE uploaded > 0 AND downloaded > 0 ORDER BY downloaded DESC LIMIT 10") or die; if ($r->num_rows > 0) { usertable($r, TOP_10_DOWNLOAD); echo "<br /><br />"; } $r = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE downloaded > 104857600 ORDER BY uploaded - downloaded DESC LIMIT 10") or die; if ($r->num_rows > 0) { usertable($r, TOP_10_SHARE . " <font class='lista'>" . MINIMUM_100_DOWN . "</font>");
<?php //Torrent RSS by DiemThuy ( jul 2012 ) TBDEV conversion with some improvements; Adapated by Yupy for BtiTracker... require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(); if (user::$current['view_torrents'] == 'yes') { standardheader('RSS'); $res = $db->query("SELECT id, name, image FROM categories ORDER BY name"); while ($cat = $res->fetch_assoc()) { if ($cat['image'] == '') { $catoptions .= ''; } else { $catoptions .= "<a href='torrents.php?category=" . $cat['id'] . "'>" . image_or_link($cat['image'] == '' ? '' : "{$STYLEPATH}/images/categories/" . $cat['image'], '', security::html_safe($cat['name'])) . "</a><input type='checkbox' name='cat[]' value='" . (int) $cat['id'] . "' " . (strpos($CURUSER['notifs'], "[cat{$cat['id']}]") !== false ? " checked" : '') . "/>"; } } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { if (empty($_POST['cat'])) { stderr('Error', 'You need to chose at least one Category !'); } if (empty($_POST['feed'])) { stderr('Error', 'You need to chose a feed type !'); } $link = $BASEURL . '/rss_torrents.php'; if ($_POST['feed'] == 'dl') { $query[] = 'feed=dl'; } foreach ($_POST['cat'] as $cat) { $query[] = 'cat[]=' . $cat; } $query[] = 'pid=' . user::$current['pid']; $queries = implode('&', $query);
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.1 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(); standardheader('User Details'); block_begin(USER_DETAILS); $id = intval(0 + $_GET['id']); if (!isset($_GET['returnto'])) { $_GET["returnto"] = ''; } $link = rawurlencode($_GET['returnto']); if (user::$current['view_users'] != 'yes') { err_msg(ERROR, NOT_AUTHORIZED . ' ' . MEMBERS); block_end(); stdfoot(); die; } if ($id > 1) { $res = $db->query("SELECT users.cip, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(users.joined) AS joined, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(users.lastconnect) AS lastconnect, users_level.level, users_level.prefixcolor, users_level.suffixcolor, countries.name, countries.flagpic, users.pid, users.time_offset FROM users INNER JOIN users_level ON users_level.id = users.id_level LEFT JOIN countries ON users.flag = countries.id WHERE users.id = " . $id); $num = $res->num_rows; #Stats Upped, Downed, etc... $user_stats = MCached::get('user::stats::' . $id); if ($user_stats === MCached::NO_RESULT) { $stats = $db->query('SELECT uploaded, downloaded FROM users WHERE id = ' . $id); $user_stats = $stats->fetch_assoc();
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.1 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(); standardheader('Forum'); if (!user::$current || user::$current["view_forum"] != "yes") { stderr(ERROR, NOT_AUTHORIZED . " " . MNU_FORUM); } if (isset($_GET["action"])) { $action = security::html_safe($_GET["action"]); } else { $action = ""; } function catch_up() { global $db; $userid = user::$current["uid"]; $res = $db->query("SELECT id, lastpost FROM topics"); while ($arr = $res->fetch_assoc()) { $topicid = (int) $arr["id"]; $postid = (int) $arr["lastpost"]; $r = $db->query("SELECT id, lastpostread FROM readposts WHERE userid = " . $userid . " AND topicid = " . $topicid) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); if ($r->num_rows == 0) { $db->query("INSERT INTO readposts (userid, topicid, lastpostread) VALUES(" . $userid . ", " . $topicid . ", " . $postid . ")") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); } else {
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.0 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(); standardheader('Users Search', false); if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action']) { $action = security::html_safe($_GET['action']); } else { $action = ''; } if ($action = "find") { ?> <form action='searchusers.php?action=find' name='users' method='post'> <div align='center'> <table class='lista'> <tr> <td><?php echo USER_NAME; ?> :</td> <td class='lista'><input type='text' name='user' size='40' maxlength='40' /></td> <td class='lista'><input type='submit' name='confirm' value='Search' /></td> </tr> </table> </div>
