public static function getFileContent($file) { if (!file_exists($file)) { showMsg($file . ' not exist'); } return file_get_contents($file); }
function __construct($modtype) { $this->name = $modtype; $this->db = $GLOBALS['dsql']; $query = "SELECT * FROM #@__member_model WHERE name='{$modtype}'"; $diyinfo = $this->db->getone($query); if (!is_array($diyinfo)) { showMsg('参数不正确,该会员模型不存在', 'javascript:;'); exit; } $etypes = array(); $egroups = array(); $this->db->Execute('me', 'SELECT * FROM `#@__stepselect` ORDER BY id desc'); while ($arr = $this->db->GetArray()) { $etypes[] = $arr; $egroups[$arr['egroup']] = $arr['itemname']; } $this->egroups = $egroups; $this->modid = $diyinfo['id']; $this->table = $diyinfo['table']; $this->description = $diyinfo['description']; $this->state = $diyinfo['state']; $this->issystem = $diyinfo['issystem']; $this->info = $diyinfo['info']; }
function checkLogined($return = false) { $boolean = isset($_SESSION['uid']) && $_SESSION['uid']; if ($return) { return $boolean; } else { if (!$boolean) { showMsg('请登录系统', url('member', 'login')); exit; } } }
/** * 析构函数 * * @access public * @param string $diyid 自定义表单ID * @return string */ function __construct($diyid) { $this->diyid = $diyid; $this->db = $GLOBALS['dsql']; $query = "SELECT * FROM #@__diyforms WHERE diyid='{$diyid}'"; $diyinfo = $this->db->GetOne($query); if (!is_array($diyinfo)) { showMsg('参数不正确,该自定义表单不存在', 'javascript:;'); exit; } $this->info = $diyinfo['info']; $this->name = $diyinfo['name']; $this->table = $diyinfo['table']; $this->public = $diyinfo['public']; $this->listTemplate = $diyinfo['listtemplate'] != '' && file_exists(DEDETEMPLATE . '/plus/' . $diyinfo['listtemplate']) ? $diyinfo['listtemplate'] : 'list_diyform.htm'; $this->viewTemplate = $diyinfo['viewtemplate'] != '' && file_exists(DEDETEMPLATE . '/plus/' . $diyinfo['viewtemplate']) ? $diyinfo['viewtemplate'] : 'view_diyform.htm'; $this->postTemplate = $diyinfo['posttemplate'] != '' && file_exists(DEDETEMPLATE . '/plus/' . $diyinfo['posttemplate']) ? $diyinfo['posttemplate'] : 'post_diyform.htm'; }
function __construct($diyid) { $this->diyid = $diyid; $this->db = $GLOBALS['dsql']; $query = "select * from #@__diyforms where diyid='{$diyid}'"; $diyinfo = $this->db->getone($query); if (!is_array($diyinfo)) { showMsg('参数不正确,该自定义表单不存在', 'javascript:;'); exit; } $this->info = $diyinfo['info']; $this->name = $diyinfo['name']; $this->table = $diyinfo['table']; $this->public = $diyinfo['public']; $this->listTemplate = $diyinfo['listtemplate'] != '' && file_exists(DEDEINC . '/../templets/plus/' . $diyinfo['listtemplate']) ? $diyinfo['listtemplate'] : 'list_diyform.htm'; $this->viewTemplate = $diyinfo['viewtemplate'] != '' && file_exists(DEDEINC . '/../templets/plus/' . $diyinfo['viewtemplate']) ? $diyinfo['viewtemplate'] : 'view_diyform.htm'; $this->postTemplate = $diyinfo['posttemplate'] != '' && file_exists(DEDEINC . '/../templets/plus/' . $diyinfo['posttemplate']) ? $diyinfo['posttemplate'] : 'post_diyform.htm'; }
