function getNegocioEnJson($indice) { global $dbi; $result = sql_query("SELECT `id`, `nombre`, `nickfacebook`, `imagen`, `categoria`, `direccion`, `telefono`, `paginaweb`, `latitud`, `longitud` FROM `sitios` WHERE `id`='" . sql_real_escape_string($indice) . "'", $dbi); //Convierto a json el array de la base de datos y retorno return convertirArrayAJson(sql_fetch_array($result)); }
function quote_smart($value) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $value = stripslashes($value); } if (!is_numeric($value)) { $value = "'" . sql_real_escape_string($value) . "'"; } return $value; }
/** * Removes a ban from the banlist (correct iprange is needed as argument) * Returns 1 on success, 0 on error */ function removeBan($blogid, $iprange) { global $manager; $blogid = intval($blogid); $manager->notify('PreDeleteBan', array('blogid' => $blogid, 'range' => $iprange)); $query = 'DELETE FROM ' . sql_table('ban') . " WHERE blogid={$blogid} and iprange='" . sql_real_escape_string($iprange) . "'"; sql_query($query); $result = sql_affected_rows() > 0; $manager->notify('PostDeleteBan', array('blogid' => $blogid, 'range' => $iprange)); return $result; }
/** * (Static) Method to add a message to the action log */ function add($level, $message) { global $member, $CONF; if ($CONF['LogLevel'] < $level) { return; } if ($member && $member->isLoggedIn()) { $message = "[" . $member->getDisplayName() . "] " . $message; } $message = sql_real_escape_string($message); // add slashes $timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); // format timestamp $query = "INSERT INTO " . sql_table('actionlog') . " (timestamp, message) VALUES ('{$timestamp}', '{$message}')"; sql_query($query); ACTIONLOG::trimLog(); }
} if ($tname) { $blockfields = array('mpassword', 'mcookiekey'); echo '<div class="center">' . "\n"; $op = $opers[$oname]; if ($op == '') { $op = 'NOT LIKE'; } $iname = sql_real_escape_string($iname); if ($op == 'LIKE' || $op == 'NOT LIKE') { $iname = "%{$iname}%"; } if ($fname == '') { $fname = 'id'; } $dlsql = "SELECT * FROM " . sql_real_escape_string($tname) . " WHERE `" . sql_real_escape_string($fname) . "` {$op} '{$iname}' ORDER BY date DESC"; echo "Your Query: {$dlsql} \n"; $dlresult = sql_query($dlsql); if (sql_num_rows($dlresult) > 0) { echo " - Found " . sql_num_rows($dlresult) . " match(es)\n"; while ($row = sql_fetch_assoc($dlresult)) { echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" width="600">' . "\n"; echo '<tr class="h"><th>Field</th><th>Value</th>' . "</tr>\n"; foreach ($row as $key => $value) { echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td class=\"e\">" . $key . "</td>\n"; if (in_array($key, $blockfields)) { $value = "Value not displayed for security reasons"; } if ($key == 'ip') { $value = '<a href="' . $value . '" target="_blank">' . $value . '</a>';
function exists($name) { $r = sql_query('select * FROM ' . sql_table('blog') . ' WHERE bshortname="' . sql_real_escape_string($name) . '"'); return sql_num_rows($r) != 0; }
function event_LoginFailed(&$data) { if ($this->enable_security == 'yes' && $this->max_failed_login > 0) { global $_SERVER; $login = $data['username']; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $lres = sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . sql_table('plug_securityenforcer') . " WHERE login='******'"); if (sql_num_rows($lres)) { sql_query("UPDATE " . sql_table('plug_securityenforcer') . " SET fails=fails+1, lastfail=" . time() . " WHERE login='******'"); } else { sql_query("INSERT INTO " . sql_table('plug_securityenforcer') . " (login,fails,lastfail) VALUES ('" . sql_real_escape_string($login) . "',1," . time() . ")"); } $lres = sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . sql_table('plug_securityenforcer') . " WHERE login='******'"); if (sql_num_rows($lres)) { sql_query("UPDATE " . sql_table('plug_securityenforcer') . " SET fails=fails+1, lastfail=" . time() . " WHERE login='******'"); } else { sql_query("INSERT INTO " . sql_table('plug_securityenforcer') . " (login,fails,lastfail) VALUES ('" . sql_real_escape_string($ip) . "',1," . time() . ")"); } } return; }
