Example #1
function buildVariableEnv($uid, $gid, $tid, &$vardisp, &$bounds, &$privilege, &$tree, &$condensed, &$autoDisplay)
    $result = sqlquery("SELECT view_row.name AS user_name, variable.name AS var_name, path, warning_bound, error_bound, alarm_order, view_row.filter as varfilter, view_table.filter as viewfilter, display, auto_display, view_row.vid AS vid " . "FROM variable, view_row, view_table " . "WHERE variable.command='variable' AND (view_table.uid='{$uid}' OR view_table.uid='{$gid}') AND view_table.tid='{$tid}' AND view_row.tid='{$tid}' AND variable.vid=view_row.vid ORDER BY view_row.ordering");
    while ($result && ($arr = sqlfetch($result))) {
        $vid = $arr["vid"];
        if (!hasAccessToVariable($vid)) {
        $path = $arr["path"];
        if ($arr["varfilter"] != "" && ($path = filterPath($path, $arr["varfilter"])) == "") {
        if ($arr["viewfilter"] != "" && ($path = filterPath($path, $arr["viewfilter"])) == "") {
        $condensed = $arr["display"] == "condensed";
        $autoDisplay = $arr["auto_display"] == "auto";
        $varName = getVarName($path);
        $vardisp[$varName] = $arr["user_name"];
        $bounds[$varName] = array($arr["warning_bound"], $arr["error_bound"], $arr["alarm_order"]);
        $privilege[$varName] = getVariableRight($vid);
        $address = explode(".", $path);
        //echo "add to tree address $path<br>\n";
        if (!isset($numsteps)) {
            $numsteps = count($address);
        if ($numsteps != count($address)) {
            echo "Invalid table <b>{$tid}</b>, contains different variable path length (typically, mixed shard/server/service variables with entity variables)\n";
        addToNode($tree, $address, 0);
Example #2
function getShardLockState()
    global $shardLockState, $uid, $REMOTE_ADDR, $enablelock, $shardList;
    global $ASHost, $ASPort;
    $shardLockState = array();
    if (count($shardList) > 0) {
        foreach ($shardList as $shard => $s) {
            $shardLockState[$shard]['lock_state'] = $enablelock ? 0 : 1;
    $result = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM shard_annotation");
    while ($result && ($arr = sqlfetch($result))) {
        if ($enablelock) {
            if ($arr['lock_user'] == 0) {
                $lockState = 0;
                // unlocked
            } else {
                if ($arr['lock_user'] == $uid && $arr['lock_ip'] == $REMOTE_ADDR) {
                    $lockState = 1;
                    // locked by user
                } else {
                    $lockState = 2;
                    // locked by another user
        } else {
            $lockState = 1;
        $shardLockState[$arr['shard']] = array('user_annot' => $arr['user'], 'annot' => htmlentities($arr['annotation'], ENT_QUOTES), 'post_date' => $arr['post_date'], 'lock_user' => $arr['lock_user'], 'lock_ip' => $arr['lock_ip'], 'lock_date' => $arr['lock_date'], 'lock_state' => $lockState, 'ASAddr' => $arr['ASAddr'], 'alias' => $arr['alias']);
 static function getForm($id)
     $id = sqlescape($id);
     $form = sqlfetch(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM btx_form_builder_forms WHERE id = '{$id}'"));
     if (!$form) {
         return false;
     $fields = array();
     $object_count = 0;
     $field_query = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM btx_form_builder_fields WHERE form = '{$id}' AND `column` = '0' ORDER BY position DESC, id ASC");
     while ($field = sqlfetch($field_query)) {
         if ($field["type"] == "column") {
             // Get left column
             $column_fields = array();
             $column_query = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM btx_form_builder_fields WHERE `column` = '" . $field["id"] . "' AND `alignment` = 'left' ORDER BY position DESC, id ASC");
             while ($sub_field = sqlfetch($column_query)) {
                 $column_fields[] = $sub_field;
             $field["fields"] = $column_fields;
             $fields[] = $field;
             // Get right column
             $column_fields = array();
             $column_query = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM btx_form_builder_fields WHERE `column` = '" . $field["id"] . "' AND `alignment` = 'right' ORDER BY position DESC, id ASC");
             while ($sub_field = sqlfetch($column_query)) {
                 $column_fields[] = $sub_field;
             $field["fields"] = $column_fields;
             $fields[] = $field;
             // Column start/end count as objects so we add 3 since there's two columns
             $object_count += 3;
         } else {
             $fields[] = $field;
     $form["fields"] = $fields;
     $form["object_count"] = $object_count - 1;
     // We start at 0
     return $form;
Example #4
            if (strpos($file, "site/extensions/{$id}/") === 0) {
                BigTree::copyFile(SERVER_ROOT . $file, SERVER_ROOT . "extensions/{$id}/public/" . str_replace("site/extensions/{$id}/", "", $file));
                // Move into the site/extensions/ folder and then copy into /public/
            } else {
                BigTree::moveFile(SERVER_ROOT . $file, SITE_ROOT . "extensions/{$id}/" . substr($file, 5));
                BigTree::copyFile(SITE_ROOT . "extensions/{$id}/" . substr($file, 5), SERVER_ROOT . "extensions/{$id}/public/" . substr($file, 5));
        // If we have a place to move it to, move it.