public function __construct($db, $bakDir, $dbConfig) { $this->bakDir = $bakDir; $this->db = $db; $this->dbConfig = $dbConfig; $dbName = $dbConfig['database']; $sqlFiles = glob($bakDir . $dbName . "_*.sql"); if (count($sqlFiles) < 1) { showMsg('bak files unexist'); } foreach ($sqlFiles as $k => $v) { list($d, $t, $thetime, $id) = explode("_", substr(basename($v), 0, -4)); $arrfile[$k] = $thetime; } asort($arrfile); $all_count = array_count_values($arrfile); $maxtime = array_pop($arrfile); $this->sqlFilesNum = $all_count[$maxtime]; $this->sqlFilePrefix = $bakdir . $dbName . "_" . date('Ymd', $maxtime) . "_" . $maxtime; }
<?php checkLogined(); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if ($_POST['text'] == "") { echo "请输入内容"; } else { $sql = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die("连接失败1"); mysql_select_db("php_msg") or die("连接失败2"); mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); $newsid = $_POST['newsid']; $content = $_POST['text']; $date = date("y-m-d H:i"); $sql = "INSERT INTO `php_msg`.`com` ( `newsid`, `content`,`dates`)\n VALUES ( '{$newsid}', '{$content}', '{$date}')"; mysql_query($sql); echo "<script>alert('评论成功');window.location.href='index.php?mod=article&do=view&aid=" . $newsid . "'</script>"; } } showMsg('发布成功', url('article'), 'success');
$tpl->P['cp'] = 'voddown'; $tpl->P['cn'] = $tpl->P['id'] . '-' . $tpl->P['src'] . '-' . $tpl->P['num']; echoPageCache($tpl->P['cp'], $tpl->P['cn']); $db = new AppDb($MAC['db']['server'], $MAC['db']['user'], $MAC['db']['pass'], $MAC['db']['name']); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {pre}vod WHERE d_hide=0 AND d_id=" . $tpl->P['id']; $row = $db->getRow($sql); if (!$row) { showMsg("获取数据失败,请勿非法传递参数", MAC_PATH); } if (!getUserPopedom($row["d_type"], "down")) { showMsg("您没有权限浏览播放页", MAC_PATH . "index.php?m=user-index.html"); } if ($MAC['user']['status'] == 1) { $uid = intval($_SESSION['userid']); if ($row["d_stint"] > 0 && $uid == 0) { showMsg("此为收费数据请先登录再观看", MAC_PATH . "index.php?m=user-index.html"); } $rowu = $db->getRow("SELECT * FROM {pre}user where u_id=" . $uid); if ($rowu) { $stat = false; $upoint = $rowu["u_points"]; $downf = "," . $tpl->P['id'] . "-" . $tpl->P['src'] . "-" . $tpl->P['num'] . ","; if ($rowu["u_flag"] == 1) { if (time() >= $rowu["u_end"]) { $msg = "对不起,您的会员时间已经到期,请联系管理员续费!"; } } elseif ($rowu["u_flag"] == 2) { if ($rowu["u_start"] >= $rowu["u_ip"] && $rowu["u_ip"] <= $rowu["u_end"]) { $stat = true; } if (!$stat) {
S::gp(array('schctl', 'config', 'hotwordsconfig', 'view', 'new_view')); $schctl['schstart'] > 23 && ($schctl['schstart'] = 0); $schctl['schend'] > 23 && ($schctl['schend'] = 0); $config['opensch'] = $schctl['opensch'] . "\t" . $schctl['schstart'] . "\t" . $schctl['schend']; $config['maxresult'] = intval($config['maxresult']); $config['schwait'] = intval($config['schwait']); // $config['hotwords'] = trim($config['hotwords']); $config['filterids'] = trim($config['filterids']); $config['operate_log'] = (array) $config['operate_log']; $config['search_type_expand'] = (array) $config['search_type_expand']; $config['openbuildattachs'] = $config['openbuildattachs']; if ($config['operate_log'] && array_diff($config['operate_log'], array('log_forums', 'log_threads', 'log_posts', 'log_diarys', 'log_members', 'log_colonys'))) { showMsg("抱歉,操作行为记录类型不存在"); } if ($config['search_type_expand'] && array_diff($config['search_type_expand'], array('cms', 'diary', 'group'))) { showMsg("抱歉,搜索类型扩展不存在"); } if ($config['filterids']) { $filterids = explode(",", $config['filterids']); foreach ($filterids as $id) { $id = intval($id); if ($id < 1) { adminmsg('搜索过滤版块ID不能为字符'); } } $config['filterids'] = implode(',', $filterids); } $temp = $tempHotwords = array(); $query = $db->query(" SELECT * FROM pw_searchhotwords ORDER BY vieworder ASC"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $temp['keyword'] = $rt['keyword'];
