Example #1
  *  устанавливает root_id для дерева разделов
  * @param текущий раздел $id
  * @param предок $pid
 function setRootID($id, $pid)
     //$id = get('id','0','p');
     $root_id = sql_getValue("SELECT root_id FROM tree WHERE id = " . $id);
     $err = sql_getErrNo();
     // проверка на существования поля в таблице( если нет : 1054)
     if ((!$root_id || $root_id == '0') && !$err) {
         // определяем $root_id
         // если root_id нашли у предыдущего
         $home_id = sql_getValue("SELECT root_id FROM tree WHERE id = " . $pid['pid']);
         if ($home_id) {
             sql_query("UPDATE tree SET root_id = " . $home_id . " WHERE id=" . $id);
         } else {
             $pid = $pid['pid'];
             do {
                 $home = sql_getRow("SELECT pid,root_id FROM tree WHERE id = " . $pid);
                 // если все таки не нашли то останавливаемся , когда добежали до корня
                 if ($pid == $home['pid']) {
                     $home['root_id'] = $pid;
                 $pid = $home['pid'];
             } while (empty($home['root_id']));
             sql_query("UPDATE tree SET root_id = " . $home['root_id'] . " WHERE id=" . $id);
Example #2
 function table_get_flat(&$value, &$column, &$row)
     if (!$value) {
         $row = sql_getRow('SELECT * FROM objects WHERE id=' . $row['object_id']);
     } else {
         $row = sql_getRow('SELECT * FROM obj_elem_free WHERE id=' . $value);
     if (!$row) {
         return '';
     $ret = '';
     if ($row['room']) {
         $ret .= $row['room'] . '-комн., ';
     if ($row['total_area'] > 0) {
         $ret .= $row['total_area'] . '/';
     if ($row['living_area'] > 0) {
         $ret .= $row['living_area'] . '/';
     if ($row['kitchen_area'] > 0) {
         $ret .= $row['kitchen_area'] . '/';
     if ($row['storey']) {
         $ret .= ', ' . $row['storey'] . ' этаж';
     return $ret;
Example #3
 function ElemInit()
     global $cfg, $sections, $hidden_sections, $_stat, $_sites, $intlang;
     $row = array();
     $modules_in_row = array();
     $i = 0;
     $id = (int) get('id');
     if ($id) {
         $row = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM `admin_groups` WHERE id='" . $id . "'");
         $row['rights'] = unserialize($row['rights']);
     // none  ->	0		0		0		0			=  0
     // view  ->	0		0		0		1           =  1
     // edit	 ->	0		1		1		1           =  7
     // del	 ->	1		1		1		1           = 15
     $row['radios'] = array('0' => '', '1' => '', '7' => '', '15' => '');
     // если указаны скрытые модули - надо их также вывести
     // для возможности задания прав группам пользователей.
     if (isset($hidden_sections)) {
         $sections = array_merge($sections, $hidden_sections);
     foreach ($sections as $key => $section) {
         $row['menu'][$i]['title'] = utf($section[langId()]);
         $row['menu'][$i]['i'] = $i;
         foreach ($section['modules'] as $module_key => $module) {
             if (count(explode("/", $module_key)) > 1) {
                 $arr = explode("/", $module_key);
                 $module = $arr[0];
             if (!is_module_auth($module_key)) {
             // set the title
             $title = $module[langID()];
             if (!isset($title)) {
                 switch ($module) {
                     case 'stat':
                         $title = $_stat[$module_key][langID()];
                     case 'sites':
                         $title = $_sites[$module_key][langID()];
             if (!in_array($module . '_' . $title, $modules_in_row)) {
                 $row['menu'][$i]['rows'][] = array('menu' => $i, 'name' => 'fld[rights][' . $module_key . ']', 'title' => utf($title), 'selected' => !empty($row['rights'][$module_key]) ? $row['rights'][$module_key] : 0);
                 $modules_in_row[] = $module . '_' . $title;
     foreach ($this->elem_str as $str_key => $str_val) {
         $row['str_' . $str_key] = $str_val[$intlang];
     $table = $this->Parse($row, 'admin_groups.editform.tmpl');
     $this->elem_fields['columns']['table'] = array('type' => 'words', 'value' => $table);
     return parent::ElemInit();
Example #4
 function ElemInit()
     $columns = sql_getRows("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $this->elem_table . "", true);
     if (!isset($columns['footer_text_radio'])) {
         sql_query("ALTER TABLE " . $this->elem_table . " ADD footer_text_radio TINYINT( 1 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '0 -  редактор текста; 1 - html-код баннера'");
     if (!isset($columns['footer_title'])) {
         sql_query("ALTER TABLE {$this->elem_table} ADD footer_title VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Название кнопки Подробнее';");
     if (!isset($columns['footer_title_link'])) {
         sql_query("ALTER TABLE {$this->elem_table} ADD footer_title_link VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Ссылка на кнопке Подробнее';");
     $id = (int) get('id');
     if ($id) {
         $infoblock_end = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM " . $this->elem_table . " WHERE id = " . $id);
         if ($infoblock_end['footer_text_radio']) {
             $this->elem_fields['columns']['footer_text']['value'] = htmlspecialchars($infoblock_end['footer_text']);
             $this->elem_fields['columns']['footer_text_area']['value'] = $infoblock_end['footer_text'];
         } else {
             $this->elem_fields['columns']['footer_text_fck']['value'] = $infoblock_end['footer_text'];
     $this->script .= "\n\n        function elem1(name) {\n            return \$('#tr_fld\\\\[" . $this->tabname . "\\\\]\\\\[' + name + '\\\\]');\n        }\n\n        function elemName1(name) {\n            return 'fld[" . $this->tabname . "][' + name + ']';\n        };\n\n        function getFck1(name) {\n            name = elemName1(name);\n            for(nameFck in CKEDITOR.instances) {\n                if(name == nameFck) {\n                    return CKEDITOR.instances[name];\n                }\n            }\n        }\n\n        function open_fck_footer(name_fck, name_area) {\n            var fck = getFck1(name_fck);\n            var footer_text_fck = \$(elem1(name_fck));\n            var footer_text_area = \$(elem1(name_area));\n\n            footer_text_fck.children('span').show();\n            footer_text_area.hide();\n\n            var data = footer_text_area.children('textarea').val();\n            if (data.length) fck.setData(data);\n\n            fck.container.show();\n            fck.updateElement();\n        }\n\n        function close_fck_footer(name_fck, name_area) {\n            var fck = getFck1(name_fck);\n            var footer_text_fck = \$(elem1(name_fck));\n            var footer_text_area = \$(elem1(name_area));\n            fck.container.hide();\n            fck.updateElement();\n\n            footer_text_fck.children('span').hide();\n            footer_text_area.show();\n            footer_text_area.children('textarea').css({\n                'width'         :   '98%',\n                'height'        :   fck.config.height\n            });\n\n            var data = fck.getData();\n            if (data.length) footer_text_area.children('textarea').val(data);\n        }\n\n        \$(function () {\n            var footer_text_radio   = \$(elem1('footer_text_radio')).children('input');\n            \$(footer_text_radio).click(function() {\n                if(\$(this).val() == 1) {\n                    close_fck_footer('footer_text_fck', 'footer_text_area');\n                } else {\n                    open_fck_footer('footer_text_fck', 'footer_text_area');\n                }\n            });\n\n            CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( ev )\n            {\n                " . (isset($infoblock_end) && $infoblock_end['footer_text_radio'] ? "close_fck_footer" : "open_fck_footer") . "('footer_text_fck', 'footer_text_area');\n            });\n        });\n    ";
Example #5
 function verify_event(&$event, $user_id)
     // проверка разрешенных видов нотификации
     // получаем идентификатор события
     $event = sql_getRow("SELECT id, recipient FROM notify_events WHERE name='" . $event . "'");
     // получаем доступные плугины для события
     $plugins = sql_getRows("SELECT plugin FROM notify_compare WHERE event=" . $event['id'], true);
     // проверка событие для клиента или для админа.
