$form = util_getRequestParameter('form'); $locVersion = util_getRequestParameter('locVersion'); $locVersions = pref_getLocVersions(); if ($locVersion && $form) { LocVersion::changeDatabase($locVersion); $form = StringUtil::cleanupQuery($form); smarty_assign('page_title', 'Verificare LOC: ' . $form); $ifs = loadLoc($form); $lexems = array(); $inflections = array(); foreach ($ifs as $if) { $lexems[] = Lexem::get_by_id($if->lexemId); $inflections[] = Inflection::get_by_id($if->inflectionId); } smarty_assign('form', $form); smarty_assign('selectedLocVersion', $locVersion); smarty_assign('ifs', $ifs); smarty_assign('lexems', $lexems); smarty_assign('inflections', $inflections); } else { smarty_assign('selectedLocVersion', $locVersions[1]->name); smarty_assign('page_title', 'Căutare formă flexionară în LOC ' . $form); } setlocale(LC_ALL, "ro_RO.utf8"); smarty_assign('locVersions', $locVersions); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('scrabble-flexiune.ihtml'); function loadLoc($cuv) { $field = StringUtil::hasDiacritics($cuv) ? 'formNoAccent' : 'formUtf8General'; return Model::factory('InflectedForm')->raw_query("select distinct I.* from InflectedForm I, Lexem L, Model M, ModelDescription MD, ModelType MT " . "where I.lexemId = L.id and L.modelType = MT.code and MT.canonical = M.modelType and L.modelNumber = M.number and M.id = MD.modelId " . "and I.inflectionId = MD.inflectionId and I.variant = MD.variant and MD.applOrder = 0 " . "and I.{$field} = '{$cuv}' and L.isLoc and MD.isLoc order by L.formNoAccent", null)->find_many(); }
$identity = util_getRequestParameter('identity'); $email = util_getRequestParameter('email'); smarty_assign('identity', $identity); smarty_assign('email', $email); smarty_assign('page_title', 'Parolă uitată'); smarty_assign('suggestHiddenSearchForm', true); if (!$submitButton) { smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('auth/parola-uitata.ihtml'); } else { if (!$email) { FlashMessage::add('Trebuie să introduceți o adresă de e-mail.'); } else { $user = User::get_by_email($email); if ($user) { log_userLog("Password recovery requested for {$email} from " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); // Create the token $pt = Model::factory('PasswordToken')->create(); $pt->userId = $user->id; $pt->token = util_randomCapitalLetterString(20); $pt->save(); // Send email smarty_assign('homePage', util_getFullServerUrl()); smarty_assign('token', $pt->token); $body = smarty_fetch('email/resetPassword.ihtml'); $ourEmail = pref_getContactEmail(); $result = mail($email, "Schimbarea parolei pentru DEX online", $body, "From: DEX online <{$ourEmail}>\r\nReply-To: {$ourEmail}"); // Display a confirmation even for incorrect addresses. smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('auth/passwordRecoveryEmailSent.ihtml'); } } }
if (!is_null($conjugations) || !is_null($declensions)) { $page_keywords .= ", paradigmă {$cuv}"; $page_description .= ', paradigme'; } $page_keywords .= ", dexonline, DEX online"; $page_description .= " pentru {$cuv}"; $page_title = ''; if (count($sourceList)) { $page_description .= " din dicționarele: " . implode(", ", $sourceList); if (count($sourceList) == 1) { $page_title = ' ' . $sourceList[0]; } } $page_title .= $showParadigm ? ' si paradigme' : ''; smarty_assign('page_title', "{$cuv} - definitie{$page_title}"); smarty_assign('page_keywords', $page_keywords); smarty_assign('page_description', $page_description); } // Ads AdsModule::runAllModules(empty($lexems) ? null : $lexems, empty($definitions) ? null : $definitions); smarty_assign('text', $text); smarty_assign('searchType', $searchType); smarty_assign('showParadigm', $showParadigm); smarty_assign('paradigmLink', $paradigmLink); smarty_assign('advancedSearch', $text || $sourceId); if (!$xml) { smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('search.ihtml'); } else { header('Content-type: text/xml'); smarty_displayWithoutSkin('common/searchXML.ihtml'); }
