function usepin() { global $PIN_EXPIRE_TIME; if (!isset($_COOKIE["username"]) || !isset($_COOKIE["device"])) { return False; } $user = $_COOKIE["username"]; $device = $_COOKIE["device"]; if ($user == "" || $device == "") { return False; } $link = sqllink(); if (!$link) { return False; } $sql = "SELECT id FROM `pwdusrrecord` WHERE `username`= ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($user), $link); $record = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($record == FALSE) { return False; } $id = $record['id']; $sql = "DELETE FROM `pin` WHERE `errortimes` >= 3 OR UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW( ) ) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`createtime`) > ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($PIN_EXPIRE_TIME), $link); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `pin` WHERE `userid`= ? AND `device`= ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($id, $device), $link); $record = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($record == FALSE) { return False; } return True; }
function checksession($link) { global $SERVER_TIMEOUT; session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['loginok']) || $_SESSION['loginok'] != 1) { session_destroy(); return FALSE; } if (!$link || !isset($_SESSION['create_time']) || $_SESSION['create_time'] + $SERVER_TIMEOUT < time()) { session_destroy(); return FALSE; } $usr = $_SESSION['user']; $pw = $_SESSION['pwd']; $id = $_SESSION['userid']; if ($usr == '' || $pw == '' || $id == '') { session_destroy(); return FALSE; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `pwdusrrecord` WHERE `username`= ? AND `password`= ? AND `id`= ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($usr, $pw, $id), $link); $record = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($record == FALSE) { session_destroy(); return FALSE; } $_SESSION['create_time'] = time(); setcookie("ServerRenew", "1"); return TRUE; }
function viewrecord($pagename) { $reIP = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $updatetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql = "insert into t_viewrecord(ip,updatetime,viewpage) values('" . $reIP . "','" . $updatetime . "','" . $pagename . "')"; sqlexec($sql); }
function loghistory($link, $userid, $ip, $ua, $outcome) { $sql = "SELECT max(`id`) AS `m` FROM `history`"; $res = sqlquery($sql, $link); $r = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $i = $r == FALSE ? 0 : (int) $r['m'] + 1; $sql = "INSERT INTO `history` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($i, $userid, $ip, $ua, $outcome), $link); }
function delete_old_process($link) { $ret = sqlquery('SELECT * FROM `process` where 1', $link); while ($i = $ret->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if (!pstatus($i['pid'])) { sqlexec('DELETE FROM `process` where pid=?', array($i['pid']), $link); deldir('qqbot/' . $i['id']); } } }
function deleteexpire($link) { $e = date('Y-m-d'); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `talkrecord` WHERE ? >= `expire`"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($e), $link); $num = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $num = $num[0]; $sql = "DELETE FROM `talkrecord` WHERE ? >= `expire`"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($e), $link); return $num; }
<?php function pstatus($pid) { $command = 'ps -p ' . $pid; exec($command, $op); if (!isset($op[1])) { return false; } else { return true; } } require_once 'function/sqllink.php'; if (!isset($_POST['id'])) { die('{"retcode":999,"msg":"CAN NOT FIND ID IN THE PARAMETER"}'); } $link = sqllink(); if (!$link) { die('{"retcode":99,"msg":"DATABASE ERROR"}'); } $res = sqlexec('SELECT * FROM `process` where `sid`=?', array($_POST['id']), $link); $result = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($result == FALSE) { die('{"retcode":0,"msg":"SUCC"}'); } //don't tell malicious person the id does not exist if (pstatus($result['pid'])) { shell_exec("kill " . $result['pid']); } die('{"retcode":0,"msg":"SUCC"}');
<?php require_once "function/encryption.php"; require_once "function/sqllink.php"; session_start(); $usr = $_POST['user']; $pw = $_POST['pwd']; if ($pw == "" || $usr == "") { die("0"); } $link = sqllink(); if (!$link) { die('4'); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `pwdusrrecord` WHERE `username`= ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($usr), $link); $record = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($record == FALSE) { die('0'); } if (strcmp(decrypt($record["password"], $GLOBAL_SALT_3), $pw) != 0) { die("1"); } $_SESSION['loginok'] = 1; $_SESSION['user'] = $usr; $_SESSION['userid'] = $record['id']; $_SESSION['pwd'] = $record['password']; echo "9";
