Example #1
  * Get an array of all leaves (or all non-leaves) of an item in order to
  * display them with BookReader.
  * Difference with the default method is that multiple views and missing
  * pages are added when needed, so the parity remains clean.
  * @param boolean $invert
  * @return array
  *   Array of files or nulls.
 protected function _get_list_of_leaves($invert = false)
     if (empty($this->_item)) {
     if (is_null($this->_leaves)) {
         $this->_leaves = array();
         $this->_nonleaves = array();
         $supportedFormats = array('jpeg' => 'JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format', 'jpg' => 'Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format', 'png' => 'Portable Network Graphics', 'gif' => 'Graphics Interchange Format', 'tif' => 'Tagged Image File Format', 'tiff' => 'Tagged Image File Format');
         // Set the regular expression to match selected/supported formats.
         $supportedFormatRegex = '/\\.(' . implode('|', array_keys($supportedFormats)) . ')$/i';
         // Retrieve image files from the item.
         set_loop_records('files', $this->_item->getFiles());
         foreach (loop('files') as $file) {
             if ($file->hasThumbnail() && preg_match($supportedFormatRegex, $file->filename)) {
                 $this->_leaves[] = $file;
             } else {
                 $this->_nonleaves[] = $file;
         // Sorting by original filename or keep attachment order.
         if (get_option('bookreader_sorting_mode')) {
         // Insert missing pages and multiple views.
         $this->_leaves = $this->_complete_list_of_leaves();
         // Reset keys, because the important is to get files by order.
         $this->_leaves = array_values($this->_leaves);
         $this->_nonleaves = array_values($this->_nonleaves);
     return $invert ? $this->_nonleaves : $this->_leaves;
 * Corresponds to regular function loop('items').
 * @see loop()
 * @param $num
function multicollections_loop_items_in_collection($num = 10)
    // Cache this so we don't end up calling the DB query over and over again
    // inside the loop.
    static $loopIsRun = false;
    if (!$loopIsRun) {
        // Retrieve a limited # of items based on the collection given.
        $items = multicollections_get_items_in_collection($num);
        set_loop_records('items', $items);
        $loopIsRun = true;
    $item = loop('items');
    if (!$item) {
        $loopIsRun = false;
    return $item;
Example #3
 * Set a exhibit's pages as the pages for looping.
 * @param Exhibit|null If null, uses the current exhibit
function set_exhibit_pages_for_loop_by_exhibit($exhibit = null)
    if (!$exhibit) {
        $exhibit = get_current_record('exhibit');
    set_loop_records('exhibit_page', $exhibit->TopPages);
Example #4

<div class="homepage-recent">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-sm-12">
                <div class="content-block">
                    <h5 class="header-label">What's New</h6>

$homepageRecentItems = '6';
set_loop_records('items', get_recent_items($homepageRecentItems));
if (has_loop_records('items')) {
					                        <div class="items-list slider">
    foreach (loop('items') as $item) {
        $image = $item->Files;
        if ($image) {
					                            <div class="item">
            echo '  <a href="' . record_url($item, null, true) . '">';
  * Create collection folders if needed.
  * @return void.
 protected function _createCollectionFolders()
     if (get_option('archive_repertory_collection_convert') != 'None') {
         $collections = get_records('Collection', array(), 0);
         $collectionNames = unserialize(get_option('archive_repertory_collection_names'));
         set_loop_records('collections', $collections);
         foreach (loop('collections') as $collection) {
             $result = $this->_createArchiveFolders($collectionNames[$collection->id]);
function mh_display_random_item($num = 1)
    echo $num <= 1 ? '<h2>Random ' . mh_item_label() . '</h2>' : '<h2>Random ' . mh_item_label('plural') . '</h2>';
    set_loop_records('items', get_random_featured_items($num, true));
    if (has_loop_records('items')) {
        foreach (loop('items') as $item) {
            echo '<article class="item-result">';
            echo '<h3>' . link_to_item(metadata($item, array('Dublin Core', 'Title'))) . '</h3>';
            echo '<div class="item-thumb">' . link_to_item(item_image('square_thumbnail')) . '</div>';
            if ($desc = metadata($item, array('Dublin Core', 'Description'), array('snippet' => 200))) {
                echo '<div class="item-description">' . $desc . '</div>';
            } else {
                echo '<div class="item-description">Text preview unavailable.</div>';
            echo '</article>';
    echo '<p class="view-more-link">' . link_to_items_browse('View all ' . mh_item_label('plural') . '') . '</p>';
Example #7
if ($collections) {
    foreach (loop('collections') as $collection) {
        <div class="content-block browse-page">
        echo link_to_collection();
        echo metadata('collection', 'total_items');
        $items = get_records('Item', array('collection' => $collection->id), 8);
        set_loop_records('items', $items);
        if (has_loop_records('items')) {

