function getLink($table = '', $linkField = '', $pk = '', $id = '', $path = '')
    if (!$id || !$table || !$linkField || !$pk) {
        // default link to return
    if (preg_match('/^Lookup: (.*?)::(.*?)::(.*?)$/', $path, $m)) {
        $linkID = makeSafe(sqlValue("select `{$linkField}` from `{$table}` where `{$pk}`='{$id}'"));
        $link = sqlValue("select `{$m[3]}` from `{$m[1]}` where `{$m[2]}`='{$linkID}'");
    } else {
        $link = sqlValue("select `{$linkField}` from `{$table}` where `{$pk}`='{$id}'");
    if (!$link) {
    if (preg_match('/^(http|ftp)/i', $link)) {
        // if the link points to an external url, don't prepend path
        $path = '';
    } elseif (!is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . "/{$path}{$link}")) {
        // if the file doesn't exist in the given path, try to find it without the path
        $path = '';
    @header("Location: {$path}{$link}");
Example #2
 * This hook function is called when send mail.
 * @param $mail_info 
 * An array contains mail information : to,cc,bcc,subject,message
function smtp_mail($mail_info)
    /* include phpmailer library */
    require dirname(__FILE__) . "/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php";
    require dirname(__FILE__) . "/phpmailer/class.smtp.php";
    /* create mail_log table if it doesn't exist */
    $database_tabels = str_split(sqlValue("SHOW TABLES"));
    $exist = in_array('mail_log', $database_tabels) ? True : False;
    if (!$exist) {
        $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mail_log` (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`mail_id` int(15) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`to` varchar(225) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`cc` varchar(225) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`bcc` varchar(225) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`subject` varchar(225) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`body` text NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`senttime` int(15) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`mail_id`)\r\n\t\t\t\t   ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;\r\n\t\t\t\t   ";
        sql($sql, $eo);
    /* SMTP configuration*/
    $mail = new PHPMailer();
    // telling the class to use SMTP
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
    // Enable SMTP authentication
    // Set email format to HTML
    $mail->SMTPDebug = 0;
    // Enable verbose debug output
    $mail->Username = SMTP_USER;
    // SMTP username
    $mail->Password = SMTP_PASSWORD;
    // SMTP password
    $mail->SMTPSecure = SMTP_SECURE;
    // Enable TLS encryption, `ssl` also accepted
    $mail->Port = SMTP_PORT;
    // TCP port to connect to
    $mail->FromName = SMTP_FROM_NAME;
    $mail->From = SMTP_FROM;
    $mail->Host = SMTP_SERVER;
    // SMTP server
    $mail->setFrom(SMTP_FROM, SMTP_FROM_NAME);
    /* send to */
    $mail->Subject = $mail_info['subject'];
    $mail->Body = $mail_info['message'];
    if (!$mail->send()) {
        return FALSE;
    /* protect against malicious SQL injection attacks */
    $to = makeSafe($mail_info['to']);
    $cc = makeSafe($mail_info['cc']);
    $bcc = makeSafe(SMTP_BCC);
    $subject = makeSafe($mail_info['subject']);
    $message = makeSafe($mail_info['message']);
    sql("INSERT INTO `mail_log` (`to`,`cc`,`bcc`,`subject`,`body`,`senttime`) VALUES ('{$to}','{$cc}','{$bcc}','{$subject}','{$message}',unix_timestamp(NOW()))", $eo);
    return TRUE;
Example #3
function auth_user()
    global $usr, $login;
    if ($login->userid != 0) {
        //set up $usr array
        $usr['userid'] = $login->userid;
        $usr['email'] = sqlValue("SELECT `email` FROM `user` WHERE `user_id`='" . sql_escape($login->userid) . "'", '');
        $usr['username'] = $login->username;
    } else {
        $usr = false;
            $statusCond = "(m.isApproved=1 and m.isBanned=0)";
        case 3:
            $statusCond = "(m.isApproved=1 and m.isBanned=1)";
            $statusCond = "";
    if ($where != '' && $statusCond != '') {
        $where .= " and {$statusCond}";
    } else {
        $where = "where {$statusCond}";
# NEXT: Add a dateAfter and dateBefore filter [??]
$numMembers = sqlValue("select count(1) from membership_users m left join membership_groups g on m.groupID=g.groupID {$where}");
if (!$numMembers) {
    echo "<div class=\"status\">No matching results found.</div>";
    $noResults = TRUE;
    $page = 1;
} else {
    $noResults = FALSE;
$page = intval($_GET['page']);
if ($page < 1) {
    $page = 1;
} elseif ($page > ceil($numMembers / $adminConfig['membersPerPage']) && !$noResults) {
    redirect("pageViewMembers.php?page=" . ceil($numMembers / $adminConfig['membersPerPage']));
$start = ($page - 1) * $adminConfig['membersPerPage'];
Example #5
     if ($longitude == 0) {
         tpl_set_var('lon_message', $error_long_not_ok);
         $error = true;
         $lon_min_not_ok = true;
 } else {
     tpl_set_var('lon_message', $error_long_not_ok);
     $lon_h_not_ok = true;
     $lon_min_not_ok = true;
 $lon_not_ok = $lon_min_not_ok || $lon_h_not_ok;
 $lat_not_ok = $lat_min_not_ok || $lat_h_not_ok;
 // check for duplicate coords
 if (!($lon_not_ok || $lat_not_ok)) {
     $duplicate_wpoc = sqlValue("SELECT MIN(wp_oc) FROM `caches`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t                           WHERE `status`=1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t                             AND ROUND(`longitude`,6)=ROUND('" . sql_escape($longitude) . "',6)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t                             AND ROUND(`latitude`,6)=ROUND('" . sql_escape($latitude) . "',6)", null);
     if ($duplicate_wpoc) {
         tpl_set_var('lon_message', mb_ereg_replace('%1', $duplicate_wpoc, $error_duplicate_coords));
         $lon_not_ok = true;
 //check effort
 $time_not_ok = true;
 if (is_numeric($search_time) || $search_time == '') {
     $time_not_ok = false;
 if ($time_not_ok) {
     tpl_set_var('effort_message', $time_not_ok_message);
     $error = true;
 $way_length_not_ok = true;
Example #6
function is_allowed_username($username)
    $username = trim(strtolower($username));
    if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9 _.@]{3,19}$/', $username) || preg_match('/(@@|  |\\.\\.|___)/', $username)) {
        return false;
    if (sqlValue("select count(1) from membership_users where lcase(memberID)='{$username}'")) {
        return false;
    return $username;
Example #7

<div class="row">
	<div class="col-sm-6 col-lg-8" id="login_splash">
		<!-- customized splash content here -->
	<div class="col-sm-6 col-lg-4">
		<div class="panel panel-success">

			<div class="panel-heading">
				<h1 class="panel-title"><strong><?php 
echo $Translation['sign in here'];
if (sqlValue("select count(1) from membership_groups where allowSignup=1")) {
					<a class="btn btn-success pull-right" href="membership_signup.php"><?php 
    echo $Translation['sign up'];
				<div class="clearfix"></div>

			<div class="panel-body">
				<form method="post" action="index.php">
					<div class="form-group">
						<label class="control-label" for="username"><?php 
 $permissionsWhere = $permissionsJoin = '';
 if ($permChild[2] == 1) {
     // user can view only his own records
     $permissionsWhere = "`{$ChildTable}`.`{$userPCConfig[$ChildTable][$ChildLookupField]['child-primary-key']}`=`membership_userrecords`.`pkValue` AND `membership_userrecords`.`tableName`='{$ChildTable}' AND LCASE(`membership_userrecords`.`memberID`)='" . getLoggedMemberID() . "'";
 } elseif ($permChild[2] == 2) {
     // user can view only his group's records
     $permissionsWhere = "`{$ChildTable}`.`{$userPCConfig[$ChildTable][$ChildLookupField]['child-primary-key']}`=`membership_userrecords`.`pkValue` AND `membership_userrecords`.`tableName`='{$ChildTable}' AND `membership_userrecords`.`groupID`='" . getLoggedGroupID() . "'";
 } elseif ($permChild[2] == 3) {
     // user can view all records
     /* that's the only case remaining ... no need to modify the query in this case */
 $permissionsJoin = $permissionsWhere ? ", `membership_userrecords`" : '';
 // build the count query
 $forcedWhere = $userPCConfig[$ChildTable][$ChildLookupField]['forced-where'];
 $query = preg_replace('/^select .* from /i', 'SELECT count(1) FROM ', $userPCConfig[$ChildTable][$ChildLookupField]['query']) . $permissionsJoin . " WHERE " . ($permissionsWhere ? "( {$permissionsWhere} )" : "( 1=1 )") . " AND " . ($forcedWhere ? "( {$forcedWhere} )" : "( 2=2 )") . " AND " . "`{$ChildTable}`.`{$ChildLookupField}`='" . makeSafe($SelectedID) . "'";
 $totalMatches = sqlValue($query);
 // make sure $Page is <= max pages
 $maxPage = ceil($totalMatches / $userPCConfig[$ChildTable][$ChildLookupField]['records-per-page']);
 if ($Page > $maxPage) {
