
$sh_sc = array();
$sh_sc['sh_call_out'] = array("name" => __("Call Out", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_call_out", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-user', 'description' => __('show the call out banner.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Image Link", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "link", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the Image Link", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "attach_image", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Image", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "img", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the Image url", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Image Title", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the Image Title", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __(" Background Color Check", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "color_check", 'value' => array_flip(array('clearfix' => __('None', SH_NAME), 'banner clearfix' => __('Black', SH_NAME), 'banner colorful clearfix' => __('Orange', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Select the background image color.", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_pricing-tables'] = array("name" => __("Pricing tables", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_pricing-tables", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-user', 'description' => __('show the pricing list.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Price Heading", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "price_heading", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the price heading", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Price", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "price", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the price", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "exploded_textarea", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Features", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "features", "description" => __("Enter One Feature per Line", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Enter the button name", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "button_name", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the button name", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Button link", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "link", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the button link", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_parchase-lists'] = array("name" => __("Parchase Lists", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_parchase-lists", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-user', 'description' => __('show the parchase list.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Price Heading", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "price_heading", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the price heading", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Price", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "price", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the price", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "exploded_textarea", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Features", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "features", "description" => __("Enter One Feature per Line", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Enter the button name", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "button_name", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the button name", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Button link", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "link", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the button link", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_parallex'] = array("name" => __("parallex", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_parallex", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), 'description' => __('show the Parallex banner.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Msg Title", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "msg_title", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the message title", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "attach_image", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("background image", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "image", "description" => __("Enter the  background image", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textarea", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Short html Text", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "content", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter content, you can use html tags", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_parallex2'] = array("name" => __("parallex2", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_parallex2", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), 'description' => __('show the Parallex 2 banner.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Msg Title", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "msg_title", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the message title", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Button Link Title Attribute", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "link_title", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the message title", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Title", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "msg_title", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the message title", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Button Link URl", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "link", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the button link url", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "attach_image", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("background image", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "image", "description" => __("Enter the  background image", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textarea", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Short html Text", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "content", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter content, you can use html tags", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_right_small_banner'] = array("name" => __("Right Small Banner", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_right_small_banner", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-user', 'description' => __('show the mini banner.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Image Link", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "link", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the Image Link", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Image Title", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the Image Title", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Banner Button 1 Status", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "btn_status", 'value' => array_flip(array('active' => __('active', SH_NAME), 'none' => __('none', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("show button status.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "attach_image", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Image", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "img", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the Image url", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Banner Button Link", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "banner2_btn_link", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the banner2 button link", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Banner  Button Text", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "banner2_btn_text", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Banner 2 Button Text", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Banner  title", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "banner2_title", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the banner2 title", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_mini_banner'] = array("name" => __("Mini Banner", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_mini_banner", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-user', 'description' => __('show the mini banner.