function random_str($length) { $arr = array_merge(range(0, 9), range('a', 'z'), range('A', 'Z')); $str = ''; $arr_len = count($arr); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $rand = mt_rand(0, $arr_len - 1); $str .= $arr[$rand]; } return $str; } require_once "function/sqllink.php"; require_once "function/encryption.php"; $link = sqllink(); if (!checksession($link)) { die("0"); } $id = $_SESSION['userid']; $usr = $_SESSION['user']; $username = $_POST['user']; $device = $_POST['device']; $sig = $_POST['sig']; if ($username != $usr) { die('0'); } $sql = "DELETE FROM `pin` WHERE `userid`= ? AND `device`= ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($id, $device), $link); $pinpk = random_str(29); $sql = "INSERT INTO `pin` (`userid`,`device`,`pinsig`,`pinpk`,`ua`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($id, $device, $sig, $pinpk, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), $link); echo $pinpk;
die('0'); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `password` WHERE `userid`= ? AND `index`= ? "; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($id, (int) $index), $link); $record = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($record == FALSE) { $link->commit(); die("0"); } $ppwd = $_POST['newpwd']; $pubkey = mt_rand(10000000, 99999999); $newpw = encrypt($ppwd, $pubkey); $changedCols = "`key` = ? ,`pwd` = ?"; $values = array($pubkey, $newpw); if (isset($_POST["name"])) { $changedCols .= " ,`name` = ?"; array_push($values, $_POST["name"]); } if (isset($_POST["other"])) { $changedCols .= " ,`other` = ?"; array_push($values, $_POST["other"]); } array_push($values, $id, (int) $index); $sql = "UPDATE `password` SET " . $changedCols . " WHERE `userid` = ? AND `index`= ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, $values, $link); if ($res == NULL) { $link->rollBack(); die("0"); } $link->commit(); echo "1";
die(0); } $user = $_POST['user']; $device = $_POST['device']; if ($user == "" || $device == "") { die("0"); } $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `pwdusrrecord` WHERE `username`= ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($user), $link); $record = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($record == FALSE) { die("0"); } $id = $record['id']; $sql = "DELETE FROM `pin` WHERE `errortimes` >= 3 OR UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW( ) ) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`createtime`) > ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($PIN_EXPIRE_TIME), $link); $sql = "SELECT `pinsig`,`pinpk` FROM `pin` WHERE `userid`= ? AND `device`=?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($id, $device), $link); $record = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($record == FALSE) { die("0"); } $sig = $record['pinsig']; if (strcmp(hash('sha512', (string) $sig . (string) $_SESSION['random_login_stamp']), (string) $_POST['sig']) == 0) { $sql = "UPDATE `pin` SET `errortimes`=0 WHERE `userid`= ? AND `device`=?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($id, $device), $link); die($record['pinpk']); } $sql = "UPDATE `pin` SET `errortimes`=`errortimes`+1 WHERE `userid`= ? AND `device`=?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($id, $device), $link); die('1');
$link = sqllink(); if (checksession($link) == FALSE) { die('0'); } $id = $_SESSION['userid']; $arr = array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `password` WHERE `userid`= ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($id), $link); while ($i = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $index = $i['index']; $name = $i['name']; $other = $i['other']; $kss = decrypt($i['pwd'], $i['key']); $arr[(int) $index] = array($name, $kss, $other); } $farray = array('status' => 'NO', 'random' => mt_rand(10000, 50000)); if ($_POST['a'] == 'farray') { $tmparr = array(); $sql = "select * from `files` WHERE `userid`=?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($id), $link); while ($i = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $index = $i['index']; $fname = $i['fname']; $key = $i['key']; $files = $i['files']; $tmparr[(int) $index] = array($fname, $key, $files); } $farray = array('status' => 'OK', 'data' => $tmparr); } $ret = array('status' => 'OK', 'VERSION' => $VERSION, 'JSsalt' => $GLOBAL_SALT_1, 'PWsalt' => $GLOBAL_SALT_2, 'ALPHABET' => $DEFAULT_LETTER_USED, 'data' => $arr, 'fdata' => $farray); echo json_encode($ret);