/** * @static * @todo document this */ function _insertPluginOptions($context, $contextid = 0) { // get all current values for this contextid // (note: this might contain doubles for overlapping contextids) $aIdToValue = array(); $res = sql_query('SELECT oid, ovalue FROM ' . sql_table('plugin_option') . ' WHERE ocontextid=' . intval($contextid)); while ($o = sql_fetch_object($res)) { $aIdToValue[$o->oid] = $o->ovalue; } // get list of oids per pid $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . sql_table('plugin_option_desc') . ',' . sql_table('plugin') . ' WHERE opid=pid and ocontext=\'' . sql_real_escape_string($context) . '\' ORDER BY porder, oid ASC'; $res = sql_query($query); $aOptions = array(); while ($o = sql_fetch_object($res)) { if (in_array($o->oid, array_keys($aIdToValue))) { $value = $aIdToValue[$o->oid]; } else { $value = $o->odef; } array_push($aOptions, array('pid' => $o->pid, 'pfile' => $o->pfile, 'oid' => $o->oid, 'value' => $value, 'name' => $o->oname, 'description' => $o->odesc, 'type' => $o->otype, 'typeinfo' => $o->oextra, 'contextid' => $contextid, 'extra' => '')); } global $manager; $manager->notify('PrePluginOptionsEdit', array('context' => $context, 'contextid' => $contextid, 'options' => &$aOptions)); $iPrevPid = -1; foreach ($aOptions as $aOption) { // new plugin? if ($iPrevPid != $aOption['pid']) { $iPrevPid = $aOption['pid']; if (!defined('_PLUGIN_OPTIONS_TITLE')) { define('_PLUGIN_OPTIONS_TITLE', 'Options for %s'); } echo '<tr><th colspan="2">' . sprintf(_PLUGIN_OPTIONS_TITLE, htmlspecialchars($aOption['pfile'], ENT_QUOTES)) . '</th></tr>'; } $meta = NucleusPlugin::getOptionMeta($aOption['typeinfo']); if (@$meta['access'] != 'hidden') { echo '<tr>'; listplug_plugOptionRow($aOption); echo '</tr>'; } } }
function _addKeyword($itemid, $keyword) { //check to see if keyword exists $keywordid = $this->_getKeywordID($keyword); if ($keywordid == 0) { $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (keyword) VALUES ('%s')", sql_table('plug_keywords_keyword'), sql_real_escape_string($keyword)); sql_query($sql); $keywordid = sql_insert_id(); } $sql = sprintf('INSERT INTO %s (keyword_id, key_id) VALUES (%d, %d)', sql_table('plug_keywords_relationship'), intval($keywordid), intval($itemid)); sql_query($sql); }
/** * Updates the general information about the skin */ function updateGeneralInfo($name, $desc, $type = 'text/html', $includeMode = 'normal', $includePrefix = '') { $query = 'UPDATE ' . sql_table('skin_desc') . ' SET' . " sdname='" . sql_real_escape_string($name) . "'," . " sddesc='" . sql_real_escape_string($desc) . "'," . " sdtype='" . sql_real_escape_string($type) . "'," . " sdincmode='" . sql_real_escape_string($includeMode) . "'," . " sdincpref='" . sql_real_escape_string($includePrefix) . "'" . " WHERE sdnumber=" . $this->getID(); sql_query($query); }