        if ($d) {
            BigTree::moveFile(SERVER_ROOT . $file, SERVER_ROOT . "extensions/{$id}/" . $d);
// If this package already exists, we need to do a diff of the tables, increment revision numbers, and add SQL statements.
$existing = sqlfetch(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_extensions WHERE id = '" . sqlescape($id) . "' AND type = 'extension'"));
if ($existing) {
    $existing_json = json_decode($existing["manifest"], true);
    // Increment revision numbers
    $revision = $package["revision"] = intval($existing_json["revision"]) + 1;
    $package["sql_revisions"] = (array) $existing_json["sql_revisions"];
    $package["sql_revisions"][$revision] = array();
    // Diff the old tables
    foreach ($existing_json["components"]["tables"] as $table => $create_statement) {
        // If the table exists in the new manifest, we're going to see if they're identical
        if (isset($package["components"]["tables"][$table])) {
            // We're going to create a temporary table of the old structure to compare to the current table
            $create_statement = preg_replace("/CREATE TABLE `([^`]*)`/i", "CREATE TABLE `bigtree_extension_temp`", $create_statement);
            $create_statement = preg_replace("/CONSTRAINT `([^`]*)`/i", "", $create_statement);
            sqlquery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bigtree_extension_temp`");
Example #5
 function updatePageParent($page, $parent)
     $page = sqlescape($page);
     $parent = sqlescape($parent);
     if ($this->Level < 1) {
         $this->stop("You are not allowed to move pages.");
     // Get the existing path so we can create a route history
     $current = sqlfetch(sqlquery("SELECT path FROM bigtree_pages WHERE id = '{$page}'"));
     $old_path = sqlescape($current["path"]);
     sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_pages SET parent = '{$parent}' WHERE id = '{$page}'");
     $path = sqlescape($this->getFullNavigationPath($page));
     // Set the route history
     sqlquery("DELETE FROM bigtree_route_history WHERE old_route = '{$path}' OR old_route = '{$old_path}'");
     sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_route_history (`old_route`,`new_route`) VALUES ('{$old_path}','{$path}')");
     // Update the page with its new path.
     sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_pages SET path = '{$path}' WHERE id = '{$page}'");
     // Update the paths of any child pages.
Example #6
echo "{\n";
echo "\treturn true;\n";
echo "}\n";
echo "\n";
echo "//--></script>\n";
// input variables :
// - $preselServ : preselected service address
// - $execCommand : executed command on preselected service, like a normal service
echo "<br><br>\n";
echo "<table border=0><tr valign=top>\n";
echo "<form method=post action='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "' name='cmdform'>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
$result = sqlquery("SELECT DISTINCT shard FROM service ORDER BY shard");
echo "<select multiple size=" . sqlnumrows($result) . " name='selshards[]'>";
while ($result && ($arr = sqlfetch($result))) {
    $selected = isset($selshards) && in_array($arr["shard"], $selshards) || (isset($admfilter_shard) && $admfilter_shard != "" && strstr($arr["shard"], $admfilter_shard) || $admfilter_shard == "" && !isset($selshards));
    if ($selected) {
        $selected_shards[] = $arr["shard"];
    echo "<option value='" . $arr["shard"] . "'" . ($selected ? " selected" : "") . ">" . $arr["shard"];
echo "</select>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td width=30>&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
echo "<table border=0>\n";
echo "<tr><th align=left>Player/Character name</th></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><input name=char_name value='" . stripslashes($char_name) . "' size=50 maxlength=20480></td>\n";
echo "<td><input type=submit value='Locate'></td></tr>\n";
echo "</form></table>\n";
Example #7

require_once '../lib-core.php';
require_once '../lib-auth.php';
$polrauth = new polrauth();
$baseval = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['baseval']);
$userinfo = $polrauth->islogged();
if (!is_array($userinfo)) {
    //not logged in
    die('401 Unauthorized (not logged in)');
$role = $userinfo['role'];
$user = $mysqli->real_escape_string($userinfo['username']);
$date = $mysqli->real_escape_string(time());
if ($role != 'adm') {
    die('401 Unauthorized (not admin)');
