Example #1
        //	Increment the explorer height to indicate the next desired block
        spectra_log_write(0, "Loading Block: " . $start);
        //	The next block is loaded
        //	Increment the block count
    //	Log the number of blocks loaded
    spectra_log_write(0, "Loaded " . $count_loaded . " Blocks.");
	Rebuild Balances If Indicated
//	Check for the balances flag and rebuild if requested
if (system_flag_get("balance_rebuild") > 0) {
    //	There is another script that will handle this
    include "maint_rebalance.php";
	Reset Maintenance Flags
//	Reset the maintenance mode flag
system_flag_set("maintenance", 0);
//	Log the time of completion
spectra_log_write(0, "Script maint_crontab.php complete.");
	Developed By Jake Paysnoe - Copyright © 2015 SPEC Development Team
	SPEC Block Explorer is released under the MIT Software License.
	For additional details please read license.txt in this package.
function spectra_orphan_wipe($blockhash)
    //	Write alog message
    spectra_log_write(0, "Deleting data for block: " . $blockhash);
    //	Remove Related vin data
    $clear = mysqli_delete($GLOBALS["tables"]["vin"], "`in_block` = '" . $blockhash . "'");
    if ($clear["success"] < 1) {
        spectra_log_write(1, "Unable to delete vin data for block: " . $blockhash);
    //	Remove related vout data
    $clear = mysqli_delete($GLOBALS["tables"]["vout"], "`in_block` = '" . $blockhash . "'");
    if ($clear["success"] < 1) {
        spectra_log_write(1, "Unable to delete vout data for block: " . $blockhash);
    //	Remove related tx data
    $clear = mysqli_delete($GLOBALS["tables"]["tx"], "`in_block` = '" . $blockhash . "'");
    if ($clear["success"] < 1) {
        spectra_log_write(1, "Unable to delete tx data for block: " . $blockhash);
    //	Remove any addresses first seen in this block
    $clear = mysqli_delete($GLOBALS["tables"]["ledger"], "`firstblock` = '" . $blockhash . "'");
    if ($clear["success"] < 1) {
        spectra_log_write(1, "Unable to delete tx data for block: " . $blockhash);
    //	Remove the block record
    $clear = mysqli_delete($GLOBALS["tables"]["block"], "`hash` = '" . $blockhash . "'");
    if ($clear["success"] < 1) {
        spectra_log_write(1, "Unable to delete block data for block: " . $blockhash);
Example #3
function spectra_log_sql($message, $query)
    $result = $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->query($query);
    if ($GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error) {
        $buildlog = "Error: " . $message . " - " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error;
        spectra_log_write(1, $buildlog);
    } else {
        $buildlog = "Success: " . $message;
        spectra_log_write(0, $buildlog);

//	Enable the spectra functionality
require_once "../lib/spectra_config.php";
//	check for a block number in the command line
if (!isset($argv[1]) or $argv[1] == "") {
    echo "You must provide a block height.\n\n";
//	Verify that a block exists at this height
$hash = getblockhash((int) $argv[1]);
$block = getblock($hash);
if (!isset($block["hash"])) {
    spectra_log_write(1, "Unable to retrieve block at height " . $argv[1]);
//	Process the block with the block parser
spectra_block_load((int) $argv[1]);
//	Some data for the log
spectra_log_write(0, "Inserted block at height " . $argv[1]);
	Developed By Jake Paysnoe - Copyright � 2015 SPEC Development Team
	SPEC Block Explorer is released under the MIT Software License.