} $sql = "SELECT * FROM `pwdusrrecord` WHERE `username`= ? AND `password`= ? AND `id`= ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($usr, $pw, $id), $link); $record = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($record == FALSE) { session_destroy(); die("0"); } $ppwd = $_POST['newpwd']; $pubkey = mt_rand(10000000, 99999999); $newpw = encrypt($ppwd, $pubkey); $name = $_POST['name']; if (!$link->beginTransaction()) { die('0'); } $sql = "SELECT max(`index`) FROM `password` WHERE `userid`= ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($id), $link); $record = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); if ($record == FALSE) { $nid = 1; } else { $nid = (int) $record[0] + 1; } $sql = "INSERT INTO `password` VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?,?)"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($nid, $id, $name, $newpw, $pubkey), $link); if ($record == NULL) { $link->rollBack(); die(0); } $link->commit(); echo "1";
private function updatewxuserid($object, $keyword) { //更新wxid操作 $wxid = $object->FromUserName; $updatetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sqlstr = "select * from t_wxreguser where wxid='" . $wxid . "'"; if (get_mydata($sqlstr) == false) { $sqlstr = "insert into t_wxreguser (wxid,regtime,keyword,updatetime) values ('" . $wxid . "','" . $updatetime . "','" . $keyword . "','" . $updatetime . "')"; sqlexec($sqlstr); } else { $sqlstr = "update t_wxreguser set keyword='" . $keyword . "',updatetime ='" . $updatetime . "' where wxid='" . $wxid . "'"; sqlexec($sqlstr); } return true; }
die("0"); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `pwdusrrecord` WHERE `username`= ? AND `password`= ? AND `id`= ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($usr, $pw, $id), $link); $record = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($record == FALSE) { session_destroy(); die("0"); } $index = $_POST['index']; if (!$link->beginTransaction()) { die('0'); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `password` WHERE `userid`= ? AND `index`= ? "; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($id, (int) $index), $link); $record = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($record == FALSE) { $link->commit(); die("0"); } $ppwd = $_POST['newpwd']; $pubkey = mt_rand(10000000, 99999999); $newpw = encrypt($ppwd, $pubkey); $sql = "UPDATE `password` SET `key` = ? ,`pwd` = ? WHERE `userid` = ? AND `index`= ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($pubkey, $newpw, $id, (int) $index), $link); if ($res == NULL) { $link->rollBack(); die("0"); } $link->commit(); echo "1";
echo "<p>对不起,没有查找到您要发送的模版内容!---</p>" . $date; return; } else { echo "<p>正在发送模板消息!---</p>" . $date; $weixin = new class_weixin(); foreach ($datatemp_array as $row) { $wxid = $row['wxid']; $cdkey = $row['cdkey']; $username = $row['username']; $carnum = $row['carnum']; $arrivetime = $row['arrivetime']; $kindname = $row['kindname']; $arriveposition = $row['spotpositionname']; $sendtime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // $result = $weixin->sendtemplatemsg($wxid, $cdkey, $username, $carnum, $arrivetime, $kindname, $arriveposition); if ($result == 0) { $sql = "update t_wxsendtemplate set sendcount = sendcount +1,sendstatus ='ok',sendtime ='" . $sendtime . "' where cdkey ='" . $cdkey . "'"; sqlexec($sql); } else { $sql = "update t_wxsendtemplate set sendcount = sendcount +1,sendstatus ='" . $result . "',sendtime ='" . $sendtime . "' where cdkey ='" . $cdkey . "'"; sqlexec($sql); } usleep(50000); } } } ?> </html>
} echoheader(); ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="aes.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="sha512.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="en.js"></script> <div class="container theme-showcase"> <div class="page-header"> <h1>Get Your Message</h1> </div> <div id='showarea'> <?php $code = addslashes($_GET['f']); $link = sqllink(); $sql = "SELECT `hint` FROM `talkrecord` WHERE `code`=?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($code), $link); $hint = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($hint == false) { echo '<p>ERROR:Your message doesn\'t exists! Maybe it has been viewed or expired.</p><br />'; } else { echo '<form>Please input your Passphrase:<input type="text" id="pcc" /></form> <button id="bu" class="btn btn-md btn-danger" onClick="d()">Confirm</button><br /><br />'; if ($hint['hint'] != '') { echo '<span style="color:red">Passphrase Hint: ' . $hint['hint'] . '</span><br /><br />'; } echo 'You should get the passphrase (key) from the sender.<br /><br /><span style="color:blue">Please Notice: this message can be displayed only ONCE, the message will be deleted from the server once you see it.</span>'; } ?> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function d() {