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Image Link", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "link", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the Image Link", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Banner Button 1  Link", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "btn_link", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the button Link", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Banner Button 1 Text", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "btn_text", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the button title", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Image Title", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the Image Title", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Banner Button 1 Status", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "btn_status", 'value' => array_flip(array('active' => __('active', SH_NAME), 'none' => __('none', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("show button status.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "attach_image", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Image", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "img", 'value' => '', "description" => __("Enter the Image url", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_parallex'] = array("name" => __("parallex", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_parallex", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), 'description' => __('show the Parallex banner.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Msg Title", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "msg_title", 'value' => __("Pretty & PreShop", SH_NAME), "description" => __("Enter the message title", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "attach_image", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("background image", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "image", "description" => __("Enter the  background image", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textarea", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Short html Text", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "content", 'value' => __("Find your favorite design and put your personal touch on it before you buy..", SH_NAME), "description" => __("Enter content, you can use html tags", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_services'] = array("name" => __("Services", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_services", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Show Service Style 1 in 3 Columns.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Do you want to show title on top', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title_show", 'value' => array_flip(array('true' => __('Show', SH_NAME), 'false' => __('None', SH_NAME))), "description" => __('select title if you want to show of top.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Show read more button', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "button_read_more", 'value' => array_flip(array('true' => __('Show', SH_NAME), 'false' => __('None', SH_NAME))), "description" => __('choose if you want to show read more button.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Title', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", "description" => __('Enter the title.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Inner Title', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title_inner", "description" => __('Enter the Inner title.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Number', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "num", "description" => __('Enter Number of Services to Show.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Category', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "cat", "value" => array_flip((array) sh_get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'services_category', 'hide_empty' => FALSE), true)), "description" => __('Choose Category.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order By", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "sort", 'value' => array_flip(array('date' => __('Date', SH_NAME), 'title' => __('Title', SH_NAME), 'name' => __('Name', SH_NAME), 'author' => __('Author', SH_NAME), 'comment_count' => __('Comment Count', SH_NAME), 'random' => __('Random', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "order", 'value' => array_flip(array('ASC' => __('Ascending', SH_NAME), 'DESC' => __('Descending', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_team'] = array("name" => __("Teams", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_team", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Show Team.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Title', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", "description" => __('Enter title.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Title Inner', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title_inner", "description" => __('Enter Inner Title .', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Number', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "num", "description" => __('Enter of Teams to show.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Category', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "cat", "value" => array_flip((array) sh_get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'team_category', 'hide_empty' => FALSE), true)), "description" => __('Choose Category.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order By", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "sort", 'value' => array_flip(array('date' => __('Date', SH_NAME), 'title' => __('Title', SH_NAME), 'name' => __('Name', SH_NAME), 'author' => __('Author', SH_NAME), 'comment_count' => __('Comment Count', SH_NAME), 'random' => __('Random', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "order", 'value' => array_flip(array('ASC' => __('Ascending', SH_NAME), 'DESC' => __('Descending', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_testimonials'] = array("name" => __("Testimonials ( 2 Columns)", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_testimonials", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Show testimonials Style 1 in 2 Columns.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Number', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "num", "description" => __('Enter Number of Services to Show.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Title', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", "description" => __('Enter Title.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Tagline', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "tag", "description" => __('Enter the tagline.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Category', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "cat", "value" => array_flip((array) sh_get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'testimonial_category', 'hide_empty' => FALSE), true)), "description" => __('Choose Category.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order By", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "sort", 'value' => array_flip(array('date' => __('Date', SH_NAME), 'title' => __('Title', SH_NAME), 'name' => __('Name', SH_NAME), 'author' => __('Author', SH_NAME), 'comment_count' => __('Comment Count', SH_NAME), 'random' => __('Random', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "order", 'value' => array_flip(array('ASC' => __('Ascending', SH_NAME), 'DESC' => __('Descending', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_products'] = array("name" => __("Products ( 2 Columns)", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_products", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Show Featured Products .', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Featured Posts Title', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "feature_title", "description" => __('Enter Feature Post title.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Number', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "num", "description" => __('Enter Number of Services to Show.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Category', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "cat", "value" => array_flip((array) sh_get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'product_cat', 'hide_empty' => FALSE), true)), "description" => __('Choose Category.