$pages = numofpage($sum, $page, $numofpage, "forumcp.php?action=edit&type=reward&fid={$fid}&{$url_a}"); $threaddb = array(); $query = $db->query("SELECT t.tid,t.fid,t.subject,,t.authorid,t.postdate,r.cbtype,r.cbval,r.catype,r.caval FROM pw_threads t LEFT JOIN pw_reward r USING(tid) WHERE t.fid=" . S::sqlEscape($fid) . " AND t.special='3' AND t.state='0' AND r.timelimit>" . S::sqlEscape($timestamp) . $sql . " ORDER BY t.postdate {$limit}"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rt['postdate'] = get_date($rt['postdate'], 'Y-m-d'); $rt['cbtype'] = is_numeric($rt['cbtype']) ? $_CREDITDB[$rt['cbtype']][0] : ${'db_' . $rt['cbtype'] . 'name'}; $rt['catype'] = is_numeric($rt['catype']) ? $_CREDITDB[$rt['catype']][0] : ${'db_' . $rt['catype'] . 'name'}; $rt['binfo'] = $rt['cbval'] . " " . $rt['cbtype']; $rt['ainfo'] = $rt['caval'] . " " . $rt['catype']; $threaddb[] = $rt; } require_once PrintEot('forumcp'); footer(); } elseif ($type == 'thread') { if (!$isGM && $forumcp_type['allowtpctype'] == 0) { showMsg('您没有管理权限!'); } S::gp(array('starttime', 'endtime', 'username', 't_type')); S::gp(array('page'), 'GP', 2); $page < 1 && ($page = 1); $limit = "LIMIT " . ($page - 1) * $db_perpage . ",{$db_perpage}"; $sql = $url_a = ''; $_POST['starttime'] && ($starttime = PwStrtoTime($starttime)); $_POST['endtime'] && ($endtime = PwStrtoTime($endtime)); if ($username) { $sql .= ' AND author=' . S::sqlEscape($username); $url_a .= "username="******"&"; } if ($starttime) { $sql .= ' AND postdate>' . S::sqlEscape($starttime); $url_a .= "starttime={$starttime}&";
function showInfo($msg = '', $url = 'back', $isexit = false) { return showMsg($msg, $url, '', false, '提示信息', $isexit, 2); }
return; } } $upcache = true; break; case "art_topic": $col = "t_id"; $ids = be("get", "t_id"); if (isN($ids)) { $ids = be("arr", "t_id"); } $arr = explode(',', $ids); foreach ($arr as $a) { $cc = $db->getOne('select count(*) from {pre}art_relation where r_type=2 and r_a=' . $a); if ($cc > 0) { showMsg('请先删除本专题下面的视频', ''); return; } } $upcache = true; break; case "gbook": $col = "g_id"; $ids = be("get", "g_id"); if (isN($ids)) { $ids = be("arr", "g_id"); } break; case "manager": $col = "m_id"; $ids = be("get", "m_id");
if ($validate == '' || $validate != $svali) { ShowMsg("验证码不正确!", ""); exit; } $ip = GetIP(); $dtime = time(); $uname = trimMsg($uname); $email = trimMsg($email); $homepage = trimMsg($homepage); $homepage = preg_replace("#http:\\/\\/#", '', $homepage); $qq = trimMsg($qq); $msg = trimMsg(cn_substrR($msg, 1024), 1); $tid = empty($tid) ? 0 : intval($tid); $reid = empty($reid) ? 0 : intval($reid); if ($msg == '' || $uname == '') { showMsg('你的姓名和留言内容不能为空!', '-1'); exit; } $title = HtmlReplace(cn_substrR($title, 60), 1); if ($title == '') { $title = '无标题'; } if ($reid != 0) { $row = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT msg FROM `#@__guestbook` WHERE id='{$reid}' "); $msg = "<div class=\\'rebox\\'>" . addslashes($row['msg']) . "</div>\n" . $msg; } $query = "INSERT INTO `#@__guestbook`(title,tid,mid,uname,email,homepage,qq,face,msg,ip,dtime,ischeck)\r\n VALUES ('{$title}','{$tid}','{$g_mid}','{$uname}','{$email}','{$homepage}','{$qq}','{$img}','{$msg}','{$ip}','{$dtime}','{$needCheck}'); "; $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); $gid = $dsql->GetLastID(); if ($needCheck == 1) { require_once DEDEINC . "/oxwindow.class.php";