/** * @param $aOptions: array ( 'oid' => array( 'contextid' => 'value')) * (taken from request using requestVar()) * @param $newContextid: integer (accepts a contextid when it is for a new * contextid there was no id available at the moment of writing the * formcontrols into the page (by ex: itemOptions for new item) * @static */ function _applyPluginOptions(&$aOptions, $newContextid = 0) { global $manager; if (!is_array($aOptions)) { return; } foreach ($aOptions as $oid => $values) { // get option type info $query = 'SELECT opid, oname, ocontext, otype, oextra, odef FROM ' . sql_table('plugin_option_desc') . ' WHERE oid=' . intval($oid); $res = sql_query($query); if ($o = sql_fetch_object($res)) { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { // avoid overriding the key used by foreach statement $contextid = $key; // retreive any metadata $meta = NucleusPlugin::getOptionMeta($o->oextra); // if the option is readonly or hidden it may not be saved if ($meta['access'] != 'readonly' && $meta['access'] != 'hidden') { $value = undoMagic($value); // value comes from request switch ($o->otype) { case 'yesno': if ($value != 'yes' && $value != 'no') { $value = 'no'; } break; default: break; } // check the validity of numerical options if ($meta['datatype'] == 'numerical' && !is_numeric($value)) { //the option must be numeric, but the it isn't //use the default for this option $value = $o->odef; } // decide wether we are using the contextid of newContextid if ($newContextid != 0) { $contextid = $newContextid; } //trigger event PrePluginOptionsUpdate to give the plugin the //possibility to change/validate the new value for the option $manager->notify('PrePluginOptionsUpdate', array('context' => $o->ocontext, 'plugid' => $o->opid, 'optionname' => $o->oname, 'contextid' => $contextid, 'value' => &$value)); // delete the old value for the option sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . sql_table('plugin_option') . ' WHERE oid=' . intval($oid) . ' AND ocontextid=' . intval($contextid)); sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . sql_table('plugin_option') . " (oid, ocontextid, ovalue) VALUES (" . intval($oid) . "," . intval($contextid) . ",'" . sql_real_escape_string($value) . "')"); } } } // clear option value cache if the plugin object is already loaded if (is_object($o)) { $plugin =& $manager->pidLoaded($o->opid); if ($plugin) { $plugin->clearOptionValueCache(); } } } }
function getCatIDFromName($name) { return quickQuery('SELECT catid as result FROM ' . sql_table('category') . ' WHERE cname="' . sql_real_escape_string($name) . '"'); }
function boolean_sql_where_jp_short($string, $match) { $match_a = explode(',', $match); $key_a = explode(' ', $string); for ($ith = 0; $ith < count($match_a); $ith++) { // $temp_a[$ith] = "(i.$match_a[$ith] LIKE '%" . sql_real_escape_string($key_a[0]) . "%') "; $binKey = preg_match('/[a-zA-Z]/', $key_a[0]) ? '' : 'BINARY'; $temp_a[$ith] = "(i.{$match_a[$ith]} LIKE " . $binKey . " '%" . sql_real_escape_string($key_a[0]) . "%') "; } $like = '(' . implode(' or ', $temp_a) . ')'; for ($kn = 1; $kn < count($key_a); $kn++) { $binKey = preg_match('/[a-zA-Z]/', $key_a[$kn]) ? '' : 'BINARY'; if (substr($key_a[$kn], 0, 1) == ",") { for ($ith = 0; $ith < count($match_a); $ith++) { // $temp_a[$ith] = " (i.$match_a[$ith] LIKE '%" . sql_real_escape_string(substr($key_a[$kn],1)) . "%') "; $temp_a[$ith] = " (i.{$match_a[$ith]} LIKE " . $binKey . " '%" . sql_real_escape_string(substr($key_a[$kn], 1)) . "%') "; } $like .= ' OR (' . implode(' or ', $temp_a) . ')'; } elseif (substr($key_a[$kn], 0, 1) != '-') { for ($ith = 0; $ith < count($match_a); $ith++) { // $temp_a[$ith] = " (i.$match_a[$ith] LIKE '%" . sql_real_escape_string($key_a[$kn]) . "%') "; $temp_a[$ith] = " (i.{$match_a[$ith]} LIKE " . $binKey . " '%" . sql_real_escape_string($key_a[$kn]) . "%') "; } $like .= ' AND (' . implode(' or ', $temp_a) . ')'; } else { for ($ith = 0; $ith < count($match_a); $ith++) { // $temp_a[$ith] = " NOT(i.$match_a[$ith] LIKE '%" . sql_real_escape_string(substr($key_a[$kn],1)) . "%') "; $temp_a[$ith] = " NOT(i.{$match_a[$ith]} LIKE " . $binKey . " '%" . sql_real_escape_string(substr($key_a[$kn], 1)) . "%') "; } $like .= ' AND (' . implode(' and ', $temp_a) . ')'; } } $like = '(' . $like . ')'; return $like; }
