function get($db) { // takes all records from database $result = sqlite_query($db, 'SELECT * FROM users'); $users = array(); while ($user = sqlite_fetch_array($result)) { $users[] = $user; } // generate json $json = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($users); $i++) { $rec = "{"; $rec .= 'id: "' . $users[$i]['id'] . '",'; $rec .= 'name: "' . $users[$i]['name'] . '",'; $rec .= 'age: "' . $users[$i]['age'] . '",'; $rec .= 'group: "' . $users[$i]['group_name'] . '",'; $rec .= 'city: "' . $users[$i]['city'] . '",'; $rec .= 'phone: "' . $users[$i]['phone'] . '",'; $rec .= 'sex: "' . $users[$i]['sex'] . '",'; $rec .= 'driver_license: "' . $users[$i]['driver_license'] . '"'; $rec .= "}"; $json[] = $rec; } $json = '[' . implode(',', $json) . ']'; return $json; }
function check_if_exists($cc) { $result = safe_query("SELECT id FROM country_data WHERE cc_code_2='{$cc}'"); $data = sqlite_fetch_array($result, SQLITE_NUM); // return the id or NULL if no data is avaliable return $data ? $data[0] : NULL; }
function query($db, $sql) { $arr = array(); if (IS_SQLITE3) { $rs = $db->query($sql); $len = $rs->numColumns(); while ($row = $rs->fetchArray()) { $tmpArr = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $tmpArr[$i] = iconv("gb2312", "UTF-8", $row[$i]); } array_push($arr, $tmpArr); } } else { $rs = sqlite_query($db, $sql, SQLITE_NUM); //echo "<font color='red'>".$error."</font>"; while ($row = sqlite_fetch_array($rs)) { $tmp = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($row); $i++) { $tmp[$i] = iconv("gb2312", "UTF-8", $row[$i]); } array_push($arr, $tmp); } } return $arr; }
/** * This function advances the reader to the next record. * * @access public * @override * @return boolean whether another record was fetched */ public function read() { if ($this->command !== NULL) { $this->record = @sqlite_fetch_array($this->command, SQLITE_ASSOC); } return $this->record !== FALSE; }
/** * Iterator function. Returns a rowset if called without parameter, * the fields contents if a field is specified or FALSE to indicate * no more rows are available. * * @param string field default NULL * @return var */ public function next($field = NULL) { if (!is_resource($this->handle) || FALSE === ($row = sqlite_fetch_array($this->handle, SQLITE_ASSOC))) { return FALSE; } foreach (array_keys($row) as $key) { if (NULL === $row[$key] || !isset($this->fields[$key])) { continue; } switch ($row[$key][0]) { case "": $row[$key] = Date::fromString(substr($row[$key], 1)); break; case "": $row[$key] = intval(substr($row[$key], 1)); break; case "": $row[$key] = floatval(substr($row[$key], 1)); break; } } if ($field) { return $row[$field]; } else { return $row; } }
function fetch_array($sql = "") { if ($sql == "") { $sql = $this->query_id; } $this->record_row = @sqlite_fetch_array($sql, SQLITE_ASSOC); return $this->record_row; }
function db_fetch_array($res, $type = SQLITE_ASSOC) { $t = array(); while ($r = sqlite_fetch_array($res, $type)) { $t[] = $r; } return $t; }
public static function read($id) { $t = time(); $sql = "SELECT data FROM sess WHERE expire > {$t} AND id = '" . sqlite_escape_string($id) . "'"; $r = sqlite_query($sql, SESSION_DB_LINK); $d = sqlite_fetch_array($r); return '' . is_array($d) ? array_shift($d) : false; }
/** * Fetches all the results * @return array */ function fetchAll() { $result = array(); while ($row = sqlite_fetch_array($this->query)) { $result[] = $row; } return $result; }
public function fetch() { $hRow = sqlite_fetch_array($this->oRes); if ($this->sClass && $hRow) { return Model::get_instance($this->sClass, $hRow); } return $hRow; }
function fetchArray($sql) { $this->error = ""; if ($this->versi == 3) { return $sql->fetchArray(); } else { return sqlite_fetch_array($sql, SQLITE_ASSOC); } }
/** * Get the result from the database. * * @param resource $resource * * @return array */ function db_driver_result($resource) { global $_db; $results = array(); while ($data = sqlite_fetch_array($resource, SQLITE_ASSOC)) { $results[] = $data; } return $results; }
function vdict_get($db, $word) { if ($db instanceof PDO) { $res = $db->query('SELECT * FROM dict WHERE word = ' . $db->quote($word)); return $res->fetch(); } $res = sqlite_query($db, "SELECT * FROM dict WHERE word = '{$word}'"); return sqlite_fetch_array($res); }
function getOneRecord() { $record = new lmbSqliteRecord(); $queryId = $this->connection->execute($this->getSQL()); $values = sqlite_fetch_array($queryId, SQLITE_ASSOC); if (is_array($values)) { $record->import($values); return $record; } }
function next() { $ret = FALSE; if ($this->hasNext()) { $this->current = sqlite_fetch_array($this->id, $this->mode); $this->row++; $ret = $this->current(); } return $ret; }
public function FetchArray($result) { if ($this->connection === false) { throw new DatabaseEx('Not connected to a database server!'); } elseif (!is_resource($result)) { throw new DatabaseEx('Invalid Resource For fetchArray()'); } $data = @sqlite_fetch_array($result); return $data; }