     if ($event['recipient'] == 'client') {
         //получаем идентификатор группы пользователя
         $group_id = sql_getValue("SELECT group_id FROM auth_users_groups WHERE user_id=" . $user_id);
         //получаем, разрешенные плугины для группы
         $group_plugins = sql_getRows("SELECT nt.name FROM notify_groups AS ng\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN notify_types AS nt ON nt.id=ng.notif_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ng.group_id=" . $group_id, true);
         if (!sql_getErrNo()) {
             $plugins = array_intersect($plugins, $group_plugins);
         //получаем виды нотификации, выбранные пользователем
         $user_plugins = sql_getRows("
         FROM notify_user AS nu
         LEFT JOIN notify_types AS nt ON nu.notify_id=nt.id
         WHERE nu.user_id=".$user_id." AND nu.event_id=".$event['id']
         , true);
         if (!sql_getErrNo()){
         	$plugins = array_intersect($plugins,$user_plugins);
     return $plugins;
Example #6
  * Отправка уведомления для события
  * @param string $event_name - кодовое название события
  * @param string $emails - на какие адреса отправлять (через запятую); если пусто, возьмутся из настроек события
  * @param array $data - данные для передачи в шаблон
  * @param string $attach - прикладываемый файл
  * @return bool
 function Send($event_name, $emails = '', $data = array(), $attach = '')
     $event = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM {$this->_table_events} WHERE event='" . mysql_real_escape_string($event_name) . "'");
     if (!$event) {
         return $this->setError("В таблице {$this->_table_events} нет события {$event_name}");
     if (!$emails) {
         $emails = $event['mails'];
     if (!$emails) {
         return $this->setError("Пустой список адресов для отправки");
      * @var TRusoft_View $view
     $view =& Registry::get('TRusoft_View');
     // Парсинг темы и текста письма
     $text = $this->parse($event['template'], $data);
     if (!$text) {
         return $this->setError("Пустой текст письма");
     $subject = $this->parse($event['subject'], $data);
     if (!$subject) {
         return $this->setError("Пустая тема письма");
     // Отправка
     $res = $this->sendNotify($emails, $subject, $text, $event['replyto'], $attach);
     if ($res !== true) {
         return $this->setError("Ошибка отправки сообщения: " . $res);
     $this->addToSent($event_name, $emails, $subject, $text, $attach);
     return true;
Example #7
 function showType()
     global $notify_subscribe;
     $data['type'] = get('type', '', 'pg');
     $res = mysql_query($notify_subscribe[$data['type']]);
     for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_fields($res); $i++) {
         $field = mysql_fetch_field($res);
         $comment = sql_getValue("\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT \n\t\t\t\t\tcomment\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM phpmyadmin.pma_column_info \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t\t\ttable_name='" . $field->table . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND column_name='" . $field->name . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND db_name='" . MYSQL_DB . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t");
         $data['fields'][$field->table . '.' . $field->name] = $comment;
     $data['fld'] = sql_getRow('SELECT * FROM notify_subscribe_tpls WHERE id="' . $data['type'] . '"');
     $oFCKeditor =& Registry::get('FCKeditor');
     $oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet = 'Small';
     $oFCKeditor->Value = $data['fld']['header'];
     $data['fld']['header'] = $oFCKeditor->ReturnFCKeditor('fld[header]', '100%', '100px');
     $oFCKeditor =& Registry::get('FCKeditor');
     $oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet = 'Source';
     $oFCKeditor->Value = $data['fld']['template'];
     $data['fld']['template'] = $oFCKeditor->ReturnFCKeditor('fld[template]', '100%', '200px');
     $oFCKeditor =& Registry::get('FCKeditor');
     $oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet = 'Small';
     $oFCKeditor->Value = $data['fld']['footer'];
     $data['fld']['footer'] = $oFCKeditor->ReturnFCKeditor('fld[footer]', '100%', '100px');
     $tpl = NOTIFY_DIR . 'tmpls/' . $this->name . '.editform.tmpl';
     if (is_file($tpl)) {
         return Parse($data, $tpl);
     return $content;
Example #8
File: geo.php Project: romlg/cms36
  * функци¤ возвращет конкретное значение из полученного массива данных по ip
  * @param string  - ключ массива. ≈сли интересует конкретное значение.
  *  люч может быть равным 'inetnum', 'country', 'city', 'region', 'district', 'lat', 'lng'
  * @param boolean - устанавливаем хранить данные в базе или нет
  * ≈сли true, то в таблицу ipgeobase будут записаны данные по ip и повторные запросы на ipgeobase происходить не будут.
  * ≈сли false, то данные посто¤нно будут запрашиватьс¤ с ipgeobase
  * @return array OR string - дополнительно читайте комментарии внутри функции.
 function get_value($key = false, $from_db = true)
     $key_array = array('inetnum', 'country', 'city', 'region', 'district', 'lat', 'lng');
     if (!in_array($key, $key_array)) {
         $key = false;
     $data = null;
     // если используем базу, то достаем данные
     if ($from_db) {
         $numeric_ip = $this->numeric_ip($this->ip);
         $data = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM `{$this->dbname}`.`{$this->table}` WHERE (from_ip>={$numeric_ip} AND to_ip<={$numeric_ip}) LIMIT 1");
     if (!$data) {
         $data = $this->get_geobase_data();
         $inetnum = explode('-', $data['inetnum']);
         if ($data && $data['country']) {
             sql_insert("`{$this->dbname}`.`{$this->table}`", array('from_ip' => $this->numeric_ip($inetnum[0]), 'to_ip' => $this->numeric_ip($inetnum[1]), 'country' => $data['country'], 'city' => $data['city'], 'region' => $data['region'], 'district' => $data['district'], 'lat' => $data['lat'], 'lng' => $data['lng']));
     if ($key) {
         return $data[$key];
         // если указан ключ, возвращаем строку с нужными данными
     } else {
         return $data;
         // иначе возвращаем массив со всеми данными
Example #9
File: User.php Project: romlg/cms36
  * Инициализация
  * @param bool $reset - принудательно обновить данные о пользователе
 function init($reset = false)
     static $_user_data = array();
     if (!isset($_user_data[$this->_id]) || $reset) {
         $_user_data[$this->_id] = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM {$this->_table} WHERE id={$this->_id} LIMIT 1");
     $this->_data = $_user_data[$this->_id];