//if all works out
$orig = $mysqli->real_escape_string(sqlfetch('redirinfo', 'rurl', 'baseval', $baseval));
$query = "UPDATE redirinfo SET rurl='disabled', etc2='Disabled by {$user} on UNIXDATE {$date}', etc='{$orig}' WHERE baseval='{$baseval}';";
$result = $mysqli->query($query) or die('error');
echo 'success';
//all works out :)
Example #8
 function handle404($url)
     $url = sqlescape(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(rtrim($url, "/"))));
     $f = sqlfetch(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_404s WHERE broken_url = '{$url}'"));
     if (!$url) {
         return true;
     if ($f["redirect_url"]) {
         if ($f["redirect_url"] == "/") {
             $f["redirect_url"] = "";
         if (substr($f["redirect_url"], 0, 7) == "http://" || substr($f["redirect_url"], 0, 8) == "https://") {
             $redirect = $f["redirect_url"];
         } else {
             $redirect = WWW_ROOT . str_replace(WWW_ROOT, "", $f["redirect_url"]);
         sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_404s SET requests = (requests + 1) WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
         BigTree::redirect($redirect, "301");
         return false;
     } else {
         header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . " 404 Not Found");
         if ($f) {
             sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_404s SET requests = (requests + 1) WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
         } else {
             sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_404s (`broken_url`,`requests`) VALUES ('{$url}','1')");
         define("BIGTREE_DO_NOT_CACHE", true);
         return true;
Example #9
 static function updatePendingItemField($id, $field, $value)
     $id = sqlescape($id);
     $item = sqlfetch(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_pending_changes WHERE id = '{$id}'"));
     $changes = json_decode($item["changes"], true);
     if (is_array($value)) {
         $value = BigTree::translateArray($value);
     $changes[$field] = $value;
     $changes = sqlescape(json_encode($changes));
     sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_pending_changes SET changes = '{$changes}' WHERE id = '{$id}'");
Example #10
 static function tableContents($table)
     $inserts = array();
     // Figure out which columns are binary and need to be pulled as hex
     $description = BigTree::describeTable($table);
     $column_query = array();
     $binary_columns = array();
     foreach ($description["columns"] as $key => $column) {
         if ($column["type"] == "tinyblob" || $column["type"] == "blob" || $column["type"] == "mediumblob" || $column["type"] == "longblob" || $column["type"] == "binary" || $column["type"] == "varbinary") {
             $column_query[] = "HEX(`{$key}`) AS `{$key}`";
             $binary_columns[] = $key;
         } else {
             $column_query[] = "`{$key}`";
     // Get the rows out of the table
     $qq = sqlquery("SELECT " . implode(", ", $column_query) . " FROM `{$table}`");
     while ($ff = sqlfetch($qq)) {
         $keys = array();
         $vals = array();
         foreach ($ff as $key => $val) {
             $keys[] = "`{$key}`";
             if ($val === null) {
                 $vals[] = "NULL";
             } else {
                 if (in_array($key, $binary_columns)) {
                     $vals[] = "X'" . str_replace("\n", "\\n", sqlescape($val)) . "'";
                 } else {
                     $vals[] = "'" . str_replace("\n", "\\n", sqlescape($val)) . "'";
         $inserts[] = "INSERT INTO `{$table}` (" . implode(",", $keys) . ") VALUES (" . implode(",", $vals) . ")";
     return $inserts;
Example #11
foreach ($modules as $m) {
    // Get all auto module view actions for this module.
    $actions = $admin->getModuleActions($m);
    foreach ($actions as $action) {
        if ($action["view"]) {
            $view = BigTreeAutoModule::getView($action["view"]);
            $m_results = array();
            $table_description = BigTree::describeTable($view["table"]);
            $qparts = array();
            foreach ($table_description["columns"] as $column => $data) {
                $qparts[] = "`{$column}` LIKE {$w}";
            // Get matching results
            $qs = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM `" . $view["table"] . "` WHERE " . implode(" OR ", $qparts));
            // Ignore SQL failures because we might have bad collation.