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order By", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "sort", 'value' => array_flip(array('date' => __('Date', SH_NAME), 'title' => __('Title', SH_NAME), 'name' => __('Name', SH_NAME), 'author' => __('Author', SH_NAME), 'comment_count' => __('Comment Count', SH_NAME), 'random' => __('Random', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "order", 'value' => array_flip(array('ASC' => __('Ascending', SH_NAME), 'DESC' => __('Descending', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_best-sellers'] = array("name" => __(" Best Sellers", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_best-sellers", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Show best selling products .', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Title', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", "description" => __('Enter the title on the top', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Set Old Price of items', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "old_price", "description" => __('Enter the old price', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Set the new price of the items', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "new_price", "description" => __('Enter the new price', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Number', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "num", "description" => __('Enter Number of Services to Show.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Category', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "cat", "value" => array_flip((array) sh_get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'product_cat', 'hide_empty' => FALSE), true)), "description" => __('Choose Category.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order By", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "sort", 'value' => array_flip(array('date' => __('Date', SH_NAME), 'title' => __('Title', SH_NAME), 'name' => __('Name', SH_NAME), 'author' => __('Author', SH_NAME), 'comment_count' => __('Comment Count', SH_NAME), 'random' => __('Random', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "order", 'value' => array_flip(array('ASC' => __('Ascending', SH_NAME), 'DESC' => __('Descending', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_middle-slider'] = array("name" => __("Middle slider  Products ", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_middle-slider", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Show Featured Products .', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Title', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "feature_title", "description" => __('Enter Slider title.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Number', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "num", "description" => __('Enter Number of Products to Show.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Category', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "cat", "value" => array_flip((array) sh_get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'product_cat', 'hide_empty' => FALSE), true)), "description" => __('Choose Category.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order By", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "sort", 'value' => array_flip(array('date' => __('Date', SH_NAME), 'title' => __('Title', SH_NAME), 'name' => __('Name', SH_NAME), 'author' => __('Author', SH_NAME), 'comment_count' => __('Comment Count', SH_NAME), 'random' => __('Random', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "order", 'value' => array_flip(array('ASC' => __('Ascending', SH_NAME), 'DESC' => __('Descending', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Product's Old Price", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "old_price", "description" => __("Enter Product's Old Price.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Product's New Price", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "new_price", "description" => __("Enter Product's New Price.", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_from-blog'] = array("name" => __("From Blog", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_from-blog", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Show Posts from the blog.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Enter title', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", "description" => __('Enter blog title.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Number', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "num", "description" => __('Enter Number of Blog Posts to show.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Category', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "cat", "value" => array_flip((array) sh_get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'category', 'hide_empty' => FALSE), true)), "description" => __('Choose Category.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order By", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "sort", 'value' => array_flip(array('date' => __('Date', SH_NAME), 'title' => __('Title', SH_NAME), 'name' => __('Name', SH_NAME), 'author' => __('Author', SH_NAME), 'comment_count' => __('Comment Count', SH_NAME), 'random' => __('Random', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "order", 'value' => array_flip(array('ASC' => __('Ascending', SH_NAME), 'DESC' => __('Descending', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_top-blog-posts'] = array("name" => __("top-blog-posts", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_top-blog-posts", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Show Posts from the blog.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Number', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "num", "description" => __('Enter Number of Blog Posts to show.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Category', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "cat", "value" => array_flip((array) sh_get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'category', 'hide_empty' => FALSE), true)), "description" => __('Choose Category.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order By", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "sort", 'value' => array_flip(array('date' => __('Date', SH_NAME), 'title' => __('Title', SH_NAME), 'name' => __('Name', SH_NAME), 'author' => __('Author', SH_NAME), 'comment_count' => __('Comment Count', SH_NAME), 'random' => __('Random', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "order", 'value' => array_flip(array('ASC' => __('Ascending', SH_NAME), 'DESC' => __('Descending', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_fun_facts'] = array("name" => __("Fun Facts", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_fun_facts", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'icon-wpb-layer-shape-text', "as_parent" => array('only' => 'sh_fact'), "content_element" => true, "show_settings_on_create" => false, 'description' => __('Add Fun Facts to your theme.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "attach_image", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Background Image", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "bg", "description" => __("Upload Background Image", SH_NAME))), "js_view" => 'VcColumnView');
$sh_sc['sh_fact'] = array("name" => __("Fact", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_fact", "class" => "", "category" => __('Preshop', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'icon-wpb-layer-shape-text', "as_child" => array('only' => 'sh_fun_facts'), "content_element" => true, "show_settings_on_create" => true, 'description' => __('Add Fact.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Title", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", "description" => __("Enter Title for Skills Section", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Number", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "number", "description" => __("Enter Number", SH_NAME))));
Example #2

$sh_sc = array();
/* Rise Shortcodes   */