Example #10
 function getClientDetails($id)
     $client = sql_getRow("SELECT id, CONCAT(name,' ',lname) AS fullname FROM " . $this->table . " WHERE reg_date!=0 AND id=" . $id);
     if (!is_array($client)) {
         return '';
     $details = array(array('name' => $this->str('client_id'), 'value' => $client['id']), array('name' => $this->str('fullname'), 'value' => $client['fullname']));
     return $details;
Example #11
 function getClientDetails($id)
     $client = sql_getRow("SELECT id, fio AS fullname, balance FROM " . $this->table . " WHERE id=" . $id);
     if (!is_array($client)) {
         return '';
     $details = array(array('name' => $this->str('client_id'), 'value' => $client['id']), array('name' => $this->str('fullname'), 'value' => $client['fullname']));
     return $details;
Example #12
  * Вызывается перед сохранением в базу
  * @param array $fld
  * @return array
 function ElemRedactBefore($fld)
     $fld = parent::ElemRedactBefore($fld);
     $error = "";
     $page_id = get('id', 0, 'gp');
     $page_pid = get('pid', 0, 'gp');
     if ($page_pid) {
         $parent = sql_getRow("SELECT dir, pids, level FROM " . $this->elem_table . " WHERE id=" . $page_pid);
     } else {
         $page_pid = sql_getValue("SELECT pid FROM `" . $this->elem_table . "` WHERE id=" . $page_id);
         $parent = sql_getRow("SELECT dir, pids, level FROM " . $this->elem_table . " WHERE id=" . $page_pid);
     if (!$page_id) {
         // создание нового раздела
         $auto = sql_getRow("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . $this->elem_table . "'");
         if ($auto['Auto_increment']) {
             $new_id = $auto['Auto_increment'];
         if ($page_pid == $page_id) {
             $fld['level'] = 1;
         } else {
             $fld['level'] = $parent['level'] + 1;
         $fld['priority'] = sql_getValue("SELECT MAX(priority) FROM `" . $this->elem_table . "` WHERE pid=" . $page_pid) + 1;
     $page = $page_id ? $page_id : $new_id;
     if ($page_pid != $page_id) {
         # pids
         $pids = explode('/', $parent['pids']);
         if (!$pids[0]) {
         if (!$pids[count($pids) - 1]) {
         $pids[] = $page_pid;
         $fld['pids'] = '/' . join('/', $pids) . '/';
         # dir
         $fld['dir'] = $parent['dir'] . $page . '/';
     } else {
         # pids
         $fld['pids'] = '/' . $page_pid . '/';
         $fld['dir'] = '/' . $page . '/';
     # изменим next у родителя
     sql_query("UPDATE tree SET next='1' WHERE id='" . (isset($parent['id']) ? $parent['id'] : $page_pid) . "'");
     # Проверка на существование dir
     $check = sql_getValue("SELECT id FROM " . $this->elem_table . " WHERE dir='" . $fld['dir'] . "'");
     if ($check && $check != $page_id) {
         $error_tab = $k;
         $error = "Раздел с таким URL уже существует";
     return array('fld' => $fld, '_error_text' => $error);
Example #13
 function GetStats()
     $sess = sql_getRow("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . STAT_SESSIONS_TABLE . "'", 'number');
     $log = sql_getRow("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . STAT_LOG_TABLE . "'", 'number');
     $pages = sql_getRow("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . STAT_PAGES_TABLE . "'", 'number');
     $agents = sql_getRow("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . STAT_AGENTS_TABLE . "'", 'number');
     $db['Data_length'] = $sess['Data_length'] + $log['Data_length'] + $pages['Data_length'] + $agents['Data_length'];
     $db['Index_length'] = $sess['Index_length'] + $log['Index_length'] + $pages['Index_length'] + $agents['Index_length'];
     $db['Rows'] = $sess['Rows'] + $log['Rows'] + $pages['Rows'] + $agents['Rows'];
     return array('STATINFO' => $this->str('info'), 'rows' => array(0 => array('key' => $this->str('info_size'), 'val' => number_format(($db['Data_length'] + $db['Index_length']) / 1024, 2, ',', ' ') . " KB"), 1 => array('key' => $this->str('info_rows'), 'val' => $db['Rows'])));
Example #14
 function table_get_ban($val, $row)
     // Узнаем забаннен этот посетитель или нет
     $res = sql_getRow("SELECT id, ban FROM auth_users WHERE id='" . $row['client_id'] . "'");
     if (!$res['ban']) {
         // Можно забаннить
         return "<input type='image' src='/admin/images/icons/icon.rcard.gif' width='16' height='18' style='cursor: hand' title='" . $this->str('ban1') . "' onclick='if (confirm(\"" . sprintf($this->str('confirm1'), $row['login']) . "\") == true) location.href=\"cnt.php?page=stat/stat_banlist&do=editinsertips&id=" . $row['client_id'] . "\"; return false;'>";
     } else {
         // Можно разбаннить
         return "<input type='image' src='/admin/images/icons/icon.gcard.gif' width='16' height='18' style='cursor: hand' title='" . $this->str('ban2') . "' onclick='if (confirm(\"" . sprintf($this->str('confirm2'), $row['login']) . "\") == true) location.href=\"cnt.php?page=stat/stat_banlist&do=editdeleteips&id=" . $row['client_id'] . "\"; return false;'>";
Example #15
  * Вызывается после сохранения в БД
  * @param array() $fld
  * @param integer $id
  * @return array()
 function ElemRedactAfter($fld, $id)
     $tree = sql_getValue("SELECT * FROM tree WHERE root_id='" . $fld['root_id'] . "' AND id=pid LIMIT 1");
     if (!$tree) {
         // сделать в дереве раздел (только один раздел с type=home)
         $tree_row = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM tree WHERE id=pid LIMIT 1");
         if ($tree_row) {
             $tree_row['id'] = $tree_row['pid'] = $tree_row['root_id'] = $fld['root_id'];
             $tree_row['pids'] = '/' . $fld['root_id'] . '/';
             $tree_row['next'] = 0;
             $tree_row['priority'] = (int) sql_getValue("SELECT MAX(priority) FROM tree WHERE id=pid") + 1;
             sql_insert('tree', $tree_row);
     return $fld;
Example #16
 function EditParamForm()
     $id = (int) get('id', '');
     if ($id) {
         $row = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM product_type_params WHERE id={$id}");
     } else {
         $row['product_type_id'] = (int) get('product_type_id');
     //		pr($row['table']);
     //		$row['thisname'] = 'product_types_param';
     $GLOBALS['title'] = $this->str('title_edit_param');
     $row['id'] = $id;
     $row = $this->Parse($row, 'product_type_param.editform.tmpl');
     return $row;
Example #17
 function GetText()
     # выдача скрипта, который возвращает значение из модального окна
     $instance = get('instance', '', 'p');
     $ptable = get('ptable', '', 'p');
     $pfields = get('pfields', '', 'p');
     $pid = (int) get('pid', 0, 'p');
     $uptime = get('uptime', 0, 'p');
     $hash = get('hash', 0, 'p');
