Example #1
File: common.php Project: EQ4/DRR
function add_station($dirty) {
  if (is_read_only()) {
    return false;

  global $db;
  $clean = sql_escape_hash($dirty);

  $station = db_get('select * from stations where callsign = "' . $clean['callsign'] . '"');
  if(!$station) {
    $lhs = array_keys($dirty); $rhs = array_values($dirty);
    return $db->exec('insert into stations (' . implode(',', $lhs) . ') values ("' . implode('","', $rhs) . '")');
  } else {
    $inj = sql_kv($dirty);
    return $db->exec('update stations set ' . implode(',', $inj) . ' where id = ' . $station['id']);
Example #2
        echo "Creating the {$table_name} table.\n";
        $schema = implode(',', sql_kv($table_schema, '', ''));
        $db->exec("create table {$table_name} ( {$schema} )");
    } else {
        // Otherwise we may need to add columns to the table
        $our_column_name_list = array_keys($table_schema);
        $column_to_add_list = array_diff($our_column_name_list, $existing_column_name_list);
        if (count($column_to_add_list)) {
            echo "Adding the following columns from {$table_name}:\n";
            echo "  " . implode(', ', $column_to_add_list) . "\n\n";
            foreach ($column_to_add_list as $column_to_add) {
                $column_to_add_schema = $table_schema[$column_to_add];
                $db->exec("alter table {$table_name} add column {$column_to_add} {$column_to_add_schema}");
            // If we added columns then we need to revisit our pragma
            $existing_column_name_list = get_column_list($table_name);
        $column_to_remove_list = array_diff($existing_column_name_list, $our_column_name_list);
        // See if we need to remove any columns
        if (count($column_to_remove_list) > 0) {
            echo "Removing the following columns from {$table_name}:\n";
            echo "  " . implode(', ', $column_to_remove_list) . "\n\n";
            $our_schema = implode(',', sql_kv($table_schema, '', ''));
            $our_columns = implode(',', $our_column_name_list);
            $drop_column_sql = "\n        CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE my_backup({$our_schema});\n        INSERT INTO my_backup SELECT {$our_columns} FROM {$table_name};\n        DROP TABLE {$table_name};\n        CREATE TABLE {$table_name}({$our_schema});\n        INSERT INTO {$table_name} SELECT {$our_columns} FROM my_backup;\n        DROP TABLE my_backup;\n      ";
            foreach (explode('\\n', trim($drop_column_sql)) as $sql_line) {