function init_tables() { $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . sql_table('bad_behavior_admin') . "` ("; $query .= "`name` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', "; $query .= "`value` varchar(128) default NULL, "; $query .= "PRIMARY KEY (`name`)"; $query .= ") TYPE=MyISAM;"; sql_query($query); if (!quickQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) as result FROM " . sql_table('bad_behavior_admin'))) { $query = "INSERT INTO " . sql_table('bad_behavior_admin') . " VALUES "; $j = 0; $this->bbconf['log_table'] = sql_table($this->bbconf['log_table']); foreach ($this->bbconf as $key => $value) { $query .= ($j == 0 ? '' : ', ') . "('" . sql_real_escape_string($key) . "','" . sql_real_escape_string($value) . "')"; $j = $j + 1; } sql_query($query); } }
if (empty($_GET["id"])) { exit; } $browser = get_browser(null, true); if (!$browser || $browser["ismobiledevice"]) { $s = "pocketcampus://{$_GET["id"]}"; header("Location: {$s}"); exit; } $id = $_GET["id"]; include_once "admin/functions.php"; $conn = connect_to_db("pocketcampus"); mysql_set_charset("utf8", $conn); sql_query("set time_zone = 'Europe/Zurich';", $conn); $events = sql_query("SELECT * FROM eventitems WHERE eventId='" . sql_real_escape_string($id) . "' ;", $conn); $event = sql_fetch_array($events); if (!$event) { exit; } if ($event["isProtected"]) { exit; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title><?php
function bb2_write_settings($settings) { $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . sql_table('bad_behavior_admin') . "` ("; $query .= "`name` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', "; $query .= "`value` varchar(128) default NULL, "; $query .= "PRIMARY KEY (`name`)"; $query .= ") TYPE=MyISAM;"; sql_query($query); sql_query("DELETE FROM " . sql_table('bad_behavior_admin')); $query = "INSERT INTO " . sql_table('bad_behavior_admin') . " VALUES "; $j = 0; foreach ($settings as $key => $value) { $query .= ($j == 0 ? '' : ', ') . "('" . sql_real_escape_string($key) . "','" . sql_real_escape_string($value) . "')"; $j = $j + 1; } sql_query($query); return; }
function query_delete_participant($userid) { $userid = sql_real_escape_string($userid); return "DELETE FROM `users` where id = '{$userid}';"; }
function SE_unlockLogin($login) { sql_query("DELETE FROM " . sql_table('plug_securityenforcer') . " WHERE login='******'"); }
/** * Updates an item * * @static */ function update($itemid, $catid, $title, $body, $more, $closed, $wasdraft, $publish, $timestamp = 0) { global $manager; $itemid = intval($itemid); // make sure value is 1 or 0 if ($closed != 1) { $closed = 0; } // get destination blogid $new_blogid = getBlogIDFromCatID($catid); $old_blogid = getBlogIDFromItemID($itemid); // move will be done on end of method if ($new_blogid != $old_blogid) { $moveNeeded = 1; } // add <br /> before newlines $blog =& $manager->getBlog($new_blogid); if ($blog->convertBreaks()) { $body = addBreaks($body); $more = addBreaks($more); } // call plugins $manager->notify('PreUpdateItem', array('itemid' => $itemid, 'title' => &$title, 'body' => &$body, 'more' => &$more, 'blog' => &$blog, 'closed' => &$closed, 'catid' => &$catid)); // update item itsself $query = 'UPDATE ' . sql_table('item') . ' SET' . " ibody='" . sql_real_escape_string($body) . "'," . " ititle='" . sql_real_escape_string($title) . "'," . " imore='" . sql_real_escape_string($more) . "'," . " iclosed=" . intval($closed) . "," . " icat=" . intval($catid); // if we received an updated timestamp in the past, but past posting is not allowed, // reject that date change (timestamp = 0 will make sure the current date is kept) if (!