$newFileName = $_SESSION['memberINFO']['PrimPhoto']; } else { $newFileName = time() . '.' . $ext; } if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Photo']['tmp_name'], $dir . 'photo_' . $newFileName)) { $sActionText = 'Couldn\'t download file.'; } else { imageResize($dir . 'photo_' . $newFileName, $dir . 'thumb_' . $newFileName, 200); mysql_query("update Profiles set PrimPhoto='{$newFileName}' where ID=" . $IDnormal); } } } } } $_SESSION['memberID'] = $IDnormal; header("location: /profile.php"); } } $smarty->assign("error", $err); $smarty->assign("t_error", $add_on); } function report_err($str) { return "<span style=\"font-size:18px;color:#880000\"><b>" . "Error" . ":</b> {$str}</span><br />"; } $HEADERTEXT = 'Join Now'; addNavigation('', $HEADERTEXT); $smarty->assign("site_title", $HEADERTEXT . " :: " . $gConfig['site_title']); $smarty->assign("HEADERTEXT", $HEADERTEXT); show_smarty_template('join');
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 */ include "./include_php/init.php"; $profileID = $_SESSION['memberID']; if ($profileID == 0) { header("location: index.php"); } $user = $_SESSION['memberINFO']; $user['LastLoggedIn'] = $user['LastLoggedIn'] ? date("d-m-Y H:i", strtotime($user['LastLoggedIn'])) : "Never"; $user['city'] = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from City where ID=" . intval($user['city']))); $user['city'] = $user['city']['Title']; $balance = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT `balance` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `ID`=" . $_SESSION['memberID'])); $user['balance'] = $balance['balance']; $smarty->assign("user", $user); $contact_type = 1; $smarty->assign("ap_contact_type", $contact_type); include "ap_contact.php"; $q = mysql_query("SELECT *, c.sign FROM PaymentsLog INNER JOIN Currency AS `c` ON `PaymentsLog`.`currency`= `c`.`name` WHERE userID={$profileID} ORDER BY `date` DESC"); while ($payment = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) { $temp = array(); $temp['Date'] = date("F jS, Y H:i", $payment['date']); $temp['Amount'] = number_format($payment['amount'], 2, ".", "") . $payment['sign']; $payments[] = $temp; } $smarty->assign("payments", $payments); $HEADERTEXT = 'My Payment Statistic'; addNavigation('', $HEADERTEXT); $smarty->assign("site_title", $HEADERTEXT . " :: " . $gConfig['site_title']); $smarty->assign("HEADERTEXT", $HEADERTEXT); show_smarty_template('payment_statistic');
$books[] = $temp; } $smarty->assign("recent", $books); $books = array(); $sQuery = "select s.*,c.Title as ctitle,c.ID as cid,p.ID as uid,CONCAT(p.fname,' ',lname) as user from Store s inner join StoreCategories c on c.ID=s.categoryID inner join Profiles p on p.ID=s.userID where " . ($_SESSION['location']['condition'] != '' ? 's.userID in ' . $_SESSION['location']['condition'] . ' and ' : '') . " s.type=1 and s.status=0 order by s.ID desc limit 2 "; $rElems = mysql_query($sQuery); while ($book = mysql_fetch_assoc($rElems)) { $temp = array(); $temp['ID'] = $book['ID']; $temp['Title'] = htmlspecialchars($book['Title']); $temp['Date'] = date("F jS, Y", $book['date']); $temp['Price'] = number_format($book['price'], 2, ".", ""); $temp['ctitle'] = $book['ctitle']; $temp['cid'] = $book['cid']; $temp['uid'] = $book['uid']; $temp['user'] = $book['user']; $img = ''; $photos = array(); $q = mysql_query("select v.* from StorePropValues v inner join StoreProp p on p.ID=v.PropID where v.itemID=" . $book['ID'] . " and p.Type=3 limit 1"); while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) { if (is_file("./media/store/small_" . $arr['Value'])) { $img = $arr['Value']; } } $temp['img'] = $img; $books[] = $temp; } $smarty->assign("wrecent", $books); $smarty->assign("text_blocks", $text); show_smarty_template("index");