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.1 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(true); standardheader('User Control Panel'); $uid = isset($_GET["uid"]) ? intval($_GET["uid"]) : 1; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var newwindow; function popusers(url) { newwindow=window.open(url,'popusers','height=100,width=450'); if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()} } // --> </script> <?php if (user::$current["uid"] != $uid || user::$current["uid"] == 1) { err_msg(ERROR, ERR_USER_NOT_USER); stdfoot(); exit; } else { $utorrents = user::$current["torrentsperpage"]; if (isset($_GET["do"])) {
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.0 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(); standardheader('Edit Torrents'); $scriptname = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $link = $_GET["returnto"]; if ($link == "") { $link = "details.php?id=" . $row["info_hash"]; } if (isset($_POST["comment"]) && isset($_POST["name"])) { if ($_POST["action"] == FRM_CONFIRM) { if ($_POST["name"] == '') { err_msg("Error!", "You must specify torrent name."); stdfoot(); exit; } if ($_POST["comment"] == '') { err_msg("Error!", "You must specify description."); stdfoot(); exit; } $fname = sqlesc(security::html_safe($_POST["name"])); $torhash = AddSlashes($_POST["info_hash"]); write_log("Modified torrent " . $fname . " (" . $torhash . ")", "modify");
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.1 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; require_once CLASS_PATH . 'class.Bencode.php'; function_exists("sha1") or die('<font color="red">' . NOT_SHA . '</font></body></html>'); dbconn(); standardheader('Uploads'); if (!user::$current || user::$current["can_upload"] == "no") { stderr(ERROR . NOT_AUTHORIZED_UPLOAD, SORRY . "..."); } block_begin(MNU_UPLOAD); print "<table class='lista' border='0' width='100%'>\n"; print "<tr><td align='center'>"; if (isset($_FILES["torrent"])) { if ($_FILES["torrent"]["error"] != 4) { $fd = fopen($_FILES["torrent"]["tmp_name"], "rb") or die(FILE_UPLOAD_ERROR_1); is_uploaded_file($_FILES["torrent"]["tmp_name"]) or die(FILE_UPLOAD_ERROR_2); $length = filesize($_FILES["torrent"]["tmp_name"]); if ($length) { $alltorrent = fread($fd, $length); } else { err_msg(ERROR, FILE_UPLOAD_ERROR_3); print "</td></tr></table>"; block_end(); stdfoot();
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.1 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(); standardheader('Members'); if (user::$current['view_users'] == 'no') { err_msg(ERROR, NOT_AUTHORIZED . ' ' . MEMBERS . '!'); stdfoot(); exit; } else { block_begin(MEMBERS_LIST); print_users(); block_end(); } stdfoot();
<? require_once ("include/functions.php"); require_once ("include/config.php"); require_once ("include/blocks.php"); dbconn(true); standardheader('Index',true,0); //center_menu(); /* if (!$CURUSER || $CURUSER["view_torrents"]=="no") { err_msg(ERROR.NOT_AUTHORIZED." ".MNU_TORRENT."!",SORRY."..."); stdfoot(); exit(); } else { */ ?> <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- var newwindow; function popdetails(url) { newwindow=window.open(url,'popdetails','height=500,width=500,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes'); if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()}
$arandom = intval($_GET["code"]); if (!$aid || empty($aid) || $aid == 0 || !$arandom || empty($arandom) || $arandom == 0) { standardheader('Access Denied'); err_msg(ERROR, NOT_ADMIN_CP_ACCESS); stdfoot(); exit; } $mqry = $db->query("SELECT users.id FROM users INNER JOIN users_level ON users_level.id = users.id_level WHERE users.id = " . $aid . " AND random = " . $arandom . " AND admin_access = 'yes' AND username = "******"username"]) . ""); if ($mqry->num_rows < 1) { standardheader('Access Denied'); err_msg(ERROR, NOT_ADMIN_CP_ACCESS); stdfoot(); exit; } // EOF standardheader('Administrator Control Panel'); if (!user::$current || user::$current["admin_access"] != "yes") { err_msg(ERROR, NOT_ADMIN_CP_ACCESS); stdfoot(); exit; } else { define("IN_ACP", true); // // Read a listing of uploaded category images for use in the edit menu link code... // $dir = @opendir('images/categories/'); while ($file = @readdir($dir)) { if (!@is_dir('images/categories/' . $file)) { $img_size = @getimagesize('images/categories/' . $file); if ($img_size[0] && $img_size[1]) { $images[] = $file;
