Example #1
function check_cookie()
    global $cookie_name, $cookie_seed;
    // Get Slim current session
    $feather = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
    $now = time();
    // Get FeatherBB cookie
    $cookie_raw = $feather->getCookie($cookie_name);
    // Check if cookie exists and is valid (getCookie method returns false if the data has been tampered locally so it can't decrypt the cookie);
    if (isset($cookie_raw)) {
        $cookie = json_decode($cookie_raw, true);
        $checksum = hash_hmac('sha1', $cookie['user_id'] . $cookie['expires'], $cookie_seed . '_checksum');
        // If cookie has a non-guest user, hasn't expired and is legit
        if ($cookie['user_id'] > 1 && $cookie['expires'] > $now && $checksum == $cookie['checksum']) {
            // Get user info from db
            $select_check_cookie = array('u.*', 'g.*', 'o.logged', 'o.idle');
            $where_check_cookie = array('u.id' => intval($cookie['user_id']));
            $result = \DB::for_table('users')->table_alias('u')->select_many($select_check_cookie)->inner_join('groups', array('u.group_id', '=', 'g.g_id'), 'g')->left_outer_join('online', array('o.user_id', '=', 'u.id'), 'o')->where($where_check_cookie)->find_result_set();
            foreach ($result as $feather->user) {
            // Another security check, to prevent identity fraud by changing the user id in the cookie) (might be useless considering the strength of encryption)
            if (isset($feather->user->id) && hash_hmac('sha1', $feather->user->password, $cookie_seed . '_password_hash') === $cookie['password_hash']) {
                $expires = $cookie['expires'] > $now + $feather->config['o_timeout_visit'] ? $now + 1209600 : $now + $feather->config['o_timeout_visit'];
                $feather->user->is_guest = false;
                $feather->user->is_admmod = $feather->user->g_id == FEATHER_ADMIN || $feather->user->g_moderator == '1';
                feather_setcookie($feather->user->id, $feather->user->password, $expires);
                return true;
    // If there is no cookie, or cookie is guest or expired, let's reconnect.
    $expires = $now + 31536000;
    // The cookie expires after a year
    feather_setcookie(1, feather_hash(uniqid(rand(), true)), $expires);
    return set_default_user();
require_once "user.php";
require_once "db_utils.php";
require_once "ma_constants.php";
require_once "ma_client.php";
require_once "util.php";
require_once "user-preferences.php";
$user = geni_loadUser();
if (!isset($user) || is_null($user) || !$user->isActive()) {
if (array_key_exists('user_urn', $_REQUEST)) {
    $user_urn = $_REQUEST['user_urn'];
    set_preferences($user_urn, $_REQUEST);
} else {
    print "Error: No user URN specified.";
    error_log("Error: No user URN specified.");
function set_preferences($user_urn, $preferences)
    global $possible_prefs;
    $conn = portal_conn();
    $db_user_urn = $conn->quote($user_urn, "text");
    $success_string = "";
    foreach ($preferences as $pref_name => $pref_value) {
        if (array_key_exists($pref_name, $possible_prefs)) {
            if (in_array($pref_value, $possible_prefs[$pref_name])) {
                $pref_name = $conn->quote($pref_name, "text");
                $pref_value = $conn->quote($pref_value, "text");