while ($book = mysql_fetch_assoc($rElems)) { if ($color == 'f5f5f5') { $color = 'ffffff'; } else { $color = 'f5f5f5'; } $temp = array(); $temp['Color'] = $color; $temp['ID'] = $book['ID']; $temp['url'] = 'javascript:void(0);" onclick="show_book_info(\'' . $book['ID'] . '\',this,\'2\')'; $temp['Title'] = htmlspecialchars($book['Title']); $temp['Date'] = date("F jS, Y", $book['date']); $temp['Price'] = number_format($book['price'], 2, ".", ""); $temp['Vote'] = $vote1; $temp['ctitle'] = $book['ctitle']; $books['list'][] = $temp; } $smarty->assign("sbooks", $books); $smarty->assign("aPaging", $aPaging); $contact_type = 1; include "./ap_contact.php"; $HEADERTEXT = 'Wanted Products'; addNavigation('wcategory.php', $HEADERTEXT); if (isset($categ['Title'])) { addNavigation('', $categ['Title']); $HEADERTEXT = $categ['Title'] . ' :: ' . $HEADERTEXT; } $smarty->assign("site_title", $HEADERTEXT . " :: " . $gConfig['site_title']); $smarty->assign("HEADERTEXT", $HEADERTEXT); show_smarty_template('wcatalog');
} } elseif ($prop['Type'] == 4) { $qq = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from StorePropValues where PropID=" . intval($prop['ID']) . " and itemID=" . $book['ID'])); $subitems = $qq['Value']; $oVotingView->_fRate = $subitems; $subitems = $oVotingView->getSmallVoting(0, ''); } else { $qq = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from StorePropValues where PropID=" . intval($prop['ID']) . " and itemID=" . $book['ID'])); $subitems = $qq['Value']; } $prop['value'] = $subitems; $props[] = $prop; } $book['props'] = $props; $smarty->assign("book", $book); $smarty->assign("categ", mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from StoreCategories where ID=" . $book['categoryID']))); $smarty->assign("ap_seller", $seller); if (!empty($photos)) { $smarty->assign("photos", $photos); } $contact_type = 2; $smarty->assign("ap_contact_type", $contact_type); include "./ap_contact.php"; include "./ap_tell.php"; $HEADERTEXT = 'Wanted Product'; addNavigation('/wcategory.php', 'Wanted Products'); addNavigation('', $book['Title']); $smarty->assign("site_title", $book['Title'] . " :: " . $gConfig['site_title']); $smarty->assign("HEADERTEXT", $HEADERTEXT); show_smarty_template('wproduct');
if (!eregi("^[_.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+.)+[a-z]{2,4}\$", $_POST['Email'])) { $action_result = "The e-mail you entered doesn't seem to be valid. Please, try again."; } else { // Check if entered email is in the base $sEmail = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Email']); $memb_arr = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT `ID` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Email` = '{$sEmail}'")); if ($memb_arr['ID']) { $recipient = $sEmail; $newp = substr(base64_encode(microtime()), 0, 7); $templates = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from LTemplates where ID=3")); $subj = $templates['subj']; $message = nl2br($templates['text']); $message = str_replace("{LOGIN}", $memb_arr['NickName'], $message); $message = str_replace("{PASSWORD}", $newp, $message); $message = str_replace("{TO_NAME}", $memb_arr['fname'] . ' ' . $memb_arr['lname'], $message); $mail_ret = sendMail(trim($memb_arr['Email']), $memb_arr['fname'] . ' ' . $memb_arr['lname'], $subj, $message); $sQuery = "UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Password` = md5('" . $newp . "') WHERE `ID`='{$memb_arr['ID']}'"; mysql_query($sQuery); $action_result = "You have been recognized as a member and your account details have just been sent to you."; } else { $action_result = "Sorry, you have not been recognized as a member. Please, make sure that you entered the e-mail you used in creating your account."; } } } $smarty->assign("action_result", $action_result); $HEADERTEXT = 'Forgot Username or Password'; addNavigation('', $HEADERTEXT); $smarty->assign("site_title", $HEADERTEXT . " :: " . $gConfig['site_title']); $smarty->assign("HEADERTEXT", $HEADERTEXT); show_smarty_template('forgot');