     $Page = $maxPage;
 // initiate output data array
 $data = array('config' => $userPCConfig[$ChildTable][$ChildLookupField], 'parameters' => array('ChildTable' => $ChildTable, 'ChildLookupField' => $ChildLookupField, 'SelectedID' => $SelectedID, 'Page' => $Page, 'SortBy' => $SortBy, 'SortDirection' => $SortDirection, 'Operation' => 'get-records'), 'records' => array(), 'totalMatches' => $totalMatches);
 // build the data query
 if ($totalMatches) {
     // if we have at least one record, proceed with fetching data
     $startRecord = $userPCConfig[$ChildTable][$ChildLookupField]['records-per-page'] * ($Page - 1);
     $data['query'] = $userPCConfig[$ChildTable][$ChildLookupField]['query'] . $permissionsJoin . " WHERE " . ($permissionsWhere ? "( {$permissionsWhere} )" : "( 1=1 )") . " AND " . ($forcedWhere ? "( {$forcedWhere} )" : "( 2=2 )") . " AND " . "`{$ChildTable}`.`{$ChildLookupField}`='" . makeSafe($SelectedID) . "'" . ($SortBy !== false && $userPCConfig[$ChildTable][$ChildLookupField]['sortable-fields'][$SortBy] ? " ORDER BY {$userPCConfig[$ChildTable][$ChildLookupField]['sortable-fields'][$SortBy]} {$SortDirection}" : '') . " LIMIT {$startRecord}, {$userPCConfig[$ChildTable][$ChildLookupField]['records-per-page']}";
     $res = sql($data['query'], $eo);
     while ($row = db_fetch_row($res)) {
         $data['records'][$row[$userPCConfig[$ChildTable][$ChildLookupField]['child-primary-key-index']]] = $row;
Example #9
 $cache_uuid = create_uuid();
 mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
 //add record to caches table
 sql("INSERT INTO `caches` (\n                                                `cache_id`,\n                                                `user_id`,\n                                                `name`,\n                                                `longitude`,\n                                                `latitude`,\n                                                `last_modified`,\n                                                `date_created`,\n                                                `type` ,\n                                                `status` ,\n                                                `country` ,\n                                                `date_hidden` ,\n                                                `date_activate` ,\n                                                `founds` ,\n                                                `notfounds` ,\n                                                `notes` ,\n                                                `last_found` ,\n                                                `size` ,\n                                                `difficulty` ,\n                                                `terrain`,\n                                                `uuid`,\n                                                `logpw`,\n                                                `search_time`,\n                                                `way_length`,\n                                                `wp_gc`,\n                                                `wp_nc`,\n                                                `wp_ge`,\n                                                `wp_tc`,\n                                                `node`\n                                            ) VALUES (\n                                                '', '&1', '&2', '&3', '&4', NOW(), NOW(), '&5', '&6', '&7', '&8', {$activation_date}, '0', '0', '0', NULL ,\n                                                '&9', '&10', '&11', '&12', '&13', '&14', '&15', '&16', '&17', '&18','&19','&20')", $usr['userid'], $name, $longitude, $latitude, $sel_type, $sel_status, $sel_country, date('Y-m-d', $hidden_date), $sel_size, $difficulty, $terrain, $cache_uuid, $log_pw, $search_time, $way_length, $wp_gc, $wp_nc, $wp_ge, $wp_tc, $oc_nodeid);
 $cache_id = mysql_insert_id($dblink);
 // insert cache_location
 $code1 = $sel_country;
 $adm1 = sqlvalue("SELECT `countries`.{$lang}\n                                     FROM `countries`\n                                    WHERE `countries`.`short`='{$code1}'", 0);
 // check if selected country has no districts, then use $default_region
 if ($sel_region == -1) {
     $sel_region = $default_region;
 if ($sel_region != "0") {
     $code3 = $sel_region;
     $adm3 = sqlValue("SELECT `name` FROM `nuts_codes` WHERE `code`='" . sql_escape($sel_region) . "'", 0);
 } else {
     $code3 = null;
     $adm3 = null;
 sql("INSERT INTO `cache_location` (cache_id,adm1,adm3,code1,code3) VALUES ('&1','&2','&3','&4','&5')", $cache_id, $adm1, $adm3, $code1, $code3);
 // update cache last modified, it is for work of cache_locations update information
 sql("UPDATE `caches` SET `last_modified`=NOW() WHERE `cache_id`='&1'", $cache_id);
 // waypoint erstellen
 setCacheWaypoint($cache_id, $oc_waypoint);
 $desc_uuid = create_uuid();
 //add record to cache_desc table
 $desc = userInputFilter::purifyHtmlString($desc);
 $query = "INSERT INTO `cache_desc` (\n                                                `cache_id`,\n                                                `language`,\n                                                `desc`,\n                                                `hint`,\n                                                `short_desc`,\n                                                `last_modified`,\n                                                `uuid`,\n                                                `node`\n                                            ) VALUES (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, NOW(), :6, :7)";
 $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $cache_id, $sel_lang, $desc, nl2br(htmlspecialchars($hints, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')), $short_desc, $desc_uuid, $oc_nodeid);
        @mail($adminConfig['senderEmail'], '[real estate] New member signup', "A new member has signed up for real estate.\n\nMember name: {$memberID}\nMember group: " . sqlValue("select name from membership_groups where groupID='{$groupID}'") . "\nMember email: {$email}\nIP address: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}\nCustom fields:\n" . ($adminConfig['custom1'] ? "{$adminConfig['custom1']}: {$custom1}\n" : '') . ($adminConfig['custom2'] ? "{$adminConfig['custom2']}: {$custom2}\n" : '') . ($adminConfig['custom3'] ? "{$adminConfig['custom3']}: {$custom3}\n" : '') . ($adminConfig['custom4'] ? "{$adminConfig['custom4']}: {$custom4}\n" : ''), "From: {$adminConfig['senderEmail']}\r\n\r\n");
    } elseif ($adminConfig['notifyAdminNewMembers'] >= 1 && $needsApproval) {
        @mail($adminConfig['senderEmail'], '[real estate] New member awaiting approval', "A new member has signed up for real estate.\n\nMember name: {$memberID}\nMember group: " . sqlValue("select name from membership_groups where groupID='{$groupID}'") . "\nMember email: {$email}\nIP address: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}\nCustom fields:\n" . ($adminConfig['custom1'] ? "{$adminConfig['custom1']}: {$custom1}\n" : '') . ($adminConfig['custom2'] ? "{$adminConfig['custom2']}: {$custom2}\n" : '') . ($adminConfig['custom3'] ? "{$adminConfig['custom3']}: {$custom3}\n" : '') . ($adminConfig['custom4'] ? "{$adminConfig['custom4']}: {$custom4}\n" : ''), "From: {$adminConfig['senderEmail']}\r\n\r\n");
    // hook: member_activity
    if (function_exists('member_activity')) {
        $args = array();
        member_activity(getMemberInfo($memberID), $needsApproval ? 'pending' : 'automatic', $args);
    // redirect to thanks page
    $redirect = $needsApproval ? '' : '?redir=1';
// drop-down of groups allowing self-signup
$groupsDropDown = preg_replace('/<option.*?value="".*?><\\/option>/i', '', htmlSQLSelect('groupID', "select groupID, concat(name, if(needsApproval=1, ' *', ' ')) from membership_groups where allowSignup=1 order by name", $cg == 1 ? sqlValue("select groupID from membership_groups where allowSignup=1 order by name limit 1") : 0));
$groupsDropDown = str_replace('<select ', '<select class="form-control" ', $groupsDropDown);

if (!$noSignup) {
	<div class="row">
		<div class="hidden-xs col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg-8" id="signup_splash">
			<!-- customized splash content here -->

		<div class="col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
			<div class="panel panel-success">

				<div class="panel-heading">
Example #11

global $lang, $rootpath;
if (!isset($rootpath)) {
    $rootpath = './';
//include template handling
require_once $rootpath . 'lib/';
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'pl_PL.UTF-8');
$userscount = sqlValue('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) FROM caches WHERE (status=1 OR `status`=2 OR `status`=3)', 0);
$cachescount = sqlValue('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `caches` WHERE (`status`=1 OR `status`=2 OR `status`=3)  AND `caches`.`type`<>6', 0);
