Example #1
 function getAvailableModules($lang = '')
     static $availableModules = array();
     if (!empty($availableModules)) {
         return $availableModules;
     $specifyLanguageAppListStrings = $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'];
     if (!empty($lang)) {
         $specifyLanguageAppListStrings = return_app_list_strings_language($lang);
     foreach ($GLOBALS['moduleList'] as $value) {
         $availableModules[$value] = array('label' => $specifyLanguageAppListStrings['moduleList'][$value], 'value' => $value);
     if (should_hide_iframes() && isset($availableModules['iFrames'])) {
     return $availableModules;
Example #2
    function getAvailableModules($lang = ''){
       static $availableModules = array();
       $GLOBALS['log']->debug('TabGroupHelper.getAvailableModules, availableModules: ' .
        print_r($availableModules, TRUE));
       if(!empty($availableModules))return $availableModules;
       $specifyLanguageAppListStrings = $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'];
       	$specifyLanguageAppListStrings = return_app_list_strings_language($lang);
       $GLOBALS['log']->debug('TabGroupHelper.getAvailableModules, Globals.moduleList: ' .
        print_r($GLOBALS['moduleList'], TRUE));

       foreach($GLOBALS['moduleList'] as $value){
           $availableModules[$value] = array('label'=>$specifyLanguageAppListStrings['moduleList'][$value], 'value'=>$value);

       if(should_hide_iframes() && isset($availableModules['iFrames'])) {
       return $availableModules;
Example #3
  * Displays the header on section of the page; basically everything before the content
 public function displayHeader($retModTabs = false)
     global $theme;
     global $max_tabs;
     global $app_strings;
     global $current_user;
     global $sugar_config;
     global $app_list_strings;
     global $mod_strings;
     global $current_language;
     $GLOBALS['app']->headerDisplayed = true;
     $themeObject = SugarThemeRegistry::current();
     $theme = $themeObject->__toString();
     $ss = new Sugar_Smarty();
     $ss->assign("APP", $app_strings);
     $ss->assign("THEME", $theme);
     $ss->assign("THEME_IE6COMPAT", $themeObject->ie6compat ? 'true' : 'false');
     $ss->assign("MODULE_NAME", $this->module);
     $ss->assign("langHeader", get_language_header());
     // set ab testing if exists
     $testing = isset($_REQUEST["testing"]) ? $_REQUEST['testing'] : "a";
     $ss->assign("ABTESTING", $testing);
     // get browser title
     $ss->assign("SYSTEM_NAME", $this->getBrowserTitle());
     // get css
     $css = $themeObject->getCSS();
     if ($this->_getOption('view_print')) {
         $css .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $themeObject->getCSSURL('print.css') . '" media="all" />';
     $ss->assign("SUGAR_CSS", $css);
     // get javascript
     $ss->assign("SUGAR_JS", ob_get_contents() . $themeObject->getJS());
     // get favicon
     if (isset($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_module_favicon'])) {
         $module_favicon = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_module_favicon'];
     } else {
         $module_favicon = false;
     $favicon = $this->getFavicon();
     $ss->assign('FAVICON_URL', $favicon['url']);
     // build the shortcut menu
     $shortcut_menu = array();
     foreach ($this->getMenu() as $key => $menu_item) {
         $shortcut_menu[$key] = array("URL" => $menu_item[0], "LABEL" => $menu_item[1], "MODULE_NAME" => $menu_item[2], "IMAGE" => $themeObject->getImage($menu_item[2], "border='0' align='absmiddle'", null, null, '.gif', $menu_item[1]));
     $ss->assign("SHORTCUT_MENU", $shortcut_menu);
     // handle rtl text direction
     if (isset($_REQUEST['RTL']) && $_REQUEST['RTL'] == 'RTL') {
         $_SESSION['RTL'] = true;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['LTR']) && $_REQUEST['LTR'] == 'LTR') {
     if (isset($_SESSION['RTL']) && $_SESSION['RTL']) {
         $ss->assign("DIR", 'dir="RTL"');
     // handle resizing of the company logo correctly on the fly
     $companyLogoURL = $themeObject->getImageURL('company_logo.png');
     $companyLogoURL_arr = explode('?', $companyLogoURL);
     $companyLogoURL = $companyLogoURL_arr[0];
     $company_logo_attributes = sugar_cache_retrieve('company_logo_attributes');
     if (!empty($company_logo_attributes)) {