                <div class="items-list slider">
            foreach (loop('items') as $item) {
                $image = $item->Files;
                if ($image) {
                    <div class="item">
    <ul class="items-list">
foreach ($collections as $collection) {
    set_current_record('collection', $collection);
    if (metadata($collection, 'total_items') > 0) {
        $cid = metadata($collection, 'id');
        set_loop_records('items', get_item_obj(array('sort_field' => 'random', 'collection' => $cid, 'type' => 'Text')), 1);
        foreach (loop('items') as $item) {
                <li class="item">
            if (metadata('item', 'has thumbnail')) {
                echo files_for_item(array('item_image' => 'square_thumbnail', 'imgAttributes' => array('alt' => 'Thumbnail for the first content page of the item, linking to the full file.')));
 function _pimped_recent_items()
     $recent_html = '<h2>' . __('Recent Items') . '</h2>';
     set_loop_records('items', get_recent_items(5));
     foreach (loop('items') as $item) {
         $recent_html .= '<div class="recent-row">';
         $recent_html .= '<p class="recent">' . metadata($item, array('Dublin Core', 'Identifier')) . ' - ' . link_to_item() . '</p>';
         $recent_html .= '<p class="recent">' . (metadata($item, 'item_type_name') ? metadata($item, 'item_type_name') : "NO ITEMTYPE!") . " in " . (metadata($item, 'collection_name') ? metadata($item, 'collection_name') : "NO COLLECTION !") . '</p>';
         if (is_allowed($item, 'edit')) {
             $recent_html .= '<p class="dash-edit">' . link_to_item(__('Edit'), array(), 'edit') . '</p>';
         $recent_html .= '</div>';
     return $recent_html;
$recentItems = get_theme_option('Homepage Recent Items');
if ($recentItems === null || $recentItems === '') {
    $recentItems = 3;
} else {
    $recentItems = (int) $recentItems;
if ($recentItems) {
    <div id="recent-items">
    echo __('Recently Added Items');
    $homepageRecentItems = (int) get_theme_option('Homepage Recent Items') ? get_theme_option('Homepage Recent Items') : '3';
    set_loop_records('items', get_item_obj(array('recent' => true, 'type' => 'Text'), $homepageRecentItems));
    if (has_loop_records('items')) {
        <ul class="items-list">
        foreach (loop('items') as $item) {
	        <li class="item">

            if (metadata('item', 'has thumbnail')) {
                echo files_for_item(array('item_image' => 'square_thumbnail', 'imgAttributes' => array('alt' => 'Thumbnail for the first content page of the item, linking to the full file.')));
Example #11