echo '<table width="97%"><tr><td align="center"><center><b> ' . tr('ranking_by_number_of_created_caches') . '</b><br><br /> ' . tr('users_who_created_caches') . ':';
echo $userscount;
echo ' .::. ' . tr('number_of_caches') . ': ';
echo $cachescount;
echo '</center><br /></td></tr></table><table border="1" bgcolor="white" width="97%">' . "\n";
$r = sql("SELECT COUNT(*) `count`, `user`.`username` `username`, `user`.`user_id` `user_id` FROM `caches` INNER JOIN `user` ON `caches`.`user_id`=`user`.`user_id` WHERE (`caches`.`status`=1 OR `caches`.`status`=2 OR `caches`.`status`=3 ) AND `caches`.`type`<>6 AND user.stat_ban = 0 GROUP BY `user`.`user_id` ORDER BY `count` DESC, `user`.`username` ASC");
echo '<tr class="bgcolor2"><td align="right">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>' . tr('ranking') . '</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="center">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>' . tr('number_of_caches') . '</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="center">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>' . tr('username') . '</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td height="2">';
$l2 = "";
$licznik = 0;
while ($line = sql_fetch_array($r)) {
    $l1 = $line[count];
    if ($l2 != $l1) {
        echo '</td></tr>';
        echo '<tr class="bgcolor2"><td align="right">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>' . $licznik . '</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="right">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>' . $l1 . '</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td><a href="viewprofile.php?userid=' . $line[user_id] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($line[username]) . '</a>';
        $l2 = $l1;
    } else {
        echo ', <a href="viewprofile.php?userid=' . $line[user_id] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($line[username]) . '</a>';
Example #12
     // add group
     sql("insert into membership_groups set name='{$name}', description='{$description}', allowSignup='{$allowSignup}', needsApproval='{$needsApproval}'", $eo);
     // get new groupID
     $groupID = db_insert_id(db_link());
 } else {
     // old group
     // validate groupID
     $groupID = intval($_POST['groupID']);
     if ($groupID == $anonGroupID) {
         $name = $adminConfig['anonymousGroup'];
         $allowSignup = 0;
         $needsApproval = 0;
     // make sure group name is unique
     if (sqlValue("select count(1) from membership_groups where name='{$name}' and groupID!='{$groupID}'")) {
         echo "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">Error: Group name already exists. You must choose a unique group name.</div>";
         include "{$currDir}/incFooter.php";
     // update group
     sql("update membership_groups set name='{$name}', description='{$description}', allowSignup='{$allowSignup}', needsApproval='{$needsApproval}' where groupID='{$groupID}'", $eo);
     // reset then add group permissions
     sql("delete from membership_grouppermissions where groupID='{$groupID}' and tableName='customers'", $eo);
     sql("delete from membership_grouppermissions where groupID='{$groupID}' and tableName='employees'", $eo);
     sql("delete from membership_grouppermissions where groupID='{$groupID}' and tableName='orders'", $eo);
     sql("delete from membership_grouppermissions where groupID='{$groupID}' and tableName='order_details'", $eo);
     sql("delete from membership_grouppermissions where groupID='{$groupID}' and tableName='products'", $eo);
     sql("delete from membership_grouppermissions where groupID='{$groupID}' and tableName='categories'", $eo);
     sql("delete from membership_grouppermissions where groupID='{$groupID}' and tableName='suppliers'", $eo);
     sql("delete from membership_grouppermissions where groupID='{$groupID}' and tableName='shippers'", $eo);
        if ($oldMemberID != $memberID) {
            sql("update membership_userrecords set memberID='{$memberID}' where lcase(memberID)='{$oldMemberID}'");
        // is member was approved, notify him
        if ($isApproved && !$oldIsApproved) {
    // redirect to member editing page
} elseif ($_GET['memberID'] != '') {
    // we have an edit request for a member
    $memberID = makeSafe(strtolower($_GET['memberID']));
} elseif ($_GET['groupID'] != '') {
    $groupID = intval($_GET['groupID']);
    $addend = " to '" . sqlValue("select name from membership_groups where groupID='{$groupID}'") . "'";
include "{$d}/incHeader.php";
if ($memberID != '') {
    // fetch group data to fill in the form below
    $res = sql("select * from membership_users where lcase(memberID)='{$memberID}'");
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        // get member data
        $email = $row['email'];
        $groupID = $row['groupID'];
        $isApproved = $row['isApproved'];
        $isBanned = $row['isBanned'];
        $custom1 = htmlspecialchars($row['custom1']);
        $custom2 = htmlspecialchars($row['custom2']);
        $custom3 = htmlspecialchars($row['custom3']);
        $custom4 = htmlspecialchars($row['custom4']);
 * Called when a user requests to view the detail view (before displaying the detail view).
 * @param $selectedID
 * The primary key value of the record selected. False if no record is selected (i.e. the detail view will be 
 * displayed to enter a new record).
 * @param $memberInfo
 * An array containing logged member's info.
 * @see
 * @param $html
 * (passed by reference) the HTML code of the form ready to be displayed. This could be useful for manipulating 
 * the code before displaying it using regular expressions, … etc.
 * @param $args
 * An empty array that is passed by reference. It's currently not used but is reserved for future uses.
 * @return
 * None.
function patients_dv($selectedID, $memberInfo, &$html, &$args)
    // re-calculate age
    if ($selectedID) {
        $dobTS = strtotime(sqlValue("select birth_date from patients where id='" . intval($selectedID) . "'"));
        if ($dobTS) {
            // calculate age in years from timestamps (seconds)
            $age = floor((time() - $dobTS) / (365 * 86400));
            // update age in database
            sql("update patients set age={$age} where id='" . intval($selectedID) . "'");
            // update age in page
            $html .= "\n\n<script>document.observe('dom:loaded', function() { \$('age').value='{$age}'; });</script>";
 $user_id = $usr['userid'];
 $latitude = sqlValue("SELECT `latitude` FROM user WHERE user_id='" . sql_escape($usr['userid']) . "'", 0);
 $longitude = sqlValue("SELECT `longitude` FROM user WHERE user_id='" . sql_escape($usr['userid']) . "'", 0);
 tpl_set_var('userid', $user_id);
 if ($longitude == NULL && $latitude == NULL || $longitude == 0 && $latitude == 0) {
     tpl_set_var('info', '<br><div class="notice" style="line-height: 1.4em;font-size: 120%;"><b>' . tr("myn_info") . '</b></div><br>');
 } else {
     tpl_set_var('info', '');
 if ($latitude == NULL || $latitude == 0) {
     $latitude = 52.24522;
 if ($longitude == NULL || $longitude == 0) {
     $longitude = 21.00442;
 $distance = sqlValue("SELECT `notify_radius` FROM user WHERE user_id='" . sql_escape($usr['userid']) . "'", 0);
 if ($distance == 0) {
     $distance = 35;
 $distance_unit = 'km';
 $radius = $distance;
 //get the users home coords
 $lat = $latitude;
 $lon = $longitude;
 $lon_rad = $lon * 3.14159 / 180;
 $lat_rad = $lat * 3.14159 / 180;
 //all target caches are between lat - max_lat_diff and lat + max_lat_diff
 $max_lat_diff = $distance / 111.12;
 //all target caches are between lon - max_lon_diff and lon + max_lon_diff
 //TODO: check!!!
 $max_lon_diff = $distance * 180 / (abs(sin((90 - $lat) * 3.14159 / 180)) * 6378 * 3.14159);
Example #16
function categories_form($selected_id = '', $AllowUpdate = 1, $AllowInsert = 1, $AllowDelete = 1, $ShowCancel = 0)
    // function to return an editable form for a table records
    // and fill it with data of record whose ID is $selected_id. If $selected_id
    // is empty, an empty form is shown, with only an 'Add New'
    // button displayed.
    global $Translation;
    // mm: get table permissions
    $arrPerm = getTablePermissions('categories');
    if (!$arrPerm[1] && $selected_id == '') {
        return '';
    $AllowInsert = $arrPerm[1] ? true : false;
    // print preview?
    $dvprint = false;
    if ($selected_id && $_REQUEST['dvprint_x'] != '') {
        $dvprint = true;
    // populate filterers, starting from children to grand-parents
    // unique random identifier
    $rnd1 = $dvprint ? rand(1000000, 9999999) : '';
    if ($selected_id) {
        // mm: check member permissions
        if (!$arrPerm[2]) {
            return "";
        // mm: who is the owner?