	For additional details please read license.txt in this package.
function spectra_block_load($block_height)
    //	Fetch the hash for the specified block height
    $hash = getblockhash($block_height);
    //	Fetch the block data from the node
    $block = getblock($hash, TRUE);
    //	The block-level data is sorted into an array to match the
    //	formatting of the prepared statement
    $parsed_block = spectra_block_parse($block);
    //	Parse and calculate each transaction in the block
    foreach ($block["tx"] as $txid) {
        //	Parse the transaction by ID
        $tx_parsed = spectra_tx_parse($txid);
        //	Process the transaction vins
        foreach ($tx_parsed["vin"] as $index => $vin) {
            //	Parse the vin data together with the tx data
            $parsed_vin = spectra_vin_parse($tx_parsed, $vin);
            //	Bind and insert the vin data
            $bound = $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["vin"]->bind_param("ssisdssiss", $parsed_vin["src_block"], $parsed_vin["src_tx"], $parsed_vin["src_vout"], $parsed_vin["src_address"], $parsed_vin["src_value"], $parsed_vin["in_block"], $parsed_vin["in_tx"], $parsed_vin["time"], $parsed_vin["coinbase"], $parsed_vin["sequence"]);
            if (!$bound) {
                spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_vin: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
            $response = $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["vin"]->execute();
            if ($GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->errno > 0) {
                spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_vin: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
            //	Update the transaction
            $tx_parsed["val_in"] = bcadd($tx_parsed["val_in"], $parsed_vin["src_value"], 8);
            //	If this is not a generation, update the sending address
            if ($parsed_vin["src_address"] !== "Generated") {
                //	decode the source address
                $addr_src = json_decode($parsed_vin["src_address"], 1);
                //	Retrieve information about the source address
                $record = mysqli_getrow($GLOBALS["tables"]["ledger"], "`address` = '" . $addr_src[0] . "'");
                //	Increment the outgoing transaction counter for the source address
                $tx_outcount = $record["data"]["tx_out"] + 1;
                //	Increment the outgoing transaction value for the source address
                $spent = bcadd($record["data"]["spent"], $parsed_vin["src_value"], 8);
                //	Adjust the source account balance
                $balance = bcsub($record["data"]["balance"], $parsed_vin["src_value"], 8);
                //	Bind and insert the updated values
                $bound = $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["addvin"]->bind_param("idds", $tx_outcount, $spent, $balance, $addr_src[0]);
                if (!$bound) {
                    spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_addvin: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
                $response = $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["addvin"]->execute();
                if ($GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->errno > 0) {
                    spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_addvin: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
        //	It is necessary to watch for a stake modifier in order
        //	to separate coins generated in a block-split from any
        //	tx fees in the block.
        $modifier = 0;
        //	Process the transaction vouts
        foreach ($tx_parsed["vout"] as $index => $vout) {
            //	Parse the vout
            $parsed_vout = spectra_vout_parse($parsed_block["flags"], $tx_parsed, $vout);
            //	Set the modiier flag if this vout is a stake-modifier
            if (strcasecmp(substr($parsed_vout["addresses"], 2, 14), "Stake Modifier") == 0) {
                $modifier = 1;
            //	Insert the vout data
            $bound = $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["vout"]->bind_param("ssidiiss", $parsed_vout["in_block"], $parsed_vout["in_tx"], $parsed_vout["time"], $parsed_vout["value"], $parsed_vout["n"], $parsed_vout["reqsigs"], $parsed_vout["type"], $parsed_vout["addresses"]);
            if (!$bound) {
                spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_vout: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
            $response = $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["vout"]->execute();
            if ($GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->errno > 0) {
                spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_vout: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
            //	Update the transaction
            $tx_parsed["val_out"] = bcadd($tx_parsed["val_out"], $parsed_vout["value"], 8);
            //	If this address is unknown a record is created
            foreach (json_decode($parsed_vout["addresses"], 1) as $address) {
                $exists = mysqli_isrow($GLOBALS["tables"]["ledger"], "`address` = '" . $address . "'");
                if (!$exists["data"]) {
                    //	Format an empty address record
                    $address_new = spectra_address_new();
                    //	Populate the empty record with the supplied values
                    $address_new["address"] = $address;
                    $address_new["firstblock"] = $block["hash"];
                    //	Bind the record for insertion
                    $bound = $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["address"]->bind_param("ssididds", $address_new["address"], $address_new["firstblock"], $address_new["tx_in"], $address_new["received"], $address_new["tx_out"], $address_new["spent"], $address_new["balance"], $address_new["owner"]);
                    if (!$bound) {
                        spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_address: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
                    //	Execute the prepared statement
                    $response = $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["address"]->execute();
                    if ($GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->errno > 0) {