     # поля, которые нужны..
     $pfields = explode(", ", $pfields);
     foreach ($pfields as $field) {
         $name = explode("fld[", $field);
         $name = explode("]", $name[1]);
         $fields[] = $name[0];
     # выбираем текущее значение
     $row = sql_getRow('SELECT * FROM ' . $ptable . ' WHERE id=' . $pid);
     # выбираем все изменения
     $changes = sql_getRows('SELECT gzip FROM ' . $this->table . ' WHERE ptable="' . $ptable . '" AND pid=' . $pid . ' AND uptime >= ' . $uptime . ' ORDER BY uptime DESC');
     # начинаем изменять текущие значения проходя по массивам...
     foreach ($changes as $value) {
         $a = unserialize(gzuncompress($value));
         $row = array_merge($row, $a);
     $keys = array();
     $values = array();
     foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
         if (!in_array($key, $fields)) {
         } else {
             $keys[] = "'" . $key . "'";
             $values[] = "'" . $value . "'";
     # $row - массив значений, которые были на заданную дату
     $script = '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
     $script .= "function data() {\n";
     $script .= "  this.key = new Array(" . implode(",", $keys) . ");\n";
     $script .= "  this.value = new Array(" . implode(",", $values) . ");\n";
     $script .= "}\n";
     $script .= "data = new data();";
     $script .= 'window.returnValue = data;' . "\n";
     $script .= 'window.close();';
     $script .= '</script>';
     return $script;
Example #18
function getCurrency()
    $valute = get('valute', 'RUR', 'pgs');
    if (!isset($_SESSION['currency']) || !isset($_SESSION['valute']) || $_SESSION['valute'] != $valute) {
        $_SESSION['valute'] = $valute;
        $currency = sql_getRow("SELECT value, display, name FROM currencies WHERE name = '" . $valute . "'");
        if (!empty($currency)) {
            $_SESSION['currency'] = $currency;
        } else {
    } else {
        $currency = $_SESSION['currency'];
    return $currency;
Example #19
 function ElemInit()
     $id = (int) get('id', 0, 'pg');
     if ($id && ($row = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM " . $this->elem_table . " WHERE id = " . (int) $id))) {
         $this->elem_fields['columns']['text']['value'] = "<h1>Текст:</h1><div class='tabContent'>" . $row['text'] . "</div>";
         $files = unserialize($row['attach']);
         if (!empty($files)) {
             $attach = "\n                    <h1>Файлы:</h1>\n                    <div class='tabContent'>\n                    <table class='ajax_table_main' style='width: 100%'>\n                    <tr>\n                        <th>Путь</td>\n                        <th>Размер (байт)</td>\n                    </tr>";
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 $file['name'] = '/' . ltrim($file['name'], '/');
                 $attach .= "\n                        <tr>\n                            <td><a href='{$file['name']}'>{$file['name']}</a></td>\n                            <td>{$file['size']}</td>\n                        </tr>\n                    ";
             $attach .= "</table></div>";
             $this->elem_fields['columns']['attach']['value'] = $attach;
     return parent::ElemInit();
Example #20
 function Login()
     global $user, $intlangs;
     $login = mysql_real_escape_string(get('login', '', 'p'));
     $pwd = get('pwd', '', 'p');
     $uri = get('uri', '', 'p');
     $win = get('win', '', 'p');
     $intlang = get('intlang', 0, 'p');
     $token = get('token', '', 's');
     # берем из сессии
     $aes_key = defined("AESKEY") ? AESKEY : $this->aes_key;
     if (!$login) {
         $login = '******';
     @(include_once 'keygen.phpe');
     $row = sql_getRow("SELECT u.*, g.rights, g.deny_ids, AES_DECRYPT(u.pwd, '{$aes_key}') AS passw FROM " . $this->table . " as u LEFT JOIN admin_groups as g ON g.id<=>u.group_id WHERE login='******'");
     $passwd = strlen($row['pwd']) == 32 ? $row['pwd'] : $row['passw'];
     if (isset($passwd) && (md5($passwd . $token) === $pwd || function_exists('keygen') && strcmp($pwd, md5(md5(keygen()) . $token)) == 0)) {
         if ($row['rights']) {
             $row['rights'] = unserialize($row['rights']);
         $user = $row;
         $_SESSION['user'] =& $user;
         setcookie('intlang', $intlang, time() + 3600 * 24 * 31);
         $_SESSION['intlang'] =& $intlang;
         // Разрешим доступ к файловому менеджеру
         $_SESSION['KCFINDER'] = array();
         $_SESSION['KCFINDER']['disabled'] = false;
         //записывапем данные в log_access
         sql_query("INSERT INTO log_access(`login`,`ip`,`date`) VALUES('" . htmlspecialchars($user['login']) . "','" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "','" . date('YmdHis') . "')");
         if ($win) {
             return "<script>window.parent.location.reload()</script>";
     return $this->Show($this->str('e_pwd'));
Example #21
 function Show()
     // Вспомогательные данные
     $this->today = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
     $diff = time() - sql_getValue("SELECT MIN(time) FROM " . STAT_SESSIONS_TABLE);
     $this->all_monthes = 12 * (date('Y', $diff) - 1970) + date('n', $diff);
     // Количество посетителей (%s - нужно чтобы туда вставить выборку по времени)
     $stat[] = $this->GetSummaryRow('<a href="?page=stat/stat_attendance&period=0&disp_by=hour">' . $this->str('visitors') . '</a>', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE %s robot='0'");
     // Количество зарегистированных клиентов на сайте
     		$stat[] = $this->GetSummaryRow(
     			'<a href="?page=stat/stat_clients&period=0">'.$this->str('reg_clients').'</a>',
     			"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$this->sess_table." WHERE %s robot='0' AND client_id!=0"
         $stat[] = $this->GetRobotsRow('<a href="?page=stat/stat_clients&period=0">' . $this->str('reg_clients') . '</a>', "SELECT CONCAT(COUNT(*), ' (', COUNT(DISTINCT(client_id)), ')') FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE %s robot='0' AND client_id!=0");
     // Количество просмотренных страниц
     $stat[] = $this->GetSummaryRow('<a href="?page=stat/stat_popular&period=0">' . $this->str('pages') . '</a>', "SELECT SUM(loads) FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE %s robot='0'");
     // Количество новых посетителей
     $stat[] = $this->GetSummaryRow('<a href="?page=stat/stat_attendance&period=0&disp_by=hour">' . $this->str('new_visitors') . '</a>', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE %s robot='0' AND new_visitor='1'");
     // Количество ip-адресов
     $stat[] = $this->GetSummaryRow('<a href="?page=stat/stat_ip&period=0">' . $this->str('ips') . '</a>', "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(ip)) FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE %s robot='0'");
     // Количество ошибочных страниц
     $stat[] = $this->GetSummaryRow('<a href="?page=stat/stat_errors&period=0">' . $this->str('errors') . '</a>', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $this->log_table . " WHERE %s status IN (404, 403)");
     // Количество проиндексированных страниц с них
     $stat[] = $this->GetRobotsRow('<a href="?page=stat/stat_robots&period=0">' . $this->str('robots') . '</a>', "SELECT CONCAT(COUNT(DISTINCT(agent_id)), ' (', COUNT(*), ')') FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE %s robot='1'");
     // Main Table
     $data['table'] = $this->stat_table(array('columns' => array(array('header' => 'attendance', 'nowrap' => 1, 'valign' => 'top'), array('header' => 'today', 'align' => 'right', 'width' => '15%'), array('header' => 'yesterday', 'align' => 'right', 'width' => '15%'), array('header' => 'week', 'align' => 'right', 'width' => '15%'), array('header' => 'month', 'align' => 'right', 'width' => '15%')), 'data' => $stat));
     // Stat Info Table
     $sess = sql_getRow("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . STAT_SESSIONS_TABLE . "'", 'number');
     $log = sql_getRow("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . STAT_LOG_TABLE . "'", 'number');
     $pages = sql_getRow("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . STAT_PAGES_TABLE . "'", 'number');
     $agents = sql_getRow("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . STAT_AGENTS_TABLE . "'", 'number');
     $db['Data_length'] = $sess['Data_length'] + $log['Data_length'] + $pages['Data_length'] + $agents['Data_length'];
     $db['Index_length'] = $sess['Index_length'] + $log['Index_length'] + $pages['Index_length'] + $agents['Index_length'];
     $db['Rows'] = $sess['Rows'] + $log['Rows'] + $pages['Rows'] + $agents['Rows'];