            while ($r = sqlfetch($qs, true)) {
                foreach ($r as &$piece) {
                    $piece = $cms->replaceInternalPageLinks($piece);
                $m_results[] = $r;
            if (count($m_results)) {
                $results[$m["name"]][] = array("view" => $view, "results" => $m_results, "module" => $m);
<form class="adv_search" method="get" action="<?php 
Example #12
function logUser($uid, $act, $prefix = "")
    global $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $REMOTE_ADDR, $userlogpath;
    $result = sqlquery("SELECT login FROM user WHERE uid='{$uid}'");
    if ($result && ($result = sqlfetch($result))) {
        $login = $result["login"];
        $filename = $userlogpath . "/" . $login . ".log";
        $file = fopen($filename, "a");
        if ($file) {
            fwrite($file, ($prefix != "" ? $prefix . " " : "") . date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . " {$uid}:{$login}:{$HTTP_USER_AGENT}:{$REMOTE_ADDR} {$act}\n");
    } else {
        $filename = $userlogpath . "/unreferenced_user.log";
        $file = fopen($filename, "a");
        if ($file) {
            fwrite($file, date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . " {$uid}:<unknown login>:{$HTTP_USER_AGENT}:{$REMOTE_ADDR} {$act}\n");
    		$result = sqlquery("SELECT http_agent, remote_address, act FROM user_log WHERE uid='$uid' ORDER BY log_date DESC LIMIT 1");
    		if (!$result || !($arr=mysql_fetch_array($result)) || $arr["http_agent"]!=$HTTP_USER_AGENT || $arr["remote_address"]!=$REMOTE_ADDR || $arr["act"]!=$act)
    			sqlquery("INSERT INTO user_log SET uid='$uid', http_agent='$HTTP_USER_AGENT', remote_address='$REMOTE_ADDR', log_date=NOW(), act='$act'");
Example #13
function _local_bigtree_update_102()
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_field_types ADD COLUMN `use_cases` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `name`");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_field_types ADD COLUMN `self_draw` CHAR(2) NULL AFTER `use_cases`");
    $q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_field_types");
    while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
        $use_cases = sqlescape(json_encode(array("templates" => $f["pages"], "modules" => $f["modules"], "callouts" => $f["callouts"], "settings" => $f["settings"])));
        sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_field_types SET use_cases = '{$use_cases}' WHERE id = '" . sqlescape($f["id"]) . "'");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_field_types DROP `pages`, DROP `modules`, DROP `callouts`, DROP `settings`");
Example #14
    $numLines = ($numRes - $numRows - 2) / $numRows;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numRows; ++$i) {
        $vars[] = current($arr);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numLines; ++$i) {
        foreach ($vars as $var) {
            $l[$var] = current($arr);
        $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM server WHERE name='" . $l['server'] . "'";
        $sql_res = sqlquery($sql_query);
        if ($sql_res && ($sql_arr = sqlfetch($sql_res))) {
            $l['address'] = $sql_arr['address'];
        $availableLAS[] = $l;
	echo "<pre>";
	echo "</pre>";
Example #15
 static function getTableSelectOptions($default = false)
     global $bigtree;
     $q = sqlquery("SHOW TABLES");
     while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
         $tname = $f["Tables_in_" . $bigtree["config"]["db"]["name"]];
         if (isset($bigtree["config"]["show_all_tables_in_dropdowns"]) || substr($tname, 0, 8) !== "bigtree_" || $tname == $default) {
             if ($default == $f["Tables_in_" . $bigtree["config"]["db"]["name"]]) {
                 echo '<option selected="selected">' . $f["Tables_in_" . $bigtree["config"]["db"]["name"]] . '</option>';
             } else {
                 echo '<option>' . $f["Tables_in_" . $bigtree["config"]["db"]["name"]] . '</option>';
Example #16
 function updatePageParent($page, $parent)
     $page = sqlescape($page);
     $parent = sqlescape($parent);
     if ($this->Level < 1) {
         $this->stop("You are not allowed to move pages.");
     // Get the existing path so we can create a route history
     $current = sqlfetch(sqlquery("SELECT in_nav,path FROM bigtree_pages WHERE id = '{$page}'"));
     $old_path = sqlescape($current["path"]);
     // If the current user isn't a developer and is moving the page to top level, set it to not be visible
     $in_nav = $current["in_nav"] ? "on" : "";
     if ($this->Level < 2 && $parent == 0) {
         $in_nav = "";
     sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_pages SET in_nav = '{$in_nav}', parent = '{$parent}' WHERE id = '{$page}'");
     $path = sqlescape($this->getFullNavigationPath($page));
     // Set the route history
     sqlquery("DELETE FROM bigtree_route_history WHERE old_route = '{$path}' OR old_route = '{$old_path}'");
     sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_route_history (`old_route`,`new_route`) VALUES ('{$old_path}','{$path}')");
     // Update the page with its new path.
     sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_pages SET path = '{$path}' WHERE id = '{$page}'");
     // Update the paths of any child pages.