         $ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_MD5", $company_logo_attributes[0]);
         $ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_WIDTH", $company_logo_attributes[1]);
         $ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_HEIGHT", $company_logo_attributes[2]);
     } else {
         // Always need to md5 the file
         $ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_MD5", md5_file($companyLogoURL));
         list($width, $height) = getimagesize($companyLogoURL);
         if ($width > 212 || $height > 40) {
             $resizePctWidth = ($width - 212) / 212;
             $resizePctHeight = ($height - 40) / 40;
             if ($resizePctWidth > $resizePctHeight) {
                 $resizeAmount = $width / 212;
             } else {
                 $resizeAmount = $height / 40;
             $ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_WIDTH", round($width * (1 / $resizeAmount)));
             $ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_HEIGHT", round($height * (1 / $resizeAmount)));
         } else {
             $ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_WIDTH", $width);
             $ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_HEIGHT", $height);
         // Let's cache the results
         sugar_cache_put('company_logo_attributes', array($ss->get_template_vars("COMPANY_LOGO_MD5"), $ss->get_template_vars("COMPANY_LOGO_WIDTH"), $ss->get_template_vars("COMPANY_LOGO_HEIGHT")));
     $ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_URL", getJSPath($companyLogoURL) . "&logo_md5=" . $ss->get_template_vars("COMPANY_LOGO_MD5"));
     // get the global links
     $gcls = array();
     $global_control_links = array();
     require "include/globalControlLinks.php";
     foreach ($global_control_links as $key => $value) {
         if ($key == 'users') {
             //represents logout link.
             $ss->assign("LOGOUT_LINK", $value['linkinfo'][key($value['linkinfo'])]);
             $ss->assign("LOGOUT_LABEL", key($value['linkinfo']));
             //key value for first element.
         foreach ($value as $linkattribute => $attributevalue) {
             // get the main link info
             if ($linkattribute == 'linkinfo') {
                 $gcls[$key] = array("LABEL" => key($attributevalue), "URL" => current($attributevalue), "SUBMENU" => array());
                 if (substr($gcls[$key]["URL"], 0, 11) == "javascript:") {
                     $gcls[$key]["ONCLICK"] = substr($gcls[$key]["URL"], 11);
                     $gcls[$key]["URL"] = "javascript:void(0)";
             // and now the sublinks
             if ($linkattribute == 'submenu' && is_array($attributevalue)) {
                 foreach ($attributevalue as $submenulinkkey => $submenulinkinfo) {
                     $gcls[$key]['SUBMENU'][$submenulinkkey] = array("LABEL" => key($submenulinkinfo), "URL" => current($submenulinkinfo));
                 if (substr($gcls[$key]['SUBMENU'][$submenulinkkey]["URL"], 0, 11) == "javascript:") {
                     $gcls[$key]['SUBMENU'][$submenulinkkey]["ONCLICK"] = substr($gcls[$key]['SUBMENU'][$submenulinkkey]["URL"], 11);
                     $gcls[$key]['SUBMENU'][$submenulinkkey]["URL"] = "javascript:void(0)";
     $ss->assign("GCLS", $gcls);
     $ss->assign("SEARCH", isset($_REQUEST['query_string']) ? $_REQUEST['query_string'] : '');
     if ($this->action == "EditView" || $this->action == "Login") {
         $ss->assign("ONLOAD", 'onload="set_focus()"');
     $ss->assign("AUTHENTICATED", isset($_SESSION["authenticated_user_id"]));
     // get other things needed for page style popup
     if (isset($_SESSION["authenticated_user_id"])) {
         // get the current user name and id
         $ss->assign("CURRENT_USER", $current_user->full_name == '' || !showFullName() ? $current_user->user_name : $current_user->full_name);
         $ss->assign("CURRENT_USER_ID", $current_user->id);
         // get the last viewed records
         $tracker = new Tracker();
         $history = $tracker->get_recently_viewed($current_user->id);
         $ss->assign("recentRecords", $this->processRecentRecords($history));
     $bakModStrings = $mod_strings;
     if (isset($_SESSION["authenticated_user_id"])) {
         // get the module list
         $moduleTopMenu = array();
         $max_tabs = $current_user->getPreference('max_tabs');
         // Attempt to correct if max tabs count is extremely high.