     $data['info'] = array('STATINFO' => $this->str('info'), 'rows' => array(0 => array('key' => $this->str('info_begin'), 'val' => $sess['Create_time']), 1 => array('key' => $this->str('info_last'), 'val' => $log['Update_time']), 2 => array('key' => $this->str('info_size'), 'val' => number_format(($db['Data_length'] + $db['Index_length']) / 1024, 2, ',', ' ') . " KB"), 3 => array('key' => $this->str('info_rows'), 'val' => $db['Rows'])));
     $data['site_select'] = $this->selectSite(array('hidden' => array('show' => $this->show)));
     return Parse($data, 'stat/stat.tmpl');
Example #22
File: help.php Project: romlg/cms36
 function ShowHelp()
     $module = get('module', '', 'g');
     $url = "http://help.rusoft.ru/getmanual.php?engine=3.6&module=" . $module . "&site=" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
     $html = file_get_contents($url);
     if (!strpos($html, 'Документация по вашему запросу не найдена')) {
         // проверка наличия документации на русофте
         Header('Content-Length: 0');
         Header('Location: ' . $url);
     $row = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM " . $this->table . " WHERE module='" . mysql_real_escape_string($module) . "'");
     if (empty($row)) {
         die('Документация по этому модулю отсутствует');
     return $this->Parse($row, $this->name . '.showhelp.tmpl');
Example #23
 function EditForm()
     $id = (int) get('id', '');
     $product_type_id = (int) get('product_type_id', '');
     if (!$product_type_id && !$id) {
     if ($id) {
         $row = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM product_type_params WHERE id={$id}");
     } else {
         $row['product_type_id'] = (int) get('product_type_id');
     $row['visible_checked'] = isset($row['visible']) ? 'checked' : (!$id ? 'checked' : '');
     $GLOBALS['title'] = $this->str('title_edit_param');
     $row['id'] = $id;
     $row = $this->Parse($row, $this->name . '.editform.tmpl');
     return $row;
Example #24
 function ElemForm()
     $id = (int) get('id', 0);
     if ($id) {
         $row = $this->getObject();
     if ($row['object']['obj_type_id'] == 'newbuild') {
         $row['object']['price'] = $row['object']['price_rub_print'] . '<br>' . $row['object']['price_dollar_print'];
     } else {
         $row['object']['price'] = number_format(doubleval(str_replace(',', '.', $row['object']['price_rub'])), 0, ',', ' ') . ' руб. (' . number_format(doubleval(str_replace(',', '.', $row['object']['price_dollar'])), 0, ',', ' ') . 'у.е. )';
     $row['object']['x'] = $row['object']['y'] = '0.000000';
     if ($row['object']['address_id']) {
         $coordinats = sql_getRow('SELECT x, y FROM `obj_address` WHERE id=' . $row['object']['address_id']);
         $row['object']['x'] = $coordinats['x'];
         $row['object']['y'] = $coordinats['y'];
     // добавляет в шаблон дефолтные строковые константы
     return Parse($row, 'objects/elem_google.tmpl');
Example #25
  * Вернуть массив с результатами в срезе по конкретному вопросу
  * @param int $quest_id
  * @return array|bool
 function getMoreResults(int $quest_id)
     if (!$this->survey_id or !$quest_id) {
         return false;
     $data = array();
     $data['view'] = $this->result_view;
     $data['question'] = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM " . $this->table_quests . " WHERE id = " . $quest_id);
     $data['questions'] = sql_getRows("SELECT id, text, type FROM " . $this->table_quests . " WHERE id <> " . $quest_id . " && id_survey = " . $this->survey_id . " ORDER BY priority", true);
     $query = in_array($data['question']['type'], array('single', 'multi')) ? "SELECT * FROM " . $this->table_variants . " WHERE id_quest = " . $quest_id : "SELECT *, text as id FROM " . $this->table_log . " WHERE id_quest = " . $quest_id . " GROUP BY text ORDER BY text";
     $data['rows'] = sql_getRows($query);
     foreach ($data['rows'] as $key => $row) {
         $res = sql_getRows($query = "SELECT IF(l2.id_variant IS NOT NULL, l2.id_variant, l2.text) AS id_variant, l2.id_quest, COUNT(IF(l2.id_variant IS NOT NULL, l2.id_variant, l2.text)) cnt\n            FROM " . $this->table_log . " as l1\n            LEFT JOIN " . $this->table_log . " as l2 ON(l2.id_user = l1.id_user)\n            WHERE IF(l1.id_variant IS NOT NULL, l1.id_variant, l1.text) = '" . $row['id'] . "' AND l2.id_quest<>" . $quest_id . " GROUP BY IF(l2.id_variant IS NOT NULL, l2.id_variant, l2.text)");
         $re = array();
         $total = array();
         foreach ($res as $r) {
             $re[$r['id_variant']] = $r['cnt'];
             $total[$r['id_quest']] += $r['cnt'];
         foreach ($data['questions'] as $qid => $quest) {
             $query = in_array($quest['type'], array('single', 'multi')) ? "SELECT * FROM " . $this->table_variants . " WHERE id_quest = " . $quest['id'] : "SELECT *, text AS id FROM " . $this->table_log . " WHERE id_quest = " . $quest['id'] . " GROUP BY text ORDER BY text";
             $data['rows'][$key]['questions'][$qid]['vars'] = sql_getRows($query);
             $data['rows'][$key]['questions'][$qid]['text'] = $quest['text'];
             foreach ($data['rows'][$key]['questions'][$qid]['vars'] as $k => $variant) {
                 $_id = in_array($quest['type'], array('single', 'multi')) ? $variant['id'] : $variant['id_variant'];
                 $data['rows'][$key]['questions'][$qid]['vars'][$k]['cnt'] = $re[$_id];
                 $data['rows'][$key]['questions'][$qid]['vars'][$k]['percent'] = isset($total[$qid]) && isset($re[$_id]) ? round(100 * $re[$_id] / $total[$qid]) : 0;
     $data['qid'] = $quest_id;
     return $data;
Example #26
 function CopyTree($src, $trg, $top = true)
     static $counter = array();
     static $next_id = 0;
     // запишем что мы уже перенесли (для отмены рекурсии)
     $counter[] = $trg;
     // Если в данный элемент уже копировали, отменяем (для отмены рекурсии)
     if (in_array($src, $counter)) {
     # Берем source
     $src_row = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM " . $this->table . " WHERE id='" . $src . "'");
     if (!$next_id) {
         $status = sql_getRow("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . $this->table . "'");
         $next_id = $status['Auto_increment'];
     } else {
     # Обрабатываем
     $src_row['pid'] = $trg;
     # Вставляем
     $src_row['dir'] = 'tmp_' . count($counter);
     $trg = sql_insert($this->table, $src_row);
     # Ищем дочерние ветви и запускаем заново эту функцию
     $rows = sql_query("SELECT id FROM " . $this->table . " WHERE pid=" . $src);
     if ($rows) {
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($rows)) {
             $this->CopyTree($row[0], $trg, false);
Example #27
  * Редактирование объявления
 function edit()
     $page =& Registry::get('TPage');
     $id = 0;
     $real_path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     if (substr($real_path, -1) != '/') {
         $real_path .= '/';
     $query = explode('?', $real_path);
     $pids = explode('/', $query[0]);
     $pos = array_search('edit', $pids);
     if ($pos !== false) {
         $id = (int) $pids[$pos + 1];
     if (!$id) {
         $page->tpl->assign(array('errors' => array('Объявление не указано!')));
         $ret['errors_box'] = $page->tpl->fetch('errors_box.html');
         return $ret;
     $auth =& Registry::get('TUserAuth');
     $userid = (int) $auth->getCurrentUserId();
     if (!$userid) {
         $page->tpl->assign(array('errors' => array('Вы не авторизованы!')));
         $ret['errors_box'] = $page->tpl->fetch('errors_box.html');
         return $ret;
     $row = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM `objects` WHERE id='{$id}' AND client_id='{$userid}'");
     if (!$row) {
         $page->tpl->assign(array('errors' => array('Нет такого объявления или объявление принадлежит не Вам!')));
         $ret['errors_box'] = $page->tpl->fetch('errors_box.html');
         return $ret;
     if (isset($_POST['fld'])) {
         $post = $_POST['fld'];
         if ($post['city'] == 1) {
         } else {
         foreach ($this->req_fields as $key => $val) {
             if (empty($post[$key])) {
                 $errors[] = $this->req_fields[$key];
         foreach ($post['delphoto'] as $delphoto => $smth) {
         foreach ($post['delplan'] as $delplan => $smth) {
         if (isset($_FILES)) {
             $photo = $plan = array();
             foreach ($_FILES['fld'] as $key => $value) {
                 if (isset($value['photo'])) {
                     $photo[$key] = $value['photo'];
