function update_theme() { if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) { // Sanitize page being requested. $_page = esc_attr($_REQUEST['page']); if ('spyropress-update' == $_page) { //Setup Filesystem $method = get_filesystem_method(); if (isset($_POST['spyropress_ftp_cred'])) { $cred = spyropress_decode($_POST['spyropress_ftp_cred']); $filesystem = WP_Filesystem($cred); } else { $filesystem = WP_Filesystem(); } if (false == $filesystem && 'Proceed' != $_POST['upgrade']) { add_error_message(sprintf(__('Failed: Filesystem preventing downloads. (%s)', 'spyropress'), $method)); return; } if (isset($_REQUEST['spyropress_updater'])) { // Sanitize action being requested. $_action = esc_attr($_REQUEST['spyropress_updater']); if ('framework' == $_action) { locate_template('framework/utilities/envato/class-envato-wordpress-theme-upgrader.php', true); $envato_api_key = get_option('_spyropress_envato_api_key_' . get_internal_name()); $envato_username = get_option('_spyropress_envato_username_' . get_internal_name()); $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader($envato_username, $envato_api_key); $result = $upgrader->upgrade_theme(); // Successfully Updated if ($result->success) { $message = __('New version successfully downloaded, extracted and updated.', 'spyropress'); $message .= '<script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ window.location.replace("' . admin_url('admin.php?page=spyropress-update') . '"); //]]> </script>'; add_success_message($message); } else { add_error_message($result->errors[0]); } } } } // END UPDATE HERE } }
/** * Restore SpyroPress Panel Options */ function spyropress_import_options_ajax() { global $spyropress; // Security check_ajax_referer('spyropress-update-options', 'security'); // Generate Option Key $key = 'spyropress_' . $_POST['setting_panel_name']; // Check for define if (!isset($GLOBALS[$key])) { _e('false', 'spyropress'); die; } // Doing import $data = $_POST['settings']; $data = spyropress_decode($data); update_option($key . $spyropress->lang, $data); // Allow developer to perform actions do_action('spyropress_import_' . $_POST['setting_panel_name']); // Refresh page echo 'window.location = "' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '";'; // Exit die; }
delete_transient('_spyropress_api_framework_updater'); // Theme Log $theme_log = spyropress_get_theme_changelog(); $is_theme_updateable = is_theme_updateable(); $theme_name = $spyropress->theme_name; $theme_version = $spyropress->theme_version; // Framework Log $framework_log = spyropress_get_framework_changelog(); // Getting Filesystem intact $method = get_filesystem_method(); $to = ABSPATH . 'wp-content/themes/' . get_option('template'); if (isset($_POST['password'])) { $cred = $_POST; $filesystem = WP_Filesystem($cred); } elseif (isset($_POST['spyropress_ftp_cred'])) { $cred = spyropress_decode($_POST['spyropress_ftp_cred']); $filesystem = WP_Filesystem($cred); } else { $filesystem = WP_Filesystem(); } $url = admin_url('admin.php?page=spyropress-update'); ?> <div class="wrap spyropress-wrap abs-badge"> <?php if (false == $filesystem) { request_filesystem_credentials($url); } else { if (!$is_theme_updateable) { get_spyropress_badge();
function save_options($option_file) { if (!$option_file || !file_exists($option_file)) { return; } @(include_once $option_file); // Doing import $data = spyropress_decode($dummy_data); $this->backfill_builder_urls($data); update_option($this->key, $data); }