         if (!isset($max_tabs) || $max_tabs <= 0 || $max_tabs > 10) {
             $max_tabs = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_max_tabs'];
             $current_user->setPreference('max_tabs', $max_tabs, 0, 'global');
         /*$moduleTab = $this->_getModuleTab();
         // See if they are using grouped tabs or not (removed in 6.0, returned in 6.1)
         $user_navigation_paradigm = $current_user->getPreference('navigation_paradigm');
         if (!isset($user_navigation_paradigm)) {
             $user_navigation_paradigm = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_navigation_paradigm'];
         // Get the full module list for later use
         foreach (query_module_access_list($current_user) as $module) {
             // Bug 25948 - Check for the module being in the moduleList
             if (isset($app_list_strings['moduleList'][$module])) {
                 $fullModuleList[$module] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$module];
         if (!should_hide_iframes()) {
             $iFrame = new iFrame();
             $frames = $iFrame->lookup_frames('tab');
             foreach ($frames as $key => $values) {
                 $fullModuleList[$key] = $values;
         } elseif (isset($fullModuleList['iFrames'])) {
         if ($user_navigation_paradigm == 'gm' && isset($themeObject->group_tabs) && $themeObject->group_tabs) {
             // We are using grouped tabs
             require_once 'include/GroupedTabs/GroupedTabStructure.php';
             $groupedTabsClass = new GroupedTabStructure();
             $modules = query_module_access_list($current_user);
             //handle with submoremodules
             $max_tabs = $current_user->getPreference('max_tabs');
             // If the max_tabs isn't set incorrectly, set it within the range, to the default max sub tabs size
             if (!isset($max_tabs) || $max_tabs <= 0 || $max_tabs > 10) {
                 // We have a default value. Use it
                 if (isset($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_max_tabs'])) {
                     $max_tabs = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_max_tabs'];
                 } else {
                     $max_tabs = 8;
             $subMoreModules = false;
             $groupTabs = $groupedTabsClass->get_tab_structure(get_val_array($modules));
             // We need to put this here, so the "All" group is valid for the user's preference.
             $groupTabs[$app_strings['LBL_TABGROUP_ALL']]['modules'] = $fullModuleList;
             // Setup the default group tab.
             $allGroup = $app_strings['LBL_TABGROUP_ALL'];
             $ss->assign('currentGroupTab', $allGroup);
             $currentGroupTab = $allGroup;
             $usersGroup = $current_user->getPreference('theme_current_group');
             // Figure out which tab they currently have selected (stored as a user preference)
             if (!empty($usersGroup) && isset($groupTabs[$usersGroup])) {
                 $currentGroupTab = $usersGroup;
             } else {
                 $current_user->setPreference('theme_current_group', $currentGroupTab);
             $ss->assign('currentGroupTab', $currentGroupTab);
             $usingGroupTabs = true;
         } else {
             // Setup the default group tab.
             $ss->assign('currentGroupTab', $app_strings['LBL_TABGROUP_ALL']);
             $usingGroupTabs = false;
             $groupTabs[$app_strings['LBL_TABGROUP_ALL']]['modules'] = $fullModuleList;
         $topTabList = array();
         // Now time to go through each of the tab sets and fix them up.
         foreach ($groupTabs as $tabIdx => $tabData) {
             $topTabs = $tabData['modules'];
             if (!is_array($topTabs)) {
                 $topTabs = array();
             $extraTabs = array();
             // Split it in to the tabs that go across the top, and the ones that are on the extra menu.
             if (count($topTabs) > $max_tabs) {
                 $extraTabs = array_splice($topTabs, $max_tabs);
             // Make sure the current module is accessable through one of the top tabs
             if (!isset($topTabs[$moduleTab])) {
                 // Nope, we need to add it.