/** * Create output */ function render($format, &$R, $data) { if ($format != 'xhtml') { return false; } if (is_null($data)) { return false; } $R->info['cache'] = false; $sqlite = $this->dthlp->_getDB(); if (!$sqlite) { return false; } $this->updateSQLwithQuery($data); // handles request params // run query $clist = array_keys($data['cols']); $res = $sqlite->query($data['sql']); $cnt = 0; $rows = array(); while ($row = sqlite_fetch_array($res, SQLITE_NUM)) { $rows[] = $row; $cnt++; if ($data['limit'] && $cnt == $data['limit']) { break; } // keep an eye on the limit } if ($cnt === 0) { $this->nullList($data, $clist, $R); return true; } $R->doc .= $this->preList($clist, $data); foreach ($rows as $row) { // build data rows $R->doc .= $this->before_item; foreach ($row as $num => $cval) { if ($clist[$num] !== "%pageid%") { // print title $R->doc .= "<br>"; $R->doc .= $this->before_title; $R->doc .= $clist[$num]; $R->doc .= ": "; $R->doc .= $this->after_title; } // print val $R->doc .= $this->before_val; $R->doc .= $this->dthlp->_formatData($data['cols'][$clist[$num]], $cval, $R); $R->doc .= $this->after_val; } $R->doc .= $this->after_item; } $R->doc .= $this->postList($data, sqlite_num_rows($res)); return true; }
function getAllContents($file) { $db = sqlite_open($file); $rs = sqlite_query('SELECT * FROM trans_unit', $db); $result = ''; while ($row = sqlite_fetch_array($rs, SQLITE_NUM)) { $result .= implode(', ', $row) . "\n"; } sqlite_close($db); return $result; }
function fetch_assoc($query_results) { if (DATABASE_TYPE == "mysql") { $results = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query_results); } elseif (DATABASE_TYPE == "sqlite") { $results = sqlite_fetch_array($query_results, SQLITE_ASSOC); } elseif (DATABASE_TYPE == "pgsql") { $results = pg_fetch_assoc($query_results); } return $results; }
/** * 执行一个数据库查询语句,并返回第一行结果 * @param string $sql * @return array * @throws Exception */ public function queryAndFetch($sql) { if (!$this->db) { throw new Exception("sqlite db not connected error"); } if ($this->sqlite_version == 2) { return sqlite_fetch_array(sqlite_unbuffered_query($this->db, $sql)); } else { return $this->db->query($sql)->fetch(); } }
function sql_fetch_row($data) { if (defined('DB_TYPE')) { if (DB_TYPE == 'mysql') { $sql = mysql_fetch_row($data); } elseif (DB_TYPE == 'sqlite') { $sql = sqlite_fetch_array($data, SQLITE_NUM); } return $sql; } }
protected function db_fetch_wrapper($resource) { if (in_array($resource, array(null, false, true), true)) { $result = false; } else { if (($result = sqlite_fetch_array($resource, SQLITE_ASSOC)) === null) { $result = false; } } return $result; }
function set_pfhost_nonwritable($name) { global $database; $db = sqlite_popen($database); $results = sqlite_query("select * from pfhosts where name='" . sqlite_escape_string($name) . "'", $db); $pfhost_check = sqlite_fetch_array($results, SQLITE_ASSOC); if ($pfhost_check['can_connect'] == "true") { $results = sqlite_query("update pfhosts set can_connect='false' where name='" . sqlite_escape_string($name) . "'", $db); } sqlite_close($db); }
/** * Implementation of hook_dirlist. */ function ft_fileinfo_dirlist() { global $ft; $sql = 'SELECT name, description FROM fileinfo WHERE dir = ' . sqlite_escape_string(ft_get_dir()); $result = sqlite_query($ft['db']['link'], $sql); if ($result) { while ($entry = sqlite_fetch_array($query, SQLITE_ASSOC)) { $ft['fileinfo']['descriptions'][$entry['file']] = $entry['description']; } } }
/** * @throws SQLException * @return void */ protected function initTables() { include_once 'creole/drivers/sqlite/metadata/SQLiteTableInfo.php'; $sql = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' UNION ALL SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name;"; $result = sqlite_query($this->dblink, $sql); if (!$result) { throw new SQLException("Could not list tables", sqlite_last_error($this->dblink)); } while ($row = sqlite_fetch_array($result)) { $this->tables[strtoupper($row[0])] = new SQLiteTableInfo($this, $row[0]); } }
/** * Return an associative array of converted data * * @return array Associative array of row's data */ protected function fetchRowAssocDb() { $row = sqlite_fetch_array($this->resource, SQLITE_ASSOC); $out = array(); foreach ($row as $k => $v) { if (substr($k, 0, 1) == '"' && substr($k, -1) == '"') { $k = substr($k, 1, -1); } $out[$k] = $v; } return $out; }
function fetch($type = SQLITE_BOTH) { if ($type == 1) { $type = SQLITE_ASSOC; } elseif ($type == 2) { $type = SQLITE_NUM; } elseif ($type == 3 || $type != SQLITE_BOTH) { $type = SQLITE_BOTH; } // return sqlite_fetch_array($this->query, $type); }
public function get($module, $identifier) { $module = sqlite_escape_string($module); $identifier = sqlite_escape_string($identifier); $results = sqlite_query($this->_db, "SELECT value FROM {$this->_table} WHERE module='{$module}' AND identifier='{$identifier}'"); $results = sqlite_fetch_array($results); if (count($results) == 0) { return false; // no hit } return unserialize($results[0]); }
function sql_fetch_array($data) { global $con; if (defined('DB_TYPE')) { if (DB_TYPE == 'mysql') { $sql = mysql_fetch_array($data); } elseif (DB_TYPE == 'sqlite') { $sql = sqlite_fetch_array($data); } } return $sql; }
public function executeSQL($a_query) { if (!$this->db) { return NULL; } $result = sqlite_query($this->db, $a_query); $res = array(); while ($temp = sqlite_fetch_array($result)) { $res[] = $temp; } return $res; }