$blog->allowPastPosting() && $timestamp < $blog->getCorrectTime()) { $timestamp = 0; } if ($timestamp > $blog->getCorrectTime(time())) { $isFuture = 1; $query .= ', iposted=0'; } else { $isFuture = 0; $query .= ', iposted=1'; } if ($wasdraft && $publish) { // set timestamp to current date only if it's not a future item // draft items have timestamp == 0 // don't allow timestamps in the past (unless otherwise defined in blogsettings) $query .= ', idraft=0'; if ($timestamp == 0) { $timestamp = $blog->getCorrectTime(); } // send new item notification if (!$isFuture && $blog->getNotifyAddress() && $blog->notifyOnNewItem()) { $blog->sendNewItemNotification($itemid, $title, $body); } } // save back to drafts if (!$wasdraft && !$publish) { $query .= ', idraft=1'; // set timestamp back to zero for a draft $query .= ", itime=" . mysqldate($timestamp); } // update timestamp when needed if ($timestamp != 0) { $query .= ", itime=" . mysqldate($timestamp); } // make sure the correct item is updated $query .= ' WHERE inumber=' . $itemid; // off we go! sql_query($query); $manager->notify('PostUpdateItem', array('itemid' => $itemid)); // when needed, move item and comments to new blog if ($moveNeeded) { ITEM::move($itemid, $catid); } //update the itemOptions $aOptions = requestArray('plugoption'); NucleusPlugin::_applyPluginOptions($aOptions); $manager->notify('PostPluginOptionsUpdate', array('context' => 'item', 'itemid' => $itemid, 'item' => array('title' => $title, 'body' => $body, 'more' => $more, 'closed' => $closed, 'catid' => $catid))); }
/** * Adds a new comment to the database * @param string $timestamp * @param array $comment * @return mixed */ function addComment($timestamp, $comment) { global $CONF, $member, $manager; $blogid = getBlogIDFromItemID($this->itemid); $settings =& $manager->getBlog($blogid); $settings->readSettings(); // begin if: comments disabled if (!$settings->commentsEnabled()) { return _ERROR_COMMENTS_DISABLED; } // end if // begin if: public cannot comment if (!$settings->isPublic() && !$member->isLoggedIn()) { return _ERROR_COMMENTS_NONPUBLIC; } // end if // begin if: comment uses a protected member name if ($CONF['ProtectMemNames'] && !$member->isLoggedIn() && MEMBER::isNameProtected($comment['user'])) { return _ERROR_COMMENTS_MEMBERNICK; } // end if // begin if: email required, but missing (doesn't apply to members) if ($settings->emailRequired() && strlen($comment['email']) == 0 && !$member->isLoggedIn()) { return _ERROR_EMAIL_REQUIRED; } // end if ## Note usage of mb_strlen() vs strlen() below ## // begin if: commenter's name is too long if (mb_strlen($comment['user']) > 40) { return _ERROR_USER_TOO_LONG; } // end if // begin if: commenter's email is too long if (mb_strlen($comment['email']) > 100) { return _ERROR_EMAIL_TOO_LONG; } // end if // begin if: commenter's url is too long if (mb_strlen($comment['userid']) > 100) { return _ERROR_URL_TOO_LONG; } // end if $comment['timestamp'] = $timestamp; $comment['host'] = gethostbyaddr(serverVar('REMOTE_ADDR')); $comment['ip'] = serverVar('REMOTE_ADDR'); // begin if: member is logged in, use that data if ($member->isLoggedIn()) { $comment['memberid'] = $member->getID(); $comment['user'] = ''; $comment['userid'] = ''; $comment['email'] = ''; } else { $comment['memberid'] = 0; } // spam check $continue = FALSE; $plugins = array(); if (isset($manager->subscriptions['ValidateForm'])) { $plugins = array_merge($plugins, $manager->subscriptions['ValidateForm']); } if (isset($manager->subscriptions['PreAddComment'])) { $plugins = array_merge($plugins, $manager->subscriptions['PreAddComment']); } if (isset($manager->subscriptions['PostAddComment'])) { $plugins = array_merge($plugins, $manager->subscriptions['PostAddComment']); } $plugins = array_unique($plugins); while (list(, $plugin) = each($plugins)) { $p = $manager->getPlugin($plugin); $continue = $continue || $p->supportsFeature('handleSpam'); } $spamcheck = array('type' => 'comment', 'body' => $comment['body'], 'id' => $comment['itemid'], 'live' => TRUE, 'return' => $continue); // begin if: member logged in if ($member->isLoggedIn()) { $spamcheck['author'] = $member->displayname; $spamcheck['email'] = $member->email; } else { $spamcheck['author'] = $comment['user']; $spamcheck['email'] = $comment['email']; $spamcheck['url'] = $comment['userid']; } // end if $manager->notify('SpamCheck', array('spamcheck' => &$spamcheck)); if (!$continue && isset($spamcheck['result']) && $spamcheck['result'] == TRUE) { return _ERROR_COMMENTS_SPAM; } // isValidComment returns either "1" or an error message $isvalid = $this->isValidComment($comment, $spamcheck); if ($isvalid != 1) { return $isvalid; } // begin if: send email to notification address if ($settings->getNotifyAddress() && $settings->notifyOnComment()) { $mailto_msg = _NOTIFY_NC_MSG . ' ' . $this->itemid . "\n"; // $mailto_msg .= $CONF['IndexURL'] . 'index.php?itemid=' . $this->itemid . "\n\n"; $temp = parse_url($CONF['Self']); if ($temp['scheme']) { $mailto_msg .= createItemLink($this->itemid) . "\n\n"; } else { $tempurl = $settings->getURL(); if (substr($tempurl, -1) == '/' || substr($tempurl, -4) == '.php') { $mailto_msg .= $tempurl . '?itemid=' . $this->itemid . "\n\n"; } else { $mailto_msg .= $tempurl . '/?itemid=' . $this->itemid . "\n\n"; } } if ($comment['memberid'] == 0) { $mailto_msg .= _NOTIFY_USER . ' ' . $comment['user'] . "\n"; $mailto_msg .= _NOTIFY_USERID . ' ' . $comment['userid'] . "\n"; } else { $mailto_msg .= _NOTIFY_MEMBER . ' ' . $member->getDisplayName() . ' (ID=' . $member->getID() . ")\n"; } $mailto_msg .= _NOTIFY_HOST . ' ' . $comment['host'] . "\n"; $mailto_msg .= _NOTIFY_COMMENT . "\n " . $comment['body'] . "\n"; $mailto_msg .= getMailFooter(); $item =& $manager->getItem($this->itemid, 0, 0); $mailto_title = _NOTIFY_NC_TITLE . ' ' . strip_tags($item['title']) . ' (' . $this->itemid . ')'; $frommail = $member->getNotifyFromMailAddress($comment['email']); $notify =& new NOTIFICATION($settings->getNotifyAddress()); $notify->notify($mailto_title, $mailto_msg, $frommail); } $comment = COMMENT::prepare($comment); $manager->notify('PreAddComment', array('comment' => &$comment, 'spamcheck' => &$spamcheck)); $name = sql_real_escape_string($comment['user']); $url = sql_real_escape_string($comment['userid']); $email = sql_real_escape_string($comment['email']); $body = sql_real_escape_string($comment['body']); $host = sql_real_escape_string($comment['host']); $ip = sql_real_escape_string($comment['ip']); $memberid = intval($comment['memberid']); $timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $comment['timestamp']); $itemid = $this->itemid; $qSql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS result ' . 'FROM ' . sql_table('comment') . ' WHERE ' . 'cmail = "' . $url . '"' . ' AND cmember = "' . $memberid . '"' . ' AND cbody = "' . $body . '"' . ' AND citem = "' . $itemid . '"' . ' AND cblog = "' . $blogid . '"'; $result = (int) quickQuery($qSql); if ($result > 0) { return _ERROR_BADACTION; } $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . sql_table('comment') . ' (CUSER, CMAIL, CEMAIL, CMEMBER, CBODY, CITEM, CTIME, CHOST, CIP, CBLOG) ' . "VALUES ('{$name}', '{$url}', '{$email}', {$memberid}, '{$body}', {$itemid}, '{$timestamp}', '{$host}', '{$ip}', '{$blogid}')"; sql_query($query); // post add comment $commentid = sql_insert_id(); $manager->notify('PostAddComment', array('comment' => &$comment, 'commentid' => &$commentid, 'spamcheck' => &$spamcheck)); // succeeded ! return TRUE; }