$valarr = array($tpl->P["des"], $tpl->P["key"], $tpl->P["pg"], $tpl->P["order"], $tpl->P["by"], $tpl->P["wd"], urlencode($tpl->P["wd"]), $tpl->P["pinyin"], $tpl->P["letter"], $tpl->P['typeid'], $tpl->P['typepid']); $tpl->H = str_replace($colarr, $valarr, $tpl->H); unset($colarr, $valarr); $linktype = $tpl->getLink('art', 'search', '', array('typeid' => $tpl->P['typepid'])); $linkletter = $tpl->getLink('art', 'search', '', array('letter' => '')); $linkorderasc = $tpl->getLink('art', 'search', '', array('order' => 'asc')); $linkorderdesc = $tpl->getLink('art', 'search', '', array('order' => 'desc')); $linkbytime = $tpl->getLink('art', 'search', '', array('by' => 'time')); $linkbyhits = $tpl->getLink('art', 'search', '', array('by' => 'hits')); $linkbyscore = $tpl->getLink('art', 'search', '', array('by' => 'score')); $tpl->H = str_replace(array('{page:linkletter}', '{page:linktype}', '{page:linkorderasc}', '{page:linkorderdesc}', '{page:linkbytime}', '{page:linkbyhits}', '{page:linkbyscore}'), array($linkletter, $linktype, $linkorderasc, $linkorderdesc, $linkbytime, $linkbyhits, $linkbyscore), $tpl->H); $_SESSION["last_artsearchtime"] = time(); } elseif ($method == 'detail') { $tpl->C["siteaid"] = 26; $tpl->P['cp'] = 'art'; $tpl->P['cn'] = $tpl->P['id'] . '-' . $tpl->P['pg']; echoPageCache($tpl->P['cp'], $tpl->P['cn']); $db = new AppDb($MAC['db']['server'], $MAC['db']['user'], $MAC['db']['pass'], $MAC['db']['name']); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {pre}art WHERE a_hide=0 AND a_id=" . $tpl->P['id']; $row = $db->getRow($sql); if (!$row) { showMsg("获取数据失败,请勿非法传递参数", "../"); } $tpl->T = $MAC_CACHE['arttype'][$row['a_type']]; $tpl->D = $row; unset($row); $tpl->loadart(); $tpl->replaceArt(); } else { showErr('System', '未找到指定系统模块'); }
function reduction() { global $db; $fname = be("get", "file"); $handle = opendir('bak'); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if (strpos("," . $file, $fname) > 0) { $fpath = "bak/" . $file; $sqls = file($fpath); foreach ($sqls as $sql) { $sql = str_replace("\r", "", $sql); $sql = str_replace("\n", "", $sql); $sql = str_replace(chr(13), "", $sql); if (!isN($sql)) { //echo ",".$sql.",";exit; $db->query(trim($sql)); } } unset($sqls); } } closedir($handle); unset($handle); showMsg("成功还原数据库", getReferer()); }
$query = mysql_query($sql); //$user = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); //$_SESSION['username'] = $user['username']; if (mysql_num_rows($query)) { exit('用户名' . $username . '已经被注册'); } else { $sql = " INSERT INTO `php_msg`.`pre_member` ("; $sql .= " `username` ,"; $sql .= " `password` "; $sql .= " ) VALUE ("; $sql .= "'{$username}',"; $sql .= "'{$password}'"; $sql .= " )"; $query = mysql_query($sql); } showMsg("注册成功", url('index')); } else { head(); ?> <form class="form-horizontal" method="post"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="inputEmail3" class="col-sm-2 control-label">用户名</label> <div class="col-sm-3"> <input name="username" id="username" type="text" class="form-control" id="inputEmail3"> </div> <div class="col-sm-3" id="usernameCheckResult"> </div> </div>