     $this->track("bigtree_pages", $page, "moved");
Example #17
echo $feed["description"];
		<generator>BigTree CMS (http://www.bigtreecms.org)</generator>
$sort = $feed["options"]["sort"] ? $feed["options"]["sort"] : "id DESC";
$limit = $feed["options"]["limit"] ? $feed["options"]["limit"] : "15";
$q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM `" . $feed["table"] . "` ORDER BY {$sort} LIMIT {$limit}");
while ($item = sqlfetch($q)) {
    foreach ($item as $key => $val) {
        if (is_array(json_decode($val, true))) {
            $item[$key] = BigTree::untranslateArray(json_decode($val, true));
        } else {
            $item[$key] = $cms->replaceInternalPageLinks($val);
    if ($feed["options"]["link_gen"]) {
        $link = $feed["options"]["link_gen"];
        foreach ($item as $key => $val) {
            $link = str_replace("{" . $key . "}", $val, $link);
    } else {
        $link = $item[$feed["options"]["link"]];
Example #18
 if ($_POST['tos']!='accept') {
 require_once 'layout-headerlg.php';
 echo "You must accept the <a href='tos.php'>Terms of Service</a> in order to register.<br><br><a href='register.php'>Go Back</a>";
 require_once 'layout-footerlg.php';
$salt = mcrypt_create_iv(23, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
//create salt
$rstr = mcrypt_create_iv(23, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
$reg = array("username" => $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['username']), "email" => $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['email']), "password" => $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['password']), "rkey" => sha1($mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['username']) . date('zjDygs') . $rstr));
//check if already exists
$ireg['1'] = sqlex('auth', 'email', 'username', $reg['username']);
$ireg['2'] = sqlex('auth', 'username', 'email', $reg['email']);
$ireg['3'] = sqlfetch('auth', 'valid', 'email', $reg['email']);
if (($ireg['1'] == true || $ireg['2'] == true) && $ireg['3'] == 1) {
    require_once 'layout-headerlg.php';
    echo "Username/email already in use. <br><br><a href='register.php'>Go Back</a>";
    require_once 'layout-footerlg.php';
    //prevent user from registering
$opts = array('cost' => 10, 'salt' => $salt);
$hashed = password_hash($reg['password'], PASSWORD_BCRYPT, $opts);
$reg['password'] = $hashed;
if ($regtype == "free") {
    $active = "1";
} else {
    $active = "0";
Example #19
     echo "<br><b>Can't display table {$tid}</b><br>\n";
 } else {
     echo "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr valign=top><td>\n";
     $result = mysql_fetch_array($result);
     $viewName = $result["name"];
     $viewFilter = $result["filter"];
     $viewDisplay = $result["display"];
     $viewAutoDisplay = $result["auto_display"];
     $viewRefreshRate = $result["refresh_rate"];
     $ownView = $result["uid"] == $uid;
     echo "<table border=1>\n";
     echo "<tr><form method=post action='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?sel_vgid={$sel_vgid}&tid={$tid}'><td colspan=3><b>Content of " . ($ownView ? "<input name=chViewName value='{$viewName}' size=32 maxlength=32>" : $viewName) . "</b></td></form>";
     if ($ownView && ($admlogin == "root" || $admlogin == $group || $IsNevrax)) {
         echo "<form method=post action='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SEL'] . "?sel_vgid={$sel_vgid}&tid={$tid}'><td colspan=4>Give view to <select name='giveTo' onChange='submit()'>";
         $gresult = sqlquery("SELECT uid, login FROM user ORDER BY login");
         while ($gresult && ($garr = sqlfetch($gresult))) {
             echo "<option value='" . $garr["uid"] . "'" . ($uid == $garr["uid"] ? " selected" : "") . ">" . $garr["login"];
         echo "</select>";
     } else {
         echo "<td colspan=3>";
     echo "</td></tr>";
     $result = sqlquery("SELECT view_row.name AS name, view_row.vid AS vid, view_row.ordering AS ordering, path, view_row.filter AS filter, graph " . "FROM view_table, view_row, variable " . "WHERE variable.command='variable' AND view_table.uid='{$uid}' AND view_table.tid='{$tid}' AND view_table.tid=view_row.tid AND " . "view_row.vid=variable.vid ORDER BY ordering");
     if (!$result) {
         die("rows select failed !");
     echo "<tr><th>Index</th><th><b>Variable</b></th><th>Path</th><th>Privilege</th><th>Filter</th><th>Graph</th><th>Commands</th></tr>\n";
     while ($arr = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
         $vid = $arr["vid"];
Example #20
function _local_bigtree_update_200()
    global $cms, $admin;
    // Drop unused comments column
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_pending_changes DROP COLUMN `comments`");
    // Add extension columns
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_callouts ADD COLUMN `extension` VARCHAR(255)");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_callouts ADD FOREIGN KEY (extension) REFERENCES `bigtree_extensions` (id) ON DELETE CASCADE");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_feeds ADD COLUMN `extension` VARCHAR(255)");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_feeds ADD FOREIGN KEY (extension) REFERENCES `bigtree_extensions` (id) ON DELETE CASCADE");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_field_types ADD COLUMN `extension` VARCHAR(255)");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_field_types ADD FOREIGN KEY (extension) REFERENCES `bigtree_extensions` (id) ON DELETE CASCADE");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_modules ADD COLUMN `extension` VARCHAR(255)");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_modules ADD FOREIGN KEY (extension) REFERENCES `bigtree_extensions` (id) ON DELETE CASCADE");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_module_groups ADD COLUMN `extension` VARCHAR(255)");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_module_groups ADD FOREIGN KEY (extension) REFERENCES `bigtree_extensions` (id) ON DELETE CASCADE");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_settings ADD COLUMN `extension` VARCHAR(255)");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_settings ADD FOREIGN KEY (extension) REFERENCES `bigtree_extensions` (id) ON DELETE CASCADE");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_templates ADD COLUMN `extension` VARCHAR(255)");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_templates ADD FOREIGN KEY (extension) REFERENCES `bigtree_extensions` (id) ON DELETE CASCADE");