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.0 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(); standardheader('Peer Details'); $id = AddSlashes($_GET["id"]); if (!isset($id) || !$id) { die("Error ID"); } $res = $db->query("SELECT * FROM namemap WHERE info_hash = '" . $id . "'"); if ($res) { $row = $res->fetch_array(MYSQLI_BOTH); if ($row) { $tsize = 0 + (int) $row['size']; } } else { die("Error ID"); } $res = $db->query("SELECT * FROM peers LEFT JOIN countries ON peers.dns = countries.domain WHERE infohash = '" . $id . "' ORDER BY bytes ASC, status DESC"); block_begin(PEER_LIST); $spacer = " "; print "<table width='100%' class='lista' border='0'>\n"; print "<tr><td align='center' class='header' colspan='2'>" . USER_NAME . "</td>"; print "<td align='center' class='header'>" . PEER_COUNTRY . "</td>"; print "<td align='center' class='header'>" . PEER_PORT . "</td>";
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.1 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(); standardheader('News'); if (user::$current['view_news'] == 'no') { err_msg(ERROR, NOT_AUTH_VIEW_NEWS); stdfoot(); exit; } else { block_begin('News'); print_news(); block_end(); } stdfoot();
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.0 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(); standardheader('Shoutbox', false); ?> <style> div.chat { align: center; overflow: auto; width: 95%; height: 500px; padding: 3px; } </style> <?php $Smileys = array(':angry:' => 'angry.gif', ':-D' => 'biggrin.gif', ':D' => 'biggrin.gif', ':|' => 'blank.gif', ':-|' => 'blank.gif', ':blush:' => 'blush.gif', ':cool:' => 'cool.gif', ':((' => 'crying.gif', ':crying:' => 'crying.gif', ':<<:' => 'eyesright.gif', ':frown:' => 'frown.gif', '<3' => 'heart.gif', ':unsure:' => 'hmm.gif', ':lol:' => 'laughing.gif', ':ninja:' => 'ninja.gif', ':no:' => 'no.gif', ':nod:' => 'nod.gif', ':ohno:' => 'ohnoes.gif', ':ohnoes:' => 'ohnoes.gif', ':omg:' => 'omg.gif', ':o' => 'ohshit.gif', ':O' => 'ohshit.gif', ':paddle:' => 'paddle.gif', ':(' => 'sad.gif', ':-(' => 'sad.gif', ':shifty:' => 'shifty.gif', ':sick:' => 'sick.gif', ':)' => 'smile.gif', ':-)' => 'smile.gif', ':sorry:' => 'sorry.gif', ':thanks:' => 'thanks.gif', ':P' => 'tongue.gif', ':p' => 'tongue.gif', ':-P' => 'tongue.gif', ':-p' => 'tongue.gif', ':wave:' => 'wave.gif', ';)' => 'wink.gif', ':wink:' => 'wink.gif', ':creepy:' => 'creepy.gif', ':worried:' => 'worried.gif', ':wtf:' => 'wtf.gif', ':wub:' => 'wub.gif'); function format_shout($text) { global $Smileys, $BASEURL; $s = $text; $s = strip_tags($s); $s = security::html_safe(unesc($s)); $f = @fopen("badwords.txt", "r");
*/ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; require_once CLASS_PATH . 'class.Bencode.php'; dbconn(); if (!user::$current || user::$current["can_download"] == "no") { standardheader('Download'); err_msg(ERROR, NOT_AUTH_DOWNLOAD); die; } if (ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) { ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); } $infohash = $db->real_escape_string($_GET["id"]); $filepath = $TORRENTSDIR . "/" . $infohash . ".btf"; if (!is_file($filepath) || !is_readable($filepath)) { standardheader('Download'); err_msg(ERROR, CANT_FIND_TORRENT); stdfoot(); die; } $f = urldecode($_GET["f"]); // pid code begin $result = $db->query("SELECT pid FROM users WHERE id = " . user::$current['uid']); $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); $pid = $db->real_escape_string($row["pid"]); if (!$pid) { $pid = md5(user::$current['uid'] + user::$current['username'] + user::$current['password'] + user::$current['lastconnect']); @$db->query("UPDATE users SET pid = '" . $pid . "' WHERE id = '" . user::$current['uid'] . "'"); } $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM namemap WHERE info_hash = '" . $infohash . "'"); $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.0 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(); standardheader('Manage News'); if (user::$current["edit_news"] != "yes") { err_msg(ERROR, ERR_NOT_AUTH); stdfoot(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["act"])) { $action = security::html_safe($_GET["act"]); } else { $action = ''; } if ($action == "del") { if (user::$current["delete_news"] == "yes") { $db->query("DELETE FROM news WHERE id = " . (int) $_GET["id"]); redirect("index.php"); exit; } else { err_msg(ERROR, CANT_DELETE_NEWS); stdfoot(); exit; }
