Example #1

 * plugin_revisions.php - Discussion of changes to plugin model
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 The SquirrelMail development team
 * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
 * $Id$
include_once 'common_header.inc';
set_title('Development Items');
set_attributes('$Author$', '$Revision$', '$Date$');

<LI>UI Restructure<br />
    who: ebullient
<LI>IMAP Message/Mailbox restructure<br />
    who: stekkel
<LI>Plugin architecture revision (<a href="plugin_revisions.php">here</a>)<br />
<LI>Config system revision ( <a href="config_revisions.php">here</a> )<br />
<LI>Remove other languages/locales from main SM download (plugins/add-ons, possibly common with stable?)<br />

<p>Doc System:

 * config_revisions.php - description of what file is for
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 The SquirrelMail development team
 * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
 * $Id$
include_once 'common_header.inc';
set_title('Config Revisions');
set_original_author('ebullient, grootkoerkamp');
set_attributes('$Author$', '$Revision$', '$Date$');
function print_links()
    echo '<p class="link-bar">';
    echo '<a href="#version">Versioning</a> | ';
    echo '<a href="#config">Configuration Process</a> | ';
    echo '<a href="#data_format">Data Format</a> | ';
    echo '<a href="#paths">Setting Paths/SM Initialization</a>';
    echo '</p>';

<P>Modifications need to be made to our current configuration 
mechanism (conf.pl and php admin plugin both modify config.php). 

<P>Also seeking better mechanism for setting paths, especially
paths to elements potentially located outside of the SM tree.