$rscount = count($rsdata); $intable = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' VALUES('; for ($j = 0; $j < $rscount; $j++) { $line = $intable; for ($k = 0; $k <= $fsd; $k++) { if ($k < $fsd) { $line .= "'" . mysql_escape_string($rsdata[$j][$fs[$k]]) . "',"; } else { $line .= "'" . mysql_escape_string($rsdata[$j][$fs[$k]]) . "');\r\n"; } } $sql .= $line; if (strlen($sql) >= 1500000) { $fname = $fpath . '-' . $p . '.sql'; fwrite(fopen($fname, 'wb'), $sql); $p++; unset($sql); } } unset($rsdata); } unset($fs); } unset($tablearr); $sql .= make_manager(str_replace('{pre}', $GLOBALS['MAC']['db']['tablepre'], '{pre}manager')); $fname = $fpath . '-' . $p . '.sql'; fwrite(fopen($fname, 'wb'), $sql); showMsg('备份成功', '?m=db-list'); } else { showErr('System', '未找到指定系统模块'); }
if($_REQUEST['arc_name'] && strpos($_REQUEST['arc_name'],'freetrix/') === false) { $ok = unlink($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/".$_REQUEST["arc_name"]) && $ok; $i = 0; while(file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$_REQUEST['arc_name'].'.'.++$i)) $ok = unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$_REQUEST['arc_name'].'.'.$i) && $ok; } foreach(array('cache','stack_cache','managed_cache') as $dir) @DeleteDirRec($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/freetrix/'.$dir); if (!$ok) showMsg(getMsg("FINISH_ERR_DELL_TITLE", LANG), getMsg("FINISH_ERR_DELL", LANG)); else { showMsg(getMsg("FINISH", LANG), getMsg("FINISH_MSG", LANG), '<input type=button onclick="document.location=\'/\'" value="'.getMsg("FINISH_BTN", LANG).'">'); ?><script>window.setTimeout(function(){document.location="/";},5000);</script><? } } #################### END ############ class CDBRestore { var $type = ""; var $DBHost =""; var $DBName = ""; var $DBLogin = "";
# # # # # # # This work is WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # # ######################################################################################################################### if ($user->signed) { redirect("./?page=account"); } ?> <h1>Login</h1> <div class="report"> <?php echo showMsg(); ?> </div> <form method="post" action="ps/login.php"> <label>Username or Email:</label> <input name="username" type="text" value=""> <label>Password:</label> <input name="password" type="password"> <label>Remember me?:</label> <input name="auto" type="checkbox" style="display: inline-block">
function cjtype() { global $action, $rtype, $rpage, $rkey, $rday, $cjurl, $xt, $rid, $cjflag, $backurl; $flag = false; if (isN($rtype)) { showMsg("请先进入分类,否则无法使用采集分类!", $backurl); exit; } if ($xt == "1") { $url = $cjurl . "?ac=videolist&rid=" . $rid . "&pg=" . $rpage . "&t=" . $rtype; } else { if ($xt == "2") { $url = $cjurl . "?s=plus-api-xml-cms-ff-action-all-vodids--cid-" . $rtype . "-play--inputer--wd--h-0-p-" . $rpage; } else { $url = $cjurl . "?action=cjtype&rpage=" . $rpage . "&rtype=" . $rtype; } } insertdata($url, "cjtype"); }