$paradigms[] = $paradigm; } smarty_assign('modelsToDisplay', $modelsToDisplay); smarty_assign('lexems', $lexems); smarty_assign('paradigms', $paradigms); } else { smarty_assign('selectedLocVersion', $locVersions[0]->name); // LocVersion::changeDatabase($locVersion); } $modelTypes = ModelType::loadCanonical(); $models = FlexModel::loadByType($modelType ? $modelType : $modelTypes[0]->code); smarty_assign('page_title', 'Modele de flexiune'); smarty_assign('locVersions', $locVersions); smarty_assign('modelTypes', $modelTypes); smarty_assign('models', $models); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('modele-flexiune.ihtml'); /*************************************************************************/ /** * Load the forms to display for a model when a lexem already exists. This code is specific to each LOC version. */ function getExistingForms($lexemId, $locVersion) { if ($locVersion >= '5.0') { return InflectedForm::loadByLexemIdMapByInflectionRank($lexemId); } else { return InflectedForm::loadByLexemIdMapByInflectionId($lexemId); } } function getNewForms($lexem, $locVersion) { $ifArray = $lexem->generateParadigm();
$content = ""; $messageAlert = array(); $blackList = array(); foreach ($rezultate as $iter) { # Skip dexonline.ro from results #if(stripos($iter->url, "dexonline.ro") == true) # continue; $components = parse_url($iter->url); if (StringUtil::endsWith($components['host'], 'dexonline.ro')) { continue; } $listAll[] = $iter->url; # Search for "licenta GPL" or "dexonline.ro" in resulted page $content = @file_get_contents($iter->url); $poslink = stripos($content, "dexonline.ro"); $posGPL = stripos($content, "GPL"); if ($poslink === false && $posGPL === false) { $blackList[] = $iter->url; $messageAlert[] = "Licenta GPL sau link catre dexonline.ro negasite in site-ul {$iter->url} "; } else { $messageAlert[] = "A fost gasita o mentiune catre licenta GPL sau un link catre dexonline.ro in site-ul {$iter->url} "; } } smarty_assign('page_title', 'Site Clones'); smarty_assign('definition', $definition); smarty_assign('listAll', $listAll); smarty_assign('alert', $messageAlert); # Print Blacklist items if any smarty_assign("blackList", $blackList); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin("siteClones.ihtml");
} } else { $openidNick = $loginType == 1 ? $data['fullname'] : ($loginType == 2 ? $data['nickname'] : $nick); $user = User::get_by_nick($openidNick); if ($user) { FlashMessage::add('Acest nume de utilizator este deja luat.'); } else { if (mb_strlen($openidNick) < 3 || mb_strlen($openidNick) > 20) { FlashMessage::add('Numele de utilizator trebuie să aibă între 3 și 20 de caractere.'); } else { if (!preg_match("/^([-a-z0-9_. ]|ă|â|î|ș|ț|Ă|Â|Î|Ș|Ț)+\$/i", $openidNick)) { FlashMessage::add('Numele de utilizator poate conține doar litere, cifre, spații și simbolurile . - _'); } else { if (!preg_match("/[a-z]|ă|â|î|ș|ț|Ă|Â|Î|Ș|Ț/i", $openidNick)) { FlashMessage::add('Numele de utilizator trebuie să conțină cel puțin o literă.'); } else { $data['nickname'] = $openidNick; session_login(null, $data); } } } } } } smarty_assign('page_title', 'Autentificare cu OpenID'); smarty_assign('suggestHiddenSearchForm', true); smarty_assign('data', $data); smarty_assign('randString', $randString); smarty_assign('loginType', $loginType); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('auth/chooseIdentity.ihtml');
<?php require_once "../phplib/util.php"; $p = util_getRequestParameter('p'); switch ($p) { case '404': smarty_assign('page_title', 'Pagină inexistentă'); break; case 'faq': smarty_assign('page_title', 'Informații'); break; case 'contact': smarty_assign('page_title', 'Contact'); break; case 'license': smarty_assign('page_title', 'Licență Publică Generală GNU'); break; case 'links': smarty_assign('page_title', 'Legături'); break; case 'ads': smarty_assign('page_title', 'Publicitate pe DEX online'); break; default: exit; } smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin("{$p}.ihtml");