function saveIP() { $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . sql_table('karma') . ' (itemid, ip) VALUES (' . $this->itemid . ",'" . sql_real_escape_string(serverVar('REMOTE_ADDR')) . "')"; sql_query($query); }
if (!isset($csv_data[0][$field])) { $check = FALSE; break; } } } if ($check) { if (!empty($_POST["deleteFirst"])) { delete_pool_contents(); } $inserted_count = 0; foreach ($csv_data as $record) { //$newid = sql_fetch_array(sql_query("SELECT MAX(eventId)+1 FROM eventitems WHERE parentPool='$PARENT_POOL'", $conn)); $newid = FALSE; if ($record["PC_ID"]) { $newid = sql_real_escape_string($record["PC_ID"]); } if ($newid) { //$newid = $newid[0]; $res = sql_query("INSERT INTO eventitems (eventId, parentPool) VALUES ('{$newid}', '{$PARENT_POOL}');", $conn); //$picurl = sql_real_escape_string("$uid.$ext"); if ($res) { $inserted_count++; if (!update_eventitem($record, $newid, $conn)) { $msg .= "<p>Error while setting some event item details.</p>"; } } else { $msg .= "<p>Could not insert item in DB (duplicate ID? did you delete first?).</p>"; } } else { $msg .= "<p>Could not allocate ID for item / ID is NULL.</p>";
<?php require_once "functions.php"; require_once "php_headers.php"; // will set $conn to database if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { echo "<pre>"; if (!empty($_POST["categs"])) { $categs = explode("\n", trim($_POST["categs"])); $details = array(); foreach ($categs as $e) { $ee = explode("\t", trim($e)); if (intval($ee[0])) { //echo "{$ee[0]}\n"; //continue; $succ = sql_query("REPLACE INTO eventcategs (categKey, categValue) VALUES (" . intval($ee[0]) . ", '" . sql_real_escape_string(trim($ee[1])) . "');", $conn); echo "insert " . intval($ee[0]) . ": succ={$succ} affected_rows=" . mysql_affected_rows($conn) . "\n"; } //if(count($ee) != 2 || $ee[1] != "") continue; //$details[] = $ee[0]; } //$details = array_map("fetch_details_by_email", $details); //$details = implode("\n", $details); } exit; } ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<?php require_once "functions.php"; require_once "php_headers.php"; // will set $conn to database if (empty($_GET["parentPool"])) { die("No parentPool specified"); } if (empty($_GET["type"])) { die("No type specified"); } $PARENT_POOL = sql_real_escape_string($_GET["parentPool"]); $TYPE = $_GET["type"]; function export_event_items() { $t = func_get_args(); global $TYPE; return call_user_func_array(__FUNCTION__ . "_{$TYPE}", $t); } if (!function_exists("export_event_items_{$TYPE}")) { die("I don't understand this type"); } $POOL_TITLE = "Pool"; $poool = sql_fetch_array(sql_query("SELECT poolTitle FROM eventpools WHERE poolId='{$PARENT_POOL}'", $conn)); if ($poool) { $POOL_TITLE = $poool[0]; } ?> <html> <head>
/** * Quote string befor SQL. * @param mix string, int, or array * @return mix string or int */ private function quote_smart($value) { // Escape SQL query strings if (is_array($value)) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $value = array_map("stripslashes", $value); } if (!array_map("is_numeric", $value)) { $value = array_map("sql_real_escape_string", $value); } else { $value = intval($value); } } else { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $value = stripslashes($value); } if (!is_numeric($value)) { $value = "'" . sql_real_escape_string($value) . "'"; } else { $value = intval($value); } } return $value; }
