  * Create a new blog.
  * @param integer $blog New category's blog.
  * @param string $title New category's title.
  * @return integer
 public static function &create($title)
     global $papyrine;
     $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s " . " (title)       " . "VALUES         " . " ('%s')        ", self::TABLE, sqlite_escape_string($title));
     $result = $papyrine->database->connection->unbufferedQuery($sql);
     return new SQliteCategory($papyrine->database->connection->lastInsertRowid());
Example #2
 function clearData($data)
     $data = strip_tags($data);
     $data = trim($data);
     $data = sqlite_escape_string($data);
     return $data;
  * Create a new blog.
  * @return integer
 public static function &create($email, $name, $password)
     global $papyrine;
     $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s           " . " (email, name, password) " . "VALUES                   " . " ('%s', '%s', '%s')      ", self::TABLE, sqlite_escape_string($email), sqlite_escape_string($name), sqlite_escape_string(md5($password)));
     $result = $papyrine->database->connection->unbufferedQuery($sql);
     return new SQliteUser($papyrine->database->connection->lastInsertRowid());
Example #4
     $expire = $this->options['expire'];
 $expire = $expire == 0 ? 0 : time() + $expire;
 if (C('DATA_CACHE_COMPRESS') && function_exists('gzcompress')) {
     $value = gzcompress($value, 3);
Example #5
 public function delete($key)
     if ($this->_connection->query(sprintf("DELETE FROM cache WHERE key = '%s'", sqlite_escape_string($key))) === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
Example #6
  * récupère la liste des champs pour une base donnée.
  * @return   array    $tab[NomDuChamp] = obj avec prop (tye, length, lengthVar, notnull)
 protected function _getFieldList($tableName)
     $results = array();
     $query = "PRAGMA table_info(" . sqlite_escape_string($tableName) . ")";
     $rs = $this->_connector->query($query);
     while ($line = $rs->fetch()) {
         $field = new jDbFieldProperties();
         $field->name = $line->name;
         $field->primary = $line->pk == 1;
         $field->notNull = $line->notnull == '99' || $line->pk == 1;
         if (preg_match('/^(\\w+)\\s*(\\((\\d+)\\))?.*$/', $line->type, $m)) {
             $field->type = strtolower($m[1]);
             if (isset($m[3])) {
                 $field->length = intval($m[3]);
         } else {
             $field->type = $line->type;
         if ($field->type == 'integer' && $field->primary) {
             $field->autoIncrement = true;
         if (!$field->primary) {
             if ($line->dflt_value !== null || $line->dflt_value === null && !$field->notNull) {
                 $field->hasDefault = true;
                 $field->default = $line->dflt_value;
         $results[$line->name] = $field;
     return $results;
 public function quote($s)
     if (_hx_index_of($s, "", null) >= 0) {
         return "x'" . $this->base16_encode($s) . "'";
     return "'" . (sqlite_escape_string($s) . "'");
  * Create a new comment.
 public static function &create($entry, $body, $owner_name, $owner_email)
     global $papyrine;
     $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s                                           " . " (entry, body, owner_name, owner_email, status, created) " . "VALUES                                                   " . " (%s, '%s', '%s', '%s', %s, NOW())                       ", self::TABLE, $entry, sqlite_escape_string($body), sqlite_escape_string($owner_name), sqlite_escape_string($owner_email), 0);
     $result = $papyrine->database->connection->unbufferedQuery($sql);
     return new SQliteComment($papyrine->database->connection->lastInsertRowid());
Example #9
 public function check_input($value)
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
         $value = sqlite_escape_string($value);
     return $value;
Example #10
function sqlite_error_hadler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $args)
    // Open bugs database
    $err_db = new sqlite_db("php_errors");
    $error_hash = md5($errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errno);
    // check if previous errors of the same nature, had already occured,
    // if they did update the error counter.
    $res = $err_db->query("UPDATE bugs_db SET \n\t\t\terror_counter=error_counter+1 \n\t\t\tWHERE b_hash='{error_hash}'");
    // we got a hit, nothing more to do
    if ($res->changes()) {
        // close bug db
    // prepare data for sql insertion
    $errstr = sqlite_escape_string($errstr);
    $errfile = sqlite_escape_string($errfile);
    $errline = (int) $errline;
    $errno = (int) $errno;
    $args = sqlite_escape_string(implode(', ', $args));
    // Uh Oh, new error, let's log it.