<section class="five columns omega">
    <div class="panel">
echo __('Recent Collections');
$collections = get_recent_collections(5);
set_loop_records('collections', $collections);
foreach (loop('collections') as $collection) {
        <div class="recent-row">
            <p class="recent"><?php 
    echo link_to_collection();
    if (is_allowed($collection, 'edit')) {
            <p class="dash-edit"><?php 
        echo link_to_collection(__('Edit'), array(), 'edit');
Example #12
  * Returns answers to a query.
  * @return array
  *   Result can be returned by leaf index or by file id. The custom
  *   highlightFiles() function should use the same.
  *   Associative array of leaf indexes or file ids as keys and an array
  *   values for each result in the page (words and start position):
  * array(
  *   leaf index = array(
  *     array(
  *       'answer' => answer, findable in the original text,
  *       'position' => position of the answer in the original text,
  *     ),
  *   ),
  * );
 public function searchFulltext($query)
     if (empty($this->_item)) {
     $minimumQueryLength = 3;
     $maxResult = 10;
     // Simplify checks, because arrays are 0-based.
     $results = array();
     // Normalize query because the search occurs inside a normalized text.
     $cleanQuery = $this->_alnumString($query);
     if (strlen($cleanQuery) < $minimumQueryLength) {
         return $results;
     $queryWords = explode(' ', $cleanQuery);
     $countQueryWords = count($queryWords);
     if ($countQueryWords > 1) {
         $queryWords[] = $cleanQuery;
     $iResult = 0;
     $list = array();
     set_loop_records('files', $this->_item->getFiles());
     foreach (loop('files') as $file) {
         if ($file->mime_type == 'application/xml') {
             $xml_file = $file;
         } elseif ($file->hasThumbnail() && preg_match('/\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/i', $file->filename)) {
             $list[] = $file;
     $widths = array();
     $heights = array();
     foreach ($list as $file) {
         $imageSize = $this->getImageSize($file, $imageType);
         $widths[] = $imageSize['width'];
         $heights[] = $imageSize['height'];
     if ($xml_file) {
         $results = array();
         // To use the local path is discouraged, because it bypasses the
         // storage, so it's not compatible with Amazon S3, etc.
         $string = file_get_contents($xml_file->getWebPath('original'));
         if (empty($string)) {
             throw new Exception('Error:Cannot get XML file!');
         $string = preg_replace('/\\s{2,}/ui', ' ', $string);
         $string = preg_replace('/<\\/?b>/ui', '', $string);
         $string = preg_replace('/<\\/?i>/ui', '', $string);
         $string = str_replace('<!doctype pdf2xml system "pdf2xml.dtd">', '<!DOCTYPE pdf2xml SYSTEM "pdf2xml.dtd">', $string);
         $xml = simplexml_load_string($string);
         if (!$xml) {
             throw new Exception('Error:Invalid XML!');
         $result = array();
         try {
             // We need to store the name of the function to be used
             // for string length. mb_strlen() is better (especially
             // for diacrictics) but not available on all systems so
             // sometimes we need to use the default strlen()
             $strlen_function = "strlen";
             if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
                 $strlen_function = "mb_strlen";
             foreach ($xml->page as $page) {
                 foreach ($page->attributes() as $a => $b) {
                     if ($a == 'height') {
                         $page_height = (string) $b;
                     if ($a == 'width') {
                         $page_width = (string) $b;
                     if ($a == 'number') {
                         $page_number = (string) $b;
                 $t = 1;
                 foreach ($page->text as $row) {
                     $boxes = array();
                     $zone_text = strip_tags($row->asXML());
                     foreach ($queryWords as $q) {
                         if ($strlen_function($q) >= 3) {
                             if (preg_match("/{$q}/Uui", $zone_text) > 0) {
                                 foreach ($row->attributes() as $a => $b) {
                                     if ($a == 'top') {
                                         $zone_top = (string) $b;
                                     if ($a == 'left') {
                                         $zone_left = (string) $b;
                                     if ($a == 'height') {
                                         $zone_height = (string) $b;
                                     if ($a == 'width') {
                                         $zone_width = (string) $b;
                                 $zone_right = $page_width - $zone_left - $zone_width;
                                 $zone_bottom = $page_height - $zone_top - $zone_height;
                                 $zone_width_char = strlen($zone_text);
                                 $word_start_char = stripos($zone_text, $q);
                                 $word_width_char = strlen($q);
                                 $word_left = $zone_left + $word_start_char * $zone_width / $zone_width_char;
                                 $word_right = $word_left + ($word_width_char + 2) * $zone_width / $zone_width_char;
                                 $word_left = round($word_left * $widths[$page_number - 1] / $page_width);
                                 $word_right = round($word_right * $widths[$page_number - 1] / $page_width);
                                 $word_top = round($zone_top * $heights[$page_number - 1] / $page_height);
                                 $word_bottom = round($word_top + $zone_height * $heights[$page_number - 1] / $page_height);
                                 $boxes[] = array('r' => $word_right, 'l' => $word_left, 'b' => $word_bottom, 't' => $word_top, 'page' => $page_number);
                                 $zone_text = str_ireplace($q, '{{{' . $q . '}}}', $zone_text);
                                 $result['text'] = $zone_text;
                                 $result['par'] = array();
                                 $result['par'][] = array('t' => $zone_top, 'r' => $zone_right, 'b' => $zone_bottom, 'l' => $zone_left, 'page' => $page_number, 'boxes' => $boxes);
                                 $results[] = $result;
                             $t += 1;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw new Exception('Error:PDF to XML conversion failed!');
     return $results;
Example #13