                 if (isset($value['plan'])) {
                     $plan[$key] = $value['plan'];
             include_once 'functions.php';
             $dir = 'files/objects/' . $id;
             if (!is_dir($dir)) {
                 chmod($dir, 0775);
             if ($photo) {
                 $sizes = array('im_small' => array('50', '36'), 'image_small' => array('250', '250'), 'image_large' => array('640', '480'));
                 $images_photo = downloadFiles($_FILES, count($photo['name']), 'photo', "files/objects/{$id}", $sizes, 85, true);
                 if (!empty($images_photo)) {
                     $ret['files_photo'] = $images_photo;
             if ($plan) {
                 $sizes = array('image_small' => array('50', '36'), 'image_large' => array('640', '480'));
                 $images_plan = downloadFiles($_FILES, count($plan['name']), 'plan', "files/objects/{$id}", $sizes, 85, true);
                 if (!empty($images_plan)) {
                     $ret['files_plan'] = $images_plan;
         $ret['metro_dest'] = intval($post['select_metro_time']);
         $ret['metro_dest_text'] = intval($post['select_metro_time_type']);
         foreach ($post as $key => $val) {
             $ret[$key] = $post[$key];
         if ($errors) {
             array_unshift($errors, '<b>Не заполнены следующие поля</b>');
             $page->tpl->assign(array('errors' => $errors));
             $ret['errors_box'] = $page->tpl->fetch('errors_box.html');
         } else {
             $this->updateObject($id, $ret);
             $row = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM `objects` WHERE `id`='{$id}' AND `client_id`='{$userid}'");
     $ret = array();
     $ret['id'] = $id;
     $ret['metrostations'] = array('' => '- не выбрано -') + sql_getRows('SELECT id, name FROM `obj_locat_metrostations` WHERE 1 ORDER BY name', true);
     $ret['districs_mo'] = array('' => '- не выбрано -') + $this->getDistricsAndCities();
     $ret['house_type'] = array('' => '- не выбрано -') + sql_getRows('SELECT id, name FROM `obj_housetypes` WHERE 1 ORDER BY id', true);
     $ret['city_id'] = $row['city_id'];
     $ret['district_id'] = $row['distrcit_id'];
     $ret['metro_id'] = $row['metro_id'];
     $ret['select_metro_time'] = $row['metro_dest_value'];
     $ret['select_metro_time_type'] = intval($row['metro_dest_text']) + 1;
     $ret['rooms'] = $row['room'];
     $ret['addres'] = sql_getValue("SELECT `address` FROM `obj_address` WHERE `id`='" . $row['address_id'] . "'");
     $ret['new_house'] = $row['market'] == "first" ? 1 : 0;
     $ret['storey'] = $row['storey'];
     $ret['storey_number'] = $row['storeys_number'];
     $ret['house_type_id'] = $row['house_type'];
     $ret['total_area'] = $row['total_area'];
     $ret['live_area'] = $row['living_area'];
     $ret['kitchen_area'] = $row['kitchen_area'];
     $ret['lavatory'] = $row['lavatory'];
     $ret['balcony'] = $row['balcony'];
     $ret['phones'] = $row['phone'];
     $ret['description'] = $row['short_description'];
     $ret['price_rub'] = $row['price_rub'];
     $profile = $auth->getCurrentUserData();
     $ret['fio'] = $profile['fio'];
     $ret['email'] = $profile['login'];
     $contact_phones = explode(",", $row['contact_phone']);
     $ret['phone'] = trim($contact_phones[0]);
     $ret['phone2'] = trim($contact_phones[1]);
     $fotki = sql_getRows("SELECT * FROM `obj_elem_images` WHERE `type`='photo' AND `pid`='{$id}'");
     foreach ($fotki as $fotka) {
         $ret['photos'][] = array('id' => $fotka['id'], 'link' => $fotka['imagepath'], 'filename' => substr($fotka['imagepath'], strrpos($fotka['imagepath'], '/') + 1));
     $plans = sql_getRows("SELECT * FROM `obj_elem_plans` WHERE `pid`='{$id}'");
     foreach ($plans as $plan) {
         $ret['plans'][] = array('id' => $plan['id'], 'link' => $plan['image'], 'filename' => substr($plan['image'], strrpos($plan['image'], '/') + 1));
     return $ret;
Example #28
 function editgetMetro()
     $table = get('table', 'objects', 'g');
     $district = (int) get('district', 0, 'g');
     $id = (int) get('id', 0, 'g');
     // Выбираем список метро для данного района и всех его подрайонов
     $childs = $this->getChilds('obj_locat_districts', 'ORDER BY name', $district);
     $this->getList($childs, $districts);
     $districts[$district] = array();
     $metro[] = sql_getRow('SELECT * FROM obj_locat_metrostations WHERE id=1');
     $metro = array_merge($metro, sql_getRows('SELECT * FROM obj_locat_metrostations WHERE district IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($districts)) . ')'));
     if ($table == 'objects') {
         $selected = sql_getValue('SELECT metro_id FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE id=' . $id);
     header('Content-Type: text/xml');
     echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251" standalone="yes" ?><body>';
     foreach ($metro as $key => $val) {
         echo '<item><id>' . $val['id'] . '</id><name>' . $val['name'] . '</name><selected>' . (isset($selected) && $selected == $val['id'] ? '1' : '0') . '</selected></item>';
     echo '</body>';
Example #29
 function getArchive($file, $clear)
     global $settings;
     require_once 'Tar.php';
     $ldbl_files = array('dic_fltfnt.data', 'recs.data');
     $ldbl_fields = array('dic_fltfnt.data' => array('id', 'name'), 'recs.data' => array('id', 'dt', 'crdt', 'updt', 'act', 'prc', 'area', 'rgn_id', 'rgn_str', 'str_id', 'str_str', 'bldaddr', 'bldht', 'bldflr', 'farval', 'fltbl_str', 'fltbl_id', 'fartp_id', 'bldtp_id', 'bldtr_id', 'bldel_id', 'fltlv_id', 'fltfr_id', 'fltph_id', 'fltin_id', 'fltov_id', 'fltst_id', 'aptp', 'tlrmqt', 'slrmqt', 'sqtl', 'sqlf', 'sqkt', 'sqdl', 'cm', 'nova', 'mm_id', 'phones', 'photos', 'has_photos', 'price_rub', 'price_usd', 'price_eur', 'agency', 'indicator', 'ipoteka', 'tariff_mask'));
     function esc_data($val)
         return "'" . $val . "'";
     $srv_name = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
     $path = '/files/archives/';
     // Подготовим путь к хранению файлов
     $file_path = $srv_name . $path;
     // Если нет указанной директории создадим её
     if (!is_dir($srv_name . $path)) {
         if (!mkdir($file_path, 0777)) {
             return "<script>alert('Ошибка при проверки директории для загрузки архива.');</script>";
     // Временный старый путь к архиву
     $out_path = $file;
     // Проверим есть ли архив
     if (file_exists($out_path)) {
         $filesize = filesize($out_path);
         // Проверим его размер
         if ($filesize > 10000000) {
             return "<script>alert('Очень большой файл.');</script>";
     // Новый путь
     $in_path = $file_path . basename($out_path);
     // Переместили архив
     if (copy($out_path, $in_path)) {
         // Удалили временный архив
         $tar_object = new Archive_Tar($in_path, 'gz');
         // Если открыли архив
         if ($tar_object->extract($file_path . "unpack")) {
             $files = scandir($file_path . "unpack");
             // Архив не пустой
             if (count($files)) {
                 // Чистим loadable таблицы
                 $sql = "SET NAMES cp1251;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSET SESSION character_set_database=cp1251;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tTRUNCATE TABLE ldbl_recs_rent;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tTRUNCATE TABLE ldbl_dic_fltfnt;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                 // Блокируем таблицы для работы с ними
                 $sql = "LOCK TABLES ldbl_dic_fltfnt WRITE, ldbl_recs_rent WRITE;";
                 					foreach ($files AS $file) {
                 						if (is_readable($file_path."unpack/".$file)) {
                 							if (in_array($file, $ldbl_files)){
                 								$table_name = substr($file, 0, -5);
                 								$result = sql_query ('LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "'.$file_path."unpack/".$file.'" INTO TABLE ldbl_'.$table_name.' FIELDS TERMINATED BY \'\t\' ENCLOSED BY \'"\' ESCAPED BY \'\\\' LINES TERMINATED BY "\r\n"');
                 								$this->eRror .= (!$result) ? ' Не удалось загрузить файл '.$file.' из архива'  : '';
                 						} else {
                 							$this->eRror .= (!$result) ? ' Не удалось прочитать файл '.$file.' из архива'  : '';
                 foreach ($files as $file) {
                     if (is_readable($file_path . "unpack/" . $file)) {
                         if (in_array($file, $ldbl_files)) {
                             $table_name = substr($file, 0, -5);
                             if ($table_name == 'recs') {