} if ($prop['Type'] == 4) { $oVotingView->_fRate = intval($_REQUEST['prop' . $prop['ID']]) > 0 ? intval($_REQUEST['prop' . $prop['ID']]) : 1; $voter = $oVotingView->getBigVoting(1, '', $prop['ID']); $subitems = '<input type="hidden" name="prop' . $prop['ID'] . '" id="gvotingbig' . $prop['ID'] . '" value="' . (intval($_REQUEST['prop' . $prop['ID']]) > 0 ? intval($_REQUEST['prop' . $prop['ID']]) : 1) . '">' . $voter; } $prop['subprop'] = $subitems; if ($prop['Type'] != 3) { $prop['entered'] = $_REQUEST['prop' . $prop['ID']]; } else { $prop['photo'] = $_REQUEST['photo' . $prop['ID']]; } $prop['error'] = $err['photo' . $prop['ID']]; if ($prop['Required']) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && (trim($_REQUEST['prop' . $prop['ID']]) == '' && $prop['Type'] == 1 || trim($_REQUEST['prop' . $prop['ID']]) == '' && $prop['Type'] == 2 || isset($err['photo' . $prop['ID']]) && $prop['Type'] == 3 || intval($_REQUEST['prop' . $prop['ID']]) == 0 && $prop['Type'] == 5 || (!is_array($_REQUEST['prop' . $prop['ID']]) || empty($_REQUEST['prop' . $prop['ID']])) && $prop['Type'] == 6 || (!is_array($_REQUEST['prop' . $prop['ID']]) || empty($_REQUEST['prop' . $prop['ID']])) && $prop['Type'] == 7)) { $prop['color'] = 'background:#ff0000;'; } $req_props[] = $prop; } else { $props[] = $prop; } } $smarty->assign("req_props", $req_props); $smarty->assign("props", $props); $HEADERTEXT = 'Edit Product for Sale'; addNavigation('/profile.php?ID=' . $_SESSION['memberID'], 'My Profile'); addNavigation('', $HEADERTEXT); $smarty->assign("site_title", $HEADERTEXT . " :: " . $gConfig['site_title']); $smarty->assign("HEADERTEXT", $HEADERTEXT); show_smarty_template('add_product');
/** * Silurus Classifieds Builder * * * @author SnowHall - http://snowhall.com * @website http://snowhall.com/silurus * @email support@snowhall.com * * @version 2.0 * @date March 7, 2013 * * Silurus is a professionally developed PHP Classifieds script that was built for you. * Whether you are running classifieds for autos, motorcycles, bicycles, rv's, guns, * horses, or general merchandise, our product is the right package for you. * It has template system and no limit to usage with free for any changes. * * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 */ include "./include_php/init.php"; $contact_type = intval($_GET['type']); $id = intval($_GET['id']); $book = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from Store where type=" . ($contact_type - 1) . " and ID=" . $id)); $seller = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from Profiles where ID=" . intval($book['userID']))); $book['title_short'] = strlen($book['Title']) > 40 ? substr(htmlspecialchars($book['Title']), 0, 40) . '...' : htmlspecialchars($book['Title']); $smarty->assign("ap_contact_type", $contact_type); $smarty->assign("book", $book); $smarty->assign("ap_seller", $seller); $smarty->assign("content_only", true); show_smarty_template('ap_contact');
$count++; } $aPaging = $iNums > $iDivis ? MakePaging($iNums, $iCurr, $iDivis, 4, 'commPage', '#reviews') : ''; $rElems = mysql_query($sQuery . $sLimit); $rews = array(); while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($rElems)) { $oVotingView->_fRate = $arr['rating']; $vote1 = $oVotingView->getSmallVoting(0, ''); $temp['Title'] = htmlspecialchars($arr['Title']); $temp['Text'] = htmlspecialchars($arr['Text']); $temp['Author_url'] = '/profile.php?ID=' . $arr['pid']; $temp['Author'] = $arr['fname'] . ' ' . $arr['lname']; $temp['Date'] = date("d/m/Y", $arr['date']); $temp['Vote'] = $vote1; $rews[] = $temp; } $smarty->assign("aRews", $rews); $smarty->assign("aPaging", $aPaging); $contact_type = 1; $smarty->assign("ap_contact_type", $contact_type); include "ap_contact.php"; if ($profileID == $_SESSION['memberID']) { $HEADERTEXT = 'My Profile'; } else { $HEADERTEXT = $user['fname'] . ' ' . $user['lname']; } addNavigation('', $HEADERTEXT); $smarty->assign("site_title", $HEADERTEXT . " :: " . $gConfig['site_title']); $smarty->assign("HEADERTEXT", $HEADERTEXT); show_smarty_template('profile');