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.0 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(); standardheader('Delete Torrents'); $id = $db->real_escape_string($_GET["info_hash"]); if (!isset($id) || !$id) { die("Error ID"); } $res = $db->query("SELECT namemap.info_hash, namemap.uploader, namemap.filename, namemap.url, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(namemap.data) AS data, namemap.size, namemap.comment, categories.name AS cat_name, summary.seeds, summary.leechers, summary.finished, summary.speed FROM namemap LEFT JOIN categories ON categories.id = namemap.category LEFT JOIN summary ON summary.info_hash = namemap.info_hash WHERE namemap.info_hash = '" . $id . "'"); $row = $res->fetch_array(MYSQLI_BOTH); if (user::$current["delete_torrents"] != "yes" && user::$current["uid"] != $row["uploader"]) { err_msg(SORRY, CANT_DELETE_TORRENT); stdfoot(); exit; } $scriptname = security::html_safe($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); $link = urlencode($_GET["returnto"]); $hash = AddSlashes($_GET["info_hash"]); if ($link == "") { $link = "torrents.php"; } if (isset($_POST["action"])) { if ($_POST["action"] == DELETE) { $ris = $db->query("SELECT info_hash, filename, url FROM namemap WHERE info_hash = '" . $hash . "'");
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.0 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; $scriptname = security::html_safe($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); $addparam = ''; dbconn(); standardheader('Torrents'); if (!user::$current || user::$current["view_torrents"] != "yes") { err_msg(ERROR . NOT_AUTHORIZED . " " . MNU_TORRENT . "!", SORRY . "..."); stdfoot(); exit; } block_begin(MNU_TORRENT); if (isset($_GET["search"])) { $trova = security::html_safe(str_replace("+", " ", $_GET["search"])); } else { $trova = ''; } ?> <p align='center'> <form action='<?php $scriptname; ?> ' method='get'> <table border='0' class='lista' align='center'>
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.0 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(); standardheader('More Details', false); if (!isset($_GET["form"]) || !isset($_GET["text"])) { err_msg("Error!", "Missing parameter!"); print "</body></html>"; die; } $parentform = htmlentities(urldecode($_GET["form"])); $parentarea = htmlentities(urldecode($_GET["text"])); ?> <script language='javascript'> function SmileIT(smile,textarea){ // Attempt to create a text range (IE). if (typeof(textarea.caretPos) != "undefined" && textarea.createTextRange) { var caretPos = textarea.caretPos; caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? smile + ' ' : smile caretPos.select(); } // Mozilla text range replace.
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.1 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(); standardheader('History Details'); $id = AddSlashes($_GET["id"]); if (!isset($id) || !$id) { die("Error ID"); } // control if torrent exist in our db $res = $db->query("SELECT * FROM namemap WHERE info_hash = '" . $id . "'"); if ($res) { $row = $res->fetch_array(MYSQLI_BOTH); if ($row) { $tsize = 0 + (int) $row["size"]; } } else { die("Error ID"); } // select lastest 30 records for infohash $res = $db->query("SELECT history.*, username, countries.name AS country, countries.flagpic, level, prefixcolor, suffixcolor FROM history INNER JOIN users ON history.uid = users.id INNER JOIN countries ON users.flag = countries.id INNER JOIN users_level ON users.id_level = users_level.id WHERE history.infohash = '" . $id . "' AND history.date IS NOT NULL ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0, 30"); block_begin("Torrent History (Last 30 Snatchers)"); $spacer = " "; print "<table class='lista' border='0' width='100%'>\n"; print "<tr><td align='center' class='header' colspan='2'>" . USER_NAME . "</td>";
<?php /* * BtiTracker v1.5.0 is a php tracker system for BitTorrent, easy to setup and configure. * This tracker is a frontend for DeHackEd's tracker, aka phpBTTracker (now heavely modified). * Updated and Maintained by Yupy. * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Btiteam.org */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; dbconn(); if (!isset($_POST["language"])) { $_POST["language"] = 0; } $idlang = intval($_POST["language"]); standardheader('Account Management', true, $idlang); ?> <script language='javascript'> <!-- function FormControl($nopwd) { // Controllo nome + pwd if (document.utente.user.value == "" ) { alert(INSERT_USERNAME); return false; } if ($nopwd=="mod") { return true; }