        $ownerGroupID = sqlValue("select groupID from membership_userrecords where tableName='categories' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        $ownerMemberID = sqlValue("select lcase(memberID) from membership_userrecords where tableName='categories' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 1 && getLoggedMemberID() != $ownerMemberID) {
            return "";
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 2 && getLoggedGroupID() != $ownerGroupID) {
            return "";
        // can edit?
        if ($arrPerm[3] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[3] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[3] == 3) {
            $AllowUpdate = 1;
        } else {
            $AllowUpdate = 0;
        $res = sql("select * from `categories` where `CategoryID`='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'", $eo);
        if (!($row = db_fetch_array($res))) {
            return error_message($Translation['No records found']);
        $urow = $row;
        /* unsanitized data */
        $hc = new CI_Input();
        $row = $hc->xss_clean($row);
        /* sanitize data */
    } else {

		// initial lookup values

		jQuery(function() {
    $lookups = str_replace('__RAND__', $rnd1, ob_get_contents());
    // code for template based detail view forms
    // open the detail view template
    if ($dvprint) {
        $templateCode = @file_get_contents('./templates/categories_templateDVP.html');
    } else {
        $templateCode = @file_get_contents('./templates/categories_templateDV.html');
    // process form title
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DETAIL_VIEW_TITLE%%>', 'Add/Edit Product Categories', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%RND1%%>', $rnd1, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%EMBEDDED%%>', $_REQUEST['Embedded'] ? 'Embedded=1' : '', $templateCode);
    // process buttons
    if ($arrPerm[1] && !$selected_id) {
        // allow insert and no record selected?
        if (!$selected_id) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return categories_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save New'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return categories_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save As Copy'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // 'Back' button action
    if ($_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
        $backAction = 'window.parent.jQuery(\'.modal\').modal(\'hide\'); return false;';
    } else {
        $backAction = '$$(\'form\')[0].writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.reset(); return true;';
    if ($selected_id) {
        if (!$_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DVPRINT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="dvprint" name="dvprint_x" value="1" onclick="$$(\'form\')[0].writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.reset(); return true;"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-print"></i> ' . $Translation['Print Preview'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        if ($AllowUpdate) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-lg" id="update" name="update_x" value="1" onclick="return categories_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i> ' . $Translation['Save Changes'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        if ($arrPerm[4] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[4] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[4] == 3) {
            // allow delete?
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" id="delete" name="delete_x" value="1" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $Translation['are you sure?'] . '\');"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i> ' . $Translation['Delete'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', $ShowCancel ? '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>' : '', $templateCode);
    // set records to read only if user can't insert new records and can't edit current record
    if ($selected_id && !$AllowUpdate || !$selected_id && !$AllowInsert) {
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#Picture').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"Picture\">' + (jQuery('#Picture').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#CategoryName').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"CategoryName\">' + (jQuery('#CategoryName').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('.select2-container').hide();\n";
        $noUploads = true;
    } elseif ($AllowInsert && !$selected_id || $AllowUpdate && $selected_id) {
        $jsEditable .= "\tjQuery('form').eq(0).data('already_changed', true);";
        // temporarily disable form change handler
        $jsEditable .= "\tjQuery('form').eq(0).data('already_changed', false);";
        // re-enable form change handler
    // process combos
    /* lookup fields array: 'lookup field name' => array('parent table name', 'lookup field caption') */
    $lookup_fields = array();
    foreach ($lookup_fields as $luf => $ptfc) {
        $pt_perm = getTablePermissions($ptfc[0]);
        // process foreign key links
        if ($pt_perm['view'] || $pt_perm['edit']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace("<%%PLINK({$luf})%%>", '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default view_parent hspacer-lg" id="' . $ptfc[0] . '_view_parent" title="' . htmlspecialchars($Translation['View'] . ' ' . $ptfc[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></i></button>', $templateCode);
        // if user has insert permission to parent table of a lookup field, put an add new button
        if ($pt_perm['insert'] && !$_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace("<%%ADDNEW({$ptfc[0]})%%>", '<button type="button" class="btn btn-success add_new_parent" id="' . $ptfc[0] . '_add_new" title="' . htmlspecialchars($Translation['Add New'] . ' ' . $ptfc[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i></button>', $templateCode);
    // process images
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(CategoryID)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(Picture)%%>', $noUploads ? '' : '<input type=hidden name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=204800>' . $Translation['upload image'] . ' <input type="file" name="Picture" id="Picture">', $templateCode);
    if ($AllowUpdate && $row['Picture'] != '') {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%REMOVEFILE(Picture)%%>', '<br><input type="checkbox" name="Picture_remove" id="Picture_remove" value="1"> <label for="Picture_remove" style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">' . $Translation['remove image'] . '</label>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%REMOVEFILE(Picture)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(CategoryName)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(Description)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // process values
    if ($selected_id) {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CategoryID)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['CategoryID'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CategoryID)%%>', urlencode($urow['CategoryID']), $templateCode);
        $row['Picture'] = $row['Picture'] != '' ? $row['Picture'] : 'blank.gif';
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Picture)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['Picture'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Picture)%%>', urlencode($urow['Picture']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CategoryName)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['CategoryName'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CategoryName)%%>', urlencode($urow['CategoryName']), $templateCode);
        if ($AllowUpdate || $AllowInsert) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(Description)%%>', '<textarea name="Description" id="Description" rows="5">' . htmlspecialchars($row['Description'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '</textarea>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(Description)%%>', $row['Description'], $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Description)%%>', nl2br($row['Description']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Description)%%>', urlencode($urow['Description']), $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CategoryID)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CategoryID)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Picture)%%>', 'blank.gif', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CategoryName)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CategoryName)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(Description)%%>', '<textarea name="Description" id="Description" rows="5"></textarea>', $templateCode);
    // process translations
    foreach ($Translation as $symbol => $trans) {
        $templateCode = str_replace("<%%TRANSLATION({$symbol})%%>", $trans, $templateCode);
    // clear scrap
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%', '<!-- ', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('%%>', ' -->', $templateCode);
    // hide links to inaccessible tables
    if ($_POST['dvprint_x'] == '') {
        $templateCode .= "\n\n<script>\$j(function(){\n";
        $arrTables = getTableList();
        foreach ($arrTables as $name => $caption) {
            $templateCode .= "\t\$j('#{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