$propq = mysql_query("select * from StoreProp where categoryID=" . $categoryID . " and InSearch=1 and Type>3 order by Prior "); while ($masprop = mysql_fetch_assoc($propq)) { $subitems = array(); if ($masprop['Type'] > 4) { $qq = mysql_query("select * from StorePropMulti where PropID=" . intval($masprop['ID']) . " order by Name"); while ($subprop = mysql_fetch_assoc($qq)) { $subitems[] = $subprop; } } if ($masprop['Type'] == 4) { $oVotingView->_fRate = 1; $voter = $oVotingView->getBigVoting(1, '', $masprop['ID']); $subitems = '<input type="hidden" name="prop' . $masprop['ID'] . '" id="gvotingbig' . $masprop['ID'] . '" value="1">' . $voter; } $masprop['subprop'] = $subitems; $properties[] = $masprop; } $smarty->assign("props", $properties); } if (isset($_REQUEST['go'])) { $HEADERTEXT = 'Search Results' . (trim($_REQUEST['keywords']) != '' ? ' for "' . $_GET['keywords'] . '"' : ''); } else { $HEADERTEXT = 'Advanced Search'; } $contact_type = 1; include "./ap_contact.php"; addNavigation('', 'Advanced Search'); $smarty->assign("site_title", $HEADERTEXT . " :: " . $gConfig['site_title']); $smarty->assign("HEADERTEXT", $HEADERTEXT); show_smarty_template('search');
$text[] = $arr; $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from TTips where ID=-1")); $text[] = $arr; $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from STips where ID=-1")); $text[] = $arr; $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from FAQ where ID=-2")); $text[] = $arr; $ret .= ' <span class="faq_header">' . $text[0]['Title'] . '</span><br /> ' . $text[0]['Text'] . '<Br /> <a href="/faq.php?faq" class="faq_links"><img src="/img/arr.gif" border="0" /> See Full list of FAQs</a><br /><br /> <span class="faq_header">' . $text[1]['Title'] . '</span><br /> ' . $text[1]['Text'] . '<Br /> <a href="/faq.php?ttips" class="faq_links"><img src="/img/arr.gif" border="0" /> Read Technical Tips</a><br /><br /> <span class="faq_header">' . $text[2]['Title'] . '</span><br /> ' . $text[2]['Text'] . '<Br /> <a href="/faq.php?stips" class="faq_links"><img src="/img/arr.gif" border="0" /> See More Tips</a><br /><br /> <span class="faq_header">' . $text[3]['Title'] . '</span><br /> ' . $text[3]['Text'] . '<Br /> <a href="/simple.php?ID=5" class="faq_links"><img src="/img/arr.gif" border="0" /> Contact us at Dumpthatbook.com</a><br /><br /> '; $smarty->assign("content_g", $text); } addNavigation('', $HEADERTEXT); $smarty->assign("site_title", $HEADERTEXT . " :: " . $gConfig['site_title']); $smarty->assign("HEADERTEXT", $HEADERTEXT); show_smarty_template('faq');
$smarty->assign('user', $user); $smarty->assign('featured_cost', $gConfig['featured_cost']); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && isset($_POST['Confirm'])) { $err = array(); //if(floatval(str_replace(",",".",$_REQUEST['price'])) <= 0) {$err['fieldError'] = 1;$_REQUEST['price']='';} //if(trim($_REQUEST['Title']) == '') {$err['fieldError'] = 1;} if (intval($_POST['terms']) === 0) { $err['terms'] = 1; } if ($user['balance'] < $gConfig['featured_cost']) { $err['balance'] = 1; } if ($product['featured'] == '1') { $err['already_paid'] = 1; } if (empty($err)) { $result = mysql_query("UPDATE Store SET\r\n `featured_date`='" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "',\r\n `featured`='1'\r\n WHERE `ID`='" . $product['ID'] . "'"); if ($result) { $newBalance = $user['balance'] - $gConfig['featured_cost']; mysql_query("UPDATE Profiles SET " . "`balance` = '" . doubleval($newBalance) . "' " . " WHERE `ID` = '" . $user['ID'] . "'"); } header("location: product.php?ID=" . $product['ID']); die; } $smarty->assign("error", $err); } $HEADERTEXT = 'Featured Product for Sale'; $smarty->assign("site_title", $HEADERTEXT . " :: " . $gConfig['site_title']); $smarty->assign("HEADERTEXT", $HEADERTEXT); show_smarty_template('featured_product');