    $err_db->query("INSERT INTO bugs_db\n\t\t(b_hash, error_counter, b_errstr, \n\t\tb_errfile, b_errline, b_errno, b_args)\n\t\tVALUES(\n\t\t\t'{$error_hash}',\n\t\t\t1,\n\t\t\t'{$errstr}',\n\t\t\t'{$errfile}',\n\t\t\t{$errline},\n\t\t\t{$errno},\n\t\t\t'{$args}'\n\t\t)");
    // close bug db
Example #11
 public function query()
     $params = func_get_args();
     $sql = array_shift($params);
     if ($this->getConfig('replaceTableName')) {
         $sql = preg_replace_callback('/{{(\\w+)}}/', array($this, 'getTable'), $sql);
     Database::$debug && (Database::$sql[] = $sql);
     if (isset($params[0])) {
         if (is_array($params[0])) {
             $params = $params[0];
         foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
             $params[$key] = sqlite_escape_string($val);
         if (preg_match_all('/:(\\w+)/i', $sql, $tmp)) {
             $p = array();
             foreach ($tmp[1] as $key => $val) {
                 $p[] = $params[$val];
             $params = $p;
             $sql = str_replace($tmp[0], '?', $sql);
         $sql = str_replace('?', "'%s'", $sql);
         array_unshift($params, $sql);
         $sql = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $params);
     $query = $this->link->query($sql);
     if ($query === false) {
         throw new DatabaseException("Error sql query:{$sql}");
     return $query;
Example #12
 function set($key, $value)
     $time = time();
     $sql = sprintf("REPLACE INTO \n            %s (key, value, created) \n            VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%d');", $this->tableName, sqlite_escape_string($key), sqlite_escape_string($value), $time);
     //allow exceptions to bubble up
Example #13
 public static function insertData($data)
     $stmt_log = self::$db->prepare("INSERT INTO log (timestamp, nbr_of_files_examined)\n                                    VALUES(:timestamp, :nbr)");
     $stmt_log->execute(array(':timestamp' => strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), ':nbr' => count($data['files'])));
     $units = $data['units'];
     foreach ($units as $unit) {
         $col = '';
         $val = '';
         $val_arr = array();
         foreach ($unit as $k => $v) {
             if ($k === 'src_strip') {
             $k = sqlite_escape_string($k);
             $col .= "{$k}, ";
             $val .= ":{$k}, ";
             $val_arr[":{$k}"] = $v;
         $col = trim($col, ', ');
         $val = trim($val, ', ');
         $stmt_units = self::$db->prepare("INSERT INTO units ({$col}) VALUES({$val})");
         $stmt_status = self::$db->prepare("INSERT INTO status (fnc, file)\n                                         VALUES(:fnc, :file)");
         $stmt_status->execute(array(":fnc" => $unit['fnc'], ":file" => $unit['file']));
     return self::$db->commit();
Example #14
  * Escapes a string for SQL queries.
  * \param $str
  *   The string to escape.
  * \return
  *   The escaped string.