            $templateCode .= "\t\$j('#xs_{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
        $templateCode .= $jsReadOnly;
        $templateCode .= $jsEditable;
        if (!$selected_id) {
        $templateCode .= "\n});</script>\n";
    // ajaxed auto-fill fields
    $templateCode .= '<script>';
    $templateCode .= '$j(function() {';
    $templateCode .= "});";
    $templateCode .= "</script>";
    $templateCode .= $lookups;
    // handle enforced parent values for read-only lookup fields
    // don't include blank images in lightbox gallery
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/blank.gif" rel="lightbox\\[.*?\\]"/', 'blank.gif"', $templateCode);
    // don't display empty email links
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/<a .*?href="mailto:".*?<\\/a>/', '', $templateCode);
    // hook: categories_dv
    if (function_exists('categories_dv')) {
        $args = array();
        categories_dv($selected_id ? $selected_id : FALSE, getMemberInfo(), $templateCode, $args);
    return $templateCode;
Example #17
    if ($rUser === false) {
        die('User existiert nicht!');
    sql("UPDATE caches SET user_id='&1' WHERE cache_id='&2'", $rUser['user_id'], $rCache['cache_id']);
    // send event to delete statpic
    echo 'Besitzer geändert';
    // logentry($module, $eventid, $userid, $objectid1, $objectid2, $logtext, $details)
    logentry('approving', 4, 0, $cacheid, 0, 'Owner changed ' . $cacheid, '');
} elseif ($action == 'showcache') {
    $wp = isset($_REQUEST['waypoint']) ? $_REQUEST['waypoint'] : 0;
    $newusername = isset($_REQUEST['newusername']) ? $_REQUEST['newusername'] : 0;
    $cacheid = sqlValue("SELECT cache_id FROM caches WHERE wp_oc='" . sql_escape($wp) . "'", 0);
    $userid = sqlValue("SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE username='******'", '');
    if ($cacheid == 0) {
        die('Cache nicht gefunden!');
    if ($userid == 0) {
        die('User nicht gefunden!');
    $rsUser = sql("SELECT user_id, username FROM user WHERE user_id='&1'", $userid);
    $rUser = sql_fetch_assoc($rsUser);
    $rsCache = sql("SELECT caches.cache_id, caches.wp_oc,, user.username\n        FROM caches\n        INNER JOIN user ON caches.user_id=user.user_id\n        WHERE caches.cache_id='&1'", $cacheid);
    $rCache = sql_fetch_assoc($rsCache);
Example #18

 *  For license information see doc/license.txt
 *  Unicode Reminder メモ
$rootpath = '../../';
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
require_once $rootpath . 'lib/';
$wp = isset($_REQUEST['wp']) ? $_REQUEST['wp'] : '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['post'])) {
    $attrs_set = isset($_REQUEST['cache_attribs']) ? $_REQUEST['cache_attribs'] : '';
    $attrs = mb_split(';', $attrs_set);
    $cache_id = sqlValue("SELECT `cache_id` FROM `caches` WHERE `wp_oc`='" . sql_escape($wp) . "'", 0);
    if ($cache_id == 0) {
        die('cache_id unknown');
    sql("DELETE FROM `caches_attributes` WHERE `cache_id`='&1'", $cache_id);
    foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
        sql("INSERT INTO `caches_attributes` (`cache_id`, `attrib_id`) VALUES ('&1', '&2')", $cache_id, $attr);
$attrs = array();
$rsAttribs = sql("SELECT `caches_attributes`.`attrib_id`\n\tFROM `caches_attributes`, `caches`\n\tWHERE `caches_attributes`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id`\n\tAND `caches`.`wp_oc`='&1'", $wp);
while ($rAttribs = sql_fetch_assoc($rsAttribs)) {
    $attrs[$rAttribs['attrib_id']] = $rAttribs['attrib_id'];
$attr_js = '';
$rs = sql("SELECT `id`, `icon_large`, `icon_undef` FROM `cache_attrib`");
Example #19

require "conexion.php";
require "funciones.php";
$idasociado = sqlValue($_POST["idasociado"], "int");
$action = getParam($_GET["action"], "");
$ssh = $_POST["ssh"];
$contador = 1;
if ($action == "edit") {
    if (isset($_POST['cat'])) {
        if (is_array($_POST['cat'])) {
            $sql1 = "DELETE FROM asociado_has_categorias ";
            $sql1 .= "WHERE asociado_idasociado = " . $idasociado;
            if (mysql_query($sql1, $conexion)) {
            foreach ($_POST['cat'] as $value) {
                echo "valor " . $contador . " es " . $value . " <br />";
                if ($contador <= 12) {
                    $sql = "INSERT INTO fidelizator_1.asociado_has_categorias (asociado_idasociado, categorias_idcategorias) ";
                    $sql .= "VALUES ('" . $idasociado . "', '" . $value . "')";
                    if (mysql_query($sql, $conexion)) {
                        $mensaje = "Categorias Actualizadas";
                        header("location: editar.php?mensajeCat=" . $mensaje . "&idasociado=" . $idasociado . "&ssh=" . $ssh . "&#panelCategorias");
                    } else {
                        echo "Hay un error en la comunicación con el servidor, por favor reporte esto a: Marylena Tzay, 2387-2727";
Example #20
if ($sCode != '') {
    $adm1 = null;
    $code1 = null;
    $adm2 = null;
    $code2 = null;
    $adm3 = null;
    $code3 = null;
    $adm4 = null;
    $code4 = null;
    if (mb_strlen($sCode) > 5) {
        $sCode = mb_substr($sCode, 0, 5);
    if (mb_strlen($sCode) == 5) {
        $code4 = $sCode;
        $adm4 = sqlValue("SELECT `name` FROM `nuts_codes` WHERE `code`='{$sCode}'", 0);
        $sCode = mb_substr($sCode, 0, 4);
    if (mb_strlen($sCode) == 4) {
        $code3 = $sCode;
        $adm3 = sqlvalue("SELECT `name` FROM `nuts_codes` WHERE `code`='{$sCode}'", 0);
        $sCode = mb_substr($sCode, 0, 3);
    if (mb_strlen($sCode) == 3) {
        $code2 = $sCode;
        $adm2 = sqlvalue("SELECT `name` FROM `nuts_codes` WHERE `code`='{$sCode}'", 0);
        $sCode = mb_substr($sCode, 0, 2);
    if (mb_strlen($sCode) == 2) {
        $code1 = $sCode;
        if (checkField('countries', 'list_default_' . $lang)) {
Example #21
 $nombrecomercial = sqlValue($_POST["nombrecomercial"], "text");
 $representante = sqlValue($_POST["representante"], "text");
 $puesto_r1 = sqlValue($_POST["puesto_r1"], "text");
 $representante2 = sqlValue($_POST["representante2"], "text");
 $puesto_r2 = sqlValue($_POST["puesto_r2"], "text");
 $representante3 = sqlValue($_POST["representante3"], "text");
 $puesto_r3 = sqlValue($_POST["puesto_r3"], "text");
 $direccion = sqlValue($_POST["direccion"], "text");
 $telefono = sqlValue($_POST["tele1"], "text");
 $tel2 = sqlValue($_POST["tel2"], "text");
 $tel3 = sqlValue($_POST["tel3"], "text");
 $email = sqlValue($_POST["email"], "text");
 $pagina = sqlValue($_POST["pagina"], "text");
 $gremial = sqlValue($_POST["gremial"], "text");
 $actividad = sqlValue($_POST["actividad"], "text");
 $sucursal = sqlValue($_POST["sucursal"], "text");
 $sql = "UPDATE asociado SET ";
 $sql .= "nombre=" . $nombre . ", nit=" . $nit . ", nombrecomercial=" . $nombrecomercial . ", ";
 $sql .= "representante=" . $representante . ", puesto_r1=" . $puesto_r1 . ", representante2=" . $representante2 . ", ";
 $sql .= "puesto_r2=" . $puesto_r2 . ", representante3=" . $representante3 . ", puesto_r3=" . $puesto_r3 . ", ";
 $sql .= "tel2=" . $tel2 . ", direccion=" . $direccion . ", tele1=" . $telefono . ", ";
 $sql .= "tel3=" . $tel3 . ", email=" . $email . ", pagina=" . $pagina . ", ";
 $sql .= "gremial=" . $gremial . ", actividad=" . $actividad . ", sucursal=" . $sucursal . ", ";
 $sql .= "actualizado='1'";
 $sql .= "WHERE idasociado=" . $idasociado;
 if (mysql_query($sql, $conexion)) {
     $mensaje = "Datos Actualizados";
     header("location: editar.php?mensajeDatos=" . $mensaje . "&idasociado=" . $idasociado . "&ssh=" . $ssh . "&#panelLogo");
 } else {
     echo "Hay un error en la comunicación con el servidor, por favor reporte esto a: Marylena Tzay, 2387-2727";
    $updateDT = date($adminConfig['PHPDateTimeFormat']);
    sql("UPDATE `membership_users` set email='{$email}', custom1='{$custom1}', custom2='{$custom2}', custom3='{$custom3}', custom4='{$custom4}', comments=CONCAT_WS('\\n', comments, 'member updated his profile on {$updateDT} from IP address {$mi[IP]}') WHERE memberID='{$mi['username']}'", $eo);
    // hook: member_activity
    if (function_exists('member_activity')) {
        $args = array();
        member_activity($mi, 'profile', $args);
/* change password */
if ($_POST['action'] == 'changePassword' && $mi['username'] != $adminConfig['adminUsername']) {
    /* process inputs */
    $oldPassword = $_POST['oldPassword'];
    $newPassword = $_POST['newPassword'];
    /* validate password */
    if (md5($oldPassword) != sqlValue("SELECT `passMD5` FROM `membership_users` WHERE memberID='{$mi['username']}'")) {
        echo "{$Translation['error:']} {$Translation['Wrong password']}";
        echo "<script>\$\$('label[for=\"old-password\"]')[0].pulsate({ pulses: 10, duration: 4 }); \$('old-password').activate();</script>";
    if (strlen($newPassword) < 4) {
        echo "{$Translation['error:']} {$Translation['password invalid']}";
        echo "<script>\$\$('label[for=\"new-password\"]')[0].pulsate({ pulses: 10, duration: 4 }); \$('new-password').activate();</script>";
    /* update password */
    $updateDT = date($adminConfig['PHPDateTimeFormat']);
    sql("UPDATE `membership_users` set `passMD5`='" . md5($newPassword) . "', `comments`=CONCAT_WS('\\n', comments, 'member changed his password on {$updateDT} from IP address {$mi[IP]}') WHERE memberID='{$mi['username']}'", $eo);
    // hook: member_activity
    if (function_exists('member_activity')) {
        $args = array();
 function try_login($user, $password, $permanent)
     // check the number of logins in the last hour ...
