function sp_MemberListActions($args = '', $label = '', $startedToolTip = '', $postedToolTip = '')
    global $spThisMember;
    if (!sp_get_auth('view_members_list')) {
    $defs = array('tagId' => 'spMembersListActions%ID%', 'tagClass' => 'spInRowNumber', 'labelClass' => 'spInRowLabel', 'started' => 1, 'startedIcon' => 'sp_TopicsStarted.png', 'startedClass' => 'spIcon', 'posted' => 1, 'postedIcon' => 'sp_TopicsPosted.png', 'postedClass' => 'spIcon', 'profile' => 1, 'profileIcon' => 'sp_ProfileForm.png', 'profileClass' => 'spIcon', 'stack' => 0, 'echo' => 1);
    $a = wp_parse_args($args, $defs);
    $a = apply_filters('sph_MemberListActions_args', $a);
    extract($a, EXTR_SKIP);
    # sanitize before use
    $tagId = esc_attr($tagId);
    $tagClass = esc_attr($tagClass);
    $labelClass = esc_attr($labelClass);
    $startedClass = esc_attr($startedClass);
    $postedClass = esc_attr($postedClass);
    $profileClass = esc_attr($profileClass);
    $started = (int) $started;
    $posted = (int) $posted;
    $profile = (int) $profile;
    $startedIcon = sp_find_icon(SPTHEMEICONSURL, sanitize_file_name($startedIcon));
    $postedIcon = sp_find_icon(SPTHEMEICONSURL, sanitize_file_name($postedIcon));
    $profileIcon = sp_find_icon(SPTHEMEICONSURL, sanitize_file_name($profileIcon));
    $echo = (int) $echo;
    if (!empty($startedToolTip)) {
        $startedToolTip = esc_attr($startedToolTip);
    if (!empty($postedToolTip)) {
        $postedToolTip = esc_attr($postedToolTip);
    $tagId = str_ireplace('%ID%', $spThisMember->user_id, $tagId);
    $att = $stack ? '<br />' : '';
    # now render it
    $out = "<div id='{$tagId}' class='{$tagClass}'>";
    if (!empty($label)) {
        $out .= "<span class='{$labelClass}'>" . sp_filter_title_display($label) . "<br /></span>";
    if ($started) {
        $param['forum'] = 'all';
        $param['value'] = $spThisMember->user_id;
        $param['type'] = 5;
        $param['search'] = 1;
        $url = add_query_arg($param, sp_url());
        $url = sp_filter_wp_ampersand($url);
        $out .= "<a href='" . esc_url($url) . "'><img class='{$startedClass} vtip' src='{$startedIcon}' title='{$startedToolTip}' alt='' />{$att}</a>";
    if ($posted) {
        $param['forum'] = 'all';
        $param['value'] = $spThisMember->user_id;
        $param['type'] = 4;
        $param['search'] = 1;
        $url = add_query_arg($param, sp_url());
        $url = sp_filter_wp_ampersand($url);
        $out .= "<a href='" . esc_url($url) . "'><img class='{$postedClass} vtip' src='{$postedIcon}' title='{$postedToolTip}' alt='' />{$att}</a>";
    if ($profile) {
        $link = "<img class='{$profileClass}' src='{$profileIcon}' alt='' />{$att}";
        $out .= sp_attach_user_profile_link($spThisMember->user_id, $link);
    $out .= "</div>\n";
    $out = apply_filters('sph_MemberListActions', $out, $a);
    if ($echo) {
        echo $out;
    } else {
        return $out;
function sp_build_name_display($userid, $username, $linkNames = 1)
    global $spThisUser, $spVars;
    $username = apply_filters('sph_build_name_display', $username, $userid);
    if ($userid) {
        $profile = sp_get_option('sfprofile');
        if (sp_get_auth('view_profiles') && ($profile['namelink'] == 2 && $linkNames == 1)) {
            # link to profile
            return sp_attach_user_profile_link($userid, $username);
        } else {
            if ($profile['namelink'] == 3) {
                # link to website
                return sp_attach_user_web_link($userid, $username);
            } else {
                $username = apply_filters('sph_build_name_display_option', $username, $userid);
    # neither permission or profile/web link
    return $username;