    <div id="type-items">
echo __('Recently Added Items');
if ($item_type->Items != null) {
    set_loop_records('items', $item_type->Items);
    foreach (loop('items') as $item) {
        <li><span class="date"><?php 
        echo format_date(metadata('item', 'Added'));
</span> <?php 
        echo link_to_item('<span class="title">' . metadata('item', array('Dublin Core', 'Title')) . '</span>');
function sckls_exhibit_builder_get_images($exhibit)
    $html = '';
    if (!$exhibit) {
        $exhibit = get_current_record('exhibit');
    set_loop_records('exhibit_page', $exhibit->TopPages);
    foreach (loop('exhibit_page') as $exhibitPage) {
        $attachments = $exhibitPage->getAllAttachments();
        foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
            $item = $attachment->getItem();
            $file = $attachment->getFile();
            $html .= '<div class="item">';
            //$html .= '    <a href="' . record_url($item, null, true) . '" class="featured">';
            $html .= '    <a>';
            //$html .= '        <div class="overlay"></div>';
            $html .= '        <div style="background-image: url(' . file_display_url($file, 'fullsize') . ');" class="img"></div>';
            //$html .= '        <span class="title">' . metadata($item, array('Dublin Core', 'Title')) . '</span>';
            $html .= '    </a>';
            $html .= '</div>';
    return $html;
Example #15
    public function append($args)
        if (get_option('jwplayer_external_control')) {
            if (metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment Start'))) {
            <div id="vid_player">
             <div id="jwplayer_plugin">Player failed to load...  </div>
			 <div id="vidcontrols">
	            <ul class="vidControlsLayout" style="width='<?php 
                echo get_option("jwplayer_width_public");
                    <li id="start_img"><img src="<?php 
                echo img('pause.png');
"  title="Start/Stop" class="btnPlay"/></li>	            	
		            <li id="playback-display"><span class="current">0:00:00</span></li>
					<li class="progressBar"></li>   
		            <li id="slider-display"><span class="duration">0:00:00</span> </li>
		            <li id="vol_img"><img class="muted" src="<?php 
                echo img('volume_speaker.png');
" /></a></li>
	                <li class="volumeBar"></li>		

        <script type="text/javascript">
        var is_play = true;

		var startTime= calculateTime("<?php 
                echo metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment Start'));

