Example #1
$com_table_str = $idtype ? $idtype : "blog_comment";
$t_table = $tablePreStr . $com_table_str;
$con_id = $com_type[$com_table_str];
$dbo = new dbex();
dbtarget('w', $dbServs);
$page_num = trim(get_argg('page'));
$c_orderby = short_check(get_argg('order_by'));
$c_ordersc = short_check(get_argg('order_sc'));
$c_perpage = get_argg('perpage') ? intval(get_argg('perpage')) : 20;
$eq_array = array('host_id', 'visitor_id', 'visitor_name', $con_id);
$like_array = array('content');
$date_array = array("add_time");
$num_array = array();
$sql = spell_sql($t_table, $eq_array, $like_array, $date_array, $num_array, $c_orderby, $c_ordersc);
$dbo->setPages($c_perpage, $page_num);
$com_rs = $dbo->getRs($sql);
$page_total = $dbo->totalPage;
$o_def = '';
$o_add_time = '';
if (get_argg('order_by') == '' || get_argg('order_by') == "com_id") {
    $o_def = "selected";
if (get_argg('order_by') == "add_time") {
    $o_add_time = "selected";
Example #2
$t_table = $tablePreStr . "poll";
$dbo = new dbex();
dbtarget('w', $dbServs);
$page_num = trim(get_argg('page'));
$c_expiration = short_check(get_argg('expiration'));
$c_orderby = short_check(get_argg('order_by'));
$c_ordersc = short_check(get_argg('order_sc'));
$c_perpage = get_argg('perpage') ? intval(get_argg('perpage')) : 20;
$eq_array = array('p_id', 'user_id', 'username', 'sex', 'noreply');
$like_array = array('subject');
$date_array = array("dateline");
$num_array = array('comments', 'voternum', 'credit');
$sql = spell_sql($t_table, $eq_array, $like_array, $date_array, $num_array, '', '');
if ($c_expiration != '') {
    if ($c_expiration == 1) {
        $sql .= " and expiration <= NOW() ";
    if ($c_expiration == 2) {
        $sql .= " and expiration > NOW() ";
if (!empty($c_orderby)) {
    $sql .= " order by {$c_orderby} ";
$sql .= " {$c_ordersc} ";
$dbo->setPages($c_perpage, $page_num);
$poll_rs = $dbo->getRs($sql);
$page_total = $dbo->totalPage;
Example #3
if (get_args("op") == 'upd') {
    $group = get_args('group');
    $user_id = intval(get_args('user_id'));
    $sql = "update {$t_users} set user_group='{$group}' where user_id='{$user_id}'";
$page_num = trim(get_argg('page'));
$sql = '';
$eq_array = array('user_id', 'user_group');
$like_array = array("user_name");
$date_array = array();
$num_array = array();
$sql = spell_sql($t_users, $eq_array, $like_array, $date_array, $num_array, '', '', '');
$dbo->setPages(20, $page_num);
$member_rs = $dbo->getRs($sql);
$page_total = $dbo->totalPage;
$isNull = 0;
$isset_data = "";
$none_data = "content_none";
if (empty($member_rs)) {
    $isset_data = "content_none";
    $none_data = "";
    $isNull = 1;
Example #4
$c_online = intval(get_argg('online'));
$c_orderby = short_check(get_argg('order_by'));
$c_ordersc = short_check(get_argg('order_sc'));
$c_perpage = get_argg('perpage') ? intval(get_argg('perpage')) : 20;
if ($c_online == 1) {
    $t_online = $tablePreStr . "online";
    $t_table = $t_users . "," . $t_online;
} else {
    $t_table = $t_users;
$eq_array = array('user_id', 'is_pass', 'user_sex', 'login_ip');
$like_array = array("user_name");
$date_array = array("user_add_time", "lastlogin_datetime");
$num_array = array("integral");
$join_cond = "user_id";
$sql = spell_sql($t_table, $eq_array, $like_array, $date_array, $num_array, '', '', $join_cond);
if (!empty($c_city)) {
    $sql .= " and ({$t_users}.birth_city = '{$c_city}' or {$t_users}.reside_city = '{$c_city}') ";
if (!empty($c_province)) {
    $sql .= " and ({$t_users}.birth_province = '{$c_province}' or {$t_users}.reside_province ='{$c_province}') ";
if (!empty($c_orderby)) {
    $sql .= " order by {$t_users}.{$c_orderby} ";
$sql .= " {$c_ordersc} ";
$dbo->setPages($c_perpage, $page_num);
$member_rs = $dbo->getRs($sql);