WordOfTheDay::updateTodaysWord(); $wotd = WordOfTheDay::get_by_displayDate($mysqlDate); } $archive = WordOfTheDay::getArchiveWotD(date('Y', $timestamp), date('m', $timestamp)); $defId = WordOfTheDayRel::getRefId($wotd->id); $def = Definition::get_by_id($defId); $searchResults = SearchResult::mapDefinitionArray(array($def)); setlocale(LC_ALL, 'ro_RO'); $roDate = strftime("%e %B %Y", $timestamp); $pageTitle = sprintf("Cuvântul zilei: %s (%s)", $def->lexicon, $roDate); if ($mysqlDate > WOTD_BIG_BANG) { smarty_assign('prevday', date('Y/m/d', $timestamp - 86400)); } if ($mysqlDate < $today) { smarty_assign('nextday', date('Y/m/d', $timestamp + 86400)); } smarty_assign('imageUrl', $wotd->getImageUrl()); smarty_assign('timestamp', $timestamp); smarty_assign('archive', $archive); smarty_assign('mysqlDate', $mysqlDate); smarty_assign('page_title', $pageTitle); smarty_assign('page_keywords', "Cuvântul zilei, {$def->lexicon}, dexonline, DEX online, {$pageTitle}"); smarty_assign('page_description', "{$pageTitle} de la dexonline"); smarty_assign('searchResult', array_pop($searchResults)); if ($type == 'url') { smarty_assign('today', $today); smarty_assign('title', $def->lexicon); smarty_displayWithoutSkin('common/bits/wotdurl.ihtml'); } else { smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('wotd.ihtml'); }
$token = util_getRequestParameter('token'); $identity = util_getRequestParameter('identity'); $pt = PasswordToken::get_by_token($token); $data = FileCache::get($identity); if (!$pt) { FlashMessage::add('Ați introdus un cod de recuperare incorect.'); } else { if ($pt->createDate < time() - 24 * 3600) { FlashMessage::add('Codul de recuperare introdus a expirat.'); } else { if (!$data) { FlashMessage::add('Ați introdus o identitate incorectă.'); } else { $user = User::get_by_id($pt->userId); if (!$user) { FlashMessage::add('Ați introdus un cod de recuperare incorect.'); } else { if ($user->identity) { FlashMessage::add('Acest cont a fost deja revendicat de o identitate OpenID.'); } else { FlashMessage::add('Contul dumneavoastră a fost recuperat și unificat cu identitatea OpenID.', 'info'); session_login($user, $data); } } } } } smarty_assign('page_title', 'Recuperarea parolei'); smarty_assign('suggestHiddenSearchForm', true); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('auth/passwordRecoveryWrongData.ihtml');
// Re-rank the inflections according to the order in $inflectionIds $modelTypeMap = array(); foreach ($inflectionIds as $inflId) { $infl = Inflection::get_by_id($inflId); $rank = array_key_exists($infl->modelType, $modelTypeMap) ? $modelTypeMap[$infl->modelType] + 1 : 1; $modelTypeMap[$infl->modelType] = $rank; $infl->rank = $rank; $infl->save(); } // Add a new inflection if one is given if ($newDescription) { $infl = Model::factory('Inflection')->create(); $infl->description = $newDescription; $infl->modelType = $newModelType; $infl->rank = $modelTypeMap[$newModelType] + 1; $infl->save(); } util_redirect('flexiuni'); } // Tag inflections which can be safely deleted (only those that aren't being used by any model) $inflections = Model::factory('Inflection')->order_by_asc('modelType')->order_by_asc('rank')->find_many(); $usedInflectionIds = db_getArray('select distinct inflectionId from ModelDescription'); foreach ($inflections as $infl) { $infl->canDelete = !in_array($infl->id, $usedInflectionIds); } smarty_assign('page_title', 'Editare flexiuni'); smarty_assign('suggestHiddenSearchForm', true); smarty_assign('inflections', $inflections); smarty_assign('modelTypes', ModelType::loadCanonical()); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('editor-modele/flexiuni.ihtml');
$src->canDistribute = util_getRequestParameterWithDefault("canDistribute", 0); $src->defCount = util_getRequestIntParameter("defCount"); if (validate($src)) { // For new sources, set displayOrder to the highest available + 1 if (!$sourceId) { $src->displayOrder = Model::factory('Source')->count() + 1; } $src->updatePercentComplete(); $src->save(); FlashMessage::add('Modificările au fost salvate', 'info'); util_redirect("editare-sursa?id={$src->id}"); } } smarty_assign('src', $src); smarty_assign('page_title', $sourceId ? "Editare sursă {$src->shortName}" : "Adăugare sursă"); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('editare-sursa.ihtml'); /** * Returns true on success, false on errors. */ function validate($src) { $success = true; if (!$src->name) { FlashMessage::add('Numele nu poate fi vid.'); $success = false; } if (!$src->shortName) { FlashMessage::add('Numele scurt nu poate fi vid.'); $success = false; } if (!$src->urlName) {