    // New publish_hook column, consolidate other hooks into one column
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_pending_changes ADD COLUMN `publish_hook` VARCHAR(255)");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_module_forms ADD COLUMN `hooks` TEXT");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_module_embeds ADD COLUMN `hooks` TEXT");
    $q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_module_forms");
    while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
        $hooks = array();
        $hooks["pre"] = $f["preprocess"];
        $hooks["post"] = $f["callback"];
        $hooks["publish"] = "";
        sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_module_forms SET hooks = '" . BigTree::json($hooks, true) . "' WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
    $q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_module_embeds");
    while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
        $hooks = array();
        $hooks["pre"] = $f["preprocess"];
        $hooks["post"] = $f["callback"];
        $hooks["publish"] = "";
        sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_module_embeds SET hooks = '" . BigTree::json($hooks, true) . "' WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_module_forms DROP COLUMN `preprocess`");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_module_forms DROP COLUMN `callback`");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_module_embeds DROP COLUMN `preprocess`");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_module_embeds DROP COLUMN `callback`");
    // Adjust groups/callouts for multi-support -- first we drop the foreign key
    $table_desc = BigTree::describeTable("bigtree_callouts");
    foreach ($table_desc["foreign_keys"] as $name => $definition) {
        if ($definition["local_columns"][0] === "group") {
            sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_callouts DROP FOREIGN KEY `{$name}`");
    // Add the field to the groups
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_callout_groups ADD COLUMN `callouts` TEXT AFTER `name`");
    // Find all the callouts in each group
    $q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_callout_groups");
    while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
        $callouts = array();
        $qq = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_callouts WHERE `group` = '" . $f["id"] . "' ORDER BY position DESC, id ASC");
        while ($ff = sqlfetch($qq)) {
            $callouts[] = $ff["id"];
        sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_callout_groups SET `callouts` = '" . BigTree::json($callouts, true) . "' WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
    // Drop the group column
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_callouts DROP COLUMN `group`");
    // Security policy setting
    sqlquery("INSERT INTO `bigtree_settings` (`id`,`value`,`system`) VALUES ('bigtree-internal-security-policy','{}','on')");
    sqlquery("CREATE TABLE `bigtree_login_attempts` (`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ip` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `user` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `timestamp` timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8");
    sqlquery("CREATE TABLE `bigtree_login_bans` (`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ip` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `user` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `created` timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `expires` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8");
    // Media settings
    sqlquery("INSERT INTO `bigtree_settings` (`id`,`value`,`system`) VALUES ('bigtree-internal-media-settings','{}','on')");
    // New field types
    @unlink(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/bigtree-form-field-types.json");
    // Setup an anonymous function for converting a resource set
    $resource_converter = function ($resources) {
        $new_resources = array();
        foreach ($resources as $item) {
            // Array of Items no longer exists, switching to Matrix
            if ($item["type"] == "array") {
                $item["type"] = "matrix";
                $item["columns"] = array();
                $x = 0;
                foreach ($item["fields"] as $field) {
                    $item["columns"][] = array("id" => $field["key"], "type" => $field["type"], "title" => $field["title"], "display_title" => $x == 1 ? "on" : "");
            $r = array("id" => $item["id"], "type" => $item["type"], "title" => $item["title"], "subtitle" => $item["subtitle"], "options" => array());
            foreach ($item as $key => $val) {
                if ($key != "id" && $key != "title" && $key != "subtitle" && $key != "type") {
                    $r["options"][$key] = $val;
            $new_resources[] = $r;