                 // First, take it out of the extra menu, if it's there
                 if (isset($extraTabs[$moduleTab])) {
                 if (count($topTabs) >= $max_tabs - 1) {
                     // We already have the maximum number of tabs, so we need to shuffle the last one
                     // from the top to the first one of the extras
                     $lastElem = array_splice($topTabs, $max_tabs - 1);
                     $extraTabs = $lastElem + $extraTabs;
                 if (!empty($moduleTab)) {
                     $topTabs[$moduleTab] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$moduleTab];
             // This was removed, but I like the idea, so I left the code in here in case we decide to turn it back on
             // If we are using group tabs, add all the "hidden" tabs to the end of the extra menu
             if ( $usingGroupTabs ) {
                 foreach($fullModuleList as $moduleKey => $module ) {
                     if ( !isset($topTabs[$moduleKey]) && !isset($extraTabs[$moduleKey]) ) {
                         $extraTabs[$moduleKey] = $module;
             // Get a unique list of the top tabs so we can build the popup menus for them
             foreach ($topTabs as $moduleKey => $module) {
                 $topTabList[$moduleKey] = $module;
             $groupTabs[$tabIdx]['modules'] = $topTabs;
             $groupTabs[$tabIdx]['extra'] = $extraTabs;
     if (isset($topTabList) && is_array($topTabList)) {
         // Adding shortcuts array to menu array for displaying shortcuts associated with each module
         $shortcutTopMenu = array();
         foreach ($topTabList as $module_key => $label) {
             global $mod_strings;
             $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $module_key);
             foreach ($this->getMenu($module_key) as $key => $menu_item) {
                 $shortcutTopMenu[$module_key][$key] = array("URL" => $menu_item[0], "LABEL" => $menu_item[1], "MODULE_NAME" => $menu_item[2], "IMAGE" => $themeObject->getImage($menu_item[2], "border='0' align='absmiddle'", null, null, '.gif', $menu_item[1]), "ID" => $menu_item[2] . "_link");
         $ss->assign("groupTabs", $groupTabs);
         $ss->assign("shortcutTopMenu", $shortcutTopMenu);
         $ss->assign('USE_GROUP_TABS', $usingGroupTabs);
         // This is here for backwards compatibility, someday, somewhere, it will be able to be removed
         $ss->assign("moduleTopMenu", $groupTabs[$app_strings['LBL_TABGROUP_ALL']]['modules']);
         $ss->assign("moduleExtraMenu", $groupTabs[$app_strings['LBL_TABGROUP_ALL']]['extra']);
     if (isset($extraTabs) && is_array($extraTabs)) {
         // Adding shortcuts array to extra menu array for displaying shortcuts associated with each module
         $shortcutExtraMenu = array();
         foreach ($extraTabs as $module_key => $label) {
             global $mod_strings;
             $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $module_key);
             foreach ($this->getMenu($module_key) as $key => $menu_item) {
                 $shortcutExtraMenu[$module_key][$key] = array("URL" => $menu_item[0], "LABEL" => $menu_item[1], "MODULE_NAME" => $menu_item[2], "IMAGE" => $themeObject->getImage($menu_item[2], "border='0' align='absmiddle'", null, null, '.gif', $menu_item[1]), "ID" => $menu_item[2] . "_link");
         $ss->assign("shortcutExtraMenu", $shortcutExtraMenu);
     if (!empty($current_user)) {
         $ss->assign("max_tabs", $current_user->getPreference("max_tabs"));
     $imageURL = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL("dashboard.png");
     $homeImage = "<img src='{$imageURL}'>";
     $ss->assign("homeImage", $homeImage);
     global $mod_strings;
     $mod_strings = $bakModStrings;
     $headerTpl = $themeObject->getTemplate('header.tpl');
     if (inDeveloperMode()) {
     if ($retModTabs) {
         return $ss->fetch($themeObject->getTemplate('_headerModuleList.tpl'));
     } else {
         $errorMessages = SugarApplication::getErrorMessages();
         if (!empty($errorMessages)) {
             foreach ($errorMessages as $error_message) {
                 echo '<p class="error">' . $error_message . '</p>';
  * Prepare the tabs structure.
  * Uses 'Other' tab functionality.
  * If $modList is not specified, $modListHeader is used as default.
  * @param   array   optional list of modules considered valid
  * @param   array   optional array to temporarily union into the root of the tab structure 
  * @param bool  if  we set this param true, the other group tab will be returned no matter  $sugar_config['other_group_tab_displayed'] is true or false
  * @param bool  We use label value as return array key by default. But we can set this param true, that we can use the label name as return array key.
  * @return  array   the complete tab-group structure
 function get_tab_structure($modList = '', $patch = '', $ignoreSugarConfig = false, $labelAsKey = false)
     global $modListHeader, $app_strings, $app_list_strings, $modInvisListActivities;
     /* Use default if not provided */
     if (!$modList) {
         $modList =& $modListHeader;
     /* Apply patch, use a reference if we can */
     if ($patch) {
         $tabStructure = $GLOBALS['tabStructure'];
         foreach ($patch as $mainTab => $subModules) {
             $tabStructure[$mainTab]['modules'] = array_merge($tabStructure[$mainTab]['modules'], $subModules);
     } else {
         $tabStructure =& $GLOBALS['tabStructure'];
     $retStruct = array();
     $mlhUsed = array();
     //the invisible list should be merged if activities is set to be hidden
     if (in_array('Activities', $modList)) {
         $modList = array_merge($modList, $modInvisListActivities);
     //Add any iFrame tabs to the 'other' group.