<?php function error($msg) { echo json_encode(array("status" => "error", "message" => $msg)); die; } require_once "function/sqllink.php"; $link = sqllink(); if (!checksession($link)) { error("AUTHENTICATION ERROR, PLEASE RELOGIN"); } $id = $_SESSION['userid']; if (!isset($_POST['id']) || (int) $_POST['id'] < 1) { error("Parameter Error"); } $index = (int) $_POST['id']; $sql = "SELECT `key`,`files` FROM `files` WHERE `userid`= ? and `index`=?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($id, $index), $link); $record = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($record == False) { error("No File Can Be Downloaded"); } $result = array(); $result['status'] = 'success'; $result['key'] = $record['key']; $result['data'] = $record['files']; echo json_encode($result);
if ($record == FALSE) { session_destroy(); die("0"); } $newpass = $_POST['newpass']; $accarray = json_decode($_POST['accarray']); $passarray = json_decode($_POST['passarray']); $newpass = encrypt($newpass, $GLOBAL_SALT_3); if (!$link->beginTransaction()) { die('0'); } $sql = "UPDATE `pwdusrrecord` SET `password`= ? WHERE `id`= ? "; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($newpass, $id), $link); if ($res == NULL) { $link->rollBack(); die("0"); } $sql = "SELECT `index` FROM `password` WHERE `userid`= ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($id), $link); while ($i = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $pubkey = mt_rand(10000000, 99999999); $storepw = encrypt($passarray[(int) $i["index"]], $pubkey); $sql = "UPDATE `password` SET `name`= ?, `pwd`=?, `key`=? WHERE `userid`=? AND `index`= ?"; $resss = sqlexec($sql, array($accarray[(int) $i["index"]], $storepw, $pubkey, $id, (int) $i['index']), $link); if ($resss == NULL) { $link->rollBack(); die("0"); } } $link->commit(); echo "1";
<?php require_once "function/sqllink.php"; require_once "function/encryption.php"; $link = sqllink(); if (!isset($_POST['fields'])) { die('0'); } if (checksession($link) == FALSE) { die('0'); } $id = $_SESSION['userid']; $sql = "UPDATE `pwdusrrecord` SET `fields`= ? WHERE `id`= ? "; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($_POST['fields'], $id), $link); $_SESSION['fields'] = $_POST['fields']; echo "1";
die('6'); } if (!$link->beginTransaction()) { die('4'); } $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `pwdusrrecord` WHERE `username`= ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($usr), $link); $num = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); if ($num[0] != 0) { $link->commit(); die("0"); } $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `pwdusrrecord` WHERE `email`= ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($email), $link); $num = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); if ($num[0] != 0) { $link->commit(); die("1"); } $kp = encrypt($pw, $GLOBAL_SALT_3); $res = sqlquery('SELECT max(`id`) FROM `pwdusrrecord`', $link); $result = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $maxnum = $result == FALSE ? 0 : (int) $result[0]; $sql = "INSERT INTO `pwdusrrecord` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"; $rett = sqlexec($sql, array($maxnum + 1, $usr, $kp, $DEFAULT_FIELDS, $email), $link); if (!$rett) { $link->rollBack(); die('8'); } $link->commit(); die('9');
$code = ''; for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) { $c = rand(0, 35); if ($c < 10) { $code = $code . $c; } else { $code = $code . chr($c - 10 + ord("a")); } } $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `talkrecord` WHERE `code`=?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($code), $link); $num = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $num = $num[0]; if ($num == 0) { break; } } $sql = "SELECT max(`id`) FROM `talkrecord`"; $res = sqlquery($sql, $link); $num = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); if ($num == FALSE) { $id = 0; } else { $id = $num[0]; } $id = $id + 1; $sql = "INSERT INTO `talkrecord` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?);"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($id, $m, $expire, $code, $p, $phint), $link); $_SESSION['c'] = $DOMAIN_NAME . $code; die($code); }
die('6'); } if (!$link->beginTransaction()) { die('4'); } $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `pwdusrrecord` WHERE `username`= ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($usr), $link); $num = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); if ($num[0] != 0) { $link->commit(); die("0"); } $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `pwdusrrecord` WHERE `email`= ?"; $res = sqlexec($sql, array($email), $link); $num = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); if ($num[0] != 0) { $link->commit(); die("1"); } $kp = encrypt($pw, $GLOBAL_SALT_3); $res = sqlquery('SELECT max(`id`) FROM `pwdusrrecord`', $link); $result = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $maxnum = $result == FALSE ? 0 : (int) $result[0]; $sql = "INSERT INTO `pwdusrrecord` VALUES (?,?,?,?)"; $rett = sqlexec($sql, array($maxnum + 1, $usr, $kp, $email), $link); if (!$rett) { $link->rollBack(); die('8'); } $link->commit(); die('9');