} else { mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `{$db['name']}`", $link); } } $query = mysql_query("SHOW DATABASES LIKE '{$db['name']}';"); if (!mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { showMsg("数据库不存在且创建数据库失败!"); } if (mysql_errno()) { showMsg(mysql_error()); } if (empty($error)) { mysql_select_db($db['name']); $query = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$db['prefix']}%';"); if (mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { showMsg('您的数据库不为空,请重新建立数据库或是清空该数据库或更改表前缀!'); } } $config = (include './Application/Common/Conf/config.php'); $conf = array('DB_TYPE' => 'mysql', 'DB_HOST' => $db['server'], 'DB_USER' => $db['username'], 'DB_PWD' => $db['password'], 'DB_NAME' => $db['name'], 'DB_PORT' => $db['port'], 'DB_PREFIX' => $db['prefix'], 'DB_CHARSET' => 'utf8'); $c = array_merge($config, $conf); $settingstr = "<?php \n return array(\n"; foreach ($c as $key => $v) { if ($i == count($c) - 1) { if (is_array($v)) { $settingstr .= "\t'" . $key . "'=>array('" . implode("','", $v) . "')"; } else { $settingstr .= "\t'" . $key . "'=>'" . $v . "'"; } } else { if (is_array($v)) {
case 'day': switch ($xt) { case '0': $url = "?action=cjday&rday=" . $hour . "&rpage=" . $pg; break; case '1': $url = "?ac=videolist&rid=" . $group . "&h=" . $hour . "&pg=" . $pg; break; case '2': $url = "-action-day-vodids--cid--play--inputer--wd--h-" . $hour . "-p-" . $pg; break; } break; case 'type': if (empty($type)) { showMsg("请先进入分类,否则无法使用采集分类!", $backurl); exit; } switch ($xt) { case '0': $url = "?action=cjtype&rpage=" . $pg . "&rtype=" . $type; break; case '1': $url = "?ac=videolist&rid=" . $group . "&pg=" . $pg . "&t=" . $type; break; case '2': $url = "-action-all-vodids--cid-" . $type . "-play--inputer--wd--h-0-p-" . $pg; break; } break; case 'all':
ob_flush(); flush(); } $rc = true; $n++; } unset($rs); $pagego = empty($no) ? 3 : 4; } if (!empty($upids)) { $sql = 'update {pre}' . $tab . ' set ' . $pre . '_maketime=' . time() . ' where ' . $pre . '_id in (' . $upids . ')'; $db->query($sql); } //echo $pagego;exit; if (!empty($vid)) { jump(getReferer(), $MAC['app']['maketime']); } elseif ($pagego == 1 || $pagego == 2) { if ($datacount == 0 && !empty($ac2) && empty($ids)) { showMsg('内容页面生成完毕!', '?m=make-option'); } else { jump('?m=make-info-ids-' . $ids . '-num-' . ($num + 1) . '-tab-' . $tab . '-ac2-' . $ac2 . '-no-' . $no . '-pg-0-min-' . $min . '-jump-' . $jump, $MAC['app']['maketime']); } } elseif ($pagego == 3) { jump('?m=make-info-ids-' . $ids . '-num-' . $num . '-tab-' . $tab . '-ac2-' . $ac2 . '-no-' . $no . '-pg-' . ($page + 1) . '-min-' . $min . '-jump-' . $jump, $MAC['app']['maketime']); } elseif ($pagego == 4) { jump(getReferer()); } echo '' . getRunTime() . ''; } else { showErr('System', '未找到指定系统模块'); }
$ok = unlink($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/restore.php"); if($_REQUEST['arc_name']) { $ok = unlink($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/".$_REQUEST["arc_name"]) && $ok; $i = 0; while(file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$_REQUEST['arc_name'].'.'.++$i)) $ok = unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$_REQUEST['arc_name'].'.'.$i) && $ok; } if (!$ok) showMsg(getMsg("FINISH_ERR_DELL_TITLE", LANG), getMsg("FINISH_ERR_DELL", LANG)); else { showMsg(getMsg("FINISH", LANG), getMsg("FINISH_MSG", LANG)); ?><script>window.setTimeout(function(){document.location="/";},3000);</script><? } } #################### END ############ class CDBRestore { var $type = ""; var $DBHost =""; var $DBName = ""; var $DBLogin = "";