     sql("DELETE FROM `sys_logins` WHERE `timestamp`<'&1'", date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 3600));
     $logins_count = sqlValue("SELECT COUNT(*) `count` FROM `sys_logins` WHERE `remote_addr`='" . sql_escape($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . "'", 0);
     if ($logins_count > 24) {
         return LOGIN_TOOMUCHLOGINS;
     // delete old sessions
     $min_lastlogin_permanent = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - LOGIN_TIME_PERMANENT);
     sql("DELETE FROM `sys_sessions` WHERE `last_login`<'&1'", $min_lastlogin_permanent);
     // compare $user with email and username, if both match, use email
     $rsUser = sql("\n            SELECT\n                `user_id`, `username`, 2 AS `prio`, `is_active_flag`,\n                `permanent_login_flag`, `admin`\n            FROM `user`\n            WHERE `username` LIKE '&1'\n\n            UNION\n\n            SELECT\n                `user_id`, `username`, 1 AS `prio`, `is_active_flag`,\n                `permanent_login_flag`, `admin`\n            FROM `user`\n            WHERE\n                `email` LIKE '&1'\n\n            ORDER BY `prio` ASC\n            LIMIT 1\n        ", mb_strtolower($user));
     $rUser = sql_fetch_assoc($rsUser);
     if ($rUser) {
         /* User exists. Is the password correct? */
         $pm = new PasswordManager($rUser['user_id']);
         if (!$pm->verify($password)) {
             $rUser = null;
     if ($rUser) {
         if ($permanent == null) {
             $permanent = $rUser['permanent_login_flag'] == 1;
         // ok, there is a valid login
         if ($rUser['is_active_flag'] != 0) {
             // begin session
             $uuid = sqlValue('SELECT UUID()', '');
             sql("INSERT INTO `sys_sessions` (`uuid`, `user_id`, `permanent`, `last_login`) VALUES ('&1', '&2', '&3', NOW())", $uuid, $rUser['user_id'], $permanent != false ? 1 : 0);
             sql("UPDATE `user` SET `last_login`=NOW() WHERE `user_id`='&1'", $rUser['user_id']);
             $this->userid = $rUser['user_id'];
             $this->username = $rUser['username'];
             $this->permanent = $permanent;
             $this->lastlogin = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $this->sessionid = $uuid;
             $this->admin = $rUser['admin'] == 1;
             $this->verified = true;
             $retval = LOGIN_OK;
         } else {
             $retval = LOGIN_USERNOTACTIVE;
     } else {
         // sorry, bad login
         $retval = LOGIN_BADUSERPW;
     sql("INSERT INTO `sys_logins` (`remote_addr`, `success`, `timestamp`) VALUES ('&1', '&2', NOW())", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $rUser === false ? 0 : 1);
     // store to cookie
     return $retval;
                 //crypt the log ROT13, but keep HTML-Tags and Entities
                 $data_text = str_rot13_html($data_text);
             } else {
                 $logtext .= "<br/>";
             $logtext .= $data_text;
             $tmp_log = mb_ereg_replace('{logtext}', $logtext, $tmp_log);
             $content .= "\n" . $tmp_log;
         $content .= '</ul></div><br />';
 //  ----------------- begin  owner section  ----------------------------------
 if ($user_id == $usr['userid'] || $usr['admin']) {
     $rscheck = sqlValue("SELECT count(*) FROM caches WHERE (status = 4 OR status = 5 OR status = 6) AND `user_id`='" . sql_escape($_REQUEST['userid']) . "'", 0);
     if ($rscheck != 0) {
         $content .= '<br /><div class="content-title-noshade box-blue">';
     if (checkField('cache_status', $lang)) {
         $lang_db = $lang;
     } else {
         $lang_db = "en";
     //get not published caches DATE_FORMAT(`caches`.`date_activate`,'%d-%m-%Y'),
     $rs_caches1 = sql(" SELECT  `caches`.`cache_id`, `caches`.`name`, `caches`.`date_hidden`, `caches`.`date_activate`, `caches`.`status`, `cache_status`.`&1` AS `cache_status_text`, `caches`.`wp_oc` AS `wp_name`\n                        FROM `caches`, `cache_status`\n                        WHERE `user_id`='&2'\n                        AND `cache_status`.`id`=`caches`.`status`\n                        AND `caches`.`status` = 5\n                        ORDER BY `date_activate` DESC, `caches`.`date_created` DESC ", $lang_db, $user_id);
     if (mysql_num_rows($rs_caches1) != 0) {
         $content .= '<p><span class="content-title-noshade txt-blue08">' . tr('not_yet_published') . ':</span></p><br /><div><ul style="margin: -0.9em 0px 0.9em 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; list-style-type: none; line-height: 1.2em; font-size: 115%;">';
         for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($rs_caches1); $i++) {
             $record_caches = sql_fetch_array($rs_caches1);
             $tmp_cache = $cache_notpublished_line;
if ($sort) {
    $sortClause = "order by {$sort} {$sortDir}";
if ($memberID != '') {
    $where .= ($where ? " and " : "") . "r.memberID like '{$memberID}%'";
if ($groupID != '') {
    $where .= ($where ? " and " : "") . "g.groupID='{$groupID}'";
if ($tableName != '') {
    $where .= ($where ? " and " : "") . "r.tableName='{$tableName}'";
if ($where) {
    $where = "where {$where}";
$numRecords = sqlValue("select count(1) from membership_userrecords r left join membership_groups g on r.groupID=g.groupID {$where}");
if (!$numRecords) {
    echo "<div class=\"status\">No matching results found.</div>";
    $noResults = TRUE;
    $page = 1;
} else {
    $noResults = FALSE;
$page = intval($_GET['page']);
if ($page < 1) {
    $page = 1;
} elseif ($page > ceil($numRecords / $adminConfig['recordsPerPage']) && !$noResults) {
    redirect("pageViewRecords.php?page=" . ceil($numRecords / $adminConfig['recordsPerPage']));
$start = ($page - 1) * $adminConfig['recordsPerPage'];

$d = dirname(__FILE__);
require "{$d}/incCommon.php";
include "{$d}/incHeader.php";
if ($_POST['saveChanges'] != '') {
    // validate inputs
    $adminUsername = makeSafe(strtolower($_POST['adminUsername']));
    // check if this member already exists
    if ($adminConfig['adminUsername'] != $adminUsername && sqlValue("select count(1) from membership_users where lcase(memberID)='{$adminUsername}'")) {
        // display status
        echo "<div class=\"status\">Couldn't save admin settings. The new admin username is already held be a member. Please make sure the new admin username is unique.<br />Back to <a href=\"pageSettings.php\">Admin settings</a>.</div>";
        // exit
        include "{$d}/incFooter.php";
    $adminPassword = $_POST['adminPassword'];
    if ($adminPassword != '') {
        $adminPassword = md5($adminPassword);
    } else {
        $adminPassword = $adminConfig['adminPassword'];
    $notifyAdminNewMembers = intval($_POST['notifyAdminNewMembers']);
    $custom1 = makeSafe($_POST['custom1']);
    $custom2 = makeSafe($_POST['custom2']);
    $custom3 = makeSafe($_POST['custom3']);
    $custom4 = makeSafe($_POST['custom4']);
    $MySQLDateFormat = makeSafe($_POST['MySQLDateFormat']);
    $PHPDateFormat = makeSafe($_POST['PHPDateFormat']);
    $PHPDateTimeFormat = makeSafe($_POST['PHPDateTimeFormat']);
    $groupsPerPage = intval($_POST['groupsPerPage']) ? intval($_POST['groupsPerPage']) : $adminConfig['groupsPerPage'];
    $membersPerPage = intval($_POST['membersPerPage']) ? intval($_POST['membersPerPage']) : $adminConfig['membersPerPage'];
Example #27
function getUserCountry()
    global $opt, $cookie, $usr;
    // language specified in cookie?
    if ($cookie->is_set('usercountry')) {
        $sCountry = $cookie->get('usercountry', null);
        if ($sCountry != null) {
            return $sCountry;
    // user specified a country?