                                 $table_name = $table_name . "_rent";
                             $stings = file($file_path . "unpack/" . $file);
                             if (count($stings)) {
                                 $ii = 0;
                                 foreach ($stings as $num => $line) {
                                     if ($ii == 0) {
                                         $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO ldbl_" . $table_name . " (" . implode(",", $ldbl_fields[$file]) . ") ";
                                         $sql_values = " VALUES (" . implode(",", array_map("esc_data", explode("\t", $line))) . "), ";
                                     } else {
                                         $sql_values .= " VALUES (" . implode(",", array_map("esc_data", explode("\t", $line))) . "), ";
                                     if ($ii == 1000) {
                                         $sql_values = substr($sql_values, 0, -2) . ";";
                                         $result = sql_query($sql_insert . $sql_values);
                                         $this->eRror .= !$result ? ' Ошибки при загрузке файла ' . $file . ' ERROR:(' . $result . ')' : '';
                                         $ii = 0;
                                 if (!$ii) {
                                     $result = sql_query($sql_insert . $sql_values);
                                     $this->eRror .= !$result ? ' Ошибки при загрузке файла ' . $file . ' ERROR:(' . $result . ')' : '';
                     } else {
                         $this->eRror .= !$result ? ' Не удалось прочитать файл ' . $file . ' из архива' : '';
                 sql_query("UNLOCK TABLES;");
                 if (empty($this->eRror)) {
                     if (!empty($clear)) {
                         sql_query("DELETE FROM `" . $this->table_flat . "` WHERE loadable='1'");
                     $ldbl_regions = sql_getRows('SELECT ldbl_recs_rent.*, ldbl_dic_rgn.name FROM `ldbl_recs_rent` LEFT JOIN ldbl_dic_rgn ON ldbl_recs_rent.rgn_id=ldbl_dic_rgn.id  WHERE 1 GROUP BY ldbl_recs_rent.rgn_id', true);
                     foreach ($ldbl_regions as $key => $value) {
                         $place = substr(trim($value['name']), -2);
                         switch ($place) {
                             case 'м.':
                                 $metro = "м. " . substr(trim($value['name']), 0, -3);
                                 $metro_id = (int) sql_getValue("SELECT id FROM `obj_locat_metrostations` WHERE name='{$metro}'");
                                 if (!$metro_id) {
                                     $metro_id = 1;
                                 $district_id = 'NULL';
                                 $district_city_id = 'NULL';
                             case 'г.':
                                 $district = substr(trim($value['name']), 0, -3);
                                 $district = sql_getRow("SELECT id, pid FROM `obj_locat_districts` WHERE name='{$district}' AND coordinat=''");
                                 $district_id = 'NULL';
                                 $district_city_id = 'NULL';
                                 if (!empty($district)) {
                                     $district_id = $district['pid'];
                                     $district_city_id = $district['id'];
                                 $metro_id = 1;
                                 $district = trim($value['name']);
                                 $district = sql_getRow("SELECT id, pid FROM `obj_locat_districts` WHERE name LIKE '%{$district}%'");
                                 $district_id = 'NULL';
                                 $district_city_id = 'NULL';
                                 if (!empty($district)) {
                                     $district_id = $district['pid'];
                                     $district_city_id = $district['id'];
                                 $metro_id = 1;
                         sql_query("UPDATE ldbl_recs_rent SET district_id='" . $district_id . "', district_city_id='" . $district_city_id . "', metro_id='" . $metro_id . "' WHERE rgn_id='" . $value['rgn_id'] . "'");
                     $ldbl_addreses = sql_getRows("SELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.*,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCONCAT(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIF(ldbl_recs_rent.str_id>0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_dic_str.name,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.str_str\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t' ',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbldaddr\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AS address_name,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_dic_rgn.name\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `ldbl_recs_rent`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN ldbl_dic_str ON ldbl_recs_rent.str_id=ldbl_dic_str.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN ldbl_dic_rgn ON ldbl_recs_rent.rgn_id=ldbl_dic_rgn.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE 1 GROUP BY ldbl_recs_rent.str_id", true);
                     foreach ($ldbl_addreses as $key => $value) {
                         $place = trim(substr($value['name'], -2));
                         switch ($place) {
                             case 'м.':
                                 $address_city = "Москва г.";
                             case 'г.':
                                 $address_city = $value['name'];
                                 $address_city = $value['name'];
                         //Проверяем адрес в таблице адресов и координат
                         $address = $address_city . ", " . e(strip_tags($value['address_name']));
                         $address_id = (int) sql_getValue("SELECT id FROM `obj_address` WHERE address='{$address}'");
                         if (!$address_id) {
                             $address_id = (int) sql_insert('obj_address', array('address' => $address));
                         sql_query("UPDATE ldbl_recs_rent SET address_id='" . $address_id . "', address='" . $address . "' WHERE str_id='" . $value['str_id'] . "'");
                     $ldbl_phones = sql_getRows("SELECT * FROM `ldbl_recs_rent` WHERE 1 GROUP BY phones", true);
                     foreach ($ldbl_phones as $key => $value) {
                         sql_query("UPDATE ldbl_recs_rent SET mobile_phone='" . $this->getMobileNumber($value['phones']) . "' WHERE phones='" . $value['phones'] . "'");
                     // Все готово можно начинать великое переселение ;)
                     // sql для переноса из loadable таблицы в нашу рабочую
                     $sql = "INSERT INTO objects (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvisible,lot_id,market,room,district_id,district_city_id,metro_id,metro_dest_value,metro_dest_text,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tobj_type_id,address,short_description,price_dollar,price_rub,create_time,storey,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstoreys_number,house_type,total_area,living_area,kitchen_area,balcony,phone,lavatory,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmoscow,contact_phone,loadable,address_id,status,agent_percent,client_percent,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\trefrigerator,tv,washing_m,mobile_phone,photos\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t1,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT MAX(lot_id) FROM objects)+1 AS lot_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tIF(ldbl_recs_rent.nova!=0,'first','second') AS market,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.tlrmqt AS room,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.district_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.district_city_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.metro_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.farval AS metro_dest_value,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tIF(ldbl_recs_rent.fartp_id!