<div id="iconoipad3"> </div> <div id="tituloseccion1"><h2>Posteos</h2></div> <section id="caracteristicas3"> <form action="new_entry.php"> <input type="submit" name="enviar" value="Nuevo Posteo" class="envio btn" /><br/> </form> <?php if (isset($msg)) { echo showMsg($msg); } ?> <table class="table"> <tr class="ocultarmob"> <th>Titulo</th> <th class="ocultar">Fecha</th> <th class="ocultar">Tags</th> <th>Acciones</th> </tr> <?php foreach ($entries as $e) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $e['title']; ?> </td> <td class="ocultar"><?php echo $e['date']; ?> </td> <td class="ocultar"><?php
} $friendsAllUids = getFriendsIdArr($winduid); $pages = numofpage($count, $page, ceil($count / $db_perpage), "{$thisbase}ftid={$ftype}&"); } elseif ($type == 'find') { S::gp(array('step', 'according')); $db_perpage = 12; $according = $according ? $according : 'user'; ${$according . 'checked'} = 'selected="selected"'; //所有好友 $friendsAllUids = getFriendsIdArr($winduid); if ($step == 2) { S::gp(array('f_keyword', 'decode')); !isset($f_keyword) && Showmsg('pse_input_keyword'); $decode && ($f_keyword = pwConvert($f_keyword, $db_charset, 'utf8')); if ($according && !in_array($according, array('user', 'uid', 'email', 'tags'))) { showMsg("抱歉,搜索类型不存在"); } $f_keyword = strip_tags($f_keyword); $count = 0; $members = $myAttentionUids = array(); $searchURL = "u.php?a=friend&type=find"; switch ($according) { case "user": $searcherService = L::loadclass('searcher', 'search'); /* @var $searcherService PW_searcher */ $uids = $memberdata = $attentionData = array(); list($count, $users) = $searcherService->searchUsers($f_keyword, $page, $db_perpage); $users = $users ? $users : array(); foreach ($users as $user) { $uids[] = $user['uid']; }
} $vs = explode(',', $v); //HTML文本特殊处理 if ($vs[1] == 'htmltext' || $vs[1] == 'textdata') { ${$vs[0]} = AnalyseHtmlBody(${$vs[0]}, $description, $litpic, $keywords, $vs[1]); } else { if (!isset(${$vs[0]})) { ${$vs[0]} = ''; } ${$vs[0]} = GetFieldValueA(${$vs[0]}, $vs[1], $arcID); } $inadd_f .= ",`{$vs[0]}` = '" . ${$vs[0]} . "'"; } } if (empty($dede_fieldshash) || $dede_fieldshash != md5($dede_addonfields . $cfg_cookie_encode)) { showMsg('数据校验不对,程序返回', '-1'); exit; } // 这里对前台提交的附加数据进行一次校验 $fontiterm = PrintAutoFieldsAdd($cInfos['fieldset'], 'autofield', FALSE); if ($fontiterm != $inadd_f) { ShowMsg("提交表单同系统配置不相符,请重新提交!", "-1"); exit; } } //更改主档案表 $upQuery = "UPDATE `#@__archives` set\r\n ismake='{$ismake}',\r\n arcrank='{$arcrank}',\r\n typeid='{$typeid}',\r\n title='{$title}',\r\n litpic='{$litpic}',\r\n description='{$description}',\r\n keywords='{$keywords}', \r\n flag='{$flag}'\r\n WHERE id='{$aid}' AND mid='{$mid}'; "; if (!$dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($upQuery)) { ShowMsg("更新数据库archives表时出错,请检查!", "-1"); exit; }