    if (isset($usr) && $usr !== false) {
        $sCountry = sqlValue("SELECT `country` FROM `user` WHERE `user_id`='" . ($usr['userid'] + 0) . "'", null);
        if ($sCountry != null) {
            return $sCountry;
    // default country of this language
    // disabled: produces unexpected results on multi-domains without translation,
    // and will confusingly switch country when switching language  -- following 3.9.2015
    // if (isset($opt['template']['locale']) && isset($opt['locale'][$opt['template']['locale']]['country']))
    // 	return $opt['locale'][$opt['template']['locale']]['country'];
    // default country of installation (or domain)
    if (isset($opt['template']['default']['country'])) {
        return $opt['template']['default']['country'];
    // country could not be determined by the above checks -> return "GB"
    return 'GB';
Example #28
$search_term = false;
if (isset($_REQUEST['s'])) {
    $search_term = iconv('UTF-8', datalist_db_encoding, $_REQUEST['s']);
$page = intval($_REQUEST['p']);
if ($page < 1) {
    $page = 1;
$skip = $results_per_page * ($page - 1);
$table_name = $_REQUEST['t'];
if (!in_array($table_name, array_keys(getTableList()))) {
    /* invalid table */
    echo '{"results":[{"id":"","text":"Invalid table"}],"more":false,"elapsed":0}';
/* if id is provided, get owner */
$owner = false;
if ($id) {
    $owner = sqlValue("select memberID from membership_userrecords where tableName='{$table_name}' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($id) . "'");
$prepared_data = array();
$where = "!='{$adminConfig['anonymousGroup']}' and p.allowView>0 ";
if ($search_term) {
    $search_term = makeSafe($search_term);
    $where .= "and (u.memberID like '%{$search_term}%' or like '%{$search_term}%')";
$res = sql("select u.memberID, from membership_users u left join membership_groups g on u.groupID=g.groupID left join  membership_grouppermissions p on g.groupID=p.groupID and p.tableName='{$table_name}' where {$where} order by, u.memberID limit {$skip}, {$results_per_page}", $eo);
while ($row = db_fetch_row($res)) {
    $prepared_data[] = array('id' => iconv(datalist_db_encoding, 'UTF-8', $row[0]), 'text' => iconv(datalist_db_encoding, 'UTF-8', "<b>{$row[1]}</b>/{$row[0]}"));
echo json_encode(array('results' => $prepared_data, 'more' => @db_num_rows($res) >= $results_per_page, 'elapsed' => round(microtime(true) - $start_ts, 3)));
function customers_form($selected_id = '', $AllowUpdate = 1, $AllowInsert = 1, $AllowDelete = 1, $ShowCancel = 0)
    // function to return an editable form for a table records
    // and fill it with data of record whose ID is $selected_id. If $selected_id
    // is empty, an empty form is shown, with only an 'Add New'
    // button displayed.
    global $Translation;
    // mm: get table permissions
    $arrPerm = getTablePermissions('customers');
    if (!$arrPerm[1] && $selected_id == '') {
        return '';
    $AllowInsert = $arrPerm[1] ? true : false;
    // print preview?
    $dvprint = false;
    if ($selected_id && $_REQUEST['dvprint_x'] != '') {
        $dvprint = true;
    // populate filterers, starting from children to grand-parents
    // unique random identifier
    $rnd1 = $dvprint ? rand(1000000, 9999999) : '';
    // combobox: Country
    $combo_Country = new Combo();
    $combo_Country->ListType = 0;
    $combo_Country->MultipleSeparator = ', ';
    $combo_Country->ListBoxHeight = 10;
    $combo_Country->RadiosPerLine = 1;
    if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/hooks/customers.Country.csv')) {
        $Country_data = addslashes(implode('', @file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/hooks/customers.Country.csv')));
        $combo_Country->ListItem = explode('||', entitiesToUTF8(convertLegacyOptions($Country_data)));
        $combo_Country->ListData = $combo_Country->ListItem;
    } else {
        $combo_Country->ListItem = explode('||', entitiesToUTF8(convertLegacyOptions("Afghanistan;;Albania;;Algeria;;American Samoa;;Andorra;;Angola;;Anguilla;;Antarctica;;Antigua, Barbuda;;Argentina;;Armenia;;Aruba;;Australia;;Austria;;Azerbaijan;;Bahamas;;Bahrain;;Bangladesh;;Barbados;;Belarus;;Belgium;;Belize;;Benin;;Bermuda;;Bhutan;;Bolivia;;Bosnia, Herzegovina;;Botswana;;Bouvet Is.;;Brazil;;Brunei Darussalam;;Bulgaria;;Burkina Faso;;Burundi;;Cambodia;;Cameroon;;Canada;;Canary Is.;;Cape Verde;;Cayman Is.;;Central African Rep.;;Chad;;Channel Islands;;Chile;;China;;Christmas Is.;;Cocos Is.;;Colombia;;Comoros;;Congo, D.R. Of;;Congo;;Cook Is.;;Costa Rica;;Croatia;;Cuba;;Cyprus;;Czech Republic;;Denmark;;Djibouti;;Dominica;;Dominican Republic;;Ecuador;;Egypt;;El Salvador;;Equatorial Guinea;;Eritrea;;Estonia;;Ethiopia;;Falkland Is.;;Faroe Is.;;Fiji;;Finland;;France;;French Guiana;;French Polynesia;;French Territories;;Gabon;;Gambia;;Georgia;;Germany;;Ghana;;Gibraltar;;Greece;;Greenland;;Grenada;;Guadeloupe;;Guam;;Guatemala;;Guernsey;;Guinea-bissau;;Guinea;;Guyana;;Haiti;;Heard, Mcdonald Is.;;Honduras;;Hong Kong;;Hungary;;Iceland;;India;;Indonesia;;Iran;;Iraq;;Ireland;;Israel;;Italy;;Ivory Coast;;Jamaica;;Japan;;Jersey;;Jordan;;Kazakhstan;;Kenya;;Kiribati;;Korea, D.P.R Of;;Korea, Rep. Of;;Kuwait;;Kyrgyzstan;;Lao Peoples D.R.;;Latvia;;Lebanon;;Lesotho;;Liberia;;Libyan Arab Jamahiriya;;Liechtenstein;;Lithuania;;Luxembourg;;Macao;;Macedonia, F.Y.R Of;;Madagascar;;Malawi;;Malaysia;;Maldives;;Mali;;Malta;;Mariana Islands;;Marshall Islands;;Martinique;;Mauritania;;Mauritius;;Mayotte;;Mexico;;Micronesia;;Moldova;;Monaco;;Mongolia;;Montserrat;;Morocco;;Mozambique;;Myanmar;;Namibia;;Nauru;;Nepal;;Netherlands Antilles;;Netherlands;;New Caledonia;;New Zealand;;Nicaragua;;Niger;;Nigeria;;Niue;;Norfolk Island;;Norway;;Oman;;Pakistan;;Palau;;Palestinian Terr.;;Panama;;Papua New Guinea;;Paraguay;;Peru;;Philippines;;Pitcairn;;Poland;;Portugal;;Puerto Rico;;Qatar;;Reunion;;Romania;;Russian Federation;;Rwanda;;Samoa;;San Marino;;Sao Tome, Principe;;Saudi Arabia;;Senegal;;Seychelles;;Sierra Leone;;Singapore;;Slovakia;;Slovenia;;Solomon Is.;;Somalia;;South Africa;;South Georgia;;South Sandwich Is.;;Spain;;Sri Lanka;;St. Helena;;St. Kitts, Nevis;;St. Lucia;;St. Pierre, Miquelon;;St. Vincent, Grenadines;;Sudan;;Suriname;;Svalbard, Jan Mayen;;Swaziland;;Sweden;;Switzerland;;Syrian Arab Republic;;Taiwan;;Tajikistan;;Tanzania;;Thailand;;Timor-leste;;Togo;;Tokelau;;Tonga;;Trinidad, Tobago;;Tunisia;;Turkey;;Turkmenistan;;Turks, Caicoss;;Tuvalu;;Uganda;;Ukraine;;United Arab Emirates;;United Kingdom;;United States;;Uruguay;;Uzbekistan;;Vanuatu;;Vatican City;;Venezuela;;Viet Nam;;Virgin Is. British;;Virgin Is. U.S.;;Wallis, Futuna;;Western Sahara;;Yemen;;Yugoslavia;;Zambia;;Zimbabwe")));
        $combo_Country->ListData = $combo_Country->ListItem;
    $combo_Country->SelectName = 'Country';
    if ($selected_id) {
        // mm: check member permissions
        if (!$arrPerm[2]) {
            return "";
        // mm: who is the owner?