                        spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_address: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
            //	For balancing purposes, in case of a multi-sig tx
            //	Only the first address in the list is credited with
            //	the balance from the transaction
            //	Update address information with values from this tx
            //	Decode the addresses field from the parsed vout
            $addresses = json_decode($parsed_vout["addresses"], 1);
            //	Retrieve information about the receiving address
            $record = mysqli_getrow($GLOBALS["tables"]["ledger"], "`address` = '" . $addresses[0] . "'");
            //	Increment the incoming transaction counter for the receiving address
            $tx_incount = $record["data"]["tx_in"] + 1;
            //	Increment the incoming transaction value for the receiving address
            $received = bcadd($record["data"]["received"], $parsed_vout["value"], 8);
            //	Adjust the receiving account balance
            $balance = bcadd($record["data"]["balance"], $parsed_vout["value"], 8);
            //	Bind and insert the updated values
            $bound = $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["addvout"]->bind_param("idds", $tx_incount, $received, $balance, $addresses[0]);
            if (!$bound) {
                spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_addvout: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
            $response = $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["addvout"]->execute();
            if ($GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->errno > 0) {
                spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_addvout: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
        //	Calculate the fee value for this transaction
        if ($modifier == 0) {
            $tx_parsed["val_fee"] = bcsub($tx_parsed["val_in"], $tx_parsed["val_out"], 8);
        } else {
            $tx_parsed["val_fee"] = 0;
        //	Bind and insert the parsed tx
        $bound = $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["tx"]->bind_param("ssiiiisddd", $tx_parsed["in_block"], $tx_parsed["txid"], $tx_parsed["version"], $tx_parsed["time"], $tx_parsed["locktime"], $tx_parsed["blocktime"], $tx_parsed["tx-comment"], $tx_parsed["val_in"], $tx_parsed["val_out"], $tx_parsed["val_fee"]);
        if (!$bound) {
            spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_tx: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
        $response = $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["tx"]->execute();
        if ($GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->errno > 0) {
            spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_tx: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
        //	Update the block with the values
        $parsed_block["val_in"] = bcadd($parsed_block["val_in"], $tx_parsed["val_in"], 8);
        $parsed_block["val_out"] = bcadd($parsed_block["val_out"], $tx_parsed["val_out"], 8);
        $parsed_block["val_fee"] = bcadd($parsed_block["val_fee"], $tx_parsed["val_fee"], 8);
    //	Insert the block data into the database
    $bound = $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["block"]->bind_param("ssiiidssssiisdsssssddd", $parsed_block["hash"], $parsed_block["proofhash"], $parsed_block["size"], $parsed_block["height"], $parsed_block["version"], $parsed_block["mint"], $parsed_block["flags"], $parsed_block["entropybit"], $parsed_block["merkleroot"], $parsed_block["tx"], $parsed_block["time"], $parsed_block["nonce"], $parsed_block["bits"], $parsed_block["difficulty"], $parsed_block["modifier"], $parsed_block["modifierchecksum"], $parsed_block["signature"], $parsed_block["previousblockhash"], $parsed_block["nextblockhash"], $parsed_block["val_in"], $parsed_block["val_out"], $parsed_block["val_fee"]);
    if (!$bound) {
        spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_block: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
    $response = $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["block"]->execute();
    if ($GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->errno > 0) {
        spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_block: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
    //	Reset prepared statements for performance
    $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["vout"] = $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->prepare("INSERT INTO `" . $GLOBALS["tables"]["vout"] . "` (`in_block`, `in_tx`, `time`, `value`, `n`, `reqsigs`, `type`, `addresses`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
    if (!$GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["vout"]) {
        spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_vout: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
    $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["address"] = $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->prepare("INSERT INTO `" . $GLOBALS["tables"]["ledger"] . "` (`address`, `firstblock`, `tx_in`, `received`, `tx_out`, `spent`, `balance`, `owner`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
    if (!$GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["address"]) {
        spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_address: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
    $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["addvin"] = $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->prepare("UPDATE `" . $GLOBALS["tables"]["ledger"] . "` SET `tx_out` = ?, `spent` = ?, `balance` = ? WHERE `address` = ?");
    if (!$GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["addvin"]) {
        spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_addvin: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
    $GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["addvout"] = $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->prepare("UPDATE `" . $GLOBALS["tables"]["ledger"] . "` SET `tx_in` = ?, `received` = ?, `balance` = ? WHERE `address` = ?");
    if (!$GLOBALS["db"]["prep"]["addvout"]) {
        spectra_log_write(1, "(prep_addvout: " . __LINE__ . ") " . $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->error);
//	This function performs a reset on the prepared statments to enhance
//	database performance when loading a large chain.