$sh_sc['sh_donate_now'] = array("name" => __("Donte Now", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_donate_now", "class" => "", "category" => __('Rise', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Donate Now', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Title 1 ", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title1", "description" => __("Enter title before Donate Now.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Text 1 ", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "text1", "description" => __("Enter text before Donate Now.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Title 2", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title2", "description" => __("Enter title of Donate Now", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Text 2", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "text2", "description" => __("Enter text of Donate Now", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Target Amount", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "target", "description" => __("Enter Target Amount.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Raised Amount", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "raised", "description" => __("Enter Raised Amount.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Dropdown", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "type", "description" => __("Dropdown For Links.", SH_NAME), 'value' => array(__('Paypal', SH_NAME) => 'paypal', __('Custom Link', SH_NAME) => 'custom')), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Custom Link", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "custom_link", "description" => __("Enter Custom Link.", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_projects'] = array("name" => __("Projects", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_projects", "class" => "", "category" => __('Rise', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Project Section.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Title", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", "description" => __("Enter title for Project Section.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Text", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "text", "description" => __("Enter Text for Project Section.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Number", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "number", "description" => __("Number of Project to show.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Category', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "cat", "value" => array_flip(sh_get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'projects_category', 'hide_empty' => false))), "description" => __('Choose Category.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order By", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "sort", 'value' => array_flip(array('date' => __('Date', SH_NAME), 'title' => __('Title', SH_NAME), 'name' => __('Name', SH_NAME), 'author' => __('Author', SH_NAME), 'comment_count' => __('Comment Count', SH_NAME), 'random' => __('Random', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "order", 'value' => array('ASC' => __('Ascending', SH_NAME), 'DESC' => __('Descending', SH_NAME)), "description" => __("Enter the Order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "attach_images", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Background Image', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "bg", "description" => __('Upload Background Image.', SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_causes'] = array("name" => __("Causes", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_causes", "class" => "", "category" => __('Rise', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Cause Section.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Title", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", "description" => __("Enter title for Cause Section.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Text", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "text", "description" => __("Enter Text for Cause Section.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Number", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "number", "description" => __("Number of Cause to show.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Category', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "cat", "value" => array_flip(sh_get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'causes_category', 'hide_empty' => false))), "description" => __('Choose Category.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order By", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "sort", 'value' => array_flip(array('date' => __('Date', SH_NAME), 'title' => __('Title', SH_NAME), 'name' => __('Name', SH_NAME), 'author' => __('Author', SH_NAME), 'comment_count' => __('Comment Count', SH_NAME), 'random' => __('Random', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "order", 'value' => array('ASC' => __('Ascending', SH_NAME), 'DESC' => __('Descending', SH_NAME)), "description" => __("Enter the Order.", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_events'] = array("name" => __("Events", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_events", "class" => "", "category" => __('Rise', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Events Section.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Title", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", "description" => __("Enter title for Events Section.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Number", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "number", "description" => __("Number of Events to show.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Category', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "cat", "value" => array_flip(sh_get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'events_category', 'hide_empty' => false))), "description" => __('Choose Category.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order By", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "sort", 'value' => array_flip(array('date' => __('Date', SH_NAME), 'title' => __('Title', SH_NAME), 'name' => __('Name', SH_NAME), 'author' => __('Author', SH_NAME), 'comment_count' => __('Comment Count', SH_NAME), 'random' => __('Random', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "order", 'value' => array('ASC' => __('Ascending', SH_NAME), 'DESC' => __('Descending', SH_NAME)), "description" => __("Enter the Order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "attach_images", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Background Image', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "bg", "description" => __('Upload Background Image.', SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_gallery'] = array("name" => __("Gallery", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_gallery", "class" => "", "category" => __('Rise', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Gallery Section.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Title", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", "description" => __("Enter title for Gallery Section.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Text", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "text", "description" => __("Enter Text for Gallery Section.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Number", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "number", "description" => __("Number of Images to show.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Category', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "cat", "value" => array_flip(sh_get_posts_array('sh_gallery')), "description" => __('Choose Category.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order By", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "sort", 'value' => array_flip(array('date' => __('Date', SH_NAME), 'title' => __('Title', SH_NAME), 'name' => __('Name', SH_NAME), 'author' => __('Author', SH_NAME), 'comment_count' => __('Comment Count', SH_NAME), 'random' => __('Random', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "order", 'value' => array('ASC' => __('Ascending', SH_NAME), 'DESC' => __('Descending', SH_NAME)), "description" => __("Enter the Order.", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_testimonials'] = array("name" => __("Testimonial", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_testimonials", "class" => "", "category" => __('Rise', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Testimonial Section.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Number", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "number", "description" => __("Number of Testimonial to show.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Category', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "cat", "value" => array_flip(sh_get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'testimonials_category', 'hide_empty' => false))), "description" => __('Choose Category.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order By", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "sort", 'value' => array_flip(array('date' => __('Date', SH_NAME), 'title' => __('Title', SH_NAME), 'name' => __('Name', SH_NAME), 'author' => __('Author', SH_NAME), 'comment_count' => __('Comment Count', SH_NAME), 'random' => __('Random', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "order", 'value' => array('ASC' => __('Ascending', SH_NAME), 'DESC' => __('Descending', SH_NAME)), "description" => __("Enter the Order.", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_donors'] = array("name" => __("Donors", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_donors", "class" => "", "category" => __('Rise', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Donors Section.