$newFileName = time() . '.' . $ext; } if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Photo']['tmp_name'], $dir . 'photo_' . $newFileName)) { $sActionText = 'Couldn\'t download file.'; } else { imageResize($dir . 'photo_' . $newFileName, $dir . 'thumb_' . $newFileName, 200); $Photo = "PrimPhoto='{$newFileName}',"; } } } } } mysql_query("update `Profiles` SET \t\t\r\n\t\t\t\tfname='" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['fname']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\tlname='" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['lname']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\tEmail='" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['Email']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t" . ($_POST['Password1'] != '' ? "Password='******'Password1']) . "'," : "") . "\r\n\t\t\t\tzip='" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['zip']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\tcity=" . $collgeid . ",\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t{$Photo}\r\n\t\t\t\tLastModified=" . time() . ",\t\r\n\t\t\t\tintro='" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['intro']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\tnote='" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['note']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\taltemail='" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['altemail']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\tphone='" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['phone']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\tcell='" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['cell']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\taim='" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['aim']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\tskype='" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['skype']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\tphone_none='" . intval($_POST['phone_none']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\tcell_none='" . intval($_POST['cell_none']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\taim_none='" . intval($_POST['aim_none']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\taltemail_none='" . intval($_POST['altemail_none']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\tskype_none='" . intval($_POST['skype_none']) . "' \t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\twhere ID=" . $_SESSION['memberID']); $_SESSION['memberINFO'] = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from Profiles where ID=" . $_SESSION['memberID'])); header("location: profile.php"); die; } $smarty->assign("error", $err); $smarty->assign("t_error", $add_on); } else { $_REQUEST = $_SESSION['memberINFO']; $_REQUEST['Email2'] = $_REQUEST['Email']; $city = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from City where ID=" . intval($_REQUEST['city']))); $_REQUEST['city'] = $city['Title']; } addNavigation('profile.php', 'My Profile'); addNavigation('', 'Edit My Account Information'); $smarty->assign("site_title", 'Edit My Account Information' . " :: " . $gConfig['site_title']); $smarty->assign("HEADERTEXT", 'Edit My Account Information'); show_smarty_template('edit_user');