} $noSkin = (int) util_getRequestParameter('k'); if ( !is_int($noSkin) || $noSkin!=1 ){ $noSkin = DEFAULT_SHOW_LIST; } /* $query = sprintf('select id from Lexem order by rand() limit %d', $listLength); $ids = db_getArray($query); $query = sprintf(RANDOM_WORDS_QUERY, $showSource?SOURCE_PART_RANDOM_WORDS:'', join(",",$ids)); $forms = db_getArrayOfRows($query); */ $query = sprintf(RANDOM_WORDS_QUERY, $showSource?SOURCE_PART_RANDOM_WORDS:'', $listLength); $forms = db_getArrayOfRows($query); $cnt = count($forms); if ($noSkin) { smarty_assign('forms', $forms); smarty_displayWithoutSkin('common/randomWordListSimple.ihtml'); } else { smarty_assign('forms', $forms); smarty_assign('page_title', "O listă de {$cnt} de cuvinte alese la întâmplare."); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('randomWordList.ihtml'); } ?>
<?php require_once "../../phplib/util.php"; util_assertNotMirror(); util_assertNotLoggedIn(); $openid = util_getRequestParameter('openid'); switch ($openid) { case 'google': $openid = "https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id"; break; case 'yahoo': $openid = "http://yahoo.com/"; break; } if ($openid) { OpenID::beginAuth($openid, null); smarty_displayWithoutSkin('common/auth/beginAuth.ihtml'); exit; } smarty_assign('openid', $openid); smarty_assign('page_title', 'Autentificare cu OpenID'); smarty_assign('suggestHiddenSearchForm', true); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('auth/login.ihtml');
require_once "../phplib/util.php"; util_assertModerator(PRIV_ADMIN); $userIds = util_getRequestParameter('userIds'); $newNick = util_getRequestParameter('newNick'); $newCheckboxes = util_getRequestParameterWithDefault("newPriv", array()); $submitButton = util_getRequestParameter('submitButton'); if ($submitButton) { foreach ($userIds as $userId) { $checkboxes = util_getRequestParameterWithDefault("priv_{$userId}", array()); $user = User::get_by_id($userId); $user->moderator = array_sum($checkboxes); $user->save(); } if ($newNick) { $user = User::get_by_nick($newNick); if ($user) { $user->moderator = array_sum($newCheckboxes); $user->save(); } else { FlashMessage::add("Numele de utilizator „{$newNick}” nu există"); util_redirect("moderatori"); } } FlashMessage::add('Modificările au fost salvate', 'info'); util_redirect("moderatori"); } smarty_assign('page_title', 'Moderatori'); smarty_assign('users', Model::factory('User')->where_not_equal('moderator', 0)->order_by_asc('nick')->find_many()); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('moderatori.ihtml');
$user->email = StringUtil::scrambleEmail($user->email); // Find the rank of this user by number of words and number of characters $topWords = TopEntry::getTopData(CRIT_WORDS, SORT_DESC, true); $numUsers = count($topWords); $rankWords = 0; while ($rankWords < $numUsers && $topWords[$rankWords]->userNick != $nick) { $rankWords++; } $userData['rank_words'] = $rankWords + 1; if ($rankWords < $numUsers) { $topEntry = $topWords[$rankWords]; $userData['last_submission'] = $topEntry->timestamp; $userData['num_words'] = $topEntry->numDefinitions; $userData['num_chars'] = $topEntry->numChars; } $topChars = TopEntry::getTopData(CRIT_CHARS, SORT_DESC, true); $numUsers = count($topChars); $rankChars = 0; while ($rankChars < $numUsers && $topChars[$rankChars]->userNick != $nick) { $rankChars++; } $userData['rank_chars'] = $rankChars + 1; smarty_assign('page_title', "Utilizator: {$nick}"); } else { smarty_assign('missingNick', $nick); smarty_assign('page_title', 'Utilizator inexistent'); } smarty_assign('user', $user); smarty_assign('userData', $userData); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('user.ihtml');
$changeSet['changesCount'] = 0; if ($row['OldUserId'] !== $row['NewUserId']) { $changeSet['changesCount']++; } if ($row['OldSourceId'] !== $row['NewSourceId']) { $changeSet['changesCount']++; } if ($row['OldStatus'] !== $row['NewStatus']) { $changeSet['OldStatusName'] = $statuses[$row['OldStatus']]; $changeSet['NewStatusName'] = $statuses[$row['NewStatus']]; $changeSet['changesCount']++; } if ($row['OldLexicon'] !== $row['NewLexicon']) { $changeSet['changesCount']++; } if ($row['OldModUserId'] !== $row['NewModUserId']) { $changeSet['changesCount']++; } if ($row['OldInternalRep'] !== $row['NewInternalRep']) { $changeSet['diff'] = htmlDiff($row['OldInternalRep'], $row['NewInternalRep']); $changeSet['changesCount']++; } if ($changeSet['changesCount'] > 0) { $changeSets[] = $changeSet; } } smarty_assign('page_title', 'Istoria definiției ' . $def->lexicon); smarty_assign('def', $def); smarty_assign('changeSets', $changeSets); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('istoria-definitiei.ihtml');