$valarr = array($readonly, $backurl, $file, $filecontent); for ($i = 0; $i < count($colarr); $i++) { $n = $colarr[$i]; $v = $valarr[$i]; $plt->set_var($n, $v); } } elseif ($method == 'adsdel') { $path = '../template/' . $MAC['site']['templatedir'] . '/' . $MAC['site']['adsdir'] . '/'; $file = str_replace('$$$', '-', $p['file']); if ($file != '') { if (!file_exists($path . $file)) { showErr('System', '缺少文件' . $path . $file); } else { unlink($path . $file); } } redirect(getReferer()); } elseif ($method == 'adssave') { $path = '../template/' . $MAC['site']['templatedir'] . '/' . $MAC['site']['adsdir'] . '/'; $file = be('post', 'file'); $filecontent = stripslashes(be('post', 'filecontent')); if (!is_dir($path)) { mkdir($path); } fwrite(fopen($path . $file . '.js', 'wb'), $filecontent); showMsg('数据已保存', ''); } elseif ($method == 'wizard') { $plt->set_file('main', $ac . '_' . $method . '.html'); } else { showErr('System', '未找到指定系统模块'); }
include_once DEDEINC . '/datalistcp.class.php'; $query = "SELECT * FROM {$diy->table} ORDER BY id DESC"; $datalist = new DataListCP(); $datalist->pageSize = 10; $datalist->SetParameter('action', 'list'); $datalist->SetParameter('diyid', $diyid); $datalist->SetTemplate(DEDEADMIN . '/templets/diy_list.htm'); $datalist->SetSource($query); $fieldlist = $diy->getFieldList(); $datalist->Display(); } else { if ($action == 'edit') { if (empty($do)) { $id = isset($id) && is_numeric($id) ? $id : 0; if (empty($id)) { showMsg('非法操作!未指定id', 'javascript:;'); exit; } $query = "SELECT * FROM {$diy->table} WHERE id={$id}"; $row = $dsql->GetOne($query); if (!is_array($row)) { showmsg("你访问的记录不存在或未经审核", '-1'); exit; } $postform = $diy->getForm('edit', $row, 'admin'); $fieldlist = $diy->getFieldList(); $c1 = $row['ifcheck'] == 1 ? 'checked' : ''; $c2 = $row['ifcheck'] == 0 ? 'checked' : ''; include DEDEADMIN . '/templets/diy_edit_content.htm'; } else { if ($do == 2) {
$_SESSION['total_value'] = ''; $needjifen = $usejifen ? Helper_Archive::getNeedJifen($jifentprice) : 0; $userinfo = $User->getInfoByMid($User->uid); //获取用户信息 //这里再次判断用户积分是否满足条件. if ($userinfo['jifen'] < $needjifen) { $usejifen = 0; $needjifen = 0; } if (empty($suitid)) { showMsg("请选择套餐", -1, 3); exit; } $row = $dsql->getOne("select a.*,b.aid,b.title from #@__car_suit a inner join #@__car b on where{$suitid}"); if (empty($row)) { showMsg("定购错误,请重试", -1, 3); exit; } $ordersn = get_order_sn('03'); //订单号 $memberid = $User->uid ? $User->uid : 0; $status = $paytype == 1 ? 1 : 0; $price = getSuitPriceByDay($suitid, $usedate); $total_store = getSuitNumberByDay($suitid, $usedate); $total_dingnum = intval(Helper_Archive::pregReplace($dingnum, 2)); if ($total_store != -1 && $total_store < $total_dingnum) { echo 'nonumber'; exit; } $linktel = Helper_Archive::pregReplace($linktel, 2); $arr = array('ordersn' => $ordersn, 'webid' => 0, 'typeid' => 3, 'productautoid' => $row['carid'], 'productaid' => $row['aid'], 'productname' => $row['title'] . '(' . $row['suitname'] . ')', 'price' => $price, 'usedate' => $usedate, 'dingnum' => Helper_Archive::pregReplace($dingnum, 2), 'linkman' => Helper_Archive::pregReplace($linkman, 5), 'linktel' => Helper_Archive::pregReplace($linktel, 2), 'linkemail' => Helper_Archive::pregReplace($linkemail, 5), 'linkqq' => '', 'jifentprice' => $row['jifentprice'], 'jifenbook' => $row['jifenbook'], 'jifencomment' => $row['jifencomment'], 'addtime' => time(), 'memberid' => $memberid, 'dingjin' => $row['dingjin'], 'paytype' => $paytype, 'usejifen' => $usejifen, 'needjifen' => $needjifen, 'status' => $status, 'haschild' => 0, 'pid' => 0, 'remark' => Helper_Archive::pregReplace($remarkinfo, 5));