$vote1 = $oVotingView->getSmallVoting(0, ''); if ($color == 'f5f5f5') { $color = 'ffffff'; } else { $color = 'f5f5f5'; } $temp = array(); $temp['Color'] = $color; $temp['ID'] = $book['ID']; $temp['url'] = '/product.php?ID=' . $book['ID']; $temp['Title'] = htmlspecialchars($book['Title']); $temp['Date'] = date("F jS, Y", $book['date']); $temp['Price'] = number_format($book['price'], 2, ".", ""); $temp['Vote'] = $vote1; $temp['ctitle'] = $book['ctitle']; $books['list'][] = $temp; } $smarty->assign("dbooks", $books); $smarty->assign("aPaging2", $aPaging); } if ($profileID == $_SESSION['memberID']) { addNavigation('/profile.php?ID=' . $user['ID'], 'My Profile'); } else { addNavigation('/profile.php?ID=' . $user['ID'], $user['fname'] . ' ' . $user['lname']); } $HEADERTEXT = 'Products for Sale'; addNavigation('', $HEADERTEXT); $smarty->assign("site_title", $HEADERTEXT . " :: " . $gConfig['site_title']); $smarty->assign("HEADERTEXT", $HEADERTEXT); show_smarty_template('my_products');
* * @version 1.0 * @date May 7, 2009 * * Silurus is a professionally developed PHP Classifieds script that was built for you. * Whether you are running classifieds for autos, motorcycles, bicycles, rv's, guns, * horses, or general merchandise, our product is the right package for you. * It has template system and no limit to usage with free for any changes. * * Copyright (c) 2009 */ include "./include_php/init.php"; if (intval($_GET['ID']) > 0) { $page = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from Simple where ID=" . intval($_GET['ID']))); if ($page) { $HEADERTEXT = $page['Title']; $ret = $page['Text']; } else { $HEADERTEXT = 'Error'; $ret = '<div align=center><br><br><br>Page not found.</div>'; } } else { $HEADERTEXT = 'Error'; $ret = '<div align=center><br><br><br>Page not found.</div>'; } $smarty->assign("content", $ret); addNavigation('', $HEADERTEXT); $smarty->assign("site_title", $HEADERTEXT . " :: " . $gConfig['site_title']); $smarty->assign("HEADERTEXT", $HEADERTEXT); show_smarty_template('simple');
$oVotingView->_fRate = $book['rating']; $vote1 = $oVotingView->getSmallVoting(0, ''); $book['title_short'] = strlen($book['Title']) > 30 ? substr(htmlspecialchars($book['Title']), 0, 30) . '...' : htmlspecialchars($book['Title']); $book['price'] = number_format($book['price'], 2, ".", ""); if ($type == 1) { $book['url'] = 'product'; $book['prefix'] = ''; } else { $book['url'] = 'wproduct'; $book['prefix'] = '_b'; } $img = ''; $photos = array(); $q = mysql_query("select v.* from StorePropValues v inner join StoreProp p on p.ID=v.PropID where v.itemID=" . $id . " and p.Type=3 limit 1"); while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) { if (is_file("./media/store/small_" . $arr['Value'])) { $book['Photo1'] = $arr['Value']; } } $smarty->assign("vote1", $vote1); $smarty->assign("book", $book); $smarty->assign("categ", $categ); $smarty->assign("user", $user); show_smarty_template('ap_preview'); ?>
* * * @author SnowHall - http://snowhall.com * @website http://snowhall.com/silurus * @email support@snowhall.com * * @version 2.0 * @date March 7, 2013 * * Silurus is a professionally developed PHP Classifieds script that was built for you. * Whether you are running classifieds for autos, motorcycles, bicycles, rv's, guns, * horses, or general merchandise, our product is the right package for you. * It has template system and no limit to usage with free for any changes. * * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 */ include "./include_php/init.php"; if ($_SESSION['memberID'] == 0) { header("location: index.php"); } $uniqueId = strtoupper(md5(uniqid())); mysql_query("update `Profiles` SET `unique_id`='" . $uniqueId . "' where ID=" . $_SESSION['memberID']); $smarty->assign("uniqueId", $uniqueId); $smarty->assign("paypal_email", $gConfig['paypal_email']); $smarty->assign("currency", $gConfig['currency']); addNavigation('profile.php', 'My Profile'); addNavigation('', 'Fill My Balance'); $smarty->assign("site_title", 'Fill My Balance' . " :: " . $gConfig['site_title']); $smarty->assign("HEADERTEXT", 'Fill My Balance'); show_smarty_template('fill_balance');