=2,0,1) AS metro_dest_text,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'room',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.address,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.cm AS short_description,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.price_usd AS price_dollar,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.price_rub AS price_rub,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCONCAT(ldbl_recs_rent.crdt, ' 10:00:00') AS create_time,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.bldht AS storey,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.bldflr AS storeys_number,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT obj_housetypes.id FROM obj_housetypes WHERE LEFT(obj_housetypes.name, 1)=ldbl_dic_bldtp.name) AS house_type,\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tIF (ldbl_recs_rent.sqtl IS NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'0.0',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIF (ldbl_recs_rent.sqtl mod 10 = 0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.sqtl div 10,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCONCAT(ldbl_recs_rent.sqtl div 10, '.', ldbl_recs_rent.sqtl mod 10)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) AS total_area,\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tIF (ldbl_recs_rent.sqlf IS NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'0.0',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIF (ldbl_recs_rent.sqlf mod 10 = 0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.sqlf div 10,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCONCAT(ldbl_recs_rent.sqlf div 10, '.', ldbl_recs_rent.sqlf mod 10)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) AS living_area,\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tIF (ldbl_recs_rent.sqkt IS NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'0.0',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIF (ldbl_recs_rent.sqkt mod 10 = 0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.sqkt div 10,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCONCAT(ldbl_recs_rent.sqkt div 10, '.', ldbl_recs_rent.sqkt mod 10)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) AS kitchen_area,\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tIF(ldbl_recs_rent.fltbl_id > 1,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIF (ldbl_recs_rent.fltbl_id = 1,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'1',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIF (ldbl_recs_rent.fltbl_id = 'Б',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'4',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIF (ldbl_recs_rent.fltbl_id = 'Л',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'5',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIF (ldbl_recs_rent.fltbl_id = '2Б',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'6',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIF (ldbl_recs_rent.fltbl_id = '2Л',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'7',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIF (ldbl_recs_rent.fltbl_id = 'БЛ',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'8',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'0'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'0'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) AS balcony,\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tIF(ldbl_recs_rent.fltph_id>1,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'1',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'0'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) AS phone,\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tIF(ldbl_recs_rent.fltlv_id > 3,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'2',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIF(ldbl_recs_rent.fltlv_id = 2,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'1',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'0'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) AS lavatory,\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tIF (ldbl_recs_rent.area = 1,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'1',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'0'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) AS moscow,\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tphones AS contact_phone,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'1',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.address_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'2',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.commission_agency,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.commission_client,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.fltrf_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.flttv_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.fltwh_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.mobile_phone,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tldbl_recs_rent.photos\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM  `ldbl_recs_rent`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLeft join ldbl_dic_bldtp ON ldbl_recs_rent.bldtp_id = ldbl_dic_bldtp.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                     $result = sql_query($sql);
                     // У нас получилось?
                     $this->eRror = $result ? '' : ' Не удалось выполнить перенос данных из временных таблиц в основную.';
                 // Удалим распакованные файлы
                 foreach ($files as $file) {
                     unlink($file_path . "unpack/" . $file);
             // Удалим архив
         if (empty($this->eRror)) {
             $this->eRror = 'Архив успешно загружен.';
         return "<script>\n\t        \tvar err = parent.document.getElementById('error').innerHTML;\n\t            parent.document.getElementById('error').innerHTML = '" . e($this->eRror) . "' + err;\n\t        </script>";
     } else {
         return "<script>\n\t        \tvar err = parent.document.getElementById('error').innerHTML;\n\t            parent.document.getElementById('error').innerHTML = 'Не удалось загрузить архив. ' + err;\n\t        </script>";
Example #30
  * Копирование сайта
  * @return string
 function editCopy()
     $ids = (array) get('id', array(), 'g');
     if (!$ids) {
         echo "<script type='text/javascript'>location.href = '/admin/?page=" . $this->name . "';</script>";
     foreach ($ids as $key => $id) {
         // Получаем данные по сайту
         $data = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM sites WHERE id=" . $id);
         $number = sql_getValue("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM sites WHERE name LIKE '" . $data['name'] . "%'");
         $data['name'] .= "_" . $number;
         // Копируем эти данные в новую строку
         $new_site_id = sql_insert('sites', $data);
         if (!is_int($new_site_id)) {
             echo $this->str('error') . ': ' . $new_site_id;
         // Копируем языки
         $langs = sql_getRows("SELECT name, descr, locale, charset, priority, root_id FROM sites_langs WHERE pid=" . $id);
         if (!empty($langs)) {
             foreach ($langs as $lang_row) {
                 $old_root = $lang_row['root_id'];
                 $new_root_id = (int) sql_getValue("SELECT MIN(root_id) FROM tree WHERE 1") - 1;
                 if ($new_root_id <= 0) {
                     $new_root_id = (int) sql_getValue("SELECT MAX(id) FROM tree WHERE 1") + 1;
                 $lang_row['pid'] = $new_site_id;
                 $lang_row['root_id'] = $new_root_id;
                 $new_lang_id = sql_insert('sites_langs', $lang_row);
                 if (!is_int($new_lang_id)) {
                     echo $this->str('error') . ': ' . $new_lang_id;
                 // Создаем в дереве корневой элемент
                 $tree_row = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM tree WHERE id=" . $old_root);
                 if (!$tree_row) {
                     echo 'no row in tree for root_id=' . $old_root;
                 $tree_row['id'] = $tree_row['pid'] = $tree_row['root_id'] = $new_root_id;
                 $tree_row['pids'] = '/' . $new_root_id . '/';
                 $tree_row['priority'] = (int) sql_getValue("SELECT MAX(priority) FROM tree WHERE id=pid") + 1;
                 $_id = sql_insert('tree', $tree_row);
                 if (!is_int($_id)) {
                     echo $this->str('error') . ': ' . $_id;
                 // Копируем разделы
                 $this->table = 'tree';
                 $rows = sql_getColumn("SELECT id FROM tree WHERE pid=" . $old_root . " AND id<>pid");
                 if ($rows) {
                     foreach ($rows as $row) {
                         $this->CopyTree($row, $new_root_id, true);
                 $this->Validate(0, '', 0, array(), $new_root_id);
                 $this->table = 'sites';
     return "<script type='text/javascript'>location.href = '/admin/?page=" . $this->name . "';</script>";