        return BigTree::json($new_resources, true);
    $field_converter = function ($fields) {
        $new_fields = array();
        foreach ($fields as $id => $field) {
            // Array of Items no longer exists, switching to Matrix
            if ($field["type"] == "array") {
                $field["type"] = "matrix";
                $field["columns"] = array();
                $x = 0;
                foreach ($field["fields"] as $subfield) {
                    $field["columns"][] = array("id" => $subfield["key"], "type" => $subfield["type"], "title" => $subfield["title"], "display_title" => $x == 1 ? "on" : "");
            $r = array("column" => $id, "type" => $field["type"], "title" => $field["title"], "subtitle" => $field["subtitle"], "options" => array());
            foreach ($field as $key => $val) {
                if ($key != "id" && $key != "title" && $key != "subtitle" && $key != "type") {
                    $r["options"][$key] = $val;
            $new_fields[] = $r;
        return $new_fields;
    // New resource format to be less restrictive on option names
    $q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_callouts");
    while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
        $resources = $resource_converter(json_decode($f["resources"], true));
        sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_callouts SET resources = '{$resources}' WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
    $q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_templates");
    while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
        $resources = $resource_converter(json_decode($f["resources"], true));
        sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_templates SET resources = '{$resources}' WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
    // Forms and Embedded Forms
    $q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_module_forms");
    while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
        $fields = $field_converter(json_decode($f["fields"], true));
        sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_module_forms SET fields = '" . BigTree::json($fields, true) . "' WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
    $q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_module_embeds");
    while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
        $fields = $field_converter(json_decode($f["fields"], true));
        sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_module_embeds SET fields = '" . BigTree::json($fields, true) . "' WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
    // Settings
    $q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_settings WHERE type = 'array'");
    while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
        // Update settings options to turn array into matrix
        $options = json_decode($f["options"], true);
        $options["columns"] = array();
        $x = 0;
        foreach ($options["fields"] as $field) {
            $options["columns"][] = array("id" => $field["key"], "type" => $field["type"], "title" => $field["title"], "display_title" => $x == 1 ? "on" : "");
            if ($x == 1) {
                $display_key = $field["key"];
        // Update the value to set an internal title key
        $value = BigTreeCMS::getSetting($f["id"]);
        foreach ($value as &$entry) {
            $entry["__internal-title"] = $entry[$display_key];
        // Update type/options
        sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_settings SET type = 'matrix', options = '" . BigTree::json($options, true) . "' WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
        // Update value separately
        BigTreeAdmin::updateSettingValue($f["id"], $value);
Example #21
                if (BigTree::tableExists($gbp["other_table"])) {
                    $categories = array();
                    $ot = sqlescape($gbp["other_table"]);
                    $tf = sqlescape($gbp["title_field"]);
                    if ($tf && $ot) {
                        $q = sqlquery("SELECT id,`{$tf}` FROM `{$ot}` ORDER BY `{$tf}` ASC");
									<ul class="depth_2"<?php 
                        if ($closed) {
 style="display: none;"<?php 
                        while ($c = sqlfetch($q)) {
											<span class="depth"></span>
											<a class="permission_label permission_label_wider disabled" href="#"><?php 
                            echo $gbp["name"];
: <?php 
                            echo $c[$tf];
											<span class="permission_level"><input type="radio" data-category="ModuleGBP" data-key="<?php 
                            echo $m["id"];
" data-sub-key="<?php 
                            echo $c["id"];
Example #22
        $db_error = true;
    } else {
        $q = sqlquery("SELECT `id`,`{$list_title}` FROM `{$list_table}` ORDER BY {$list_sort}");
        // Check if we're doing module based permissions on this table.
        if ($bigtree["module"] && $bigtree["module"]["gbp"]["enabled"] && $form["table"] == $bigtree["module"]["gbp"]["table"] && $key == $bigtree["module"]["gbp"]["group_field"]) {
            $is_group_based_perm = true;
            while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
                // Find out whether the logged in user can access a given group, and if so, specify the access level.
                $access_level = $admin->canAccessGroup($bigtree["module"], $f["id"]);
                if ($access_level) {
                    $list[] = array("value" => $f["id"], "description" => $f[$list_title], "access_level" => $access_level);
            // We're not doing module group based permissions, get a regular list.