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Title", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", "description" => __("Enter title for Donors Section.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Text", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "text", "description" => __("Enter Text for Donors Section.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Number", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "number", "description" => __("Number of Donors to show.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Category', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "cat", "value" => array_flip(sh_get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'donors_category', 'hide_empty' => false))), "description" => __('Choose Category.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order By", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "sort", 'value' => array_flip(array('date' => __('Date', SH_NAME), 'title' => __('Title', SH_NAME), 'name' => __('Name', SH_NAME), 'author' => __('Author', SH_NAME), 'comment_count' => __('Comment Count', SH_NAME), 'random' => __('Random', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "order", 'value' => array('ASC' => __('Ascending', SH_NAME), 'DESC' => __('Descending', SH_NAME)), "description" => __("Enter the Order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "attach_images", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Background Image', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "bg", "description" => __('Upload Background Image for Donors Section.', SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_team'] = array("name" => __("Team", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_team", "class" => "", "category" => __('Rise', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Team Section.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Title", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", "description" => __("Enter title for Team Section.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Text", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "text", "description" => __("Enter Text for Team Section.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Number", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "number", "description" => __("How many members of Team to show?", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Category', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "cat", "value" => array_flip(sh_get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'team_category', 'hide_empty' => false))), "description" => __('Choose Category.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order By", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "sort", 'value' => array_flip(array('date' => __('Date', SH_NAME), 'title' => __('Title', SH_NAME), 'name' => __('Name', SH_NAME), 'author' => __('Author', SH_NAME), 'comment_count' => __('Comment Count', SH_NAME), 'random' => __('Random', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "order", 'value' => array('ASC' => __('Ascending', SH_NAME), 'DESC' => __('Descending', SH_NAME)), "description" => __("Enter the Order.", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_newsletter'] = array("name" => __("Newsletter Bar", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_newsletter", "class" => "", "category" => __('Rise', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Title", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", "description" => __("Enter Title for Newsletter Section.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Botton Text", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "button_text", "description" => __("Enter Botton Text.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Feed ID", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "f_id", "description" => __("Enter Feed.", SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc = apply_filters('_sh_shortcodes_array', $sh_sc);
return $sh_sc;
Example #3
$sh_sc['sh_about_us'] = array("name" => __("About US", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_about_us", "class" => "", "category" => __('Tlazya', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('show the about us section.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Enter  title', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", "description" => __('Enter portfolio title.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Text', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "text", "description" => __('Enter text.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "attach_image", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Image', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "img", "value" => '', "description" => __('Choose image.', SH_NAME))));
$sh_sc['sh_services'] = array("name" => __("Services", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_services", "class" => "", "category" => __('Tlazya', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Show Service.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Number', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "num", "description" => __('Enter Number of Services to Show.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Category', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "cat", "value" => array_flip((array) sh_get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'services_category', 'hide_empty' => FALSE), true)), "description" => __('Choose Category.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order By", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "sort", 'value' => array_flip(array('' => '', 'date' => __('Date', SH_NAME), 'title' => __('Title', SH_NAME), 'name' => __('Name', SH_NAME), 'author' => __('Author', SH_NAME), 'comment_count' => __('Comment Count', SH_NAME), 'random' => __('Random', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "order", 'value' => array_flip(array('ASC' => __('Ascending', SH_NAME), 'DESC' => __('Descending', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Excerpt Length", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "excerpt", 'value' => 10, "description" => __("Enter the excerpt length.", SH_NAME))));
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$sh_sc['sh_services_1'] = array("name" => __("Our Services", SH_NAME), "base" => "sh_services_1", "class" => "", "category" => __('Tlazya', SH_NAME), "icon" => 'fa-briefcase', 'description' => __('Show Services.', SH_NAME), "params" => array(array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Title', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "title", "description" => __('Enter title of Services to Show.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Text', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "text", "description" => __('Enter text of Services to Show.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Number', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "num", "description" => __('Enter Number of Services to Show.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Excerpt Length', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "excerpt", 'value' => 10, "description" => __('Enter length of words to display.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __('Category', SH_NAME), "param_name" => "cat", "value" => array_flip((array) sh_get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'services_category', 'hide_empty' => FALSE), true)), "description" => __('Choose Category.', SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order By", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "sort", 'value' => array_flip(array('' => '', 'date' => __('Date', SH_NAME), 'title' => __('Title', SH_NAME), 'name' => __('Name', SH_NAME), 'author' => __('Author', SH_NAME), 'comment_count' => __('Comment Count', SH_NAME), 'random' => __('Random', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME)), array("type" => "dropdown", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Order", SH_NAME), "param_name" => "order", 'value' => array_flip(array('ASC' => __('Ascending', SH_NAME), 'DESC' => __('Descending', SH_NAME))), "description" => __("Enter the sorting order.", SH_NAME))));
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$sh_sc = apply_filters('_sh_shortcodes_array', $sh_sc);
return $sh_sc;