     $moduleExtraMenu = array();
     if (!should_hide_iframes()) {
         $iFrame = new iFrame();
         $frames = $iFrame->lookup_frames('tab');
         foreach ($frames as $key => $values) {
             $moduleExtraMenu[$key] = $values;
     } else {
         if (isset($modList['iFrames'])) {
     $modList = array_merge($modList, $moduleExtraMenu);
     /* Only return modules which exists in the modList */
     foreach ($tabStructure as $mainTab => $subModules) {
         //Ensure even empty groups are returned
         if ($labelAsKey) {
             $retStruct[$subModules['label']]['modules'] = array();
         } else {
             $retStruct[$app_strings[$subModules['label']]]['modules'] = array();
         foreach ($subModules['modules'] as $key => $subModule) {
             /* Perform a case-insensitive in_array check
              * and mark whichever module matched as used.
             foreach ($modList as $module) {
                 if (is_string($module) && strcasecmp($subModule, $module) === 0) {
                     if ($labelAsKey) {
                         $retStruct[$subModules['label']]['modules'][$module] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$module];
                     } else {
                         $retStruct[$app_strings[$subModules['label']]]['modules'][$module] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$module];
                     $mlhUsed[$module] = true;
         //remove the group tabs if it has no sub modules under it
         if ($labelAsKey) {
             if (empty($retStruct[$subModules['label']]['modules'])) {
         } else {
             if (empty($retStruct[$app_strings[$subModules['label']]]['modules'])) {
     //        _pp($retStruct);
     return $retStruct;
Example #5
 * Helper function for this file.
function getAllowedReportModules(&$local_modListHeader, $skipCache = false)
    static $reports_mod = null;
    if (isset($reports_mod) && !$skipCache) {
        return $reports_mod;
    require_once "modules/MySettings/TabController.php";
    $controller = new TabController();
    $tabs = $controller->get_tabs_system();
    $all_modules = array_merge($tabs[0], $tabs[1]);
    if (!is_array($all_modules)) {
        return array();
    global $report_map, $beanList, $report_include_modules;
    if (empty($beanList)) {
        require 'include/modules.php';
    $report_modules = array();
    $subModuleCheckArray = array("Tasks", "Calls", "Meetings", "Notes");
    $subModuleProjectArray = array("ProjectTask");
    foreach ($beanList as $key => $value) {
        if (isset($all_modules[$key])) {
            $report_modules[$key] = $value;
        //need to include subpanel only modules
        if (!empty($report_include_modules[$key])) {
            $report_modules[$key] = $value;
        if (in_array($key, $subModuleCheckArray) && (array_key_exists("Calendar", $all_modules) || array_key_exists("Activities", $all_modules))) {
            $report_modules[$key] = $value;
        if (in_array($key, $subModuleProjectArray) && array_key_exists("Project", $all_modules)) {
            $report_modules[$key] = $value;
        if ($key == 'Users' || $key == 'Teams' || $key == 'EmailAddresses') {
            $report_modules[$key] = $value;
        if ($key == 'Releases' || $key == 'CampaignLog' || $key == 'Manufacturers') {
            $report_modules[$key] = $value;
    global $beanFiles;
    // Bug 38864 - Parse the reportmoduledefs.php file for a list of modules we should include or disclude from this list
    //             Provides contents of $exemptModules and $additionalModules arrays
    $exemptModules = array();
    $additionalModules = array();
    foreach (SugarAutoLoader::existingCustom('modules/Reports/metadata/reportmodulesdefs.php') as $file) {
        include $file;
    foreach ($report_modules as $module => $class_name) {
        if (!isset($beanFiles[$class_name]) || in_array($module, $exemptModules)) {
    foreach ($additionalModules as $module) {
        if (isset($beanList[$module])) {
            $report_modules[$module] = $beanList[$module];
    if (should_hide_iframes() && isset($report_modules['iFrames'])) {
    return $report_modules;