Example #1
 * Insert in the db the previously retrieved parameters for a plugin
 * including publication information. Also move files as required
 * @param string $basePath , the base path to get original files from
 * @param array $shConfig an array holding the database parameters of the plugin
 * @param array $files, an array holding list of files from the plugin
function shInsertPlugin($basePath, $shConfig, $files, $folders, $foldersToCopy)
    // check data
    if (empty($files)) {
    // move the files to target location
    $result = array();
    $resultFolders = array();
    $success = true;
    // create folders as needed
    if (!empty($folders)) {
        foreach ($folders as $folder) {
            $success = $success && JFolder::create(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $folder);
    // copy raw folders as needed
    if (!empty($foldersToCopy)) {
        foreach ($foldersToCopy as $folder) {
            $success = $success && JFolder::copy(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_sh404sef' . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $shConfig['folder'] . DS . $folder, JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $shConfig['folder'] . DS . $folder, $path = '', $forced = true);
            $result[$folder] = $success;
    // now move files across
    if ($success) {
        foreach ($files as $pluginFile) {
            $target = JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $shConfig['folder'] . DS . $pluginFile);
            $source = JPath::clean($basePath . DS . $pluginFile);
            $success = $success && true === JFile::copy($source, $target);
            $resultFolders[$pluginFile] = $success;
        // check and add an index.html file if it does not exists
        $target = JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $shConfig['folder'] . DS . 'index.html');
        if (!JFile::exists($target)) {
            $source = JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'index.html');
            $success = $success && true === JFile::copy($source, $target);
    // if files moved to destination, setup plugin in Joomla database
    if ($success) {
        $shouldRestore = shShouldRestore();
        if ($shouldRestore) {
            // read stored params from disk
            shGetExtensionSavedParams($shConfig['folder'] . '.' . $shConfig['element'], $shConfig);
        // insert elements in db, but only if it does not exist
        // we can't use insert ignore, as the record may have been modified by user (unpublished, order change)
        $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
        $sql = 'select count(id) from `#__plugins` where ' . ' `element` = ' . $db->Quote($shConfig['element']) . ' and `folder` = ' . $db->Quote($shConfig['folder']);
        $alreadyInstalled = $db->loadResult();
        if (empty($alreadyInstalled)) {
            $sql = "INSERT INTO `#__plugins` ( `name`, `element`, `folder`, `access`, `ordering`, `published`," . " `iscore`, `client_id`, `checked_out`, `checked_out_time`, `params`)" . " VALUES ('{$shConfig['name']}', '{$shConfig['element']}', '{$shConfig['folder']}', '{$shConfig['access']}', '{$shConfig['ordering']}'," . " '{$shConfig['published']}', '{$shConfig['iscore']}', '{$shConfig['client_id']}', '{$shConfig['checked_out']}'," . " '{$shConfig['checked_out_time']}', '{$shConfig['params']}');";
            if (!empty($db->getErrorNum)) {
                echo $db->getErrorMsg() . '<br />';
    } else {
        // failure while copying files
        // don't leave anything behind
        foreach ($files as $pluginFile) {
            if (!empty($result[$pluginFile])) {
                // if file was copied, try to delete it
                JFile::delete(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $shConfig['folder'] . DS . $pluginFile);
        // also delete folders
        if (!empty($resultFolders)) {
            foreach ($resultFolders as $folder) {
                if ($resultFolders[$folder]) {
                    // if file was copied, try to delete it
                    JFolder::delete(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $shConfig['folder'] . DS . $folder);
        JError::RaiseWarning(500, JText::_('Could not install plugin'));
    return $success;
Example #2
 * Insert in the db the previously retrieved parameters for a plugin
 * including publication information. Also move files as required
 * @param string $basePath , the base path to get original files from
 * @param array $shConfig an array holding the database parameters of the plugin
 * @param array $files, an array holding list of files from the plugin
function shInsertPlugin($basePath, $shConfig, $files, $folders, $foldersToCopy)
    // check data
    if (empty($files)) {
    // move the files to target location
    $result = array();
    $resultFolders = array();
    $success = true;
    // create folders as needed
    if (!empty($folders)) {
        foreach ($folders as $folder) {
            $success = $success && JFolder::create(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $folder);
    // copy raw folders as needed
    if (!empty($foldersToCopy)) {
        foreach ($foldersToCopy as $folder) {
            $success = $success && JFolder::copy(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_sh404sef' . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $shConfig['folder'] . DS . $folder, JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $shConfig['folder'] . DS . $folder);
            $result[$folder] = $success;
    // now move files across
    if ($success) {
        foreach ($files as $pluginFile) {
            $target = JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $shConfig['folder'] . DS . $pluginFile);
            $source = JPath::clean($basePath . DS . $pluginFile);
            $success = $success && true === JFile::copy($source, $target);
            $resultFolders[$pluginFile] = $success;
    // if files moved to destination, setup plugin in Joomla database
    if ($success) {
        // read stored params from disk
        shGetExtensionSavedParams($shConfig['folder'] . '.' . $shConfig['element'], $shConfig);
        // insert elements in db
        $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
        $sql = "INSERT INTO `#__plugins` ( `name`, `element`, `folder`, `access`, `ordering`, `published`," . " `iscore`, `client_id`, `checked_out`, `checked_out_time`, `params`)" . " VALUES ('{$shConfig['name']}', '{$shConfig['element']}', '{$shConfig['folder']}', '{$shConfig['access']}', '{$shConfig['ordering']}'," . " '{$shConfig['published']}', '{$shConfig['iscore']}', '{$shConfig['client_id']}', '{$shConfig['checked_out']}'," . " '{$shConfig['checked_out_time']}', '{$shConfig['params']}');";
    } else {
        // don't leave anything behind
        foreach ($files as $pluginFile) {
            if ($result[$pluginFile]) {
                // if file was copied, try to delete it
                JFile::delete(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $shConfig['folder'] . DS . $pluginFile);
        // also delete folders
        if (!empty($resultFolders)) {
            foreach ($resultFolders as $folder) {
                if ($resultFolders[$folder]) {
                    // if file was copied, try to delete it
                    JFolder::delete(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $shConfig['folder'] . DS . $folder);
        JError::RaiseWarning(500, JText::_('Could not install plugin'));
    return $success;