<?php require_once "../phplib/util.php"; $user = session_getUser(); if (!$user) { util_redirect('auth/login'); } smarty_assign('page_title', 'Cuvinte favorite'); smarty_assign('bookmarks', UserWordBookmarkDisplayObject::getByUser($user->id)); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('cuvinte-favorite.ihtml');
$user = session_getUser(); if (!$user) { util_redirect('auth/login'); } if ($sendButton) { $user->detailsVisible = $detailsVisible ? 1 : 0; $user->preferences = $userPrefs; if (session_isValidSkin($skin)) { $user->skin = $skin; } $user->save(); session_setVariable('user', $user); FlashMessage::add('Informațiile au fost salvate.', 'info'); } else { $detailsVisible = $user->detailsVisible; $skin = session_getSkin(); $userPrefs = $user->preferences; } foreach (preg_split('/,/', $userPrefs) as $pref) { if (isset($userPreferencesSet[$pref])) { $userPreferencesSet[$pref]['checked'] = true; } } smarty_assign('detailsVisible', $detailsVisible); smarty_assign('userPrefs', $userPreferencesSet); smarty_assign('skin', $skin); smarty_assign('availableSkins', pref_getServerPreference('skins')); smarty_assign('privilegeNames', $PRIV_NAMES); smarty_assign('page_title', 'Contul meu'); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('auth/contul-meu.ihtml');
<?php require_once "../phplib/util.php"; $letter = util_getRequestParameter('letter'); if (mb_strlen($letter) != '1') { exit; } $forms = db_getArray("select distinct formNoAccent from Lexem where formNoAccent like '{$letter}%' order by formNoAccent"); smarty_assign('forms', $forms); smarty_assign('letter', $letter); smarty_assign('page_title', "Cuvinte care încep cu " . mb_strtoupper($letter)); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('wordList.ihtml');
<?php require_once "../../phplib/util.php"; set_time_limit(0); // If no GET arguments are set, print usage and return. if (count($_GET) == 0) { smarty_displayWithoutSkin('common/update3Instructions.ihtml'); return; } util_enforceGzipEncoding(); header('Content-type: text/xml'); $export = util_getRequestParameter('export'); $timestamp = util_getRequestIntParameter('timestamp'); $version = util_getRequestParameterWithDefault('version', '3.0'); if ($export && util_isDesktopBrowser() && !session_getUser()) { smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('updateError.ihtml'); exit; } if ($export == 'sources') { smarty_assign('sources', Model::factory('Source')->find_many()); smarty_displayWithoutSkin('common/update3Sources.ihtml'); } else { if ($export == 'inflections') { smarty_assign('inflections', Model::factory('Inflection')->order_by_asc('id')->find_many()); smarty_displayWithoutSkin('common/update3Inflections.ihtml'); } else { if ($export == 'abbrev') { smarty_assign('abbrev', AdminStringUtil::loadRawAbbreviations()); smarty_displayWithoutSkin('common/update3Abbrev.ihtml'); } else { if ($export == 'definitions') {
$minFreq = easy; $maxFreq = limit_freq; break; case 1: $minFreq = normal; $maxFreq = easy; break; case 2: $minFreq = hard; $maxFreq = normal; break; default: $minFreq = imp; $maxFreq = hard; } $count = Model::factory('Lexem')->where_gte('frequency', $minFreq)->where_lte('frequency', $maxFreq)->where_raw('char_length(formUtf8General) > 5')->count(); do { $lexem = Model::factory('Lexem')->where_gte('frequency', $minFreq)->where_lte('frequency', $maxFreq)->where_raw('char_length(formUtf8General) > 5')->limit(1)->offset(rand(0, $count - 1))->find_one(); // Select an official definition for this lexem. $defs = Model::factory('Definition')->select('Definition.*')->join('LexemDefinitionMap', 'Definition.id = definitionId')->join('Source', 'Source.id = sourceId')->where('lexemId', $lexem->id)->where('status', 0)->where('isOfficial', 2)->order_by_asc('displayOrder')->find_many(); } while (!$defs); $searchResults = SearchResult::mapDefinitionArray($defs); $cuv = $lexem->formNoAccent; smarty_assign('wordLength', mb_strlen($cuv)); smarty_assign('letters', preg_split('//u', 'aăâbcdefghiîjklmnopqrsștțuvwxyz', null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)); smarty_assign('page_title', 'Spânzurătoarea'); smarty_assign('cuvant', $cuv); smarty_assign('searchResults', $searchResults); smarty_assign('difficulty', $difficulty); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin("spanzuratoarea.ihtml");