        } else {
            while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
                $list[] = array("value" => $f["id"], "description" => $f[$list_title]);
    // State List
} elseif ($field["options"]["list_type"] == "state") {
    foreach (BigTree::$StateList as $a => $s) {
        $list[] = array("value" => $a, "description" => $s);
    // Country List
} elseif ($field["options"]["list_type"] == "country") {
    foreach (BigTree::$CountryList as $c) {
        $list[] = array("value" => $c, "description" => $c);
    // Static List
Example #23
    $query = "SELECT `rurl`,`lkey` FROM `redirinfo` WHERE baseval='{$val}'";
$result = $mysqli->query($query) or showerror();
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
if (!isset($row['rurl']) || strlen($row['rurl']) < 1) {
    header("Location: 404.php", true, 302);
if (strtolower($row['rurl']) == "disabled") {
    require_once 'layout-headerlg.php';
    echo "<h2>The link you are trying to reach has been disabled.</h2><br>" . "Sorry for the inconvienience.";
    require_once 'layout-footerlg.php';
$lkey = @$row['lkey'];
if (strlen($lkey) > 1) {
    // check for key
    $sent_lkey = isset($_GET[$lkey]);
    if ($sent_lkey) {
        // correct key
    } else {
        require_once 'layout-headerlg.php';
        echo "Incorrect Key. (http://{$wsa}/abc?keyhere)";
        require_once 'layout-footerlg.php';
header("Location: {$row['rurl']}", true, 301);
$oldclicks = sqlfetch("redirinfo", "clicks", "baseval", $val);
$newclicks = $oldclicks + 1;
sqlrun("UPDATE redirinfo SET clicks='{$newclicks}' WHERE baseval='{$val}'");
Example #24
 function getTagsForItem($item)
     if (!is_numeric($item)) {
         $item = $item["id"];
     $item = sqlescape($item);
     $q = sqlquery("SELECT bigtree_tags.tag FROM bigtree_tags JOIN bigtree_tags_rel ON bigtree_tags.id = bigtree_tags_rel.tag WHERE bigtree_tags_rel.`table` = '" . sqlescape($this->Table) . "' AND bigtree_tags_rel.entry = '{$item}' ORDER BY bigtree_tags.tag");
     $tags = array();
     while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
         $tags[] = $f["tag"];
     return $tags;
 protected static function syncData($query, $service, $data)
     if (is_array($data->Results)) {
         // If we have results, let's find out what categories they need to be tagged to.
         $categories = array();
         $cq = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM btx_social_feed_query_categories WHERE `query` = '" . $query["id"] . "'");
         while ($cf = sqlfetch($cq)) {
             $categories[] = $cf["category"];
         foreach ($data->Results as $r) {
             $id = sqlescape($r->ID);
             // Check for existing
             $existing = sqlfetch(sqlquery("SELECT id FROM btx_social_feed_stream WHERE service = '{$service}' AND service_id = '{$id}'"));
             if (!$existing) {
                 $data = sqlescape(json_encode($r));
                 if ($r->Timestamp) {
                     $date = sqlescape($r->Timestamp);
                 } elseif ($r->CreatedAt) {
                     $date = sqlescape($r->CreatedAt);
                 } elseif ($r->Dates->Posted) {
                     $date = sqlescape($r->Dates->Posted);
                 } else {
                     $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                 sqlquery("INSERT INTO btx_social_feed_stream (`date`,`service`,`service_id`,`data`,`approved`) VALUES ('{$date}','{$service}','{$id}','{$data}','" . self::$DefaultApprovedState . "')");
                 $existing["id"] = sqlid();
                 self::$ItemsToCache[] = array("id" => sqlid(), "date" => $date, "service" => $service, "service_id" => $id, "data" => json_encode($r), "approved" => self::$DefaultApprovedState);
             // Tag to categories
             foreach ($categories as $c) {
                 sqlquery("DELETE FROM btx_social_feed_stream_categories WHERE item = '" . $existing["id"] . "' AND category = '{$c}'");
                 sqlquery("INSERT INTO btx_social_feed_stream_categories (`item`,`category`) VALUES ('" . $existing["id"] . "','{$c}')");
             // Tag to the query
             sqlquery("DELETE FROM btx_social_feed_stream_queries WHERE `item` = '" . $existing["id"] . "' AND `query` = '" . $query["id"] . "'");
             sqlquery("INSERT INTO btx_social_feed_stream_queries (`item`,`query`) VALUES ('" . $existing["id"] . "','" . $query["id"] . "')");