		var endTime = calculateTime("<?php 
                echo metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment End'));
		playlist:  [{
		sources: [
                if (get_option('jwplayer_hls_streaming')) {
		file: '<?php 
                    echo metadata('item', array("Streaming Video", "HLS Streaming Directory"));
                    echo metadata('item', array("Streaming Video", "HLS Video Filename"));
' },
                if (get_option('jwplayer_flash_streaming')) {
		file: '<?php 
                    echo metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "Video Streaming URL"));
                    echo metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "Video Type"));
                    echo metadata('item', array("Streaming Video", "Video Filename"));
'} ,
                if (get_option('jwplayer_http_streaming')) {
		file: '<?php 
                    echo metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "HTTP Streaming Directory"));
                    echo metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "HTTP Video Filename"));
                if (get_option('jwplayer_flash_primary')) {
		primary: "flash",
		autostart: false,
		controls: false,
		width: "100%",
		height: "<?php 
                echo get_option('jwplayer_height_public');
                if (get_option('jwplayer_autostart') == 0) {
		jQuery( ".progressBar" ).slider(
		min: startTime,
		max: endTime,
		range: "max",
		slide: function(event, ui) {
		change: function(event,ui){
		if (jwplayer().getPosition() > endTime){
		jQuery( ".volumeBar" ).slider(
		min: 0,
		max: 100,
		range: "max",
		slide: function(event, ui) {
		change: function(event,ui){
			jQuery(".progressBar").slider("value", jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").getPosition());
                echo img('pause.png');
                echo img('play.png');
				if (event.mute){
                echo img('volume_speaker_mute.png');
                echo img('volume_speaker.png');
				if (event.volume <= 0 ){
                echo img('volume_speaker_mute.png');
                echo img('volume_speaker.png');
		jQuery('.btnPlay').on('click', function() {
			   if (jwplayer().getPosition() > endTime){
				   return false;

		jQuery('.btnStop').on('click', function() {
				jQuery(".progressBar").slider("value", jwplayer().getPosition());
				return false;
		jQuery('.muted').click(function() {
				return false;

		jQuery('#vid_player')[0].onmouseover = (function() {
		    var onmousestop = function() {
		       jQuery('#vidcontrols').css('display', 'none');
		    }, thread;

	    return function() {
	       jQuery('#vidcontrols').css('display', 'block');
		        thread = setTimeout(onmousestop, 3000);
		jQuery('#vid_player')[0].onmousedown = (function() {
		    var moveend = function() {
		       jQuery('#vidcontrols').css('display', 'none');
		    }, thread;

	    return function() {
	       jQuery('#vidcontrols').css('display', 'block');
		        thread = setTimeout(moveend, 3000);
        } else {
            //use jwplayer control
            if ($bText = metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment Start'))) {
				<div id="vid_player" style="width:100%; margin:0 auto;">
				    <div id="jwplayer_plugin" style="margin:0 auto;">Player failed to load...  </div>
        <script type="text/javascript">
        var is_play = true;

	    var startTime= calculateTime("<?php 
            echo metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment Start'));

	    var endTime = calculateTime("<?php 
            echo metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment End'));
		playlist:  [{
		sources: [
            if (get_option('jwplayer_hls_streaming')) {
		file: '<?php 
                echo metadata('item', array("Streaming Video", "HLS Streaming Directory"));
                echo metadata('item', array("Streaming Video", "HLS Video Filename"));
' },
            if (get_option('jwplayer_flash_streaming')) {
		file: '<?php 
                echo metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "Video Streaming URL"));
                echo metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "Video Type"));
                echo metadata('item', array("Streaming Video", "Video Filename"));
'} ,