 function escape_string($str)
     if (is_null($str)) {
         return 'NULL';
     return "'" . sqlite_escape_string($str) . "'";
Example #15
 function execute()
     if (LoginManager::isLogged() && LoginManager::isAdministrator()) {
         if (isset($_POST['exercise_name']) && $_SESSION['form_enabled']) {
             $group = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['exercise_group']);
             $code = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['exercise_code']);
             $name = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['exercise_name']);
             $description = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['propose_description']);
             $proposer = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['exercise_proposer']);
             $state = 'draft';
             $word_count = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['exercise_word_count']);
             $licence = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['exercise_licence']);
             $language = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['exercise_language']);
             $media_type = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['exercise_media_type']);
             $exercise_version = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['exercise_exercise_version']);
             $author = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['exercise_author']);
             $author_website = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['exercise_author_website']);
             $author_contact = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['exercise_author_contact']);
             $packager = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['exercise_packager']);
             $packager_website = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['exercise_packager_website']);
             $packager_contact = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['exercise_packager_contact']);
             $translations = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['exercise_translations']);
             $file = sqlite_escape_string($_POST['exercise_file']);
             $state = 'waiting';
             DatabaseManager::setQuery("INSERT INTO exercises VALUES(\n                        NULL,\n                        {$group},\n                        '{$proposer}',\n                        '{$state}',\n                        '{$code}',\n                        '{$name}',\n                        '{$description}',\n                        {$word_count},\n                        '{$licence}',\n                        '{$language}',\n                        '{$media_type}',\n                        '{$exercise_version}',\n                        '{$author}',\n                        '{$author_website}',\n                        '{$author_contact}',\n                        '{$packager}',\n                        '{$packager_website}',\n                        '{$packager_contact}',\n                        '{$translations}',\n                        '{$file}'\n                        );");
             $this->message = "Exercise add.";
             $_SESSION['form_enabled'] = false;
         } else {
             $_SESSION['form_enabled'] = true;
Example #16
 function check_str($string, $trim = true)
     global $db_type, $db;
     //when code in db is urlencoded the ' does not need to be modified
     if ($db_type == "sqlite") {
         if (function_exists('sqlite_escape_string')) {
             $string = sqlite_escape_string($string);
         } else {
             $string = str_replace("'", "''", $string);
     if ($db_type == "pgsql") {
         $string = pg_escape_string($string);
     if ($db_type == "mysql") {
         if (function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string')) {
             $tmp_str = mysql_real_escape_string($string);
         } else {
             $tmp_str = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $string);
         if (strlen($tmp_str)) {
             $string = $tmp_str;
         } else {
             $search = array("", "\n", "\r", "\\", "'", "\"", "");
             $replace = array("\\x00", "\\n", "\\r", "\\\\", "\\'", "\\\"", "\\");
             $string = str_replace($search, $replace, $string);
     $string = $trim ? trim($string) : $string;
     return $string;
 public function escape($sql)
     if (function_exists('sqlite_escape_string')) {
         return sqlite_escape_string($sql);
     } else {
         return addslashes($sql);
  * Escape the string for RDBMS.
  * @param      string $text
  * @return     string
 public function disconnectedEscapeText($text)
     if (function_exists('sqlite_escape_string')) {
         return sqlite_escape_string($text);
     } else {
         return parent::disconnectedEscapeText($text);
 function save_settings($settings)
     foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {
         $value = sqlite_escape_string($value);
         $stm = $this->db->prepare('UPDATE settings SET s_value = :value WHERE s_name = :key');
         $stm->execute(array(':value' => $value, ':key' => $key));
Example #20
function post_save($fromu, $tou, $msg, $files = array())
    if (db_query("INSERT INTO msgs VALUES (NULL,'" . sqlite_escape_string($fromu) . "','" . sqlite_escape_string($tou) . "','" . sqlite_escape_string($msg) . "','" . sqlite_escape_string(implode(';', $files)) . "')")) {
        return TRUE;
    } else {
        return FALSE;
Example #21
function sqlite_addslashes_deep($value)
    if (empty($value)) {
        return $value;
    } else {
        return is_array($value) ? array_map('sqlite_addslashes_deep', $value) : sqlite_escape_string($value);
Example #22
 static function register()
     if (!LoginManager::isRegistered()) {
         $login = sqlite_escape_string(LoginManager::getLogin());
         $email = sqlite_escape_string(LoginManager::getEmail());
         DatabaseManager::setQuery("INSERT INTO users VALUES(\n                '{$login}',\n                '',\n                '{$email}',\n                0\n                );");
Example #23
 protected function _performEscape($s, $isIdent = false)
     if (!$isIdent) {
         return '\'' . sqlite_escape_string($s) . '\'';
     } else {
         return "`" . str_replace('`', '``', $s) . "`";
 public static function &create($title, $body, $owner, $status = true)
     global $papyrine;
     // Generate the query and insert into the database.