print sprintf("<span style=\"color: green\">%s: %s</span>\n", $newLocVersion, substr($line, 2)); } } } print "</pre>\n"; util_deleteFile($file1); util_deleteFile($file2); exit; } if ($locVersion) { header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); writeLexems($locVersion, 'php://output'); exit; } setlocale(LC_ALL, "ro_RO.utf8"); smarty_assign('locVersions', pref_getLocVersions()); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('scrabble-loc.ihtml'); function writeLexems($locVersion, $fileName) { LocVersion::changeDatabase($locVersion); $dbResult = db_execute(DB_QUERY, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $handle = fopen($fileName, 'w'); foreach ($dbResult as $row) { $l = Model::factory('Lexem')->create($row); fprintf($handle, AdminStringUtil::padRight(mb_strtoupper($l->form), 20)); fprintf($handle, AdminStringUtil::padRight($l->modelType, 4)); fprintf($handle, AdminStringUtil::padRight($l->modelNumber, 8)); fprintf($handle, $l->restriction . "\n"); } fclose($handle); }
<?php require_once "../phplib/util.php"; $type = util_getRequestParameter('t'); if ($type == 'rss') { $articles = WikiArticle::getRss(); $results = array(); foreach ($articles as $a) { $results[] = array('title' => $a->title, 'description' => $a->htmlContents, 'pubDate' => date('D, d M Y H:i:s', $a->modDate) . ' EEST', 'link' => sprintf("http://%s/articol/%s", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $a->getUrlTitle())); } header("Content-type: text/xml"); smarty_assign('rss_title', 'Articole lingvistice - DEX online'); smarty_assign('rss_link', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/rss/articole/'); smarty_assign('rss_description', 'Articole pe teme lingvistice de la DEX online'); smarty_assign('rss_pubDate', date('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' EEST'); smarty_assign('results', $results); smarty_displayWithoutSkin('common/rss.ixml'); exit; } smarty_assign('page_title', 'Articole lingvistice'); smarty_assign('wikiTitles', WikiArticle::loadAllTitles()); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('articole.ihtml');
<?php require_once "../phplib/util.php"; require_once "../phplib/userPreferences.php"; util_assertNotLoggedIn(); $sendButton = util_getRequestParameter('send'); if ($sendButton) { $userPrefs = util_getRequestCheckboxArray('userPrefs', ','); $skin = util_getRequestParameter('skin'); session_setAnonymousPrefs($userPrefs); if (session_isValidSkin($skin)) { session_setSkin($skin); } FlashMessage::add('Preferințele au fost salvate.', 'info'); util_redirect('preferinte'); } else { $userPrefs = session_getAnonymousPrefs(); $skin = session_getSkin(); } foreach (preg_split('/,/', $userPrefs) as $pref) { if (isset($userPreferencesSet[$pref])) { $userPreferencesSet[$pref]['checked'] = true; } } smarty_assign('userPrefs', $userPreferencesSet); smarty_assign('skin', $skin); smarty_assign('availableSkins', pref_getServerPreference('skins')); smarty_assign('page_title', 'Preferințe'); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('preferinte.ihtml');
<?php require_once "../phplib/util.php"; smarty_assign('manualData', TopEntry::getTopData(CRIT_CHARS, SORT_DESC, true)); smarty_assign('bulkData', TopEntry::getTopData(CRIT_CHARS, SORT_DESC, false)); smarty_assign('page_title', 'Topul voluntarilor'); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('top.ihtml');
<?php require_once "../phplib/util.php"; $submitButton = util_getRequestParameter('submitButton'); if ($submitButton) { util_assertModerator(PRIV_ADMIN); $order = 1; $ids = util_getRequestParameter("ids"); foreach ($ids as $id) { $src = Source::get_by_id($id); $src->displayOrder = $order++; $src->save(); } FlashMessage::add('Ordinea a fost salvată.', 'info'); util_redirect('surse'); } $sources = util_isModerator(PRIV_VIEW_HIDDEN) ? Model::factory('Source')->order_by_asc('displayOrder')->find_many() : Model::factory('Source')->where_not_equal('isOfficial', SOURCE_TYPE_HIDDEN)->order_by_asc('displayOrder')->find_many(); smarty_assign('sources', $sources); smarty_assign('page_title', 'Surse'); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('surse.ihtml');