            if (get_option('jwplayer_http_streaming')) {
		file: '<?php 
                echo metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "HTTP Streaming Directory"));
                echo metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "HTTP Video Filename"));
            if (get_option('jwplayer_flash_primary')) {
		primary: "flash",
		autostart: false,
		width: "95%",
		height: <?php 
            echo get_option('jwplayer_height_public');
            if (get_option('jwplayer_autostart') == 0) {
        if (get_option('jwplayer_display_current')) {
            $orig_item = get_current_record('item');
            $orig_video = metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "Video Filename"));
            $items = get_records('item', array('collection' => metadata('item', 'collection id'), 'sort_field' => 'Streaming Video,Segment Start'), null);
            set_loop_records('items', $items);
            if (has_loop_records('items')) {
                $items = get_loop_records('items');
            foreach (loop('items') as $item) {
                if (metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment Type')) == 'Scene' && metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Video Filename')) == $orig_video) {
                    <div class="scene" id="<?php 
                    echo metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment Start'));
" title="<?php 
                    echo metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment End'));
" style="display:none;">
                    <h2>Current video segment:</h2>
                    echo link_to_item(metadata('item', array('Dublin Core', 'Title')));
                    <div style="overflow:auto; max-height:150px;">
                    <p> <?php 
                    echo metadata('item', array('Dublin Core', 'Description'));
                    echo metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment Start'));
                    echo metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment End'));
                    </div> <!-- end of loop div for display -->
                <hr style="color:lt-gray;"/>
            set_current_record('item', $orig_item);
                <script type="text/javascript">
                function getElementsByClass(searchClass, domNode, tagName)
                    if (domNode == null) {
                        domNode = document;
                    if (tagName == null) {
                        tagName = '*';
                    var el = new Array();
                    var tags = domNode.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
                    var tcl = " "+searchClass+" ";
                    for (i=0,j=0; i<tags.length; i++) {
                        var test = " " + tags[i].className + " ";
                        if (test.indexOf(tcl) != -1) {
                            el[j++] = tags[i];
                    return el;
                    var ctime = "0:00:00";
                    var scenes;
                    var sel;
                    var i = 0;
                    ctime = getTimeString(jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").getPosition());
                    scenes = getElementsByClass("scene");
                    for (i; i < scenes.length; i++) {
                        sel = scenes[i];
                        if (sel.getAttribute('id') <= ctime && sel.getAttribute('title') >= ctime) {
                            sel.style.display = 'block';
                        } else {
                            sel.style.display = 'none';

    <div id="description" class="element">
        <div class="element-text"><?php 
echo metadata('collection', array('Dublin Core', 'Description'));
    </div><!-- end description -->

    <div id="collection-items span12">

        <ul class="thumbnails">
$collection_items = get_records('Item', array('collection' => $collection['id'], 'sort_field' => 'Scripto,Weight', 'sort_dir' => 'a'), 999);
set_loop_records('items', $collection_items);
foreach (loop('items') as $item) {
    set_current_record('item', $item);
    if (metadata($item, 'has thumbnail')) {
                <div id="col-images" class="thumbnail right-caption span4">
        echo link_to_item(item_image('square_thumbnail', array('alt' => metadata($item, array('Dublin Core', 'Title')), 'class' => 'span2')));
                    <div class="caption">
        echo link_to_item(metadata($item, array('Dublin Core', 'Title'), array('snippet' => 60)), array('class' => 'permalink'));
<br /><br />
                        <div id="col-progress">
Example #17
if (isset($dublin_sep['Dublin Core']['Rights'])) {
    $dados_neatline_pos = $dados_neatline_pos . " <div class='element-text'> <b> Permissões: </b>" . $dublin_sep['Dublin Core']['Rights'][0] . "</div>";
//php echo all_element_texts('item',array(
//  'return_type' => 'html'));

<!-- Files. -->
<!-- The following returns all of the files associated with an item. -->
if (metadata('item', 'has files')) {
<div id="itemfiles" class="element">
    set_loop_records('files', get_current_record('item')->Files);
    foreach (loop('files') as $file) {

		<div class="file-display">
			<!-- Display the file itself-->
        //getting data file
        $dublin_files = all_element_texts($file, array('show_element_sets' => array('Dublin Core'), 'return_type' => 'array'));
        //Verify if the file is a image, if is insert code to the lightbox
        if (stripos(get_current_record('file')->mime_type, 'image') !== false) {
            //Construct label to picture view on lightbox
            $label_pic = "";
            if (isset($dublin_files['Dublin Core']['Title'])) {
                $label_pic = $label_pic . "<p><span class='lb-caption-bold'>Título: </span><span class='lb-content'>" . $dublin_files['Dublin Core']['Title'][0] . "</span><p>";