} elseif ($lm == 5) { //零回答 $wheresql .= ' and replies=0 and status=0'; $orderby .= ' disorder desc, dateline desc'; $multistr .= "&lm={$lm}"; $nav .= ' ' . $symbols . ' 零回答问题'; $all[5] = ' class="thisclass"'; } elseif ($lm == 6) { //快到期 $wheresql .= ' and status=0'; $orderby .= ' expiredtime asc, dateline desc'; $multistr .= "&lm={$lm}"; $nav .= ' ' . $symbols . ' 快到期问题'; $all[6] = ' class="thisclass"'; } else { showmsgs('browser_notexists', 'index.php'); exit; } $navtitle = $navtitle == '' ? $sitename : $navtitle . ' ' . $sitename; $nav = "<a href=\"{$indexname}\">{$sitename}</a>" . $nav; $wheresql = trim($wheresql); if (eregi("^and", $wheresql)) { $wheresql = substr($wheresql, 3); } $wheresql = 'where ' . trim($wheresql); if (eregi("^&", $multistr)) { $multistr = substr($multistr, 5); } $row = $dsql->getone("select count(*) as dd from `#@__ask` {$wheresql}"); $askcount = $row['dd']; $realpages = @ceil($askcount / $tpp);
if (strlen($content) > 10000) { showmsgs('post_answer_toolong'); } if (strlen($brief) > 200) { showmsgs('post_brief_toolong', '-1'); } if ($cfg_ask_ifcheck == 'Y') { $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("insert into `#@__askanswer` (askid, ifanswer, tid, tid2, uid, username, anonymous, userip, brief, dateline, content, ifcheck)\r\n\t\t\tvalues('{$askid}', '1', '{$tid}', '{$tid2}', '{$uid}', '{$username}', '{$anonymous}', '{$userip}', '{$brief}', '{$timestamp}', '{$content}', '0')"); } else { $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("insert into `#@__askanswer` (askid, ifanswer, tid, tid2, uid, username, anonymous, userip, brief, dateline, content)\r\n\t\t\tvalues('{$askid}', '1', '{$tid}', '{$tid2}', '{$uid}', '{$username}', '{$anonymous}', '{$userip}', '{$brief}', '{$timestamp}', '{$content}')"); } $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("update `#@__ask` set replies=replies+1 where id='{$askid}' "); $cfg_ask_answerscore = intval($cfg_ask_answerscore); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("update `#@__member` set scores=scores+{$cfg_ask_answerscore} where mid='{$uid}' "); //回答者先加分 showmsgs('post_answer_succeed', "question.php?id={$askid}"); } else { if ($action == 'toend') { $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("update `#@__ask` set solvetime='{$timestamp}', status='1' where uid='{$uid}' and id='{$id}' "); @iheader("Expires: 0"); @iheader("Cache-Control: private, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0", FALSE); @iheader("Pragma: no-cache"); echo "<script language='javascript'> window.opener.location.reload(); self.close(); </script>"; exit; } } } } } } }
$question['dbstatus'] = 0; $question['status'] = 'qa_ico_3.gif'; } $question['content'] = nl2br(ihtmlspecialchars($question['content'])); $question['extra'] = nl2br(ihtmlspecialchars($question['extra'])); $question['toendsec'] = $question['expiredtime'] - $timestamp; $question['toendday'] = floor($question['toendsec'] / 86400); $question['toendhour'] = floor($question['toendsec'] % 86400 / 3600); $question['dateline'] = gmdate('m-d', $question['dateline'] + $timeoffset * 3600); $question['solvetime'] = gmdate('Y-m-d h:i', $question['solvetime'] + $timeoffset * 3600); $publisher = 0; if ($question['uid'] == $uid) { $publisher = 1; } } else { showmsgs('question_nonexistence', '-1'); } //等级 $honors = array(); $dsql->setquery("Select id, titles, icon, integral From `#@__scores` order by integral desc"); $dsql->execute(); while ($row = $dsql->getarray()) { $honors[] = $row; } $question['honor'] = gethonor($question['scores'], $honors); $nav = '<a href="' . $indexname . '">' . $sitename . '</a> ' . $symbols . ' <a href="browser.php?tid=' . $question['tid'] . '">' . $question['tidname'] . '</a>'; $navtitle = $question['title']; if ($question['tid2']) { $nav .= ' ' . $symbols . ' <a href="browser.php?tid2=' . $question['tid2'] . '">' . $question['tid2name'] . '</a>'; $navtitle .= ' ' . $question['tid2name']; }