<?php require_once "../phplib/util.php"; $clientOptions = array('sync' => array('Sincronizare cu DEX online', 'Acest client se poate conecta periodic la DEX online pentru a-și transfera definițiile nou adăugate.'), 'vision' => array('Interfață pentru nevăzători', 'Acest client are o interfață prietenoasă pentru nevăzători.'), 'regexp' => array('Expresii regulate, wildcards', 'Acest client acceptă căutări cu expresii regulate și/sau wildcards, cum ar fi «echi*» pentru echilibru, echinocțiu etc.'), 'suggest' => array('Sugestii', 'Acest client oferă cele mai apropiate rezultate atunci când cuvântul căutat nu este găsit exact.'), 'diacritics' => array('Cu / fără diacritice', 'Acest client oferă opțiuni pentru tastarea căutărilor cu sau fără diacritice.'), 'full' => array('Căutare full-text', 'Acest client poate căuta nu doar cuvintele-titlu, ci și întreg textul definițiilor.'), 'flex' => array('Căutare forme flexionare', 'Acest client poate căuta declinări și conjugări ale cuvintelor, cum ar fi «meargă» în loc de «merge».'), 'click' => array('Clic pe cuvânt', 'Când dați clic pe un cuvânt dintr-o definiție, acest client navighează la definiția acelui cuvânt.'), 'history' => array('Istoria căutărilor', 'Acest client ține minte ultimele cuvinte căutate și poate naviga între ele.')); $clients = array(array('name' => array('Maestro DEX', 'http://www.tranzactiibursiere.ro/maestro/'), 'available' => true, 'urls' => array(), 'os' => array('linux', 'windows'), 'space' => '490 MB', 'requires' => array('Perl, wxWidgets', '(numai sub Linux)'), 'authors' => array('Octavian Râșniță' => ''), 'license' => 'GPL', 'options' => array('vision' => 1, 'sync' => 1, 'regexp' => 1, 'suggest' => 1, 'diacritics' => 1, 'full' => 1, 'flex' => 1, 'click' => 1, 'history' => 1)), array('name' => array('PyDEX', 'http://pydex.lemonsoftware.eu/'), 'available' => true, 'urls' => array(), 'os' => array('linux', 'mac', 'windows'), 'space' => '250 MB', 'requires' => array('wxPython'), 'authors' => array('Cristian Năvălici' => ''), 'license' => 'GPLv3', 'options' => array('vision' => 0, 'sync' => 1, 'regexp' => 0, 'suggest' => 0, 'diacritics' => 1, 'full' => 1, 'flex' => 1, 'click' => 0, 'history' => 1)), array('name' => array('JaDEX', 'http://www.federicomestrone.com/jadex/'), 'available' => true, 'urls' => array(), 'os' => array('java', 'linux', 'mac', 'windows'), 'space' => '250 MB', 'requires' => array('Java'), 'authors' => array('Federico Mestrone' => ''), 'license' => 'Freeware', 'options' => array('vision' => 0, 'sync' => 1, 'regexp' => 1, 'suggest' => 0, 'diacritics' => 1, 'full' => 0, 'flex' => 0, 'click' => 0, 'history' => 1)), array('name' => array('Dixit', 'http://dixit.sourceforge.net/'), 'available' => true, 'urls' => array(), 'os' => array('linux', 'windows'), 'space' => '48 MB', 'requires' => array('QT, g++', '(numai sub Linux)'), 'authors' => array('Octavian Procopiuc' => ''), 'license' => 'GPL', 'options' => array('vision' => 0, 'sync' => 1, 'regexp' => 1, 'suggest' => 1, 'diacritics' => 0, 'full' => 0, 'flex' => 0, 'click' => 0, 'history' => 1)), array('name' => array('DEX.ro', 'http://dex-ro.blogspot.com/'), 'available' => true, 'urls' => array(), 'os' => array('windows'), 'space' => '75 MB', 'requires' => array(), 'authors' => array('Ion Silvestru' => '*****@*****.**'), 'license' => 'Freeware', 'options' => array('vision' => 0, 'sync' => 1, 'regexp' => 1, 'suggest' => 1, 'diacritics' => 0, 'full' => 0, 'flex' => 0, 'click' => 0, 'history' => 1)), array('name' => array('DEX Offline', 'http://www.macuser.ro/dexoffline/'), 'available' => true, 'urls' => array(), 'os' => array('mac'), 'space' => '100 MB', 'requires' => array('MAC OS X Leopard', 'sau mai nou,', 'Dictionary.app'), 'authors' => array('Cristian Băluță' => ''), 'license' => 'Freeware', 'options' => array('vision' => 0, 'sync' => 0, 'regexp' => 0, 'suggest' => 1, 'diacritics' => 1, 'full' => 0, 'flex' => 0, 'click' => 1, 'history' => 0)), array('name' => array('DEX pentru Android', 'http://dex.adrianvintu.com/'), 'available' => true, 'urls' => array('Market' => 'market://search?q=pub:%22Adrian%20Vintu%22'), 'os' => array('android'), 