function spectra_prep_reset()
Example #7
        //	Fetch the vouts for the address
        $list_vout = mysqli_getset($GLOBALS["tables"]["vout"], "`addresses` LIKE '%" . $entry["address"] . "%'");
        //	Sum the vouts
        $sum_vout = 0;
        $num_vout = 0;
        if ($list_vout["data"] != "") {
            foreach ($list_vout["data"] as $vout) {
                $sum_vout = bcadd($sum_vout, $vout["value"], 8);
        //	Calculate the balance
        $balance = bcsub($sum_vout, $sum_vin, 8);
        //	Update the ledger record
        $result = $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->query("UPDATE `" . $GLOBALS["tables"]["ledger"] . "` SET `tx_in` = '" . $num_vout . "', `received` = '" . $sum_vout . "', `tx_out` = '" . $num_vin . "', `spent` = '" . $sum_vin . "', `balance` = '" . $balance . "' WHERE `address` = '" . $entry["address"] . "'");
    //	Increment the set counter
//	Reset the balance rebuild flag
system_flag_set("balance_rebuild", 0);
//	Some data for the log
spectra_log_write(0, "Rebalance Complete");
	Developed By Jake Paysnoe - Copyright © 2015 SPEC Development Team
	SPEC Block Explorer is released under the MIT Software License.
	For additional details please read license.txt in this package.
Example #8
//	Enable the spectra functionality
require_once "../lib/spectra_config.php";
//	Determine the current block height from the node
$targ = getblockcount();
if (is_array($targ)) {
    spectra_log_write(1, "Communication Error: " . print_r($targ["error"], 1));
//	Most wallets do not display the genesis (0) block.  The script
//	will begin loading with the first mined block at block 1.
$load = 1;
//	Status for the log
spectra_log_write(0, "Loading " . $GLOBALS["currency"]["name"] . " Block Chain");
spectra_log_write(0, "Node Height: " . $targ);
//	The blocks are loaded from the node.
while ($load <= $targ) {
    //	Each block is written to the log to ensure that any errors
    //	generated can be tracked to the specific block
    spectra_log_write(0, "Loading Block: " . $load);
    //	The current block is parsed into the database
    //	The block counter is updated.
//	Completed status for the log
spectra_log_write(0, "No New Block (" . $load . ")");
	Developed By Jake Paysnoe - Copyright � 2015 SPEC Development Team
	SPEC Block Explorer is released under the MIT Software License.
	For additional details please read license.txt in this package.
Example #9

//	Enable the spectra functionality
require_once "../lib/spectra_config.php";
//	Reset the maintenance flags
system_flag_set("balance_rebuild", 0);
system_flag_set("maintenance", 0);
//	Some data for the log
spectra_log_write(0, "System Maintenance flags forced to 0");
	Developed By Jake Paysnoe - Copyright � 2015 SPEC Development Team
	SPEC Block Explorer is released under the MIT Software License.
	For additional details please read license.txt in this package.