     $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s                    " . " (title, linktitle, body, owner,  " . "  status, created)                " . " VALUES                           " . " ('%s', '%s', '%s', %s, %s, '%s') ", self::TABLE, sqlite_escape_string($title), sqlite_escape_string($title), sqlite_escape_string($body), $owner, $status ? 1 : 0, time());
     $result = $papyrine->database->connection->unbufferedQuery($sql);
     return new SQliteEntry($papyrine->database->connection->lastInsertRowid());
Example #25
 function C_photo($file, $number)
     global $root, $gallery_dir, $galerie, $db;
     $this->file = $file;
     $this->number = $number;
     $this->album = $galerie;
     //init from filesystem
     $this->preview = "{$gallery_dir}/{$galerie}/lq/img-" . $this->number . ".jpg";
     $this->previewsize = getimagesize($this->preview);
     if (file_exists("{$root}/{$gallery_dir}/{$galerie}/mq/img-" . $this->number . ".jpg")) {
         $this->mq = "{$gallery_dir}/{$galerie}/mq/img-" . $this->number . ".jpg";
     if (file_exists("{$root}/{$gallery_dir}/{$galerie}/hq/img-" . $this->number . ".jpg")) {
         $this->hq = "{$gallery_dir}/{$galerie}/hq/img-" . $this->number . ".jpg";
     if ($GLOBALS['have_sqlite']) {
         //query just once
         require_once "{$root}/inc/db.class.inc.php";
         $sql = "select * from photo where ";
         $sql .= "number=" . $this->number . " and ";
         $sql .= "album='" . $this->album . "'";
     //reads access log number
     if ($GLOBALS['have_sqlite']) {
         //need to get photo id first
         if (!$db->count()) {
             //no record for this photo, let's update the record
             //FIXME - if no photo data in db, create a unique index for it
             //and add number, album, caption and views.
             $sql = "insert into photo (name, caption, counter, number, album)";
             $sql .= " values (";
             $sql .= "\"" . sqlite_escape_string($this->name) . "\", ";
             $sql .= "\"" . sqlite_escape_string(strtr($this->caption, "\"", "'")) . "\", ";
             $sql .= $this->counter . ", ";
             $sql .= $this->number . ", ";
             $sql .= "\"" . $this->album . "\"";
             $sql .= ")";
             print "\n\n<!-- We've moved the data to the database.-->";
             //now we still need to query for the id
             $sql = "select id from photo where ";
             $sql .= "number=" . $this->number . " and ";
             $sql .= "album='" . $this->album . "'";
         $resultarray = sqlite_fetch_array($db->result);
         $this->id = $resultarray["id"];
         print "\n\n<!-- image id: " . $this->id . " -->\n";
Example #26
 function escape($string)
     if (function_exists('sqlite_escape_string')) {
         $res = sqlite_escape_string($string);
     } else {
         $res = str_replace("'", "''", $string);
     return $res;
Example #27
function user2id($uname)
    $res = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE user='******' LIMIT 1"), SQLITE_NUM);
    if (!$res) {
        return -1;
    } else {
        return $res['0']['0'];
Example #28
 public function Labyrinth($ip, $useragent)
     global $config;
     $this->dbhandle = new SQLiteDatabase($config['tracking_db']);
     $this->crawler_ip = sqlite_escape_string($ip);
     $this->crawler_useragent = sqlite_escape_string($useragent);
     $this->crawler_info = $this->dbhandle->query("SELECT crawler_ip FROM crawlers WHERE crawler_ip='" . $this->crawler_ip . "' AND crawler_useragent='" . $this->crawler_useragent . "'");
Example #29
 function escape($param)
     if (is_array($param)) {
         $this->error("can't escape:");
     $param = sqlite_escape_string($param);
     $param = str_replace('"', "'", $param);
     return $param;
Example #30
 function to_db($p)
     $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (uuid, title, authors, journal, year, pmid, mendeley_url) " . "VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s'); ", TBL_PAPERS, sqlite_escape_string($p->uuid), sqlite_escape_string($p->title), json_encode($p->authors), sqlite_escape_string($p->journal), sqlite_escape_string($p->year), sqlite_escape_string($p->pmid), is_mendeley_url($p->mendeley_url) ? $p->mendeley_url : "");
     if (!$this->db->queryExec($query, $error)) {
         echo $query . "<br>";
     } else {
         #echo "<br>".$query;