'space' => '490 MB', 'requires' => array(), 'authors' => array('Adrian Vîntu' => ''), 'license' => 'Freeware', 'options' => array('vision' => 0, 'sync' => 0, 'regexp' => 1, 'suggest' => 0, 'diacritics' => 0, 'full' => 0, 'flex' => 1, 'click' => 0, 'history' => 0)), array('name' => array('iDEX', 'http://www.mobiletouch.ro/aplicatii-iphone/2/idex-dictionare-ale-limbii-romane'), 'available' => true, 'urls' => array(), 'os' => array('iphone'), 'space' => '55 MB', 'requires' => array(), 'authors' => array('Mobile Touch' => ''), 'license' => 'Freeware', 'options' => array('vision' => 0, 'sync' => 1, 'regexp' => 0, 'suggest' => 1, 'diacritics' => 0, 'full' => 0, 'flex' => 0, 'click' => 0, 'history' => 1)), array('name' => array('iDEX for iPhone', 'http://www.federicomestrone.com/product-idex'), 'available' => true, 'urls' => array(), 'os' => array('iphone'), 'space' => '70 MB', 'requires' => array(), 'authors' => array('Federico Mestrone' => ''), 'license' => 'Freeware', 'options' => array('vision' => 0, 'sync' => 1, 'regexp' => 1, 'suggest' => 0, 'diacritics' => 1, 'full' => 0, 'flex' => 0, 'click' => 0, 'history' => 0)), array('name' => array('PocketDEX', 'http://pocketdex.aamedia.ro/'), 'available' => true, 'urls' => array(), 'os' => array('windowsce'), 'space' => '21 MB', 'requires' => array(), 'authors' => array('Alexandru Mirea' => ''), 'license' => 'Freeware', 'options' => array('vision' => 0, 'sync' => 0, 'regexp' => 0, 'suggest' => 0, 'diacritics' => 0, 'full' => 0, 'flex' => 0, 'click' => 0, 'history' => 1)), array('name' => array('DEXter', 'http://dapyx-soft.com/~bogdan/dexter.zip'), 'available' => false, 'urls' => array(), 'os' => array('windows'), 'space' => '10 MB', 'requires' => array(), 'authors' => array('Bogdan' => ''), 'license' => 'Freeware', 'options' => array('vision' => 0, 'sync' => 0, 'regexp' => 0, 'suggest' => 0, 'diacritics' => 0, 'full' => 0, 'flex' => 0, 'click' => 0, 'history' => 0)), array('name' => array('DEX Offline', 'http://dexoffline.sourceforge.net/'), 'available' => false, 'urls' => array(), 'os' => array('windows'), 'space' => '10 MB', 'requires' => array('Microsoft .NET', 'Microsoft MDAC'), 'authors' => array('Gecko Pointdexter' => ''), 'license' => 'Freeware', 'options' => array('vision' => 0, 'sync' => 1, 'regexp' => 0, 'suggest' => 0, 'diacritics' => 0, 'full' => 0, 'flex' => 0, 'click' => 0, 'history' => 1))); $osNames = array('android' => 'Android', 'iphone' => 'iPhone', 'java' => 'Java', 'linux' => 'GNU / Linux', 'mac' => 'Mac', 'windows' => 'Windows', 'windowsce' => 'Windows CE'); smarty_assign('page_title', 'Unelte'); smarty_assign('clients', $clients); smarty_assign('clientOptions', $clientOptions); smarty_assign('osNames', $osNames); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('unelte.ihtml');
} else { // Create a new lexem. $lexem = Lexem::create($lexemName, 'T', '1', ''); $lexem->save(); $lexem->regenerateParadigm(); LexemDefinitionMap::associate($lexem->id, $definition->id); log_userLog("Created lexem {$lexem->id} ({$lexem->form})"); } } } FlashMessage::add('Definiția a fost trimisă. Un moderator o va examina în scurt timp. Vă mulțumim!', 'info'); util_redirect('contribuie'); } } else { smarty_assign('sourceId', session_getDefaultContribSourceId()); } smarty_assign('contribSources', Model::factory('Source')->where('canContribute', true)->order_by_asc('displayOrder')->find_many()); smarty_assign('page_title', 'Contribuie cu definiții'); smarty_assign('suggestNoBanner', true); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('contribuie.ihtml'); /**************************************************************************/ function deleteEmptyElements(&$v) { $result = array(); foreach ($v as $elem) { if (!empty($elem)) { $result[] = $elem; } } return $result; }
<?php require_once "../phplib/util.php"; $title = util_getRequestParameter('title'); $wikiTitle = WikiArticle::urlTitleToWikiTitle($title); $wa = WikiArticle::get_by_title(addslashes($wikiTitle)); if ($wa) { smarty_assign('wa', $wa); smarty_assign('page_title', $wikiTitle); } else { smarty_assign('page_title', 'Articol inexistent'); } smarty_assign('wikiTitles', WikiArticle::loadAllTitles()); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('wikiArticle.ihtml');