/** * Cleans up entries in the activation table. All entries older than 2 days are removed. * (static) * * @author dekarma */ function cleanupActivationTable() { $actdays = 2; if (isset($CONF['ActivationDays']) && intval($CONF['ActivationDays']) > 0) { $actdays = intval($CONF['ActivationDays']); } else { $CONF['ActivationDays'] = 2; } $boundary = time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * $actdays; // 1. walk over all entries, and see if special actions need to be performed $res = sql_query('SELECT * FROM ' . sql_table('activation') . ' WHERE vtime < \'' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $boundary) . '\''); while ($o = sql_fetch_object($res)) { switch ($o->vtype) { case 'register': // delete all information about this site member. registration is undone because there was // no timely activation include_once $DIR_LIBS . 'ADMIN.php'; ADMIN::deleteOneMember(intval($o->vmember)); break; case 'addresschange': // revert the e-mail address of the member back to old address list($oldEmail, $oldCanLogin) = explode('/', $o->vextra); sql_query('UPDATE ' . sql_table('member') . ' SET mcanlogin='******', memail=\'' . sql_real_escape_string($oldEmail) . '\' WHERE mnumber=' . intval($o->vmember)); break; case 'forgot': // delete the activation link and ignore. member can request a new password using the // forgot password link break; } } // 2. delete activation entries for real sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . sql_table('activation') . ' WHERE vtime < \'' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $boundary) . '\''); }
/** * Creates a dump of the table content for one table */ function _backup_dump_contents($tablename) { // // Grab the data from the table. // $result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM {$tablename}"); if (sql_num_rows($result) > 0) { echo "\n#\n# " . sprintf(_BACKUP_BACKUPFILE_TABLEDATAFOR, $tablename) . "\n#\n"; } $num_fields = sql_num_fields($result); // // Compose fieldname list // $tablename_list = $this->_backup_get_field_names($result, $num_fields); // // Loop through the resulting rows and build the sql statement. // while ($row = sql_fetch_array($result)) { // Start building the SQL statement. echo "INSERT INTO `" . $tablename . "` {$tablename_list} VALUES("; // Loop through the rows and fill in data for each column for ($j = 0; $j < $num_fields; $j++) { if (!isset($row[$j])) { // no data for column echo ' NULL'; } elseif ($row[$j] != '') { // data echo " '" . sql_real_escape_string($row[$j]) . "'"; } else { // empty column (!= no data!) echo "''"; } // only add comma when not last column if ($j != $num_fields - 1) { echo ","; } } echo ");\n"; } echo "\n"; }
function exists($name) { $r = sql_query('select * FROM ' . sql_table('template_desc') . ' WHERE tdname="' . sql_real_escape_string($name) . '"'); return sql_num_rows($r) != 0; }
/** * (internal method) Generates/returns a ticket (one ticket per page request) */ function _generateTicket() { if ($this->currentRequestTicket == '') { // generate new ticket (only one ticket will be generated per page request) // and store in database global $member; // get member id if (!$member->isLoggedIn()) { $memberId = -1; } else { $memberId = $member->getID(); } $ok = false; while (!$ok) { // generate a random token srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $ticket = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); // add in database as non-active $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . sql_table('tickets') . ' (ticket, member, ctime) '; $query .= 'VALUES (\'' . sql_real_escape_string($ticket) . '\', \'' . intval($memberId) . '\', \'' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) . '\')'; if (sql_query($query)) { $ok = true; } } $this->currentRequestTicket = $ticket; } return $this->currentRequestTicket; }