        $ownerGroupID = sqlValue("select groupID from membership_userrecords where tableName='customers' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        $ownerMemberID = sqlValue("select lcase(memberID) from membership_userrecords where tableName='customers' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 1 && getLoggedMemberID() != $ownerMemberID) {
            return "";
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 2 && getLoggedGroupID() != $ownerGroupID) {
            return "";
        // can edit?
        if ($arrPerm[3] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[3] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[3] == 3) {
            $AllowUpdate = 1;
        } else {
            $AllowUpdate = 0;
        $res = sql("select * from `customers` where `CustomerID`='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'", $eo);
        if (!($row = db_fetch_array($res))) {
            return error_message($Translation['No records found']);
        $urow = $row;
        /* unsanitized data */
        $hc = new CI_Input();
        $row = $hc->xss_clean($row);
        /* sanitize data */
        $combo_Country->SelectedData = $row['Country'];
    } else {
        $combo_Country->SelectedText = $_REQUEST['FilterField'][1] == '9' && $_REQUEST['FilterOperator'][1] == '<=>' ? get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['FilterValue'][1]) : $_REQUEST['FilterValue'][1] : "";
    // code for template based detail view forms
    // open the detail view template
    if ($dvprint) {
        $templateCode = @file_get_contents('./templates/customers_templateDVP.html');
    } else {
        $templateCode = @file_get_contents('./templates/customers_templateDV.html');
    // process form title
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DETAIL_VIEW_TITLE%%>', 'Detail View', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%RND1%%>', $rnd1, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%EMBEDDED%%>', $_REQUEST['Embedded'] ? 'Embedded=1' : '', $templateCode);
    // process buttons
    if ($arrPerm[1] && !$selected_id) {
        // allow insert and no record selected?
        if (!$selected_id) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return customers_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save New'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return customers_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save As Copy'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // 'Back' button action
    if ($_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
        $backAction = 'window.parent.jQuery(\'.modal\').modal(\'hide\'); return false;';
    } else {
        $backAction = '$$(\'form\')[0].writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.reset(); return true;';
    if ($selected_id) {
        if (!$_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DVPRINT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="dvprint" name="dvprint_x" value="1" onclick="$$(\'form\')[0].writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.reset(); return true;"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-print"></i> ' . $Translation['Print Preview'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        if ($AllowUpdate) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-lg" id="update" name="update_x" value="1" onclick="return customers_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i> ' . $Translation['Save Changes'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        if ($arrPerm[4] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[4] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[4] == 3) {
            // allow delete?
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" id="delete" name="delete_x" value="1" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $Translation['are you sure?'] . '\');"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i> ' . $Translation['Delete'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', $ShowCancel ? '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>' : '', $templateCode);
    // set records to read only if user can't insert new records and can't edit current record
    if ($selected_id && !$AllowUpdate || !$selected_id && !$AllowInsert) {
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#CustomerID').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"CustomerID\">' + (jQuery('#CustomerID').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#CompanyName').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"CompanyName\">' + (jQuery('#CompanyName').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#ContactName').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"ContactName\">' + (jQuery('#ContactName').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#ContactTitle').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"ContactTitle\">' + (jQuery('#ContactTitle').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#Address').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"Address\">' + (jQuery('#Address').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#City').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"City\">' + (jQuery('#City').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#Region').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"Region\">' + (jQuery('#Region').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#PostalCode').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"PostalCode\">' + (jQuery('#PostalCode').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#Country').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"Country\">' + (jQuery('#Country').val() || '') + '</div>'); jQuery('#Country-multi-selection-help').hide();\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#Phone').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"Phone\">' + (jQuery('#Phone').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#Fax').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"Fax\">' + (jQuery('#Fax').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('.select2-container').hide();\n";
        $noUploads = true;
    } elseif ($AllowInsert && !$selected_id || $AllowUpdate && $selected_id) {
        $jsEditable .= "\tjQuery('form').eq(0).data('already_changed', true);";
        // temporarily disable form change handler
        $jsEditable .= "\tjQuery('form').eq(0).data('already_changed', false);";
        // re-enable form change handler
    // process combos
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBO(Country)%%>', $combo_Country->HTML, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBOTEXT(Country)%%>', $combo_Country->SelectedData, $templateCode);
    /* lookup fields array: 'lookup field name' => array('parent table name', 'lookup field caption') */
    $lookup_fields = array();
    foreach ($lookup_fields as $luf => $ptfc) {
        $pt_perm = getTablePermissions($ptfc[0]);
        // process foreign key links
        if ($pt_perm['view'] || $pt_perm['edit']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace("<%%PLINK({$luf})%%>", '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default view_parent hspacer-lg" id="' . $ptfc[0] . '_view_parent" title="' . htmlspecialchars($Translation['View'] . ' ' . $ptfc[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></i></button>', $templateCode);
        // if user has insert permission to parent table of a lookup field, put an add new button
        if ($pt_perm['insert'] && !$_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace("<%%ADDNEW({$ptfc[0]})%%>", '<button type="button" class="btn btn-success add_new_parent" id="' . $ptfc[0] . '_add_new" title="' . htmlspecialchars($Translation['Add New'] . ' ' . $ptfc[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i></button>', $templateCode);
    // process images
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(CustomerID)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(CompanyName)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(ContactName)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(ContactTitle)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(Address)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(City)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(Region)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(PostalCode)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(Country)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(Phone)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(Fax)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // process values
    if ($selected_id) {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CustomerID)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['CustomerID'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CustomerID)%%>', urlencode($urow['CustomerID']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CompanyName)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['CompanyName'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CompanyName)%%>', urlencode($urow['CompanyName']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ContactName)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['ContactName'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ContactName)%%>', urlencode($urow['ContactName']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ContactTitle)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['ContactTitle'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ContactTitle)%%>', urlencode($urow['ContactTitle']), $templateCode);
        if ($dvprint) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Address)%%>', nl2br(htmlspecialchars($row['Address'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1')), $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Address)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['Address'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Address)%%>', urlencode($urow['Address']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(City)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['City'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(City)%%>', urlencode($urow['City']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Region)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['Region'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Region)%%>', urlencode($urow['Region']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(PostalCode)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['PostalCode'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(PostalCode)%%>', urlencode($urow['PostalCode']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Country)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['Country'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Country)%%>', urlencode($urow['Country']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Phone)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['Phone'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Phone)%%>', urlencode($urow['Phone']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Fax)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['Fax'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Fax)%%>', urlencode($urow['Fax']), $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CustomerID)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CustomerID)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CompanyName)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CompanyName)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ContactName)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ContactName)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ContactTitle)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ContactTitle)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Address)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Address)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(City)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(City)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Region)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Region)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(PostalCode)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(PostalCode)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Country)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Country)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Phone)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Phone)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Fax)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Fax)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
    // process translations
    foreach ($Translation as $symbol => $trans) {
        $templateCode = str_replace("<%%TRANSLATION({$symbol})%%>", $trans, $templateCode);
    // clear scrap
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%', '<!-- ', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('%%>', ' -->', $templateCode);
    // hide links to inaccessible tables
    if ($_POST['dvprint_x'] == '') {
        $templateCode .= "\n\n<script>\$j(function(){\n";
        $arrTables = getTableList();
        foreach ($arrTables as $name => $caption) {
            $templateCode .= "\t\$j('#{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
            $templateCode .= "\t\$j('#xs_{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
        $templateCode .= $jsReadOnly;
        $templateCode .= $jsEditable;
        if (!$selected_id) {
        $templateCode .= "\n});</script>\n";
    // ajaxed auto-fill fields
    $templateCode .= '<script>';
    $templateCode .= '$j(function() {';
    $templateCode .= "});";
    $templateCode .= "</script>";
    $templateCode .= $lookups;
    // handle enforced parent values for read-only lookup fields
    // don't include blank images in lightbox gallery
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/blank.gif" rel="lightbox\\[.*?\\]"/', 'blank.gif"', $templateCode);
    // don't display empty email links
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/<a .*?href="mailto:".*?<\\/a>/', '', $templateCode);
    // hook: customers_dv
    if (function_exists('customers_dv')) {
        $args = array();
        customers_dv($selected_id ? $selected_id : FALSE, getMemberInfo(), $templateCode, $args);
    return $templateCode;
		<td class="tdHeader"><div class="ColCaption"><?php 
echo $Translation["description"];
		<td class="tdHeader"><div class="ColCaption"><?php 
echo $Translation['members count'];
		<td class="tdHeader">&nbsp;</td>
$res = sql("select groupID, name, description from membership_groups {$where} limit {$start}, " . $adminConfig['groupsPerPage'], $eo);
while ($row = db_fetch_row($res)) {
    $groupMembersCount = sqlValue("select count(1) from membership_users where groupID='{$row['0']}'");
			<td class="tdCaptionCell" align="left">
				<a href="pageEditGroup.php?groupID=<?php 
    echo $row[0];
"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit" title="<?php 
    echo $Translation['Edit group'];
    if (!$groupMembersCount) {
						<a href="pageDeleteGroup.php?groupID=<?php 
        echo $row[0];